<!--[metadata]> +++ title = "Frequently Asked Questions" description = "Docker Compose FAQ" keywords = "documentation, docs, docker, compose, faq" [menu.main] identifier="faq.compose" parent="workw_compose" weight=90 +++ <![end-metadata]--> # Frequently asked questions If you don’t see your question here, feel free to drop by `#docker-compose` on freenode IRC and ask the community. ## Can I control service startup order? Yes - see [Controlling startup order](startup-order.md). ## Why do my services take 10 seconds to recreate or stop? Compose stop attempts to stop a container by sending a `SIGTERM`. It then waits for a [default timeout of 10 seconds](./reference/stop.md). After the timeout, a `SIGKILL` is sent to the container to forcefully kill it. If you are waiting for this timeout, it means that your containers aren't shutting down when they receive the `SIGTERM` signal. There has already been a lot written about this problem of [processes handling signals](https://medium.com/@gchudnov/trapping-signals-in-docker-containers-7a57fdda7d86) in containers. To fix this problem, try the following: * Make sure you're using the JSON form of `CMD` and `ENTRYPOINT` in your Dockerfile. For example use `["program", "arg1", "arg2"]` not `"program arg1 arg2"`. Using the string form causes Docker to run your process using `bash` which doesn't handle signals properly. Compose always uses the JSON form, so don't worry if you override the command or entrypoint in your Compose file. * If you are able, modify the application that you're running to add an explicit signal handler for `SIGTERM`. * Set the `stop_signal` to a signal which the application knows how to handle: web: build: . stop_signal: SIGINT * If you can't modify the application, wrap the application in a lightweight init system (like [s6](http://skarnet.org/software/s6/)) or a signal proxy (like [dumb-init](https://github.com/Yelp/dumb-init) or [tini](https://github.com/krallin/tini)). Either of these wrappers take care of handling `SIGTERM` properly. ## How do I run multiple copies of a Compose file on the same host? Compose uses the project name to create unique identifiers for all of a project's containers and other resources. To run multiple copies of a project, set a custom project name using the [`-p` command line option](./reference/overview.md) or the [`COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME` environment variable](./reference/envvars.md#compose-project-name). ## What's the difference between `up`, `run`, and `start`? Typically, you want `docker-compose up`. Use `up` to start or restart all the services defined in a `docker-compose.yml`. In the default "attached" mode, you'll see all the logs from all the containers. In "detached" mode (`-d`), Compose exits after starting the containers, but the containers continue to run in the background. The `docker-compose run` command is for running "one-off" or "adhoc" tasks. It requires the service name you want to run and only starts containers for services that the running service depends on. Use `run` to run tests or perform an administrative task such as removing or adding data to a data volume container. The `run` command acts like `docker run -ti` in that it opens an interactive terminal to the container and returns an exit status matching the exit status of the process in the container. The `docker-compose start` command is useful only to restart containers that were previously created, but were stopped. It never creates new containers. ## Can I use json instead of yaml for my Compose file? Yes. [Yaml is a superset of json](http://stackoverflow.com/a/1729545/444646) so any JSON file should be valid Yaml. To use a JSON file with Compose, specify the filename to use, for example: ```bash docker-compose -f docker-compose.json up ``` ## Should I include my code with `COPY`/`ADD` or a volume? You can add your code to the image using `COPY` or `ADD` directive in a `Dockerfile`. This is useful if you need to relocate your code along with the Docker image, for example when you're sending code to another environment (production, CI, etc). You should use a `volume` if you want to make changes to your code and see them reflected immediately, for example when you're developing code and your server supports hot code reloading or live-reload. There may be cases where you'll want to use both. You can have the image include the code using a `COPY`, and use a `volume` in your Compose file to include the code from the host during development. The volume overrides the directory contents of the image. ## Where can I find example compose files? There are [many examples of Compose files on github](https://github.com/search?q=in%3Apath+docker-compose.yml+extension%3Ayml&type=Code). ## Compose documentation - [Installing Compose](install.md) - [Get started with Django](django.md) - [Get started with Rails](rails.md) - [Get started with WordPress](wordpress.md) - [Command line reference](./reference/index.md) - [Compose file reference](compose-file.md)