#!/bin/bash set -e set -x ## Usage : ## changelog PREVIOUS_TAG..HEAD # configure refs so we get pull-requests metadata git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pull/* git fetch origin RANGE=${1:-"$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD^)..HEAD"} echo "Generate changelog for range ${RANGE}" echo pullrequests() { for commit in $(git log ${RANGE} --format='format:%H'); do # Get the oldest remotes/origin/pull/* branch to include this commit, i.e. the one to introduce it git branch -a --sort=committerdate --contains $commit --list 'origin/pull/*' | head -1 | cut -d'/' -f4 done } changes=$(pullrequests | uniq) echo "pull requests merged within range:" echo $changes echo '#Features' > FEATURES.md echo '#Bugs' > BUGS.md for pr in $changes; do curl -fs -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/pulls/${pr} -o PR.json cat PR.json | jq -r ' select( .labels[].name | contains("kind/feature") ) | "- "+.title' >> FEATURES.md cat PR.json | jq -r ' select( .labels[].name | contains("kind/bug") ) | "- "+.title' >> BUGS.md done echo ${TAG_NAME} > CHANGELOG.md echo >> CHANGELOG.md cat FEATURES.md >> CHANGELOG.md echo >> CHANGELOG.md cat BUGS.md >> CHANGELOG.md