# encoding: utf-8 from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import shutil import tempfile from operator import itemgetter import py import pytest import yaml from ...helpers import build_config_details from compose.config import config from compose.config import types from compose.config.config import resolve_build_args from compose.config.config import resolve_environment from compose.config.environment import Environment from compose.config.errors import ConfigurationError from compose.config.errors import VERSION_EXPLANATION from compose.config.serialize import denormalize_service_dict from compose.config.serialize import serialize_config from compose.config.serialize import serialize_ns_time_value from compose.config.types import VolumeSpec from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V1 as V1 from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V2_0 as V2_0 from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V2_1 as V2_1 from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V2_2 as V2_2 from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V3_0 as V3_0 from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V3_1 as V3_1 from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V3_2 as V3_2 from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V3_3 as V3_3 from compose.const import IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM from compose.utils import nanoseconds_from_time_seconds from tests import mock from tests import unittest DEFAULT_VERSION = V2_0 def make_service_dict(name, service_dict, working_dir, filename=None): """Test helper function to construct a ServiceExtendsResolver """ resolver = config.ServiceExtendsResolver( config.ServiceConfig( working_dir=working_dir, filename=filename, name=name, config=service_dict), config.ConfigFile(filename=filename, config={}), environment=Environment.from_env_file(working_dir) ) return config.process_service(resolver.run()) def service_sort(services): return sorted(services, key=itemgetter('name')) def secret_sort(secrets): return sorted(secrets, key=itemgetter('source')) class ConfigTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_load(self): service_dicts = config.load( build_config_details( { 'foo': {'image': 'busybox'}, 'bar': {'image': 'busybox', 'environment': ['FOO=1']}, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'common.yml' ) ).services self.assertEqual( service_sort(service_dicts), service_sort([ { 'name': 'bar', 'image': 'busybox', 'environment': {'FOO': '1'}, }, { 'name': 'foo', 'image': 'busybox', } ]) ) def test_load_v2(self): config_data = config.load( build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'foo': {'image': 'busybox'}, 'bar': {'image': 'busybox', 'environment': ['FOO=1']}, }, 'volumes': { 'hello': { 'driver': 'default', 'driver_opts': {'beep': 'boop'} } }, 'networks': { 'default': { 'driver': 'bridge', 'driver_opts': {'beep': 'boop'} }, 'with_ipam': { 'ipam': { 'driver': 'default', 'config': [ {'subnet': ''} ] } }, 'internal': { 'driver': 'bridge', 'internal': True } } }, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml') ) service_dicts = config_data.services volume_dict = config_data.volumes networks_dict = config_data.networks self.assertEqual( service_sort(service_dicts), service_sort([ { 'name': 'bar', 'image': 'busybox', 'environment': {'FOO': '1'}, }, { 'name': 'foo', 'image': 'busybox', } ]) ) self.assertEqual(volume_dict, { 'hello': { 'driver': 'default', 'driver_opts': {'beep': 'boop'} } }) self.assertEqual(networks_dict, { 'default': { 'driver': 'bridge', 'driver_opts': {'beep': 'boop'} }, 'with_ipam': { 'ipam': { 'driver': 'default', 'config': [ {'subnet': ''} ] } }, 'internal': { 'driver': 'bridge', 'internal': True } }) def test_valid_versions(self): for version in ['2', '2.0']: cfg = config.load(build_config_details({'version': version})) assert cfg.version == V2_0 cfg = config.load(build_config_details({'version': '2.1'})) assert cfg.version == V2_1 cfg = config.load(build_config_details({'version': '2.2'})) assert cfg.version == V2_2 for version in ['3', '3.0']: cfg = config.load(build_config_details({'version': version})) assert cfg.version == V3_0 cfg = config.load(build_config_details({'version': '3.1'})) assert cfg.version == V3_1 def test_v1_file_version(self): cfg = config.load(build_config_details({'web': {'image': 'busybox'}})) assert cfg.version == V1 assert list(s['name'] for s in cfg.services) == ['web'] cfg = config.load(build_config_details({'version': {'image': 'busybox'}})) assert cfg.version == V1 assert list(s['name'] for s in cfg.services) == ['version'] def test_wrong_version_type(self): for version in [None, 1, 2, 2.0]: with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( {'version': version}, filename='filename.yml', ) ) assert 'Version in "filename.yml" is invalid - it should be a string.' \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_unsupported_version(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( {'version': '2.18'}, filename='filename.yml', ) ) assert 'Version in "filename.yml" is unsupported' in excinfo.exconly() assert VERSION_EXPLANATION in excinfo.exconly() def test_version_1_is_invalid(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'version': '1', 'web': {'image': 'busybox'}, }, filename='filename.yml', ) ) assert 'Version in "filename.yml" is invalid' in excinfo.exconly() assert VERSION_EXPLANATION in excinfo.exconly() def test_v1_file_with_version_is_invalid(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'web': {'image': 'busybox'}, }, filename='filename.yml', ) ) assert 'Additional properties are not allowed' in excinfo.exconly() assert VERSION_EXPLANATION in excinfo.exconly() def test_named_volume_config_empty(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'simple': {'image': 'busybox'} }, 'volumes': { 'simple': None, 'other': {}, } }) config_result = config.load(config_details) volumes = config_result.volumes assert 'simple' in volumes assert volumes['simple'] == {} assert volumes['other'] == {} def test_named_volume_numeric_driver_opt(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'simple': {'image': 'busybox'} }, 'volumes': { 'simple': {'driver_opts': {'size': 42}}, } }) cfg = config.load(config_details) assert cfg.volumes['simple']['driver_opts']['size'] == '42' def test_volume_invalid_driver_opt(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'simple': {'image': 'busybox'} }, 'volumes': { 'simple': {'driver_opts': {'size': True}}, } }) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(config_details) assert 'driver_opts.size contains an invalid type' in exc.exconly() def test_named_volume_invalid_type_list(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'simple': {'image': 'busybox'} }, 'volumes': [] }) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(config_details) assert "volume must be a mapping, not an array" in exc.exconly() def test_networks_invalid_type_list(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'simple': {'image': 'busybox'} }, 'networks': [] }) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(config_details) assert "network must be a mapping, not an array" in exc.exconly() def test_load_service_with_name_version(self): with mock.patch('compose.config.config.log') as mock_logging: config_data = config.load( build_config_details({ 'version': { 'image': 'busybox' } }, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml') ) assert 'Unexpected type for "version" key in "filename.yml"' \ in mock_logging.warn.call_args[0][0] service_dicts = config_data.services self.assertEqual( service_sort(service_dicts), service_sort([ { 'name': 'version', 'image': 'busybox', } ]) ) def test_load_throws_error_when_not_dict(self): with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError): config.load( build_config_details( {'web': 'busybox:latest'}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ) def test_load_throws_error_when_not_dict_v2(self): with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError): config.load( build_config_details( {'version': '2', 'services': {'web': 'busybox:latest'}}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ) def test_load_throws_error_with_invalid_network_fields(self): with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError): config.load( build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': {'web': 'busybox:latest'}, 'networks': { 'invalid': {'foo', 'bar'} } }, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml') ) def test_load_config_link_local_ips_network(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': V2_1, 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', 'networks': { 'foobar': { 'aliases': ['foo', 'bar'], 'link_local_ips': [''] } } } }, 'networks': {'foobar': {}} } ) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file]) web_service = config.load(details).services[0] assert web_service['networks'] == { 'foobar': { 'aliases': ['foo', 'bar'], 'link_local_ips': [''] } } def test_load_config_volume_and_network_labels(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '2.1', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', }, }, 'networks': { 'with_label': { 'labels': { 'label_key': 'label_val' } } }, 'volumes': { 'with_label': { 'labels': { 'label_key': 'label_val' } } } } ) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file]) network_dict = config.load(details).networks volume_dict = config.load(details).volumes self.assertEqual( network_dict, { 'with_label': { 'labels': { 'label_key': 'label_val' } } } ) self.assertEqual( volume_dict, { 'with_label': { 'labels': { 'label_key': 'label_val' } } } ) def test_load_config_invalid_service_names(self): for invalid_name in ['?not?allowed', ' ', '', '!', '/', '\xe2']: with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details( {invalid_name: {'image': 'busybox'}})) assert 'Invalid service name \'%s\'' % invalid_name in exc.exconly() def test_load_config_invalid_service_names_v2(self): for invalid_name in ['?not?allowed', ' ', '', '!', '/', '\xe2']: with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'services': {invalid_name: {'image': 'busybox'}}, })) assert 'Invalid service name \'%s\'' % invalid_name in exc.exconly() def test_load_with_invalid_field_name(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': {'image': 'busybox', 'name': 'bogus'}, } }, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml', )) assert "Unsupported config option for services.web: 'name'" in exc.exconly() def test_load_with_invalid_field_name_v1(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details( { 'web': {'image': 'busybox', 'name': 'bogus'}, }, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml', )) assert "Unsupported config option for web: 'name'" in exc.exconly() def test_load_invalid_service_definition(self): config_details = build_config_details( {'web': 'wrong'}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml') with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(config_details) assert "service 'web' must be a mapping not a string." in exc.exconly() def test_load_with_empty_build_args(self): config_details = build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'build': { 'context': '.', 'args': None, }, }, }, } ) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(config_details) assert ( "services.web.build.args contains an invalid type, it should be an " "object, or an array" in exc.exconly() ) def test_config_integer_service_name_raise_validation_error(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( {1: {'image': 'busybox'}}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert ( "In file 'filename.yml', the service name 1 must be a quoted string, i.e. '1'" in excinfo.exconly() ) def test_config_integer_service_name_raise_validation_error_v2(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'services': {1: {'image': 'busybox'}} }, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert ( "In file 'filename.yml', the service name 1 must be a quoted string, i.e. '1'." in excinfo.exconly() ) def test_config_invalid_service_name_raise_validation_error(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'test_app': {'build': '.'