/* Copyright 2020 Docker Compose CLI authors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package ecs import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "reflect" "testing" "github.com/docker/compose-cli/api/compose" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/elbv2" "github.com/awslabs/goformation/v4/cloudformation" "github.com/awslabs/goformation/v4/cloudformation/ec2" "github.com/awslabs/goformation/v4/cloudformation/ecs" "github.com/awslabs/goformation/v4/cloudformation/efs" "github.com/awslabs/goformation/v4/cloudformation/elasticloadbalancingv2" "github.com/awslabs/goformation/v4/cloudformation/iam" "github.com/awslabs/goformation/v4/cloudformation/logs" "github.com/compose-spec/compose-go/loader" "github.com/compose-spec/compose-go/types" "github.com/golang/mock/gomock" "gotest.tools/v3/assert" "gotest.tools/v3/golden" ) func TestSimpleConvert(t *testing.T) { bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/input/simple-single-service.yaml") assert.NilError(t, err) template := convertYaml(t, string(bytes), useDefaultVPC) resultAsJSON, err := marshall(template) assert.NilError(t, err) result := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", string(resultAsJSON)) expected := "simple/simple-cloudformation-conversion.golden" golden.Assert(t, result, expected) } func TestLogging(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: foo: image: hello_world logging: options: awslogs-datetime-pattern: "FOO" x-aws-logs_retention: 10 `, useDefaultVPC) def := template.Resources["FooTaskDefinition"].(*ecs.TaskDefinition) logging := getMainContainer(def, t).LogConfiguration if logging != nil { assert.Equal(t, logging.Options["awslogs-datetime-pattern"], "FOO") } else { t.Fatal("Logging not configured") } logGroup := template.Resources["LogGroup"].(*logs.LogGroup) assert.Equal(t, logGroup.RetentionInDays, 10) } func TestEnvFile(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: foo: image: hello_world env_file: - testdata/input/envfile `, useDefaultVPC) def := template.Resources["FooTaskDefinition"].(*ecs.TaskDefinition) env := getMainContainer(def, t).Environment var found bool for _, pair := range env { if pair.Name == "FOO" { assert.Equal(t, pair.Value, "BAR") found = true } } assert.Check(t, found, "environment variable FOO not set") } func TestEnvFileAndEnv(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: foo: image: hello_world env_file: - testdata/input/envfile environment: - "FOO=ZOT" `, useDefaultVPC) def := template.Resources["FooTaskDefinition"].(*ecs.TaskDefinition) env := getMainContainer(def, t).Environment var found bool for _, pair := range env { if pair.Name == "FOO" { assert.Equal(t, pair.Value, "ZOT") found = true } } assert.Check(t, found, "environment variable FOO not set") } func TestRollingUpdateLimits(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: foo: image: hello_world deploy: replicas: 4 update_config: parallelism: 2 `, useDefaultVPC) service := template.Resources["FooService"].(*ecs.Service) assert.Check(t, service.DeploymentConfiguration.MaximumPercent == 150) assert.Check(t, service.DeploymentConfiguration.MinimumHealthyPercent == 50) } func TestRollingUpdateExtension(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: foo: image: hello_world deploy: update_config: x-aws-min_percent: 25 x-aws-max_percent: 125 `, useDefaultVPC) service := template.Resources["FooService"].(*ecs.Service) assert.Check(t, service.DeploymentConfiguration.MaximumPercent == 125) assert.Check(t, service.DeploymentConfiguration.MinimumHealthyPercent == 25) } func TestRolePolicy(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: foo: image: hello_world x-aws-pull_credentials: "secret" `, useDefaultVPC) x := template.Resources["FooTaskExecutionRole"] assert.Check(t, x != nil) role := *(x.