   Copyright 2020 Docker Compose CLI authors

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

package api

import (


// Service manages a compose project
type Service interface {
	// Build executes the equivalent to a `compose build`
	Build(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, options BuildOptions) error
	// Push executes the equivalent to a `compose push`
	Push(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, options PushOptions) error
	// Pull executes the equivalent of a `compose pull`
	Pull(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, options PullOptions) error
	// Create executes the equivalent to a `compose create`
	Create(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, options CreateOptions) error
	// Start executes the equivalent to a `compose start`
	Start(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options StartOptions) error
	// Restart restarts containers
	Restart(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options RestartOptions) error
	// Stop executes the equivalent to a `compose stop`
	Stop(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options StopOptions) error
	// Up executes the equivalent to a `compose up`
	Up(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, options UpOptions) error
	// Down executes the equivalent to a `compose down`
	Down(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options DownOptions) error
	// Logs executes the equivalent to a `compose logs`
	Logs(ctx context.Context, projectName string, consumer LogConsumer, options LogOptions) error
	// Ps executes the equivalent to a `compose ps`
	Ps(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options PsOptions) ([]ContainerSummary, error)
	// List executes the equivalent to a `docker stack ls`
	List(ctx context.Context, options ListOptions) ([]Stack, error)
	// Kill executes the equivalent to a `compose kill`
	Kill(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options KillOptions) error
	// RunOneOffContainer creates a service oneoff container and starts its dependencies
	RunOneOffContainer(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, opts RunOptions) (int, error)
	// Remove executes the equivalent to a `compose rm`
	Remove(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options RemoveOptions) error
	// Exec executes a command in a running service container
	Exec(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options RunOptions) (int, error)
	// Attach STDIN,STDOUT,STDERR to a running service container
	Attach(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options AttachOptions) error
	// Copy copies a file/folder between a service container and the local filesystem
	Copy(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options CopyOptions) error
	// Pause executes the equivalent to a `compose pause`
	Pause(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options PauseOptions) error
	// UnPause executes the equivalent to a `compose unpause`
	UnPause(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options PauseOptions) error
	// Top executes the equivalent to a `compose top`
	Top(ctx context.Context, projectName string, services []string) ([]ContainerProcSummary, error)
	// Events executes the equivalent to a `compose events`
	Events(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options EventsOptions) error
	// Port executes the equivalent to a `compose port`
	Port(ctx context.Context, projectName string, service string, port uint16, options PortOptions) (string, int, error)
	// Publish executes the equivalent to a `compose publish`
	Publish(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, repository string, options PublishOptions) error
	// Images executes the equivalent of a `compose images`
	Images(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options ImagesOptions) ([]ImageSummary, error)
	// MaxConcurrency defines upper limit for concurrent operations against engine API
	MaxConcurrency(parallel int)
	// DryRunMode defines if dry run applies to the command
	DryRunMode(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) (context.Context, error)
	// Watch services' development context and sync/notify/rebuild/restart on changes
	Watch(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, services []string, options WatchOptions) error
	// Viz generates a graphviz graph of the project services
	Viz(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, options VizOptions) (string, error)
	// Wait blocks until at least one of the services' container exits
	Wait(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options WaitOptions) (int64, error)
	// Scale manages numbers of container instances running per service
	Scale(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project, options ScaleOptions) error
	// Export a service container's filesystem as a tar archive
	Export(ctx context.Context, projectName string, options ExportOptions) error
	// Generate generates a Compose Project from existing containers
	Generate(ctx context.Context, options GenerateOptions) (*types.Project, error)

type ScaleOptions struct {
	Services []string

type WaitOptions struct {
	// Services passed in the command line to be waited
	Services []string
	// Executes a down when a container exits
	DownProjectOnContainerExit bool

type VizOptions struct {
	// IncludeNetworks if true, network names a container is attached to should appear in the graph node
	IncludeNetworks bool
	// IncludePorts if true, ports a container exposes should appear in the graph node
	IncludePorts bool
	// IncludeImageName if true, name of the image used to create a container should appear in the graph node
	IncludeImageName bool
	// Indentation string to be used to indent graphviz code, e.g. "\t", "    "
	Indentation string

// WatchLogger is a reserved name to log watch events
const WatchLogger = "#watch"

// WatchOptions group options of the Watch API
type WatchOptions struct {
	Build *BuildOptions
	LogTo LogConsumer
	Prune bool