}, 'mong\\o': {'image': 'mongo'}, } }) ) assert 'Invalid service name \'mong\\o\'' in excinfo.exconly() def test_load_with_multiple_files_v1(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', 'links': ['db'], }, 'db': { 'image': 'example/db', }, }) override_file = config.ConfigFile( 'override.yaml', { 'web': { 'build': '/', 'volumes': ['/home/user/project:/code'], }, }) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) service_dicts = config.load(details).services expected = [ { 'name': 'web', 'build': {'context': os.path.abspath('/')}, 'volumes': [VolumeSpec.parse('/home/user/project:/code')], 'links': ['db'], }, { 'name': 'db', 'image': 'example/db', }, ] assert service_sort(service_dicts) == service_sort(expected) def test_load_with_multiple_files_and_empty_override(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yml', {'web': {'image': 'example/web'}}) override_file = config.ConfigFile('override.yml', None) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(details) error_msg = "Top level object in 'override.yml' needs to be an object" assert error_msg in exc.exconly() def test_load_with_multiple_files_and_empty_override_v2(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yml', {'version': '2', 'services': {'web': {'image': 'example/web'}}}) override_file = config.ConfigFile('override.yml', None) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(details) error_msg = "Top level object in 'override.yml' needs to be an object" assert error_msg in exc.exconly() def test_load_with_multiple_files_and_empty_base(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile('base.yml', None) override_file = config.ConfigFile( 'override.yml', {'web': {'image': 'example/web'}}) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(details) assert "Top level object in 'base.yml' needs to be an object" in exc.exconly() def test_load_with_multiple_files_and_empty_base_v2(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile('base.yml', None) override_file = config.ConfigFile( 'override.tml', {'version': '2', 'services': {'web': {'image': 'example/web'}}} ) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(details) assert "Top level object in 'base.yml' needs to be an object" in exc.exconly() def test_load_with_multiple_files_and_extends_in_override_file(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'web': {'image': 'example/web'}, }) override_file = config.ConfigFile( 'override.yaml', { 'web': { 'extends': { 'file': 'common.yml', 'service': 'base', }, 'volumes': ['/home/user/project:/code'], }, }) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp('config_test') self.addCleanup(tmpdir.remove) tmpdir.join('common.yml').write(""" base: labels: ['label=one'] """) with tmpdir.as_cwd(): service_dicts = config.load(details).services expected = [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'example/web', 'volumes': [VolumeSpec.parse('/home/user/project:/code')], 'labels': {'label': 'one'}, }, ] self.assertEqual(service_sort(service_dicts), service_sort(expected)) def test_load_with_multiple_files_and_invalid_override(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', {'web': {'image': 'example/web'}}) override_file = config.ConfigFile( 'override.yaml', {'bogus': 'thing'}) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(details) assert "service 'bogus' must be a mapping not a string." in exc.exconly() assert "In file 'override.yaml'" in exc.exconly() def test_load_sorts_in_dependency_order(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'web': { 'image': 'busybox:latest', 'links': ['db'], }, 'db': { 'image': 'busybox:latest', 'volumes_from': ['volume:ro'] }, 'volume': { 'image': 'busybox:latest', 'volumes': ['/tmp'], } }) services = config.load(config_details).services assert services[0]['name'] == 'volume' assert services[1]['name'] == 'db' assert services[2]['name'] == 'web' def test_config_build_configuration(self): service = config.load( build_config_details( {'web': { 'build': '.', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile-alt' }}, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ).services self.assertTrue('context' in service[0]['build']) self.assertEqual(service[0]['build']['dockerfile'], 'Dockerfile-alt') def test_config_build_configuration_v2(self): # service.dockerfile is invalid in v2 with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError): config.load( build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'build': '.', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile-alt' } } }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) service = config.load( build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'build': '.' } } }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml') ).services[0] self.assertTrue('context' in service['build']) service = config.load( build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'build': { 'context': '.', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile-alt' } } } }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ).services self.assertTrue('context' in service[0]['build']) self.assertEqual(service[0]['build']['dockerfile'], 'Dockerfile-alt') def test_load_with_buildargs(self): service = config.load( build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'build': { 'context': '.', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile-alt', 'args': { 'opt1': 42, 'opt2': 'foobar' } } } } }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ).services[0] assert 'args' in service['build'] assert 'opt1' in service['build']['args'] assert isinstance(service['build']['args']['opt1'], str) assert service['build']['args']['opt1'] == '42' assert service['build']['args']['opt2'] == 'foobar' def test_load_with_build_labels(self): service = config.load( build_config_details( { 'version': V3_3, 'services': { 'web': { 'build': { 'context': '.', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile-alt', 'labels': { 'label1': 42, 'label2': 'foobar' } } } } }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ).services[0] assert 'labels' in service['build'] assert 'label1' in service['build']['labels'] assert service['build']['labels']['label1'] == 42 assert service['build']['labels']['label2'] == 'foobar' def test_build_args_allow_empty_properties(self): service = config.load( build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'build': { 'context': '.', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile-alt', 'args': { 'foo': None } } } } }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ).services[0] assert 'args' in service['build'] assert 'foo' in service['build']['args'] assert service['build']['args']['foo'] == '' # If build argument is None then it will be converted to the empty # string. Make sure that int zero kept as it is, i.e. not converted to # the empty string def test_build_args_check_zero_preserved(self): service = config.load( build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'build': { 'context': '.', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile-alt', 'args': { 'foo': 0 } } } } }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ).services[0] assert 'args' in service['build'] assert 'foo' in service['build']['args'] assert service['build']['args']['foo'] == '0' def test_load_with_multiple_files_mismatched_networks_format(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', 'networks': { 'foobar': {'aliases': ['foo', 'bar']} } } }, 'networks': {'foobar': {}, 'baz': {}} } ) override_file = config.ConfigFile( 'override.yaml', { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'networks': ['baz'] } } } ) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) web_service = config.load(details).services[0] assert web_service['networks'] == { 'foobar': {'aliases': ['foo', 'bar']}, 'baz': None } def test_load_with_multiple_files_v2(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', 'depends_on': ['db'], }, 'db': { 'image': 'example/db', } }, }) override_file = config.ConfigFile( 'override.yaml', { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'build': '/', 'volumes': ['/home/user/project:/code'], 'depends_on': ['other'], }, 'other': { 'image': 'example/other', } } }) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) service_dicts = config.load(details).services expected = [ { 'name': 'web', 'build': {'context': os.path.abspath('/')}, 'image': 'example/web', 'volumes': [VolumeSpec.parse('/home/user/project:/code')], 'depends_on': { 'db': {'condition': 'service_started'}, 'other': {'condition': 'service_started'}, }, }, { 'name': 'db', 'image': 'example/db', }, { 'name': 'other', 'image': 'example/other', }, ] assert service_sort(service_dicts) == service_sort(expected) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_load_with_multiple_files_v3_2(self): os.environ['COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS'] = 'true' base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '3.2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', 'volumes': [ {'source': '/a', 'target': '/b', 'type': 'bind'}, {'source': 'vol', 'target': '/x', 'type': 'volume', 'read_only': True} ] } }, 'volumes': {'vol': {}} } ) override_file = config.ConfigFile( 'override.yaml', { 'version': '3.2', 'services': { 'web': { 'volumes': ['/c:/b', '/anonymous'] } } } ) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) service_dicts = config.load(details).services svc_volumes = map(lambda v: v.repr(), service_dicts[0]['volumes']) assert sorted(svc_volumes) == sorted( ['/anonymous', '/c:/b:rw', 'vol:/x:ro'] ) def test_undeclared_volume_v2(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox:latest', 'volumes': ['data0028:/data:ro'], }, }, } ) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file]) with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError): config.load(details) base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox:latest', 'volumes': ['./data0028:/data:ro'], }, }, } ) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file]) config_data = config.load(details) volume = config_data.services[0].get('volumes')[0] assert not volume.is_named_volume def test_undeclared_volume_v1(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox:latest', 'volumes': ['data0028:/data:ro'], }, } ) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file]) config_data = config.load(details) volume = config_data.services[0].get('volumes')[0] assert volume.external == 'data0028' assert volume.is_named_volume def test_config_valid_service_names(self): for valid_name in ['_', '-', '.__.', '_what-up.', 'what_.up----', 'whatup']: services = config.load( build_config_details( {valid_name: {'image': 'busybox'}}, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'common.yml')).services assert services[0]['name'] == valid_name def test_config_hint(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'foo': {'image': 'busybox', 'privilige': 'something'}, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "(did you mean 'privileged'?)" in excinfo.exconly() def test_load_errors_on_uppercase_with_no_image(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details({ 'Foo': {'build': '.'