(*iam.Role)) assert.Check(t, role.ManagedPolicyArns[0] == ecsTaskExecutionPolicy) assert.Check(t, role.ManagedPolicyArns[1] == ecrReadOnlyPolicy) // We expect an extra policy has been created for x-aws-pull_credentials assert.Check(t, len(role.Policies) == 1) policy := role.Policies[0].PolicyDocument.(*PolicyDocument) expected := []string{"secretsmanager:GetSecretValue", "ssm:GetParameters", "kms:Decrypt"} assert.DeepEqual(t, expected, policy.Statement[0].Action) assert.DeepEqual(t, []string{"secret"}, policy.Statement[0].Resource) } func TestMapNetworksToSecurityGroups(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: hello_world networks: - front-tier - back-tier networks: front-tier: name: public back-tier: internal: true `, useDefaultVPC) assert.Check(t, template.Resources["FronttierNetwork"] != nil) assert.Check(t, template.Resources["BacktierNetwork"] != nil) assert.Check(t, template.Resources["BacktierNetworkIngress"] != nil) i := template.Resources["FronttierNetworkIngress"] assert.Check(t, i != nil) ingress := *i.(*ec2.SecurityGroupIngress) assert.Check(t, ingress.SourceSecurityGroupId == cloudformation.Ref("FronttierNetwork")) } func TestLoadBalancerTypeApplication(t *testing.T) { cases := []string{ `services: test: image: nginx ports: - 80:80 `, `services: test: image: nginx ports: - target: 8080 x-aws-protocol: http `, } for _, y := range cases { template := convertYaml(t, y, useDefaultVPC) lb := template.Resources["LoadBalancer"] assert.Check(t, lb != nil) loadBalancer := *lb.(*elasticloadbalancingv2.LoadBalancer) assert.Check(t, len(loadBalancer.Name) <= 32) assert.Check(t, loadBalancer.Type == elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumApplication) assert.Check(t, len(loadBalancer.SecurityGroups) > 0) } } func TestNoLoadBalancerIfNoPortExposed(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx foo: image: bar `, useDefaultVPC) for _, r := range template.Resources { assert.Check(t, r.AWSCloudFormationType() != "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup") assert.Check(t, r.AWSCloudFormationType() != "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener") assert.Check(t, r.AWSCloudFormationType() != "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::PortPublisher") } } func TestServiceReplicas(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx deploy: replicas: 10 `, useDefaultVPC) s := template.Resources["TestService"] assert.Check(t, s != nil) service := *s.(*ecs.Service) assert.Check(t, service.DesiredCount == 10) } func TestTaskSizeConvert(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx `, useDefaultVPC) def := template.Resources["TestTaskDefinition"].(*ecs.TaskDefinition) assert.Equal(t, def.Cpu, "256") assert.Equal(t, def.Memory, "512") template = convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx deploy: resources: limits: cpus: '0.5' memory: 2048M `, useDefaultVPC) def = template.Resources["TestTaskDefinition"].(*ecs.TaskDefinition) assert.Equal(t, def.Cpu, "512") assert.Equal(t, def.Memory, "2048") template = convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx deploy: resources: limits: cpus: '4' memory: 8192M `, useDefaultVPC) def = template.Resources["TestTaskDefinition"].(*ecs.TaskDefinition) assert.Equal(t, def.Cpu, "4096") assert.Equal(t, def.Memory, "8192") template = convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx deploy: resources: limits: cpus: '4' memory: 792Mb reservations: generic_resources: - discrete_resource_spec: kind: gpus value: 2 `, useDefaultVPC, useGPU) def = template.Resources["TestTaskDefinition"].