// BuildOptions group options of the Build API
type BuildOptions struct {
	// Pull always attempt to pull a newer version of the image
	Pull bool
	// Push pushes service images
	Push bool
	// Progress set type of progress output ("auto", "plain", "tty")
	Progress string
	// Args set build-time args
	Args types.MappingWithEquals
	// NoCache disables cache use
	NoCache bool
	// Quiet make the build process not output to the console
	Quiet bool
	// Services passed in the command line to be built
	Services []string
	// Deps also build selected services dependencies
	Deps bool
	// Ssh authentications passed in the command line
	SSHs []types.SSHKey
	// Memory limit for the build container
	Memory int64
	// Builder name passed in the command line
	Builder string

// Apply mutates project according to build options
func (o BuildOptions) Apply(project *types.Project) error {
	platform := project.Environment["DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM"]
	for name, service := range project.Services {
		if service.Image == "" && service.Build == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid service %q. Must specify either image or build", name)

		if service.Build == nil {
		if platform != "" {
			if len(service.Build.Platforms) > 0 && !utils.StringContains(service.Build.Platforms, platform) {
				return fmt.Errorf("service %q build.platforms does not support value set by DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM: %s", name, platform)
			service.Platform = platform
		if service.Platform != "" {
			if len(service.Build.Platforms) > 0 && !utils.StringContains(service.Build.Platforms, service.Platform) {
				return fmt.Errorf("service %q build configuration does not support platform: %s", name, service.Platform)

		service.Build.Pull = service.Build.Pull || o.Pull
		service.Build.NoCache = service.Build.NoCache || o.NoCache

		project.Services[name] = service
	return nil

// CreateOptions group options of the Create API
type CreateOptions struct {
	Build *BuildOptions
	// Services defines the services user interacts with
	Services []string
	// Remove legacy containers for services that are not defined in the project
	RemoveOrphans bool
	// Ignore legacy containers for services that are not defined in the project
	IgnoreOrphans bool
	// Recreate define the strategy to apply on existing containers
	Recreate string
	// RecreateDependencies define the strategy to apply on dependencies services
	RecreateDependencies string
	// Inherit reuse anonymous volumes from previous container
	Inherit bool
	// Timeout set delay to wait for container to gracefully stop before sending SIGKILL
	Timeout *time.Duration
	// QuietPull makes the pulling process quiet
	QuietPull bool

// StartOptions group options of the Start API
type StartOptions struct {
	// Project is the compose project used to define this app. Might be nil if user ran command just with project name
	Project *types.Project
	// Attach to container and forward logs if not nil
	Attach LogConsumer
	// AttachTo set the services to attach to
	AttachTo []string
	// OnExit defines behavior when a container stops
	OnExit Cascade
	// ExitCodeFrom return exit code from specified service
	ExitCodeFrom string
	// Wait won't return until containers reached the running|healthy state
	Wait        bool
	WaitTimeout time.Duration
	// Services passed in the command line to be started
	Services       []string
	Watch          bool
	NavigationMenu bool

type Cascade int

const (
	CascadeIgnore Cascade = iota
	CascadeStop   Cascade = iota
	CascadeFail   Cascade = iota

// RestartOptions group options of the Restart API
type RestartOptions struct {
	// Project is the compose project used to define this app. Might be nil if user ran command just with project name
	Project *types.Project
	// Timeout override container restart timeout
	Timeout *time.Duration
	// Services passed in the command line to be restarted
	Services []string
	// NoDeps ignores services dependencies
	NoDeps bool

// StopOptions group options of the Stop API
type StopOptions struct {
	// Project is the compose project used to define this app. Might be nil if user ran command just with project name
	Project *types.Project
	// Timeout override container stop timeout
	Timeout *time.Duration
	// Services passed in the command line to be stopped
	Services []string

// UpOptions group options of the Up API
type UpOptions struct {
	Create CreateOptions
	Start  StartOptions

// DownOptions group options of the Down API
type DownOptions struct {
	// RemoveOrphans will cleanup containers that are not declared on the compose model but own the same labels
	RemoveOrphans bool
	// Project is the compose project used to define this app. Might be nil if user ran `down` just with project name
	Project *types.Project
	// Timeout override container stop timeout
	Timeout *time.Duration
	// Images remove image used by services. 'all': Remove all images. 'local': Remove only images that don't have a tag
	Images string
	// Volumes remove volumes, both declared in the `volumes` section and anonymous ones
	Volumes bool
	// Services passed in the command line to be stopped
	Services []string

