#!/bin/bash # # Create the official release # . "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils.sh" function usage() { >&2 cat << EOM Publish a release by building all artifacts and pushing them. This script requires that 'git config branch.${BRANCH}.release' is set to the release version for the release branch. EOM exit 1 } BRANCH="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" VERSION="$(git config "branch.${BRANCH}.release")" || usage if [ -z "$(command -v jq 2> /dev/null)" ]; then >&2 echo "$0 requires https://stedolan.github.io/jq/" >&2 echo "Please install it and make sure it is available on your \$PATH." exit 2 fi if [ -z "$(command -v pandoc 2> /dev/null)" ]; then >&2 echo "$0 requires http://pandoc.org/" >&2 echo "Please install it and make sure it is available on your \$PATH." exit 2 fi API=https://api.github.com/repos REPO=docker/compose GITHUB_REPO=git@github.com:$REPO # Check the build status is green sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD) url=$API/$REPO/statuses/$sha build_status=$(curl -s $url | jq -r '.[0].state') if [ -n "$SKIP_BUILD_CHECK" ]; then echo "Skipping build status check..." elif [[ "$build_status" != "success" ]]; then >&2 echo "Build status is $build_status, but it should be success." exit -1 fi echo "Tagging the release as $VERSION" git tag $VERSION git push $GITHUB_REPO $VERSION echo "Uploading the docker image" docker push docker/compose:$VERSION echo "Uploading sdist to pypi" pandoc -f markdown -t rst README.md -o README.rst sed -i -e 's/logo.png?raw=true/https:\/\/github.com\/docker\/compose\/raw\/master\/logo.png?raw=true/' README.rst python setup.py sdist if [ "$(command -v twine 2> /dev/null)" ]; then twine upload ./dist/docker-compose-${VERSION}.tar.gz else python setup.py upload fi echo "Testing pip package" virtualenv venv-test source venv-test/bin/activate pip install docker-compose==$VERSION docker-compose version deactivate rm -rf venv-test echo "Now publish the github release, and test the downloads." echo "Email maintainers@dockerproject.org and engineering@docker.com about the new release."