}, }, 'tests/fixtures/build-ctx')) assert "Service 'Foo' contains uppercase characters" in exc.exconly() def test_invalid_config_v1(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'foo': {'image': 1}, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "foo.image contains an invalid type, it should be a string" \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_invalid_config_v2(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'foo': {'image': 1}, }, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "services.foo.image contains an invalid type, it should be a string" \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_invalid_config_build_and_image_specified_v1(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'foo': {'image': 'busybox', 'build': '.'}, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "foo has both an image and build path specified." in excinfo.exconly() def test_invalid_config_type_should_be_an_array(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'foo': {'image': 'busybox', 'links': 'an_link'}, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "foo.links contains an invalid type, it should be an array" \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_invalid_config_not_a_dictionary(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( ['foo', 'lol'], 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "Top level object in 'filename.yml' needs to be an object" \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_invalid_config_not_unique_items(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'web': {'build': '.', 'devices': ['/dev/foo:/dev/foo', '/dev/foo:/dev/foo']} }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "has non-unique elements" in excinfo.exconly() def test_invalid_list_of_strings_format(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'web': {'build': '.', 'command': [1]} }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "web.command contains 1, which is an invalid type, it should be a string" \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_load_config_dockerfile_without_build_raises_error_v1(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details({ 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile.alt' } })) assert "web has both an image and alternate Dockerfile." in exc.exconly() def test_config_extra_hosts_string_raises_validation_error(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( {'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'extra_hosts': 'somehost:' }}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "web.extra_hosts contains an invalid type" \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_config_extra_hosts_list_of_dicts_validation_error(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( {'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'extra_hosts': [ {'somehost': ''}, {'otherhost': ''} ] }}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "web.extra_hosts contains {\"somehost\": \"\"}, " \ "which is an invalid type, it should be a string" \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_config_ulimits_invalid_keys_validation_error(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details( { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'ulimits': { 'nofile': { "not_soft_or_hard": 100, "soft": 10000, "hard": 20000, } } } }, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml')) assert "web.ulimits.nofile contains unsupported option: 'not_soft_or_hard'" \ in exc.exconly() def test_config_ulimits_required_keys_validation_error(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details( { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'ulimits': {'nofile': {"soft": 10000}} } }, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml')) assert "web.ulimits.nofile" in exc.exconly() assert "'hard' is a required property" in exc.exconly() def test_config_ulimits_soft_greater_than_hard_error(self): expected = "'soft' value can not be greater than 'hard' value" with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details( { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'ulimits': { 'nofile': {"soft": 10000, "hard": 1000} } } }, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml')) assert expected in exc.exconly() def test_valid_config_which_allows_two_type_definitions(self): expose_values = [["8000"], [8000]] for expose in expose_values: service = config.load( build_config_details( {'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'expose': expose }}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ).services self.assertEqual(service[0]['expose'], expose) def test_valid_config_oneof_string_or_list(self): entrypoint_values = [["sh"], "sh"] for entrypoint in entrypoint_values: service = config.load( build_config_details( {'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'entrypoint': entrypoint }}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ).services self.assertEqual(service[0]['entrypoint'], entrypoint) def test_logs_warning_for_boolean_in_environment(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'environment': {'SHOW_STUFF': True} } }) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(config_details) assert "contains true, which is an invalid type" in exc.exconly() def test_config_valid_environment_dict_key_contains_dashes(self): services = config.load( build_config_details( {'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'environment': {'SPRING_JPA_HIBERNATE_DDL-AUTO': 'none'} }}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ).services self.assertEqual(services[0]['environment']['SPRING_JPA_HIBERNATE_DDL-AUTO'], 'none') def test_load_yaml_with_yaml_error(self): tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp('invalid_yaml_test') self.addCleanup(tmpdir.remove) invalid_yaml_file = tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml') invalid_yaml_file.write(""" web: this is bogus: ok: what """) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load_yaml(str(invalid_yaml_file)) assert 'line 3, column 32' in exc.exconly() def test_validate_extra_hosts_invalid(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details({ 'web': { 'image': 'alpine', 'extra_hosts': "www.example.com:", } })) assert "web.extra_hosts contains an invalid type" in exc.exconly() def test_validate_extra_hosts_invalid_list(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details({ 'web': { 'image': 'alpine', 'extra_hosts': [ {'www.example.com': ''}, {'api.example.com': ''} ], } })) assert "which is an invalid type" in exc.exconly() def test_normalize_dns_options(self): actual = config.load(build_config_details({ 'web': { 'image': 'alpine', 'dns': '', 'dns_search': 'domain.local', } })) assert actual.services == [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'alpine', 'dns': [''], 'dns_search': ['domain.local'], } ] def test_tmpfs_option(self): actual = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'alpine', 'tmpfs': '/run', } } })) assert actual.services == [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'alpine', 'tmpfs': ['/run'], } ] def test_oom_score_adj_option(self): actual = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'alpine', 'oom_score_adj': 500 } } })) assert actual.services == [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'alpine', 'oom_score_adj': 500 } ] def test_swappiness_option(self): actual = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'alpine', 'mem_swappiness': 10, } } })) assert actual.services == [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'alpine', 'mem_swappiness': 10, } ] def test_group_add_option(self): actual = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'alpine', 'group_add': ["docker", 777] } } })) assert actual.services == [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'alpine', 'group_add': ["docker", 777] } ] def test_dns_opt_option(self): actual = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'alpine', 'dns_opt': ["use-vc", "no-tld-query"] } } })) assert actual.services == [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'alpine', 'dns_opt': ["use-vc", "no-tld-query"] } ] def test_isolation_option(self): actual = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': V2_1, 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'win10', 'isolation': 'hyperv' } } })) assert actual.services == [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'win10', 'isolation': 'hyperv', } ] def test_merge_service_dicts_from_files_with_extends_in_base(self): base = { 'volumes': ['.:/app'], 'extends': {'service': 'app'} } override = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', } actual = config.merge_service_dicts_from_files( base, override, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'volumes': ['.:/app'], 'extends': {'service': 'app'} } def test_merge_service_dicts_from_files_with_extends_in_override(self): base = { 'volumes': ['.:/app'], 'extends': {'service': 'app'} } override = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'extends': {'service': 'foo'} } actual = config.merge_service_dicts_from_files( base, override, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'volumes': ['.:/app'], 'extends': {'service': 'foo'} } def test_merge_service_dicts_heterogeneous(self): base = { 'volumes': ['.:/app'], 'ports': ['5432'] } override = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'ports': [5432] } actual = config.merge_service_dicts_from_files( base, override, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'volumes': ['.:/app'], 'ports': types.ServicePort.parse('5432') } def test_merge_service_dicts_heterogeneous_2(self): base = { 'volumes': ['.:/app'], 'ports': [5432] } override = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'ports': ['5432'] } actual = config.merge_service_dicts_from_files( base, override, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'volumes': ['.:/app'], 'ports': types.ServicePort.parse('5432') } def test_merge_service_dicts_ports_sorting(self): base = { 'ports': [5432] } override = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'ports': ['5432/udp'] } actual = config.merge_service_dicts_from_files( base, override, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert len(actual['ports']) == 2 assert types.ServicePort.parse('5432')[0] in actual['ports'] assert types.ServicePort.parse('5432/udp')[0] in actual['ports'] def test_merge_service_dicts_heterogeneous_volumes(self): base = { 'volumes': ['/a:/b', '/x:/z'], } override = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'volumes': [ {'source': '/e', 'target': '/b', 'type': 'bind'}, {'source': '/c', 'target': '/d', 'type': 'bind'} ] } actual = config.merge_service_dicts_from_files( base, override, V3_2 ) assert actual['volumes'] == [ {'source': '/e', 'target': '/b', 'type': 'bind'}, {'source': '/c', 'target': '/d', 'type': 'bind'}, '/x:/z' ] def test_merge_logging_v1(self): base = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'log_driver': 'something', 'log_opt': {'foo': 'three'}, } override = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'command': 'true', } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V1) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'log_driver': 'something', 'log_opt': {'foo': 'three'}, 'command': 'true', } def test_merge_logging_v2(self): base = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file', 'options': { 'frequency': '2000', 'timeout': '23' } } } override = { 'logging': { 'options': { 'timeout': '360', 'pretty-print': 'on' } } } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_0) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file', 'options': { 