page_title: Quickstart Guide: Compose and Rails page_description: Getting started with Docker Compose and Rails page_keywords: documentation, docs, docker, compose, orchestration, containers, rails ## Getting started with Compose and Rails This Quickstart guide will show you how to use Compose to set up and run a Rails/PostgreSQL app. Before starting, you'll need to have [Compose installed]( ### Define the project Start by setting up the three files you'll need to build the app. First, since your app is going to run inside a Docker container containing all of its dependencies, you'll need to define exactly what needs to be included in the container. This is done using a file called `Dockerfile`. To begin with, the Dockerfile consists of: FROM ruby:2.2.0 RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y build-essential libpq-dev RUN mkdir /myapp WORKDIR /myapp ADD Gemfile /myapp/Gemfile RUN bundle install ADD . /myapp That'll put your application code inside an image that will build a container with Ruby, Bundler and all your dependencies inside it. For more information on how to write Dockerfiles, see the [Docker user guide]( and the [Dockerfile reference]( Next, create a bootstrap `Gemfile` which just loads Rails. It'll be overwritten in a moment by `rails new`. source '' gem 'rails', '4.2.0' Finally, `docker-compose.yml` is where the magic happens. This file describes the services that comprise your app (a database and a web app), how to get each one's Docker image (the database just runs on a pre-made PostgreSQL image, and the web app is built from the current directory), and the configuration needed to link them together and expose the web app's port. db: image: postgres ports: - "5432" web: build: . command: bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -b '' volumes: - .:/myapp ports: - "3000:3000" links: - db ### Build the project With those three files in place, you can now generate the Rails skeleton app using `docker-compose run`: $ docker-compose run web rails new . --force --database=postgresql --skip-bundle First, Compose will build the image for the `web` service using the `Dockerfile`. Then it'll run `rails new` inside a new container, using that image. Once it's done, you should have generated a fresh app: $ ls Dockerfile app docker-compose.yml tmp Gemfile bin lib vendor Gemfile.lock config log README.rdoc public Rakefile db test Uncomment the line in your new `Gemfile` which loads `therubyracer`, so you've got a Javascript runtime: gem 'therubyracer', platforms: :ruby Now that you've got a new `Gemfile`, you need to build the image again. (This, and changes to the Dockerfile itself, should be the only times you'll need to rebuild.) $ docker-compose build ### Connect the database The app is now bootable, but you're not quite there yet. By default, Rails expects a database to be running on `localhost` - so you need to point it at the `db` container instead. You also need to change the database and username to align with the defaults set by the `postgres` image. Open up your newly-generated `database.yml` file. Replace its contents with the following: development: &default adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode database: postgres pool: 5 username: postgres password: host: db test: <<: *default database: myapp_test You can now boot the app with: $ docker-compose up If all's well, you should see some PostgreSQL output, and then—after a few seconds—the familiar refrain: myapp_web_1 | [2014-01-17 17:16:29] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1 myapp_web_1 | [2014-01-17 17:16:29] INFO ruby 2.2.0 (2014-12-25) [x86_64-linux-gnu] myapp_web_1 | [2014-01-17 17:16:29] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=1 port=3000 Finally, you need to create the database. In another terminal, run: $ docker-compose run web rake db:create That's it. Your app should now be running on port 3000 on your Docker daemon (if you're using Boot2docker, `boot2docker ip` will tell you its address). ## More Compose documentation - [Installing Compose]( - [User guide]( - [Command line reference]( - [Yaml file reference]( - [Compose environment variables]( - [Compose command line completion](