// ConfigOptions group options of the Config API
type ConfigOptions struct {
	// Format define the output format used to dump converted application model (json|yaml)
	Format string
	// Output defines the path to save the application model
	Output string
	// Resolve image reference to digests
	ResolveImageDigests bool

// PushOptions group options of the Push API
type PushOptions struct {
	Quiet          bool
	IgnoreFailures bool
	ImageMandatory bool

// PullOptions group options of the Pull API
type PullOptions struct {
	Quiet           bool
	IgnoreFailures  bool
	IgnoreBuildable bool

// ImagesOptions group options of the Images API
type ImagesOptions struct {
	Services []string

// KillOptions group options of the Kill API
type KillOptions struct {
	// RemoveOrphans will cleanup containers that are not declared on the compose model but own the same labels
	RemoveOrphans bool
	// Project is the compose project used to define this app. Might be nil if user ran command just with project name
	Project *types.Project
	// Services passed in the command line to be killed
	Services []string
	// Signal to send to containers
	Signal string
	// All can be set to true to try to kill all found containers, independently of their state
	All bool

// RemoveOptions group options of the Remove API
type RemoveOptions struct {
	// Project is the compose project used to define this app. Might be nil if user ran command just with project name
	Project *types.Project
	// Stop option passed in the command line
	Stop bool
	// Volumes remove anonymous volumes
	Volumes bool
	// Force don't ask to confirm removal
	Force bool
	// Services passed in the command line to be removed
	Services []string

// RunOptions group options of the Run API
type RunOptions struct {
	Build *BuildOptions
	// Project is the compose project used to define this app. Might be nil if user ran command just with project name
	Project           *types.Project
	Name              string
	Service           string
	Command           []string
	Entrypoint        []string
	Detach            bool
	AutoRemove        bool
	Tty               bool
	Interactive       bool
	WorkingDir        string
	User              string
	Environment       []string
	CapAdd            []string
	CapDrop           []string
	Labels            types.Labels
	Privileged        bool
	UseNetworkAliases bool
	NoDeps            bool
	// QuietPull makes the pulling process quiet
	QuietPull bool
	// used by exec
	Index int

// AttachOptions group options of the Attach API
type AttachOptions struct {
	Project    *types.Project
	Service    string
	Index      int
	DetachKeys string
	NoStdin    bool
	Proxy      bool

// EventsOptions group options of the Events API
type EventsOptions struct {
	Services []string
	Consumer func(event Event) error

// Event is a container runtime event served by Events API
type Event struct {
	Timestamp  time.Time
	Service    string
	Container  string
	Status     string
	Attributes map[string]string

// PortOptions group options of the Port API
type PortOptions struct {
	Protocol string
	Index    int

// OCIVersion controls manifest generation to ensure compatibility
// with different registries.
// Currently, this is not exposed as an option to the user – Compose uses
// OCI 1.0 mode automatically for ECR registries based on domain and OCI 1.1
// for all other registries.
// There are likely other popular registries that do not support the OCI 1.1
// format, so it might make sense to expose this as a CLI flag or see if
// there's a way to generically probe the registry for support level.
type OCIVersion string

const (
	OCIVersion1_0 OCIVersion = "1.0"
	OCIVersion1_1 OCIVersion = "1.1"

// PublishOptions group options of the Publish API
type PublishOptions struct {
	ResolveImageDigests bool

	OCIVersion OCIVersion

func (e Event) String() string {
	t := e.Timestamp.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000")
	var attr []string
	for k, v := range e.Attributes {
		attr = append(attr, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s container %s %s (%s)\n", t, e.Status, e.Container, strings.Join(attr, ", "))


// ListOptions group options of the ls API
type ListOptions struct {
	All bool

// PsOptions group options of the Ps API
type PsOptions struct {
	Project  *types.Project
	All      bool
	Services []string

// CopyOptions group options of the cp API
type CopyOptions struct {
	Source      string
	Destination string
	All         bool
	Index       int
	FollowLink  bool
	CopyUIDGID  bool

// PortPublisher hold status about published port
type PortPublisher struct {
	URL           string
	TargetPort    int
	PublishedPort int
	Protocol      string

// ContainerSummary hold high-level description of a container
type ContainerSummary struct {
	ID           string
	Name         string
	Names        []string
	Image        string
	Command      string
	Project      string
	Service      string
	Created      int64
	State        string
	Status       string
	Health       string
	ExitCode     int
	Publishers   PortPublishers
	Labels       map[string]string
	SizeRw       int64 `json:",omitempty"`
	SizeRootFs   int64 `json:",omitempty"`
	Mounts       []string
	Networks     []string
	LocalVolumes int