'frequency': '2000', 'timeout': '360', 'pretty-print': 'on' } } } def test_merge_logging_v2_override_driver(self): base = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file', 'options': { 'frequency': '2000', 'timeout': '23' } } } override = { 'logging': { 'driver': 'syslog', 'options': { 'timeout': '360', 'pretty-print': 'on' } } } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_0) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'driver': 'syslog', 'options': { 'timeout': '360', 'pretty-print': 'on' } } } def test_merge_logging_v2_no_base_driver(self): base = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'options': { 'frequency': '2000', 'timeout': '23' } } } override = { 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file', 'options': { 'timeout': '360', 'pretty-print': 'on' } } } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_0) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file', 'options': { 'frequency': '2000', 'timeout': '360', 'pretty-print': 'on' } } } def test_merge_logging_v2_no_drivers(self): base = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'options': { 'frequency': '2000', 'timeout': '23' } } } override = { 'logging': { 'options': { 'timeout': '360', 'pretty-print': 'on' } } } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_0) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'options': { 'frequency': '2000', 'timeout': '360', 'pretty-print': 'on' } } } def test_merge_logging_v2_no_override_options(self): base = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file', 'options': { 'frequency': '2000', 'timeout': '23' } } } override = { 'logging': { 'driver': 'syslog' } } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_0) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'driver': 'syslog', 'options': None } } def test_merge_logging_v2_no_base(self): base = { 'image': 'alpine:edge' } override = { 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file', 'options': { 'frequency': '2000' } } } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_0) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file', 'options': { 'frequency': '2000' } } } def test_merge_logging_v2_no_override(self): base = { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'driver': 'syslog', 'options': { 'frequency': '2000' } } } override = {} actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_0) assert actual == { 'image': 'alpine:edge', 'logging': { 'driver': 'syslog', 'options': { 'frequency': '2000' } } } def test_merge_mixed_ports(self): base = { 'image': 'busybox:latest', 'command': 'top', 'ports': [ { 'target': '1245', 'published': '1245', 'protocol': 'udp', } ] } override = { 'ports': ['1245:1245/udp'] } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V3_1) assert actual == { 'image': 'busybox:latest', 'command': 'top', 'ports': [types.ServicePort('1245', '1245', 'udp', None, None)] } def test_merge_depends_on_no_override(self): base = { 'image': 'busybox', 'depends_on': { 'app1': {'condition': 'service_started'}, 'app2': {'condition': 'service_healthy'} } } override = {} actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_1) assert actual == base def test_merge_depends_on_mixed_syntax(self): base = { 'image': 'busybox', 'depends_on': { 'app1': {'condition': 'service_started'}, 'app2': {'condition': 'service_healthy'} } } override = { 'depends_on': ['app3'] } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_1) assert actual == { 'image': 'busybox', 'depends_on': { 'app1': {'condition': 'service_started'}, 'app2': {'condition': 'service_healthy'}, 'app3': {'condition': 'service_started'} } } def test_empty_environment_key_allowed(self): service_dict = config.load( build_config_details( { 'web': { 'build': '.', 'environment': { 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD': '' }, }, }, '.', None, ) ).services[0] self.assertEqual(service_dict['environment']['POSTGRES_PASSWORD'], '') def test_merge_pid(self): # Regression: https://github.com/docker/compose/issues/4184 base = { 'image': 'busybox', 'pid': 'host' } override = { 'labels': {'com.docker.compose.test': 'yes'} } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_0) assert actual == { 'image': 'busybox', 'pid': 'host', 'labels': {'com.docker.compose.test': 'yes'} } def test_merge_different_secrets(self): base = { 'image': 'busybox', 'secrets': [ {'source': 'src.txt'} ] } override = {'secrets': ['other-src.txt']} actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V3_1) assert secret_sort(actual['secrets']) == secret_sort([ {'source': 'src.txt'}, {'source': 'other-src.txt'} ]) def test_merge_secrets_override(self): base = { 'image': 'busybox', 'secrets': ['src.txt'], } override = { 'secrets': [ { 'source': 'src.txt', 'target': 'data.txt', 'mode': 0o400 } ] } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V3_1) assert actual['secrets'] == override['secrets'] def test_merge_different_configs(self): base = { 'image': 'busybox', 'configs': [ {'source': 'src.txt'} ] } override = {'configs': ['other-src.txt']} actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V3_3) assert secret_sort(actual['configs']) == secret_sort([ {'source': 'src.txt'}, {'source': 'other-src.txt'} ]) def test_merge_configs_override(self): base = { 'image': 'busybox', 'configs': ['src.txt'], } override = { 'configs': [ { 'source': 'src.txt', 'target': 'data.txt', 'mode': 0o400 } ] } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V3_3) assert actual['configs'] == override['configs'] def test_merge_deploy(self): base = { 'image': 'busybox', } override = { 'deploy': { 'mode': 'global', 'restart_policy': { 'condition': 'on-failure' } } } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V3_0) assert actual['deploy'] == override['deploy'] def test_merge_deploy_override(self): base = { 'image': 'busybox', 'deploy': { 'mode': 'global', 'restart_policy': { 'condition': 'on-failure' }, 'placement': { 'constraints': [ 'node.role == manager' ] } } } override = { 'deploy': { 'mode': 'replicated', 'restart_policy': { 'condition': 'any' } } } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V3_0) assert actual['deploy'] == { 'mode': 'replicated', 'restart_policy': { 'condition': 'any' }, 'placement': { 'constraints': [ 'node.role == manager' ] } } def test_merge_credential_spec(self): base = { 'image': 'bb', 'credential_spec': { 'file': '/hello-world', } } override = { 'credential_spec': { 'registry': 'revolution.com', } } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V3_3) assert actual['credential_spec'] == override['credential_spec'] def test_merge_scale(self): base = { 'image': 'bar', 'scale': 2, } override = { 'scale': 4, } actual = config.merge_service_dicts(base, override, V2_2) assert actual == {'image': 'bar', 'scale': 4} def test_external_volume_config(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'bogus': {'image': 'busybox'} }, 'volumes': { 'ext': {'external': True}, 'ext2': {'external': {'name': 'aliased'}} } }) config_result = config.load(config_details) volumes = config_result.volumes assert 'ext' in volumes assert volumes['ext']['external'] is True assert 'ext2' in volumes assert volumes['ext2']['external']['name'] == 'aliased' def test_external_volume_invalid_config(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'bogus': {'image': 'busybox'} }, 'volumes': { 'ext': {'external': True, 'driver': 'foo'} } }) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): config.load(config_details) def test_depends_on_orders_services(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'one': {'image': 'busybox', 'depends_on': ['three', 'two']}, 'two': {'image': 'busybox', 'depends_on': ['three']}, 'three': {'image': 'busybox'}, }, }) actual = config.load(config_details) assert ( [service['name'] for service in actual.services] == ['three', 'two', 'one'] ) def test_depends_on_unknown_service_errors(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'one': {'image': 'busybox', 'depends_on': ['three']}, }, }) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(config_details) assert "Service 'one' depends on service 'three'" in exc.exconly() def test_linked_service_is_undefined(self): with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError): config.load( build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': {'image': 'busybox', 'links': ['db:db']}, }, }) ) def test_load_dockerfile_without_context(self): config_details = build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'one': {'build': {'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile.foo'}}, }, }) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(config_details) assert 'has neither an image nor a build context' in exc.exconly() def test_load_secrets(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '3.1', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', 'secrets': [ 'one', { 'source': 'source', 'target': 'target', 'uid': '100', 'gid': '200', 'mode': 0o777, }, ], }, }, 'secrets': { 'one': {'file': 'secret.txt'}, }, }) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file]) service_dicts = config.load(details).services expected = [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'example/web', 'secrets': [ types.ServiceSecret('one', None, None, None, None), types.ServiceSecret('source', 'target', '100', '200', 0o777), ], }, ] assert service_sort(service_dicts) == service_sort(expected) def test_load_secrets_multi_file(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '3.1', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', 'secrets': ['one'], }, }, 'secrets': { 'one': {'file': 'secret.txt'}, }, }) override_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '3.1', 'services': { 'web': { 'secrets': [ { 'source': 'source', 'target': 'target', 'uid': '100', 'gid': '200', 'mode': 0o777, }, ], }, }, }) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) service_dicts = config.load(details).services expected = [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'example/web', 'secrets': [ types.ServiceSecret('one', None, None, None, None), types.ServiceSecret('source', 'target', '100', '200', 0o777), ], }, ] assert service_sort(service_dicts) == service_sort(expected) def test_load_configs(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '3.3', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', 'configs': [ 'one', { 'source': 'source', 'target': 'target', 'uid': '100', 'gid': '200', 'mode': 0o777, }, ], }, }, 'configs': { 'one': {'file': 'secret.txt'}, }, }) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file]) service_dicts = config.load(details).services expected = [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'example/web', 'configs': [ types.ServiceConfig('one', None, None, None, None), types.ServiceConfig('source', 'target', '100', '200', 0o777), ], }, ] assert service_sort(service_dicts) == service_sort(expected) def test_load_configs_multi_file(self): base_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '3.3', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', 'configs': ['one'], }, }, 'configs': { 'one': {'file': 'secret.txt'}, }, }) override_file = config.ConfigFile( 'base.yaml', { 'version': '3.3', 'services': { 'web': { 'configs': [ { 'source': 'source', 'target': 'target', 'uid': '100', 'gid': '200', 'mode': 0o777, }, ], }, }, }) details = config.ConfigDetails('.', [base_file, override_file]) service_dicts = config.load(details).services expected = [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'example/web', 'configs': [ types.ServiceConfig('one', None, None, None, None), types.ServiceConfig('source', 'target', '100', '200', 0o777), ], }, ] assert service_sort(service_dicts) == service_sort(expected) class NetworkModeTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_network_mode_standard(self): config_data = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': "top", 'network_mode': 'bridge', }, }, })) assert config_data.services[0]['network_mode'] == 'bridge' def test_network_mode_standard_v1(self): config_data = config.load(build_config_details({ 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': "top", 'net': 'bridge', }, })) assert config_data.services[0]['network_mode'] == 'bridge' assert 'net' not in config_data.services[0] def test_network_mode_container(self): config_data = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': "top", 'network_mode': 'container:foo', }, }, })) assert config_data.services[0]['network_mode'] == 'container:foo' def test_network_mode_container_v1(self): config_data = config.load(build_config_details({ 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': "top", 'net': 'container:foo', }, })) assert config_data.services[0]['network_mode'] == 'container:foo' def test_network_mode_service(self): config_data = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': "top", 'network_mode': 'service:foo', }, 'foo': { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': "top", }, }, })) assert config_data.services[1]['network_mode'] == 'service:foo' def test_network_mode_service_v1(self): config_data = config.load(build_config_details({ 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': "top", 'net': 'container:foo', }, 'foo': { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': "top", }, })) assert config_data.services[1]['network_mode'] == 'service:foo' def test_network_mode_service_nonexistent(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': "top", 'network_mode': 'service:foo', }, }, })) assert "service 'foo' which is undefined" in excinfo.exconly() def test_network_mode_plus_networks_is_invalid(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': "top", 'network_mode': 'bridge', 'networks': ['front'], }, }, 'networks': { 'front': None, } })) assert "'network_mode' and 'networks' cannot be combined" in excinfo.exconly() class PortsTest(unittest.TestCase): INVALID_PORTS_TYPES = [ {"1": "8000"}, False, "8000", 8000, ] NON_UNIQUE_SINGLE_PORTS = [ ["8000", "8000"], ] INVALID_PORT_MAPPINGS = [ ["8000-8004:8000-8002"], ["4242:4242-4244"], ] VALID_SINGLE_PORTS = [ ["8000"], ["8000/tcp"], ["8000", "9000"], [8000], [8000, 9000], ] VALID_PORT_MAPPINGS = [ ["8000:8050"], ["49153-49154:3002-3003"], ] def test_config_invalid_ports_type_validation(self): for invalid_ports in self.INVALID_PORTS_TYPES: with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: self.check_config({'ports': invalid_ports}) assert "contains an invalid type" in exc.value.msg def test_config_non_unique_ports_validation(self): for invalid_ports in self.NON_UNIQUE_SINGLE_PORTS: with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: self.check_config({'ports': invalid_ports}) assert "non-unique" in exc.value.msg def test_config_invalid_ports_format_validation(self): for invalid_ports in self.INVALID_PORT_MAPPINGS: with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: self.check_config({'ports': invalid_ports}) assert "Port ranges don't match in length" in exc.value.msg def test_config_valid_ports_format_validation(self): for valid_ports in self.VALID_SINGLE_PORTS + self.VALID_PORT_MAPPINGS: self.check_config({'ports': valid_ports}) def test_config_invalid_expose_type_validation(self): for invalid_expose in self.INVALID_PORTS_TYPES: with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: self.check_config({'expose': invalid_expose}) assert "contains an invalid type" in exc.value.msg def test_config_non_unique_expose_validation(self): for invalid_expose in self.NON_UNIQUE_SINGLE_PORTS: with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: self.check_config({'expose': invalid_expose}) assert "non-unique" in exc.value.msg def test_config_invalid_expose_format_validation(self): # Valid port mappings ARE NOT valid 'expose' entries for invalid_expose in self.INVALID_PORT_MAPPINGS + self.VALID_PORT_MAPPINGS: with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: self.check_config({'expose': invalid_expose}) assert "should be of the format" in exc.value.msg def test_config_valid_expose_format_validation(self): # Valid single ports ARE valid 'expose' entries for valid_expose in self.VALID_SINGLE_PORTS: self.check_config({'expose': valid_expose}) def check_config(self, cfg): config.load( build_config_details( {'web': dict(image='busybox', **cfg)}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ) class InterpolationTest(unittest.TestCase): @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_config_file_with_environment_file(self): project_dir = 'tests/fixtures/default-env-file' service_dicts = config.load( config.find( project_dir, None, Environment.from_env_file(project_dir) ) ).services self.assertEqual(service_dicts[0], { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'alpine:latest', 'ports': [ types.ServicePort.parse('5643')[0], types.ServicePort.parse('9999')[0] ], 'command': 'true' }) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_config_file_with_environment_variable(self): project_dir = 'tests/fixtures/environment-interpolation' os.environ.update( IMAGE="busybox", HOST_PORT="80", LABEL_VALUE="myvalue", ) service_dicts = config.load( config.find( project_dir, None, Environment.from_env_file(project_dir) ) ).services self.assertEqual(service_dicts, [ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'busybox', 'ports': types.ServicePort.parse('80:8000'), 'labels': {'mylabel': 'myvalue'}, 'hostname': 'host-', 'command': '${ESCAPED}', } ]) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_unset_variable_produces_warning(self): os.environ.pop('FOO', None) os.environ.pop('BAR', None) config_details = build_config_details( { 'web': { 'image': '${FOO}', 'command': '${BAR}', 'container_name': '${BAR}', }, }, '.', None, ) with mock.patch('compose.config.environment.log') as log: config.load(config_details) self.assertEqual(2, log.warn.call_count) warnings = sorted(args[0][0] for args in log.warn.call_args_list) self.assertIn('BAR', warnings[0]) self.assertIn('FOO', warnings[1]) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_invalid_interpolation(self): with self.assertRaises(config.ConfigurationError) as cm: config.load( build_config_details( {'web': {'image': '${'}}, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ) self.assertIn('Invalid', cm.exception.msg) self.assertIn('for "image" option', cm.exception.msg) self.assertIn('in service "web"', cm.exception.msg) self.assertIn('"${"', cm.exception.msg) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_interpolation_secrets_section(self): os.environ['FOO'] = 'baz.bar' config_dict = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '3.1', 'secrets': { 'secretdata': { 'external': {'name': '$FOO'} } } })) assert config_dict.secrets == { 'secretdata': { 'external': {'name': 'baz.bar'}, 'external_name': 'baz.bar' } } @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_interpolation_configs_section(self): os.environ['FOO'] = 'baz.bar' config_dict = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '3.3', 'configs': { 'configdata': { 'external': {'name': '$FOO'} } } })) assert config_dict.configs == { 'configdata': { 'external': {'name': 'baz.bar'}, 'external_name': 'baz.bar' } } class VolumeConfigTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_no_binding(self): d = make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['/data']}, working_dir='.') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['/data']) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_volume_binding_with_environment_variable(self): os.environ['VOLUME_PATH'] = '/host/path' d = config.load( build_config_details( {'foo': {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['${VOLUME_PATH}:/container/path']}}, '.', None, ) ).services[0] self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], [VolumeSpec.parse('/host/path:/container/path')]) @pytest.mark.skipif(IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM, reason='posix paths') @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_volume_binding_with_home(self): os.environ['HOME'] = '/home/user' d = make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['~:/container/path']}, working_dir='.') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['/home/user:/container/path']) def test_name_does_not_expand(self): d = make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['mydatavolume:/data']}, working_dir='.') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['mydatavolume:/data']) def test_absolute_posix_path_does_not_expand(self): d = make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['/var/lib/data:/data']}, working_dir='.') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['/var/lib/data:/data']) def test_absolute_windows_path_does_not_expand(self): d = make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['c:\\data:/data']}, working_dir='.') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['c:\\data:/data']) @pytest.mark.skipif(IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM, reason='posix paths') def test_relative_path_does_expand_posix(self): d = make_service_dict( 'foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['./data:/data']}, working_dir='/home/me/myproject') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['/home/me/myproject/data:/data']) d = make_service_dict( 'foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['.:/data']}, working_dir='/home/me/myproject') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['/home/me/myproject:/data']) d = make_service_dict( 'foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['../otherproject:/data']}, working_dir='/home/me/myproject') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['/home/me/otherproject:/data']) @pytest.mark.skipif(not IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM, reason='windows paths') def test_relative_path_does_expand_windows(self): d = make_service_dict( 'foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['./data:/data']}, working_dir='c:\\Users\\me\\myproject') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['c:\\Users\\me\\myproject\\data:/data']) d = make_service_dict( 'foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['.:/data']}, working_dir='c:\\Users\\me\\myproject') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['c:\\Users\\me\\myproject:/data']) d = make_service_dict( 'foo', {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['../otherproject:/data']}, working_dir='c:\\Users\\me\\myproject') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['c:\\Users\\me\\otherproject:/data']) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_home_directory_with_driver_does_not_expand(self): os.environ['NAME'] = 'surprise!' d = make_service_dict('foo', { 'build': '.', 'volumes': ['~:/data'], 'volume_driver': 'foodriver', }, working_dir='.') self.assertEqual(d['volumes'], ['~:/data']) def test_volume_path_with_non_ascii_directory(self): volume = u'/Füü/data:/data' container_path = config.resolve_volume_path(".", volume) self.assertEqual(container_path, volume) class MergePathMappingTest(object): config_name = "" def test_empty(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts({}, {}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert self.config_name not in service_dict def test_no_override(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {self.config_name: ['/foo:/code', '/data']}, {}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == set(['/foo:/code', '/data']) def test_no_base(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {}, {self.config_name: ['/bar:/code']}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == set(['/bar:/code']) def test_override_explicit_path(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {self.config_name: ['/foo:/code', '/data']}, {self.config_name: ['/bar:/code']}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == set(['/bar:/code', '/data']) def test_add_explicit_path(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {self.config_name: ['/foo:/code', '/data']}, {self.config_name: ['/bar:/code', '/quux:/data']}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == set(['/bar:/code', '/quux:/data']) def test_remove_explicit_path(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {self.config_name: ['/foo:/code', '/quux:/data']}, {self.config_name: ['/bar:/code', '/data']}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == set(['/bar:/code', '/data']) class MergeVolumesTest(unittest.TestCase, MergePathMappingTest): config_name = 'volumes' class MergeDevicesTest(unittest.TestCase, MergePathMappingTest): config_name = 'devices' class BuildOrImageMergeTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_merge_build_or_image_no_override(self): self.assertEqual( config.merge_service_dicts({'build': '.'