Change log ========== 0.1.0 (2014-01-16) ------------------ - Containers are recreated on each `fig up`, ensuring config is up-to-date with `fig.yml` (#2) - Add `fig scale` command (#9) - Use DOCKER_HOST environment variable to find Docker daemon (#19) - Truncate long commands in `fig ps` (#18) - Fill out CLI help banners for commands (#15, #16) - Show a friendlier error when `fig.yml` is missing (#4) - Fix bug with `fig build` logging (#3) - Fix bug where builds would time out if a step took a long time without generating output (#6) - Fix bug where streaming container output over the Unix socket raised an error (#7) 0.0.2 (2014-01-02) ------------------ - Improve documentation - Try to connect to Docker on `tcp://localdocker:4243` and a UNIX socket in addition to `localhost`. - Improve `fig up` behaviour - Add confirmation prompt to `fig rm` - Add `fig build` command 0.0.1 (2013-12-20) ------------------ Initial release.