from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import absolute_import from compose.service import Service from compose.config import make_service_dict from compose.cli.docker_client import docker_client from compose.progress_stream import stream_output from .. import unittest class DockerClientTestCase(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.client = docker_client() def setUp(self): for c in self.client.containers(all=True): if c['Names'] and 'composetest' in c['Names'][0]: self.client.kill(c['Id']) self.client.remove_container(c['Id']) for i in self.client.images(): if isinstance(i.get('Tag'), basestring) and 'composetest' in i['Tag']: self.client.remove_image(i) def create_service(self, name, **kwargs): if 'image' not in kwargs and 'build' not in kwargs: kwargs['image'] = 'busybox:latest' if 'command' not in kwargs: kwargs['command'] = ["/bin/sleep", "300"] return Service( project='composetest', client=self.client, **make_service_dict(name, kwargs, working_dir='.') ) def check_build(self, *args, **kwargs): build_output =*args, **kwargs) stream_output(build_output, open('/dev/null', 'w'))