}, {}, V1), {'build': '.'}, ) self.assertEqual( config.merge_service_dicts({'image': 'redis'}, {}, V1), {'image': 'redis'}, ) def test_merge_build_or_image_override_with_same(self): self.assertEqual( config.merge_service_dicts({'build': '.'}, {'build': './web'}, V1), {'build': './web'}, ) self.assertEqual( config.merge_service_dicts({'image': 'redis'}, {'image': 'postgres'}, V1), {'image': 'postgres'}, ) def test_merge_build_or_image_override_with_other(self): self.assertEqual( config.merge_service_dicts({'build': '.'}, {'image': 'redis'}, V1), {'image': 'redis'}, ) self.assertEqual( config.merge_service_dicts({'image': 'redis'}, {'build': '.'}, V1), {'build': '.'} ) class MergeListsTest(object): config_name = "" base_config = [] override_config = [] def merged_config(self): return set(self.base_config) | set(self.override_config) def test_empty(self): assert self.config_name not in config.merge_service_dicts({}, {}, DEFAULT_VERSION) def test_no_override(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {self.config_name: self.base_config}, {}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == set(self.base_config) def test_no_base(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {}, {self.config_name: self.base_config}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == set(self.base_config) def test_add_item(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {self.config_name: self.base_config}, {self.config_name: self.override_config}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == set(self.merged_config()) class MergePortsTest(unittest.TestCase, MergeListsTest): config_name = 'ports' base_config = ['10:8000', '9000'] override_config = ['20:8000'] def merged_config(self): return self.convert(self.base_config) | self.convert(self.override_config) def convert(self, port_config): return set(config.merge_service_dicts( {self.config_name: port_config}, {self.config_name: []}, DEFAULT_VERSION )[self.config_name]) def test_duplicate_port_mappings(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {self.config_name: self.base_config}, {self.config_name: self.base_config}, DEFAULT_VERSION ) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == self.convert(self.base_config) def test_no_override(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {self.config_name: self.base_config}, {}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == self.convert(self.base_config) def test_no_base(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {}, {self.config_name: self.base_config}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict[self.config_name]) == self.convert(self.base_config) class MergeNetworksTest(unittest.TestCase, MergeListsTest): config_name = 'networks' base_config = ['frontend', 'backend'] override_config = ['monitoring'] class MergeStringsOrListsTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_no_override(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {'dns': ''}, {}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict['dns']) == set(['']) def test_no_base(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {}, {'dns': ''}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict['dns']) == set(['']) def test_add_string(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {'dns': ['']}, {'dns': ''}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict['dns']) == set(['', '']) def test_add_list(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( {'dns': ''}, {'dns': ['']}, DEFAULT_VERSION) assert set(service_dict['dns']) == set(['', '']) class MergeLabelsTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_empty(self): assert 'labels' not in config.merge_service_dicts({}, {}, DEFAULT_VERSION) def test_no_override(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'labels': ['foo=1', 'bar']}, 'tests/'), make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.'}, 'tests/'), DEFAULT_VERSION) assert service_dict['labels'] == {'foo': '1', 'bar': ''} def test_no_base(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.'}, 'tests/'), make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'labels': ['foo=2']}, 'tests/'), DEFAULT_VERSION) assert service_dict['labels'] == {'foo': '2'} def test_override_explicit_value(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'labels': ['foo=1', 'bar']}, 'tests/'), make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'labels': ['foo=2']}, 'tests/'), DEFAULT_VERSION) assert service_dict['labels'] == {'foo': '2', 'bar': ''} def test_add_explicit_value(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'labels': ['foo=1', 'bar']}, 'tests/'), make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'labels': ['bar=2']}, 'tests/'), DEFAULT_VERSION) assert service_dict['labels'] == {'foo': '1', 'bar': '2'} def test_remove_explicit_value(self): service_dict = config.merge_service_dicts( make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'labels': ['foo=1', 'bar=2']}, 'tests/'), make_service_dict('foo', {'build': '.', 'labels': ['bar']}, 'tests/'), DEFAULT_VERSION) assert service_dict['labels'] == {'foo': '1', 'bar': ''} class MergeBuildTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_full(self): base = { 'context': '.', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile', 'args': { 'x': '1', 'y': '2', }, 'cache_from': ['ubuntu'], 'labels': ['com.docker.compose.test=true'] } override = { 'context': './prod', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile.prod', 'args': ['x=12'], 'cache_from': ['debian'], 'labels': { 'com.docker.compose.test': 'false', 'com.docker.compose.prod': 'true', } } result = config.merge_build(None, {'build': base}, {'build': override}) assert result['context'] == override['context'] assert result['dockerfile'] == override['dockerfile'] assert result['args'] == {'x': '12', 'y': '2'} assert set(result['cache_from']) == set(['ubuntu', 'debian']) assert result['labels'] == override['labels'] def test_empty_override(self): base = { 'context': '.', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile', 'args': { 'x': '1', 'y': '2', }, 'cache_from': ['ubuntu'], 'labels': { 'com.docker.compose.test': 'true' } } override = {} result = config.merge_build(None, {'build': base}, {'build': override}) assert result == base def test_empty_base(self): base = {} override = { 'context': './prod', 'dockerfile': 'Dockerfile.prod', 'args': {'x': '12'}, 'cache_from': ['debian'], 'labels': { 'com.docker.compose.test': 'false', 'com.docker.compose.prod': 'true', } } result = config.merge_build(None, {'build': base}, {'build': override}) assert result == override class MemoryOptionsTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_validation_fails_with_just_memswap_limit(self): """ When you set a 'memswap_limit' it is invalid config unless you also set a mem_limit """ with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'foo': {'image': 'busybox', 'memswap_limit': 2000000}, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "foo.memswap_limit is invalid: when defining " \ "'memswap_limit' you must set 'mem_limit' as well" \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_validation_with_correct_memswap_values(self): service_dict = config.load( build_config_details( {'foo': {'image': 'busybox', 'mem_limit': 1000000, 'memswap_limit': 2000000}}, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'common.yml' ) ).services self.assertEqual(service_dict[0]['memswap_limit'], 2000000) def test_memswap_can_be_a_string(self): service_dict = config.load( build_config_details( {'foo': {'image': 'busybox', 'mem_limit': "1G", 'memswap_limit': "512M"}}, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'common.yml' ) ).services self.assertEqual(service_dict[0]['memswap_limit'], "512M") class EnvTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_parse_environment_as_list(self): environment = [ 'NORMAL=F1', 'CONTAINS_EQUALS=F=2', 'TRAILING_EQUALS=', ] self.assertEqual( config.parse_environment(environment), {'NORMAL': 'F1', 'CONTAINS_EQUALS': 'F=2', 'TRAILING_EQUALS': ''}, ) def test_parse_environment_as_dict(self): environment = { 'NORMAL': 'F1', 'CONTAINS_EQUALS': 'F=2', 'TRAILING_EQUALS': None, } self.assertEqual(config.parse_environment(environment), environment) def test_parse_environment_invalid(self): with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError): config.parse_environment('a=b') def test_parse_environment_empty(self): self.assertEqual(config.parse_environment(None), {}) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_resolve_environment(self): os.environ['FILE_DEF'] = 'E1' os.environ['FILE_DEF_EMPTY'] = 'E2' os.environ['ENV_DEF'] = 'E3' service_dict = { 'build': '.', 'environment': { 'FILE_DEF': 'F1', 'FILE_DEF_EMPTY': '', 'ENV_DEF': None, 'NO_DEF': None }, } self.assertEqual( resolve_environment( service_dict, Environment.from_env_file(None) ), {'FILE_DEF': 'F1', 'FILE_DEF_EMPTY': '', 'ENV_DEF': 'E3', 'NO_DEF': None}, ) def test_resolve_environment_from_env_file(self): self.assertEqual( resolve_environment({'env_file': ['tests/fixtures/env/one.env']}), {'ONE': '2', 'TWO': '1', 'THREE': '3', 'FOO': 'bar'}, ) def test_environment_overrides_env_file(self): self.assertEqual( resolve_environment({ 'environment': {'FOO': 'baz'}, 'env_file': ['tests/fixtures/env/one.env'], }), {'ONE': '2', 'TWO': '1', 'THREE': '3', 'FOO': 'baz'}, ) def test_resolve_environment_with_multiple_env_files(self): service_dict = { 'env_file': [ 'tests/fixtures/env/one.env', 'tests/fixtures/env/two.env' ] } self.assertEqual( resolve_environment(service_dict), {'ONE': '2', 'TWO': '1', 'THREE': '3', 'FOO': 'baz', 'DOO': 'dah'}, ) def test_resolve_environment_nonexistent_file(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details( {'foo': {'image': 'example', 'env_file': 'nonexistent.env'}}, working_dir='tests/fixtures/env')) assert 'Couldn\'t find env file' in exc.exconly() assert 'nonexistent.env' in exc.exconly() @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_resolve_environment_from_env_file_with_empty_values(self): os.environ['FILE_DEF'] = 'E1' os.environ['FILE_DEF_EMPTY'] = 'E2' os.environ['ENV_DEF'] = 'E3' self.assertEqual( resolve_environment( {'env_file': ['tests/fixtures/env/resolve.env']}, Environment.from_env_file(None) ), { 'FILE_DEF': u'bär', 'FILE_DEF_EMPTY': '', 'ENV_DEF': 