# Architecture ECS integration relies on CloudFormation to manage AWS resrouces as an atomic operation. This document describes the mapping between compose application model and AWS components ## Overview This diagram shows compose model and on same line AWS components that get created as equivalent resources ``` +----------+ +-------------+ +-------------------+ | Project | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | Cluster | . . . . . . . | LoadBalancer | +-+--------+ +-------------+ +-------------------+ | | +----------+ +-------------++-------------------+ +-------------------+ +----+ Service | . . . . . . . . . . | Service || TaskDefinition | | TargetGroup | | +--+-------+ +-------------++-------------------+-+ +-------------------+ | | | TaskRole | | | +-------------------+-+ | | x-aws-role, x-aws-policies . . . . . . . . | TaskExecutionRole | | | +-------------------+ | | +---------+ | +--+ Deploy | | | +---------+ +-------------------+ | | x-aws-autoscaling . . . . . . | ScalableTarget | | | +-------------------+---+ | | | ScalingPolicy | | | +-------------------+-+ | | | AutoScalingRole | | | +-------------------+ | | | | +---------+ +-------------+ +-------------------+ | +--+ Ports | . . . . . . . | IngressRule +-----+ | Listener | | | +---------+ +-------------+ | +-------------------+ | | | | | +---------+ +---------------+ +------------------+ | +--+ Secrets | . . . . . . . | InitContainer | |TaskExecutionRole | | | +---------+ +---------------+ +------------+-----+ | | | | | | +---------+ | | | +--+ Volumes | | | | | +---------+ | | | | | | | | +---------------+ | | +-------------------+ | +--+ DeviceRequest | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | . . . . | . . . | CapacityProvider | | +---------------+ | | +-------------------+--------+ | | | | AutoscalingGroup | | +------------+ +---------------+ | | +---------------------+ +---+ Networks | . . . . . . . . . | SecurityGroup +---+ | | LaunchConfiguration | | +------------+ +---------------+ | +---------------------+ | | | +------------+ +---------------+ | +---+ Secret | . . . . . . . . . | Secret +--------------+ +------------+ +---------------+ ``` Each compose application service is mapped to an ECS `Service`. A `TaksDefinition` is created according to compose definition. Actual mapping is constrained by both Cloud platform and Fargate limitations. Such a `TaskDefinition` is set with a single container, according to the compose model which doesn't offer a syntax to support sidecar containers. An IAM Role is created and configured as `TaskRole` to grant service access to additional AWS resources when required. For this purpose, user can set `x-aws-policies` or define a fine grained `x-aws-role` IAM role document. Service's ports get mapped into security group's `IngressRule`s and load balancer `Listener`s. Compose application whith HTTP services only (using ports 80/443 or `x-aws-protocol` set to `http`) get an Application Load Balancer created, otherwise a Network Load Balancer is used. A `TargetGroup` is created per service to dispatch traffic by load balancer to the matching containers Secrets bound to a service get translated into an `InitContainer` added to the service's `TaskDefinition`. This init container is responsible to create a `/run/secrets` file for secret to match docker secret model and make application code portable. A `TaskExecutionRole` is also created per service, and is updated to grant access to bound secrets. Services using a GPU (`DeviceRequest`) get the `Cluster` extended with an EC2 `CapacityProvider`, using an `AutoscalingGroup` to manage EC2 resources allocation based on a `LaunchConfiguration`. The latter uses ECS recommended AMI and machine type for GPU. Service to declare `deploy.x-aws-autoscaling` get a `ScalingPolicy` created targeting specified the configured CPU usage metric