(*ecs.TaskDefinition) assert.Equal(t, def.Cpu, "4000") assert.Equal(t, def.Memory, "792") template = convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx deploy: resources: reservations: generic_resources: - discrete_resource_spec: kind: gpus value: 2 `, useDefaultVPC, useGPU) def = template.Resources["TestTaskDefinition"].(*ecs.TaskDefinition) assert.Equal(t, def.Cpu, "") assert.Equal(t, def.Memory, "") } func TestLoadBalancerTypeNetwork(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx ports: - 80:80 - 88:88 `, useDefaultVPC) lb := template.Resources["LoadBalancer"] assert.Check(t, lb != nil) loadBalancer := *lb.(*elasticloadbalancingv2.LoadBalancer) assert.Check(t, loadBalancer.Type == elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumNetwork) } func TestUseExternalNetwork(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx networks: default: external: true name: sg-123abc `, useDefaultVPC, func(m *MockAPIMockRecorder) { m.SecurityGroupExists(gomock.Any(), "sg-123abc").Return(true, nil) }) assert.Check(t, template.Resources["DefaultNetwork"] == nil) assert.Check(t, template.Resources["DefaultNetworkIngress"] == nil) s := template.Resources["TestService"].(*ecs.Service) assert.Check(t, s != nil) assert.Check(t, s.NetworkConfiguration.AwsvpcConfiguration.SecurityGroups[0] == "sg-123abc") //nolint:staticcheck } func TestUseExternalVolume(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx volumes: db-data: external: true name: fs-123abc `, useDefaultVPC, func(m *MockAPIMockRecorder) { m.ResolveFileSystem(gomock.Any(), "fs-123abc").Return(existingAWSResource{id: "fs-123abc"}, nil) }) s := template.Resources["DbdataNFSMountTargetOnSubnet1"].(*efs.MountTarget) assert.Check(t, s != nil) assert.Equal(t, s.FileSystemId, "fs-123abc") //nolint:staticcheck s = template.Resources["DbdataNFSMountTargetOnSubnet2"].(*efs.MountTarget) assert.Check(t, s != nil) assert.Equal(t, s.FileSystemId, "fs-123abc") //nolint:staticcheck } func TestCreateVolume(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx volumes: db-data: driver_opts: backup_policy: ENABLED lifecycle_policy: AFTER_30_DAYS performance_mode: maxIO throughput_mode: provisioned provisioned_throughput: 1024 `, useDefaultVPC, func(m *MockAPIMockRecorder) { m.ListFileSystems(gomock.Any(), map[string]string{ compose.ProjectTag: t.Name(), compose.VolumeTag: "db-data", }).Return(nil, nil) }) n := volumeResourceName("db-data") f := template.Resources[n].(*efs.FileSystem) assert.Check(t, f != nil) assert.Equal(t, f.BackupPolicy.Status, "ENABLED") //nolint:staticcheck assert.Equal(t, f.LifecyclePolicies[0].TransitionToIA, "AFTER_30_DAYS") //nolint:staticcheck assert.Equal(t, f.PerformanceMode, "maxIO") //nolint:staticcheck assert.Equal(t, f.ThroughputMode, "provisioned") //nolint:staticcheck assert.Equal(t, f.ProvisionedThroughputInMibps, float64(1024)) //nolint:staticcheck s := template.Resources["DbdataNFSMountTargetOnSubnet1"].(*efs.MountTarget) assert.Check(t, s != nil) assert.Equal(t, s.FileSystemId, cloudformation.Ref(n)) //nolint:staticcheck } func TestCreateAccessPoint(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx volumes: db-data: driver_opts: uid: 1002 gid: 1002 `, useDefaultVPC, func(m *MockAPIMockRecorder) { m.ListFileSystems(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(nil, nil) }) a := template.Resources["DbdataAccessPoint"].(*efs.AccessPoint) assert.Check(t, a != nil) assert.Equal(t, a.PosixUser.Uid, "1002") //nolint:staticcheck assert.Equal(t, a.PosixUser.Gid, "1002") //nolint:staticcheck } func TestReusePreviousVolume(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx volumes: db-data: {} `, useDefaultVPC, func(m *MockAPIMockRecorder) { m.ListFileSystems(gomock.Any(), map[string]string{ compose.ProjectTag: t.Name(), compose.VolumeTag: "db-data", }).Return([]awsResource{ existingAWSResource{ id: "fs-123abc", }, }, nil) }) s := template.Resources["DbdataNFSMountTargetOnSubnet1"].