'E3', 'NO_DEF': None }, ) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_resolve_build_args(self): os.environ['env_arg'] = 'value2' build = { 'context': '.', 'args': { 'arg1': 'value1', 'empty_arg': '', 'env_arg': None, 'no_env': None } } self.assertEqual( resolve_build_args(build['args'], Environment.from_env_file(build['context'])), {'arg1': 'value1', 'empty_arg': '', 'env_arg': 'value2', 'no_env': None}, ) @pytest.mark.xfail(IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM, reason='paths use slash') @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_resolve_path(self): os.environ['HOSTENV'] = '/tmp' os.environ['CONTAINERENV'] = '/host/tmp' service_dict = config.load( build_config_details( {'foo': {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['$HOSTENV:$CONTAINERENV']}}, "tests/fixtures/env", ) ).services[0] self.assertEqual( set(service_dict['volumes']), set([VolumeSpec.parse('/tmp:/host/tmp')])) service_dict = config.load( build_config_details( {'foo': {'build': '.', 'volumes': ['/opt${HOSTENV}:/opt${CONTAINERENV}']}}, "tests/fixtures/env", ) ).services[0] self.assertEqual( set(service_dict['volumes']), set([VolumeSpec.parse('/opt/tmp:/opt/host/tmp')])) def load_from_filename(filename, override_dir=None): return config.load( config.find('.', [filename], Environment.from_env_file('.'), override_dir=override_dir) ).services class ExtendsTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_extends(self): service_dicts = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/docker-compose.yml') self.assertEqual(service_sort(service_dicts), service_sort([ { 'name': 'mydb', 'image': 'busybox', 'command': 'top', }, { 'name': 'myweb', 'image': 'busybox', 'command': 'top', 'network_mode': 'bridge', 'links': ['mydb:db'], 'environment': { "FOO": "1", "BAR": "2", "BAZ": "2", }, } ])) def test_merging_env_labels_ulimits(self): service_dicts = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/common-env-labels-ulimits.yml') self.assertEqual(service_sort(service_dicts), service_sort([ { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'busybox', 'command': '/bin/true', 'network_mode': 'host', 'environment': { "FOO": "2", "BAR": "1", "BAZ": "3", }, 'labels': {'label': 'one'}, 'ulimits': {'nproc': 65535, 'memlock': {'soft': 1024, 'hard': 2048}} } ])) def test_nested(self): service_dicts = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/nested.yml') self.assertEqual(service_dicts, [ { 'name': 'myweb', 'image': 'busybox', 'command': '/bin/true', 'network_mode': 'host', 'environment': { "FOO": "2", "BAR": "2", }, }, ]) def test_self_referencing_file(self): """ We specify a 'file' key that is the filename we're already in. """ service_dicts = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/specify-file-as-self.yml') self.assertEqual(service_sort(service_dicts), service_sort([ { 'environment': { 'YEP': '1', 'BAR': '1', 'BAZ': '3' }, 'image': 'busybox', 'name': 'myweb' }, { 'environment': {'YEP': '1'}, 'image': 'busybox', 'name': 'otherweb' }, { 'environment': {'YEP': '1', 'BAZ': '3'}, 'image': 'busybox', 'name': 'web' } ])) def test_circular(self): with pytest.raises(config.CircularReference) as exc: load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/circle-1.yml') path = [ (os.path.basename(filename), service_name) for (filename, service_name) in exc.value.trail ] expected = [ ('circle-1.yml', 'web'), ('circle-2.yml', 'other'), ('circle-1.yml', 'web'), ] self.assertEqual(path, expected) def test_extends_validation_empty_dictionary(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'web': {'image': 'busybox', 'extends': {}}, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert 'service' in excinfo.exconly() def test_extends_validation_missing_service_key(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'web': {'image': 'busybox', 'extends': {'file': 'common.yml'}}, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "'service' is a required property" in excinfo.exconly() def test_extends_validation_invalid_key(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'extends': { 'file': 'common.yml', 'service': 'web', 'rogue_key': 'is not allowed' } }, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "web.extends contains unsupported option: 'rogue_key'" \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_extends_validation_sub_property_key(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: config.load( build_config_details( { 'web': { 'image': 'busybox', 'extends': { 'file': 1, 'service': 'web', } }, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'filename.yml' ) ) assert "web.extends.file contains 1, which is an invalid type, it should be a string" \ in excinfo.exconly() def test_extends_validation_no_file_key_no_filename_set(self): dictionary = {'extends': {'service': 'web'}} with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: make_service_dict('myweb', dictionary, working_dir='tests/fixtures/extends') assert 'file' in excinfo.exconly() def test_extends_validation_valid_config(self): service = config.load( build_config_details( { 'web': {'image': 'busybox', 'extends': {'service': 'web', 'file': 'common.yml'}}, }, 'tests/fixtures/extends', 'common.yml' ) ).services self.assertEqual(len(service), 1) self.assertIsInstance(service[0], dict) self.assertEqual(service[0]['command'], "/bin/true") def test_extended_service_with_invalid_config(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/service-with-invalid-schema.yml') assert ( "myweb has neither an image nor a build context specified" in exc.exconly() ) def test_extended_service_with_valid_config(self): service = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/service-with-valid-composite-extends.yml') self.assertEqual(service[0]['command'], "top") def test_extends_file_defaults_to_self(self): """ Test not specifying a file in our extends options that the config is valid and correctly extends from itself. """ service_dicts = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/no-file-specified.yml') self.assertEqual(service_sort(service_dicts), service_sort([ { 'name': 'myweb', 'image': 'busybox', 'environment': { "BAR": "1", "BAZ": "3", } }, { 'name': 'web', 'image': 'busybox', 'environment': { "BAZ": "3", } } ])) def test_invalid_links_in_extended_service(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/invalid-links.yml') assert "services with 'links' cannot be extended" in excinfo.exconly() def test_invalid_volumes_from_in_extended_service(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/invalid-volumes.yml') assert "services with 'volumes_from' cannot be extended" in excinfo.exconly() def test_invalid_net_in_extended_service(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/invalid-net-v2.yml') assert 'network_mode: service' in excinfo.exconly() assert 'cannot be extended' in excinfo.exconly() with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/invalid-net.yml') assert 'net: container' in excinfo.exconly() assert 'cannot be extended' in excinfo.exconly() @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_load_config_runs_interpolation_in_extended_service(self): os.environ.update(HOSTNAME_VALUE="penguin") expected_interpolated_value = "host-penguin" service_dicts = load_from_filename( 'tests/fixtures/extends/valid-interpolation.yml') for service in service_dicts: assert service['hostname'] == expected_interpolated_value @pytest.mark.xfail(IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM, reason='paths use slash') def test_volume_path(self): dicts = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/volume-path/docker-compose.yml') paths = [ VolumeSpec( os.path.abspath('tests/fixtures/volume-path/common/foo'), '/foo', 'rw'), VolumeSpec( os.path.abspath('tests/fixtures/volume-path/bar'), '/bar', 'rw') ] self.assertEqual(set(dicts[0]['volumes']), set(paths)) def test_parent_build_path_dne(self): child = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/nonexistent-path-child.yml') self.assertEqual(child, [ { 'name': 'dnechild', 'image': 'busybox', 'command': '/bin/true', 'environment': { "FOO": "1", "BAR": "2", }, }, ]) def test_load_throws_error_when_base_service_does_not_exist(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/nonexistent-service.yml') assert "Cannot extend service 'foo'" in excinfo.exconly() assert "Service not found" in excinfo.exconly() def test_partial_service_config_in_extends_is_still_valid(self): dicts = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/valid-common-config.yml') self.assertEqual(dicts[0]['environment'], {'FOO': '1'}) def test_extended_service_with_verbose_and_shorthand_way(self): services = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/verbose-and-shorthand.yml') self.assertEqual(service_sort(services), service_sort([ { 'name': 'base', 'image': 'busybox', 'environment': {'BAR': '1'}, }, { 'name': 'verbose', 'image': 'busybox', 'environment': {'BAR': '1', 'FOO': '1'}, }, { 'name': 'shorthand', 'image': 'busybox', 'environment': {'BAR': '1', 'FOO': '2'}, }, ])) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ) def test_extends_with_environment_and_env_files(self): tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp('test_extends_with_environment') self.addCleanup(tmpdir.remove) commondir = tmpdir.mkdir('common') commondir.join('base.yml').write(""" app: image: 'example/app' env_file: - 'envs' environment: - SECRET - TEST_ONE=common - TEST_TWO=common """) tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml').write(""" ext: extends: file: common/base.yml service: app env_file: - 'envs' environment: - THING - TEST_ONE=top """) commondir.join('envs').write(""" COMMON_ENV_FILE TEST_ONE=common-env-file TEST_TWO=common-env-file TEST_THREE=common-env-file TEST_FOUR=common-env-file """) tmpdir.join('envs').write(""" TOP_ENV_FILE TEST_ONE=top-env-file TEST_TWO=top-env-file TEST_THREE=top-env-file """) expected = [ { 'name': 'ext', 'image': 'example/app', 'environment': { 'SECRET': 'secret', 'TOP_ENV_FILE': 'secret', 'COMMON_ENV_FILE': 'secret', 'THING': 'thing', 'TEST_ONE': 'top', 'TEST_TWO': 'common', 'TEST_THREE': 'top-env-file', 'TEST_FOUR': 'common-env-file', }, }, ] os.environ['SECRET'] = 'secret' os.environ['THING'] = 'thing' os.environ['COMMON_ENV_FILE'] = 'secret' os.environ['TOP_ENV_FILE'] = 'secret' config = load_from_filename(str(tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml'))) assert config == expected def test_extends_with_mixed_versions_is_error(self): tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp('test_extends_with_mixed_version') self.addCleanup(tmpdir.remove) tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml').write(""" version: "2" services: web: extends: file: base.yml service: base image: busybox """) tmpdir.join('base.yml').write(""" base: volumes: ['/foo'] ports: ['3000:3000'] """) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: load_from_filename(str(tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml'))) assert 'Version mismatch' in exc.exconly() def test_extends_with_defined_version_passes(self): tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp('test_extends_with_defined_version') self.addCleanup(tmpdir.remove) tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml').write(""" version: "2" services: web: extends: file: base.yml service: base image: busybox """) tmpdir.join('base.yml').write(""" version: "2" services: base: volumes: ['/foo'] ports: ['3000:3000'] command: top """) service = load_from_filename(str(tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml'))) self.assertEqual(service[0]['command'], "top") def