// PortPublishers is a slice of PortPublisher
type PortPublishers []PortPublisher

// Len implements sort.Interface
func (p PortPublishers) Len() int {
	return len(p)

// Less implements sort.Interface
func (p PortPublishers) Less(i, j int) bool {
	left := p[i]
	right := p[j]
	if left.URL != right.URL {
		return left.URL < right.URL
	if left.TargetPort != right.TargetPort {
		return left.TargetPort < right.TargetPort
	if left.PublishedPort != right.PublishedPort {
		return left.PublishedPort < right.PublishedPort
	return left.Protocol < right.Protocol

// Swap implements sort.Interface
func (p PortPublishers) Swap(i, j int) {
	p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]

// ContainerProcSummary holds container processes top data
type ContainerProcSummary struct {
	ID        string
	Name      string
	Processes [][]string
	Titles    []string

// ImageSummary holds container image description
type ImageSummary struct {
	ID            string
	ContainerName string
	Repository    string
	Tag           string
	Size          int64

// ServiceStatus hold status about a service
type ServiceStatus struct {
	ID         string
	Name       string
	Replicas   int
	Desired    int
	Ports      []string
	Publishers []PortPublisher

// LogOptions defines optional parameters for the `Log` API
type LogOptions struct {
	Project    *types.Project
	Index      int
	Services   []string
	Tail       string
	Since      string
	Until      string
	Follow     bool
	Timestamps bool

// PauseOptions group options of the Pause API
type PauseOptions struct {
	// Services passed in the command line to be started
	Services []string
	// Project is the compose project used to define this app. Might be nil if user ran command just with project name
	Project *types.Project

// ExportOptions group options of the Export API
type ExportOptions struct {
	Service string
	Index   int
	Output  string

type GenerateOptions struct {
	// ProjectName to set in the Compose file
	ProjectName string
	// Containers passed in the command line to be used as reference for service definition
	Containers []string

const (
	// STARTING indicates that stack is being deployed
	STARTING string = "Starting"
	// RUNNING indicates that stack is deployed and services are running
	RUNNING string = "Running"
	// UPDATING indicates that some stack resources are being recreated
	UPDATING string = "Updating"
	// REMOVING indicates that stack is being deleted
	REMOVING string = "Removing"
	// UNKNOWN indicates unknown stack state
	UNKNOWN string = "Unknown"
	// FAILED indicates that stack deployment failed
	FAILED string = "Failed"

const (
	// RecreateDiverged to recreate services which configuration diverges from compose model
	RecreateDiverged = "diverged"
	// RecreateForce to force service container being recreated
	RecreateForce = "force"
	// RecreateNever to never recreate existing service containers
	RecreateNever = "never"

// Stack holds the name and state of a compose application/stack
type Stack struct {
	ID          string
	Name        string
	Status      string
	ConfigFiles string
	Reason      string

// LogConsumer is a callback to process log messages from services
type LogConsumer interface {
	Log(containerName, message string)
	Err(containerName, message string)
	Status(container, msg string)
	Register(container string)

// ContainerEventListener is a callback to process ContainerEvent from services
type ContainerEventListener func(event ContainerEvent)

// ContainerEvent notify an event has been collected on source container implementing Service
type ContainerEvent struct {
	Type int
	// Container is the name of the container _without the project prefix_.
	// This is only suitable for display purposes within Compose, as it's
	// not guaranteed to be unique across services.
	Container string
	ID        string
	Service   string
	Line      string
	// ContainerEventExit only
	ExitCode   int
	Restarting bool

const (
	// ContainerEventLog is a ContainerEvent of type log on stdout. Line is set
	ContainerEventLog = iota
	// ContainerEventErr is a ContainerEvent of type log on stderr. Line is set
	// ContainerEventAttach is a ContainerEvent of type attach. First event sent about a container
	// ContainerEventStopped is a ContainerEvent of type stopped.
	// ContainerEventRecreated let consumer know container stopped but his being replaced
	// ContainerEventExit is a ContainerEvent of type exit. ExitCode is set
	// UserCancel user cancelled compose up, we are stopping containers
	// HookEventLog is a ContainerEvent of type log on stdout by service hook

// Separator is used for naming components
var Separator = "-"

// GetImageNameOrDefault computes the default image name for a service, used to tag built images
func GetImageNameOrDefault(service types.ServiceConfig, projectName string) string {
	imageName := service.Image
	if imageName == "" {
		imageName = projectName + Separator + service.Name
	return imageName