# Extending services and Compose files Compose supports two methods of sharing common configuration: 1. Extending an entire Compose file by [using multiple Compose files](#multiple-compose-files) 2. Extending individual services with [the `extends` field](#extending-services) ## Multiple Compose files Using multiple Compose files enables you to customize a Compose application for different environments or different workflows. ### Understanding multiple Compose files By default, Compose reads two files, a `docker-compose.yml` and an optional `docker-compose.override.yml` file. By convention, the `docker-compose.yml` contains your base configuration. The override file, as its name implies, can contain configuration overrides for existing services or entirely new services. If a service is defined in both files, Compose merges the configurations using the same rules as the `extends` field (see [Adding and overriding configuration](#adding-and-overriding-configuration)), with one exception. If a service contains `links` or `volumes_from` those fields are copied over and replace any values in the original service, in the same way single-valued fields are copied. To use multiple override files, or an override file with a different name, you can use the `-f` option to specify the list of files. Compose merges files in the order they're specified on the command line. See the [`docker-compose` command reference](./reference/docker-compose.md) for more information about using `-f`. When you use multiple configuration files, you must make sure all paths in the files are relative to the base Compose file (the first Compose file specified with `-f`). This is required because override files need not be valid Compose files. Override files can contain small fragments of configuration. Tracking which fragment of a service is relative to which path is difficult and confusing, so to keep paths easier to understand, all paths must be defined relative to the base file. ### Example use case In this section are two common use cases for multiple compose files: changing a Compose app for different environments, and running administrative tasks against a Compose app. #### Different environments A common use case for multiple files is changing a development Compose app for a production-like environment (which may be production, staging or CI). To support these differences, you can split your Compose configuration into a few different files: Start with a base file that defines the canonical configuration for the services. **docker-compose.yml** web: image: example/my_web_app:latest links: - db - cache db: image: postgres:latest cache: image: redis:latest In this example the development configuration exposes some ports to the host, mounts our code as a volume, and builds the web image. **docker-compose.override.yml** web: build: . volumes: - '.:/code' ports: - 8883:80 environment: DEBUG: 'true' db: command: '-d' ports: - 5432:5432 cache: ports: - 6379:6379 When you run `docker-compose up` it reads the overrides automatically. Now, it would be nice to use this Compose app in a production environment. So, create another override file (which might be stored in a different git repo or managed by a different team). **docker-compose.prod.yml** web: ports: - 80:80 environment: PRODUCTION: 'true' cache: environment: TTL: '500' To deploy with this production Compose file you can run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d This deploys all three services using the configuration in `docker-compose.yml` and `docker-compose.prod.yml` (but not the dev configuration in `docker-compose.override.yml`). See [production](production.md) for more information about Compose in production. #### Administrative tasks Another common use case is running adhoc or administrative tasks against one or more services in a Compose app. This example demonstrates running a database backup. Start with a **docker-compose.yml**. web: image: example/my_web_app:latest links: - db db: image: postgres:latest In a **docker-compose.admin.yml** add a new service to run the database export or backup. dbadmin: build: database_admin/ links: - db To start a normal environment run `docker-compose up -d`. To run a database backup, include the `docker-compose.admin.yml` as well. docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.admin.yml \ run dbadmin db-backup ## Extending services Docker Compose's `extends` keyword enables sharing of common configurations among different files, or even different projects entirely. Extending services is useful if you have several services that reuse a common set of configuration options. Using `extends` you can define a common set of service options in one place and refer to it from anywhere. > **Note:** `links` and `volumes_from` are never shared between services using > `extends`. See > [Adding and overriding configuration](#adding-and-overriding-configuration) > for more information. ### Understand the extends configuration When defining any service in `docker-compose.yml`, you can declare that you are extending another service like this: web: extends: file: common-services.yml service: webapp This instructs Compose to re-use the configuration for the `webapp` service defined in the `common-services.yml` file. Suppose that `common-services.yml` looks like this: webapp: build: . ports: - "8000:8000" volumes: - "/data" In this case, you'll get exactly the same result as if you wrote `docker-compose.yml` with the same `build`, `ports` and `volumes` configuration values defined directly under `web`. You can go further and define (or re-define) configuration locally in `docker-compose.yml`: web: extends: file: common-services.yml service: webapp environment: - DEBUG=1 cpu_shares: 5 important_web: extends: web cpu_shares: 10 You can also write other services and link your `web` service to them: web: extends: file: common-services.yml service: webapp environment: - DEBUG=1 cpu_shares: 5 links: - db db: image: postgres ### Example use case Extending an individual service is useful when you have multiple services that have a common configuration. The example below is a Compose app with two services: a web application and a queue worker. Both services use the same codebase and share many configuration options. In a **common.yml** we define the common configuration: app: build: . environment: CONFIG_FILE_PATH: /code/config API_KEY: xxxyyy cpu_shares: 5 In a **docker-compose.yml** we define the concrete services which use the common configuration: webapp: extends: file: common.yml service: app command: /code/run_web_app ports: - 8080:8080 links: - queue - db queue_worker: extends: file: common.yml service: app command: /code/run_worker links: - queue ## Adding and overriding configuration Compose copies configurations from the original service over to the local one, **except** for `links` and `volumes_from`. These exceptions exist to avoid implicit dependencies—you always define `links` and `volumes_from` locally. This ensures dependencies between services are clearly visible when reading the current file. Defining these locally also ensures changes to the referenced file don't result in breakage. If a configuration option is defined in both the original service the local service, the local value *replaces* or *extends* the original value. For single-value options like `image`, `command` or `mem_limit`, the new value replaces the old value. # original service command: python app.py # local service command: python otherapp.py # result command: python otherapp.py In the case of `build` and `image`, using one in the local service causes Compose to discard the other, if it was defined in the original service. Example of image replacing build: # original service build: . # local service image: redis # result image: redis Example of build replacing image: # original service image: redis # local service build: . # result build: . For the **multi-value options** `ports`, `expose`, `external_links`, `dns` and `dns_search`, Compose concatenates both sets of values: # original service expose: - "3000" # local service expose: - "4000" - "5000" # result expose: - "3000" - "4000" - "5000" In the case of `environment`, `labels`, `volumes` and `devices`, Compose "merges" entries together with locally-defined values taking precedence: # original service environment: - FOO=original - BAR=original # local service environment: - BAR=local - BAZ=local # result environment: - FOO=original - BAR=local - BAZ=local ## Compose documentation - [User guide](/) - [Installing Compose](install.md) - [Getting Started](gettingstarted.md) - [Get started with Django](django.md) - [Get started with Rails](rails.md) - [Get started with WordPress](wordpress.md) - [Command line reference](./reference/index.md) - [Compose file reference](compose-file.md)