Feature: Stop Background: Given a compose file """ services: should_fail: image: alpine command: ls /does_not_exist sleep: # will be killed image: alpine command: ping localhost """ Scenario: Cascade stop When I run "compose up --abort-on-container-exit" Then the output contains "should_fail-1 exited with code 1" And the output contains "Aborting on container exit..." And the exit code is 1 Scenario: Exit code from When I run "compose up --exit-code-from sleep" Then the output contains "should_fail-1 exited with code 1" And the output contains "Aborting on container exit..." And the exit code is 137 Scenario: Exit code from unknown service When I run "compose up --exit-code-from unknown" Then the output contains "no such service: unknown" And the exit code is 1