(*efs.MountTarget) assert.Check(t, s != nil) assert.Equal(t, s.FileSystemId, "fs-123abc") //nolint:staticcheck } func TestServiceMapping(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: "image" command: "command" entrypoint: "entrypoint" environment: - "FOO=BAR" cap_add: - SYS_PTRACE cap_drop: - SYSLOG init: true user: "user" working_dir: "working_dir" `, useDefaultVPC) def := template.Resources["TestTaskDefinition"].(*ecs.TaskDefinition) container := getMainContainer(def, t) assert.Equal(t, container.Image, "image") assert.Equal(t, container.Command[0], "command") assert.Equal(t, container.EntryPoint[0], "entrypoint") assert.Equal(t, get(container.Environment, "FOO"), "BAR") assert.Check(t, container.LinuxParameters.InitProcessEnabled) assert.Equal(t, container.LinuxParameters.Capabilities.Add[0], "SYS_PTRACE") assert.Equal(t, container.LinuxParameters.Capabilities.Drop[0], "SYSLOG") assert.Equal(t, container.User, "user") assert.Equal(t, container.WorkingDirectory, "working_dir") } func get(l []ecs.TaskDefinition_KeyValuePair, name string) string { for _, e := range l { if e.Name == name { return e.Value } } return "" } func TestResourcesHaveProjectTagSet(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` services: test: image: nginx ports: - 80:80 - 88:88 `, useDefaultVPC) for _, r := range template.Resources { tags := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(r)).FieldByName("Tags") if !tags.IsValid() { continue } for i := 0; i < tags.Len(); i++ { k := tags.Index(i).FieldByName("Key").String() v := tags.Index(i).FieldByName("Value").String() if k == compose.ProjectTag { assert.Equal(t, v, t.Name()) } } } } func TestTemplateMetadata(t *testing.T) { template := convertYaml(t, ` x-aws-cluster: "arn:aws:ecs:region:account:cluster/name" services: test: image: nginx `, useDefaultVPC, func(m *MockAPIMockRecorder) { m.ResolveCluster(gomock.Any(), "arn:aws:ecs:region:account:cluster/name").Return(existingAWSResource{ arn: "arn:aws:ecs:region:account:cluster/name", id: "name", }, nil) }) assert.Equal(t, template.Metadata["Cluster"], "arn:aws:ecs:region:account:cluster/name") } func convertYaml(t *testing.T, yaml string, fn ...func(m *MockAPIMockRecorder)) *cloudformation.Template { project := loadConfig(t, yaml) ctrl := gomock.NewController(t) defer ctrl.Finish() m := NewMockAPI(ctrl) for _, f := range fn { f(m.EXPECT()) } backend := &ecsAPIService{ aws: m, } template, err := backend.convert(context.TODO(), project) assert.NilError(t, err) return template } func loadConfig(t *testing.T, yaml string) *types.Project { dict, err := loader.ParseYAML([]byte(yaml)) assert.NilError(t, err) model, err := loader.Load(types.ConfigDetails{ ConfigFiles: []types.ConfigFile{ {Config: dict}, }, }, func(options *loader.Options) { options.Name = t.Name() }) assert.NilError(t, err) return model } func getMainContainer(def *ecs.TaskDefinition, t *testing.T) ecs.TaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition { for _, c := range def.ContainerDefinitions { if c.Essential { return c } } t.Fail() return def.ContainerDefinitions[0] } func useDefaultVPC(m *MockAPIMockRecorder) { m.GetDefaultVPC(gomock.Any()).Return("vpc-123", nil) m.GetSubNets(gomock.Any(), "vpc-123").Return([]awsResource{ existingAWSResource{id: "subnet1"}, existingAWSResource{id: "subnet2"}, }, nil) } func useGPU(m *MockAPIMockRecorder) { m.GetParameter(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return("", nil) }