test_extends_with_depends_on(self): tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp('test_extends_with_depends_on') self.addCleanup(tmpdir.remove) tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml').write(""" version: "2" services: base: image: example web: extends: base image: busybox depends_on: ['other'] other: image: example """) services = load_from_filename(str(tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml'))) assert service_sort(services)[2]['depends_on'] == { 'other': {'condition': 'service_started'} } def test_extends_with_healthcheck(self): service_dicts = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/extends/healthcheck-2.yml') assert service_sort(service_dicts) == [{ 'name': 'demo', 'image': 'foobar:latest', 'healthcheck': { 'test': ['CMD', '/health.sh'], 'interval': 10000000000, 'timeout': 5000000000, 'retries': 36, } }] def test_extends_with_ports(self): tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp('test_extends_with_ports') self.addCleanup(tmpdir.remove) tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml').write(""" version: '2' services: a: image: nginx ports: - 80 b: extends: service: a """) services = load_from_filename(str(tmpdir.join('docker-compose.yml'))) assert len(services) == 2 for svc in services: assert svc['ports'] == [types.ServicePort('80', None, None, None, None)] @pytest.mark.xfail(IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM, reason='paths use slash') class ExpandPathTest(unittest.TestCase): working_dir = '/home/user/somedir' def test_expand_path_normal(self): result = config.expand_path(self.working_dir, 'myfile') self.assertEqual(result, self.working_dir + '/' + 'myfile') def test_expand_path_absolute(self): abs_path = '/home/user/otherdir/somefile' result = config.expand_path(self.working_dir, abs_path) self.assertEqual(result, abs_path) def test_expand_path_with_tilde(self): test_path = '~/otherdir/somefile' with mock.patch.dict(os.environ): os.environ['HOME'] = user_path = '/home/user/' result = config.expand_path(self.working_dir, test_path) self.assertEqual(result, user_path + 'otherdir/somefile') class VolumePathTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_split_path_mapping_with_windows_path(self): host_path = "c:\\Users\\msamblanet\\Documents\\anvil\\connect\\config" windows_volume_path = host_path + ":/opt/connect/config:ro" expected_mapping = ("/opt/connect/config:ro", host_path) mapping = config.split_path_mapping(windows_volume_path) assert mapping == expected_mapping def test_split_path_mapping_with_windows_path_in_container(self): host_path = 'c:\\Users\\remilia\\data' container_path = 'c:\\scarletdevil\\data' expected_mapping = (container_path, host_path) mapping = config.split_path_mapping('{0}:{1}'.format(host_path, container_path)) assert mapping == expected_mapping def test_split_path_mapping_with_root_mount(self): host_path = '/' container_path = '/var/hostroot' expected_mapping = (container_path, host_path) mapping = config.split_path_mapping('{0}:{1}'.format(host_path, container_path)) assert mapping == expected_mapping @pytest.mark.xfail(IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM, reason='paths use slash') class BuildPathTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.abs_context_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests/fixtures/build-ctx') def test_nonexistent_path(self): with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError): config.load( build_config_details( { 'foo': {'build': 'nonexistent.path'}, }, 'working_dir', 'filename.yml' ) ) def test_relative_path(self): relative_build_path = '../build-ctx/' service_dict = make_service_dict( 'relpath', {'build': relative_build_path}, working_dir='tests/fixtures/build-path' ) self.assertEqual(service_dict['build'], self.abs_context_path) def test_absolute_path(self): service_dict = make_service_dict( 'abspath', {'build': self.abs_context_path}, working_dir='tests/fixtures/build-path' ) self.assertEqual(service_dict['build'], self.abs_context_path) def test_from_file(self): service_dict = load_from_filename('tests/fixtures/build-path/docker-compose.yml') self.assertEqual(service_dict, [{'name': 'foo', 'build': {'context': self.abs_context_path}}]) def test_from_file_override_dir(self): override_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests/fixtures/') service_dict = load_from_filename( 'tests/fixtures/build-path-override-dir/docker-compose.yml', override_dir=override_dir) self.assertEquals(service_dict, [{'name': 'foo', 'build': {'context': self.abs_context_path}}]) def test_valid_url_in_build_path(self): valid_urls = [ 'git://github.com/docker/docker', 'git@github.com:docker/docker.git', 'git@bitbucket.org:atlassianlabs/atlassian-docker.git', 'https://github.com/docker/docker.git', 'http://github.com/docker/docker.git', 'github.com/docker/docker.git', ] for valid_url in valid_urls: service_dict = config.load(build_config_details({ 'validurl': {'build': valid_url}, }, '.', None)).services assert service_dict[0]['build'] == {'context': valid_url} def test_invalid_url_in_build_path(self): invalid_urls = [ 'example.com/bogus', 'ftp://example.com/', '/path/does/not/exist', ] for invalid_url in invalid_urls: with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: config.load(build_config_details({ 'invalidurl': {'build': invalid_url}, }, '.', None)) assert 'build path' in exc.exconly() class HealthcheckTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_healthcheck(self): service_dict = make_service_dict( 'test', {'healthcheck': { 'test': ['CMD', 'true'], 'interval': '1s', 'timeout': '1m', 'retries': 3, }}, '.', ) assert service_dict['healthcheck'] == { 'test': ['CMD', 'true'], 'interval': nanoseconds_from_time_seconds(1), 'timeout': nanoseconds_from_time_seconds(60), 'retries': 3, } def test_disable(self): service_dict = make_service_dict( 'test', {'healthcheck': { 'disable': True, }}, '.', ) assert service_dict['healthcheck'] == { 'test': ['NONE'], } def test_disable_with_other_config_is_invalid(self): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as excinfo: make_service_dict( 'invalid-healthcheck', {'healthcheck': { 'disable': True, 'interval': '1s', }}, '.', ) assert 'invalid-healthcheck' in excinfo.exconly() assert 'disable' in excinfo.exconly() class GetDefaultConfigFilesTestCase(unittest.TestCase): files = [ 'docker-compose.yml', 'docker-compose.yaml', ] def test_get_config_path_default_file_in_basedir(self): for index, filename in enumerate(self.files): self.assertEqual( filename, get_config_filename_for_files(self.files[index:])) with self.assertRaises(config.ComposeFileNotFound): get_config_filename_for_files([]) def test_get_config_path_default_file_in_parent_dir(self): """Test with files placed in the subdir""" def get_config_in_subdir(files): return get_config_filename_for_files(files, subdir=True) for index, filename in enumerate(self.files): self.assertEqual(filename, get_config_in_subdir(self.files[index:])) with self.assertRaises(config.ComposeFileNotFound): get_config_in_subdir([]) def get_config_filename_for_files(filenames, subdir=None): def make_files(dirname, filenames): for fname in filenames: with open(os.path.join(dirname, fname), 'w') as f: f.write('') project_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: make_files(project_dir, filenames) if subdir: base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=project_dir) else: base_dir = project_dir filename, = config.get_default_config_files(base_dir) return os.path.basename(filename) finally: shutil.rmtree(project_dir) class SerializeTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_denormalize_depends_on_v3(self): service_dict = { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': 'true', 'depends_on': { 'service2': {'condition': 'service_started'}, 'service3': {'condition': 'service_started'}, } } assert denormalize_service_dict(service_dict, V3_0) == { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': 'true', 'depends_on': ['service2', 'service3'] } def test_denormalize_depends_on_v2_1(self): service_dict = { 'image': 'busybox', 'command': 'true', 'depends_on': { 'service2': {'condition': 'service_started'}, 'service3': {'condition': 'service_started'}, } } assert denormalize_service_dict(service_dict, V2_1) == service_dict def test_serialize_time(self): data = { 9: '9ns', 9000: '9us', 9000000: '9ms', 90000000: '90ms', 900000000: '900ms', 999999999: '999999999ns', 1000000000: '1s', 60000000000: '1m', 60000000001: '60000000001ns', 9000000000000: '150m', 90000000000000: '25h', } for k, v in data.items(): assert serialize_ns_time_value(k) == v def test_denormalize_healthcheck(self): service_dict = { 'image': 'test', 'healthcheck': { 'test': 'exit 1', 'interval': '1m40s', 'timeout': '30s', 'retries': 5 } } processed_service = config.process_service(config.ServiceConfig( '.', 'test', 'test', service_dict )) denormalized_service = denormalize_service_dict(processed_service, V2_1) assert denormalized_service['healthcheck']['interval'] == '100s' assert denormalized_service['healthcheck']['timeout'] == '30s' def test_denormalize_image_has_digest(self): service_dict = { 'image': 'busybox' } image_digest = 'busybox@sha256:abcde' assert denormalize_service_dict(service_dict, V3_0, image_digest) == { 'image': 'busybox@sha256:abcde' } def test_denormalize_image_no_digest(self): service_dict = { 'image': 'busybox' } assert denormalize_service_dict(service_dict, V3_0) == { 'image': 'busybox' } def test_serialize_secrets(self): service_dict = { 'image': 'example/web', 'secrets': [ {'source': 'one'}, { 'source': 'source', 'target': 'target', 'uid': '100', 'gid': '200', 'mode': 0o777, } ] } secrets_dict = { 'one': {'file': '/one.txt'}, 'source': {'file': '/source.pem'}, 'two': {'external': True}, } config_dict = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '3.1', 'services': {'web': service_dict}, 'secrets': secrets_dict })) serialized_config = yaml.load(serialize_config(config_dict)) serialized_service = serialized_config['services']['web'] assert secret_sort(serialized_service['secrets']) == secret_sort(service_dict['secrets']) assert 'secrets' in serialized_config assert serialized_config['secrets']['two'] == secrets_dict['two'] def test_serialize_ports(self): config_dict = config.Config(version='2.0', services=[ { 'ports': [types.ServicePort('80', '8080', None, None, None)], 'image': 'alpine', 'name': 'web' } ], volumes={}, networks={}, secrets={}, configs={}) serialized_config = yaml.load(serialize_config(config_dict)) assert '8080:80/tcp' in serialized_config['services']['web']['ports'] def test_serialize_configs(self): service_dict = { 'image': 'example/web', 'configs': [ {'source': 'one'}, { 'source': 'source', 'target': 'target', 'uid': '100', 'gid': '200', 'mode': 0o777, } ] } configs_dict = { 'one': {'file': '/one.txt'}, 'source': {'file': '/source.pem'}, 'two': {'external': True}, } config_dict = config.load(build_config_details({ 'version': '3.3', 'services': {'web': service_dict}, 'configs': configs_dict })) serialized_config = yaml.load(serialize_config(config_dict)) serialized_service = serialized_config['services']['web'] assert secret_sort(serialized_service['configs']) == secret_sort(service_dict['configs']) assert 'configs' in serialized_config assert serialized_config['configs']['two'] == configs_dict['two'] def test_serialize_bool_string(self): cfg = { 'version': '2.2', 'services': { 'web': { 'image': 'example/web', 'command': 'true', 'environment': {'FOO': 'Y', 'BAR': 'on'} } } } config_dict = config.load(build_config_details(cfg)) serialized_config = serialize_config(config_dict) assert 'command: "true"\n' in serialized_config assert 'FOO: "Y"\n' in serialized_config assert 'BAR: "on"\n' in serialized_config