package ecs import ( "fmt" "" "io/ioutil" "regexp" "strings" ecsapi "" "" cloudmapapi "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" cloudmap "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( ParameterClusterName = "ParameterClusterName" ParameterVPCId = "ParameterVPCId" ParameterSubnet1Id = "ParameterSubnet1Id" ParameterSubnet2Id = "ParameterSubnet2Id" ParameterLoadBalancerARN = "ParameterLoadBalancerARN" ) // Convert a compose project into a CloudFormation template func (b ecsAPIService) Convert(project *types.Project) (*cloudformation.Template, error) { var checker compatibility.Checker = &FargateCompatibilityChecker{ compatibility.AllowList{ Supported: compatibleComposeAttributes, }, } compatibility.Check(project, checker) for _, err := range checker.Errors() { if errdefs.IsIncompatibleError(err) { logrus.Error(err.Error()) } else { logrus.Warn(err.Error()) } } if !compatibility.IsCompatible(checker) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("compose file is incompatible with Amazon ECS") } template := cloudformation.NewTemplate() template.Description = "CloudFormation template created by Docker for deploying applications on Amazon ECS" template.Parameters[ParameterClusterName] = cloudformation.Parameter{ Type: "String", Description: "Name of the ECS cluster to deploy to (optional)", } template.Parameters[ParameterVPCId] = cloudformation.Parameter{ Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id", Description: "ID of the VPC", } /* FIXME can't set subnets: Ref("SubnetIds") see template.Parameters["SubnetIds"] = cloudformation.Parameter{ Type: "List", Description: "The list of SubnetIds, for at least two Availability Zones in the region in your VPC", } */ template.Parameters[ParameterSubnet1Id] = cloudformation.Parameter{ Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id", Description: "SubnetId, for Availability Zone 1 in the region in your VPC", } template.Parameters[ParameterSubnet2Id] = cloudformation.Parameter{ Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id", Description: "SubnetId, for Availability Zone 2 in the region in your VPC", } template.Parameters[ParameterLoadBalancerARN] = cloudformation.Parameter{ Type: "String", Description: "Name of the LoadBalancer to connect to (optional)", } // Create Cluster is `ParameterClusterName` parameter is not set template.Conditions["CreateCluster"] = cloudformation.Equals("", cloudformation.Ref(ParameterClusterName)) cluster := createCluster(project, template) networks := map[string]string{} for _, net := range project.Networks { networks[net.Name] = convertNetwork(project, net, cloudformation.Ref(ParameterVPCId), template) } for i, s := range project.Secrets { if s.External.External { continue } secret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.File) if err != nil { return nil, err } name := fmt.Sprintf("%sSecret", normalizeResourceName(s.Name)) template.Resources[name] = &secretsmanager.Secret{ Description: "", SecretString: string(secret), Tags: []tags.Tag{ { Key: compose.ProjectTag, Value: project.Name, }, }, } s.Name = cloudformation.Ref(name) project.Secrets[i] = s } createLogGroup(project, template) // Private DNS namespace will allow DNS name for the services to be ..local createCloudMap(project, template) loadBalancerARN := createLoadBalancer(project, template) for _, service := range project.Services { definition, err := Convert(project, service) if err != nil { return nil, err } taskExecutionRole, err := createTaskExecutionRole(service, err, definition, template) if err != nil { return template, err } definition.ExecutionRoleArn = cloudformation.Ref(taskExecutionRole) taskDefinition := fmt.Sprintf("%sTaskDefinition", normalizeResourceName(service.Name)) template.Resources[taskDefinition] = definition var healthCheck *cloudmap.Service_HealthCheckConfig if service.HealthCheck != nil && !service.HealthCheck.Disable { // FIXME ECS only support HTTP(s) health checks, while Docker only support CMD } serviceRegistry := createServiceRegistry(service, template, healthCheck) serviceSecurityGroups := []string{} for net := range service.Networks { serviceSecurityGroups = append(serviceSecurityGroups, networks[net]) } dependsOn := []string{} serviceLB := []ecs.Service_LoadBalancer{} if len(service.Ports) > 0 { for _, port := range service.Ports { protocol := strings.ToUpper(port.Protocol) if getLoadBalancerType(project) == elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumApplication { protocol = elbv2.ProtocolEnumHttps if port.Published == 80 { protocol = elbv2.ProtocolEnumHttp } } if loadBalancerARN != "" { targetGroupName := createTargetGroup(project, service, port, template, protocol) listenerName := createListener(service, port, template, targetGroupName, loadBalancerARN, protocol) dependsOn = append(dependsOn, listenerName) serviceLB = append(serviceLB, ecs.Service_LoadBalancer{ ContainerName: service.Name, ContainerPort: int(port.Target), TargetGroupArn: cloudformation.Ref(targetGroupName), }) } } } desiredCount := 1 if service.Deploy != nil && service.Deploy.Replicas != nil { desiredCount = int(*service.Deploy.Replicas) } for _, dependency := range service.DependsOn { dependsOn = append(dependsOn, serviceResourceName(dependency)) } minPercent, maxPercent, err := computeRollingUpdateLimits(service) if err != nil { return nil, err } template.Resources[serviceResourceName(service.Name)] = &ecs.Service{ AWSCloudFormationDependsOn: dependsOn, Cluster: cluster, DesiredCount: desiredCount, DeploymentController: &ecs.Service_DeploymentController{ Type: ecsapi.DeploymentControllerTypeEcs, }, DeploymentConfiguration: &ecs.Service_DeploymentConfiguration{ MaximumPercent: maxPercent, MinimumHealthyPercent: minPercent, }, LaunchType: ecsapi.LaunchTypeFargate, LoadBalancers: serviceLB, NetworkConfiguration: &ecs.Service_NetworkConfiguration{ AwsvpcConfiguration: &ecs.Service_AwsVpcConfiguration{ AssignPublicIp: ecsapi.AssignPublicIpEnabled, SecurityGroups: serviceSecurityGroups, Subnets: []string{ cloudformation.Ref(ParameterSubnet1Id), cloudformation.Ref(ParameterSubnet2Id), }, }, }, PropagateTags: ecsapi.PropagateTagsService, SchedulingStrategy: ecsapi.SchedulingStrategyReplica, ServiceRegistries: []ecs.Service_ServiceRegistry{serviceRegistry}, Tags: []tags.Tag{ { Key: compose.ProjectTag, Value: project.Name, }, { Key: compose.ServiceTag, Value: service.Name, }, }, TaskDefinition: cloudformation.Ref(normalizeResourceName(taskDefinition)), } } return template, nil } func createLogGroup(project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) { retention := 0 if v, ok := project.Extensions[ExtensionRetention]; ok { retention = v.(int) } logGroup := fmt.Sprintf("/docker-compose/%s", project.Name) template.Resources["LogGroup"] = &logs.LogGroup{ LogGroupName: logGroup, RetentionInDays: retention, } } func computeRollingUpdateLimits(service types.ServiceConfig) (int, int, error) { maxPercent := 200 minPercent := 100 if service.Deploy == nil || service.Deploy.UpdateConfig == nil { return minPercent, maxPercent, nil } updateConfig := service.Deploy.UpdateConfig min, okMin := updateConfig.Extensions[ExtensionMinPercent] if okMin { minPercent = min.(int) } max, okMax := updateConfig.Extensions[ExtensionMaxPercent] if okMax { maxPercent = max.(int) } if okMin && okMax { return minPercent, maxPercent, nil } if updateConfig.Parallelism != nil { parallelism := int(*updateConfig.Parallelism) if service.Deploy.Replicas == nil { return minPercent, maxPercent, fmt.Errorf("rolling update configuration require deploy.replicas to be set") } replicas := int(*service.Deploy.Replicas) if replicas < parallelism { return minPercent, maxPercent, fmt.Errorf("deploy.replicas (%d) must be greater than deploy.update_config.parallelism (%d)", replicas, parallelism) } if !okMin { minPercent = (replicas - parallelism) * 100 / replicas } if !okMax { maxPercent = (replicas + parallelism) * 100 / replicas } } return minPercent, maxPercent, nil } func getLoadBalancerType(project *types.Project) string { for _, service := range project.Services { for _, port := range service.Ports { if port.Published != 80 && port.Published != 443 { return elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumNetwork } } } return elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumApplication } func getLoadBalancerSecurityGroups(project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) []string { securityGroups := []string{} for _, network := range project.Networks { if !network.Internal { net := convertNetwork(project, network, cloudformation.Ref(ParameterVPCId), template) securityGroups = append(securityGroups, net) } } return uniqueStrings(securityGroups) } func createLoadBalancer(project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) string { ports := 0 for _, service := range project.Services { ports += len(service.Ports) } if ports == 0 { // Project do not expose any port (batch jobs?) // So no need to create a LoadBalancer return "" } // load balancer names are limited to 32 characters total loadBalancerName := fmt.Sprintf("%.32s", fmt.Sprintf("%sLoadBalancer", strings.Title(project.Name))) // Create LoadBalancer if `ParameterLoadBalancerName` is not set template.Conditions["CreateLoadBalancer"] = cloudformation.Equals("", cloudformation.Ref(ParameterLoadBalancerARN)) loadBalancerType := getLoadBalancerType(project) securityGroups := []string{} if loadBalancerType == elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumApplication { securityGroups = getLoadBalancerSecurityGroups(project, template) } template.Resources[loadBalancerName] = &elasticloadbalancingv2.LoadBalancer{ Name: loadBalancerName, Scheme: elbv2.LoadBalancerSchemeEnumInternetFacing, SecurityGroups: securityGroups, Subnets: []string{ cloudformation.Ref(ParameterSubnet1Id), cloudformation.Ref(ParameterSubnet2Id), }, Tags: []tags.Tag{ { Key: compose.ProjectTag, Value: project.Name, }, }, Type: loadBalancerType, AWSCloudFormationCondition: "CreateLoadBalancer", } return cloudformation.If("CreateLoadBalancer", cloudformation.Ref(loadBalancerName), cloudformation.Ref(ParameterLoadBalancerARN)) } func createListener(service types.ServiceConfig, port types.ServicePortConfig, template *cloudformation.Template, targetGroupName string, loadBalancerARN string, protocol string) string { listenerName := fmt.Sprintf( "%s%s%dListener", normalizeResourceName(service.Name), strings.ToUpper(port.Protocol), port.Target, ) //add listener to dependsOn // template.Resources[listenerName] = &elasticloadbalancingv2.Listener{ DefaultActions: []elasticloadbalancingv2.Listener_Action{ { ForwardConfig: &elasticloadbalancingv2.Listener_ForwardConfig{ TargetGroups: []elasticloadbalancingv2.Listener_TargetGroupTuple{ { TargetGroupArn: cloudformation.Ref(targetGroupName), }, }, }, Type: elbv2.ActionTypeEnumForward, }, }, LoadBalancerArn: loadBalancerARN, Protocol: protocol, Port: int(port.Target), } return listenerName } func createTargetGroup(project *types.Project, service types.ServiceConfig, port types.ServicePortConfig, template *cloudformation.Template, protocol string) string { targetGroupName := fmt.Sprintf( "%s%s%dTargetGroup", normalizeResourceName(service.Name), strings.ToUpper(port.Protocol), port.Published, ) template.Resources[targetGroupName] = &elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetGroup{ Port: int(port.Target), Protocol: protocol, Tags: []tags.Tag{ { Key: compose.ProjectTag, Value: project.Name, }, }, VpcId: cloudformation.Ref(ParameterVPCId), TargetType: elbv2.TargetTypeEnumIp, } return targetGroupName } func createServiceRegistry(service types.ServiceConfig, template *cloudformation.Template, healthCheck *cloudmap.Service_HealthCheckConfig) ecs.Service_ServiceRegistry { serviceRegistration := fmt.Sprintf("%sServiceDiscoveryEntry", normalizeResourceName(service.Name)) serviceRegistry := ecs.Service_ServiceRegistry{ RegistryArn: cloudformation.GetAtt(serviceRegistration, "Arn"), } template.Resources[serviceRegistration] = &cloudmap.Service{ Description: fmt.Sprintf("%q service discovery entry in Cloud Map", service.Name), HealthCheckConfig: healthCheck, HealthCheckCustomConfig: &cloudmap.Service_HealthCheckCustomConfig{ FailureThreshold: 1, }, Name: service.Name, NamespaceId: cloudformation.Ref("CloudMap"), DnsConfig: &cloudmap.Service_DnsConfig{ DnsRecords: []cloudmap.Service_DnsRecord{ { TTL: 60, Type: cloudmapapi.RecordTypeA, }, }, RoutingPolicy: cloudmapapi.RoutingPolicyMultivalue, }, } return serviceRegistry } func createTaskExecutionRole(service types.ServiceConfig, err error, definition *ecs.TaskDefinition, template *cloudformation.Template) (string, error) { taskExecutionRole := fmt.Sprintf("%sTaskExecutionRole", normalizeResourceName(service.Name)) policy, err := getPolicy(definition) if err != nil { return taskExecutionRole, err } rolePolicies := []iam.Role_Policy{} if policy != nil { rolePolicies = append(rolePolicies, iam.Role_Policy{ PolicyDocument: policy, PolicyName: fmt.Sprintf("%sGrantAccessToSecrets", service.Name), }) } if roles, ok := service.Extensions[ExtensionRole]; ok { rolePolicies = append(rolePolicies, iam.Role_Policy{ PolicyDocument: roles, }) } managedPolicies := []string{ ECSTaskExecutionPolicy, ECRReadOnlyPolicy, } if v, ok := service.Extensions[ExtensionManagedPolicies]; ok { for _, s := range v.([]interface{}) { managedPolicies = append(managedPolicies, s.(string)) } } template.Resources[taskExecutionRole] = &iam.Role{ AssumeRolePolicyDocument: assumeRolePolicyDocument, Policies: rolePolicies, ManagedPolicyArns: managedPolicies, } return taskExecutionRole, nil } func createCluster(project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) string { template.Resources["Cluster"] = &ecs.Cluster{ ClusterName: project.Name, Tags: []tags.Tag{ { Key: compose.ProjectTag, Value: project.Name, }, }, AWSCloudFormationCondition: "CreateCluster", } cluster := cloudformation.If("CreateCluster", cloudformation.Ref("Cluster"), cloudformation.Ref(ParameterClusterName)) return cluster } func createCloudMap(project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) { template.Resources["CloudMap"] = &cloudmap.PrivateDnsNamespace{ Description: fmt.Sprintf("Service Map for Docker Compose project %s", project.Name), Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.local", project.Name), Vpc: cloudformation.Ref(ParameterVPCId), } } func convertNetwork(project *types.Project, net types.NetworkConfig, vpc string, template *cloudformation.Template) string { if sg, ok := net.Extensions[ExtensionSecurityGroup]; ok { logrus.Debugf("Security Group for network %q set by user to %q", net.Name, sg) return sg.(string) } var ingresses []ec2.SecurityGroup_Ingress if !net.Internal { for _, service := range project.Services { if _, ok := service.Networks[net.Name]; ok { for _, port := range service.Ports { ingresses = append(ingresses, ec2.SecurityGroup_Ingress{ CidrIp: "", Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d/%s", service.Name, port.Target, port.Protocol), FromPort: int(port.Target), IpProtocol: strings.ToUpper(port.Protocol), ToPort: int(port.Target), }) } } } } securityGroup := networkResourceName(project, net.Name) template.Resources[securityGroup] = &ec2.SecurityGroup{ GroupDescription: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s Security Group", project.Name, net.Name), GroupName: securityGroup, SecurityGroupIngress: ingresses, VpcId: vpc, Tags: []tags.Tag{ { Key: compose.ProjectTag, Value: project.Name, }, { Key: compose.NetworkTag, Value: net.Name, }, }, } ingress := securityGroup + "Ingress" template.Resources[ingress] = &ec2.SecurityGroupIngress{ Description: fmt.Sprintf("Allow communication within network %s", net.Name), IpProtocol: "-1", // all protocols GroupId: cloudformation.Ref(securityGroup), SourceSecurityGroupId: cloudformation.Ref(securityGroup), } return cloudformation.Ref(securityGroup) } func networkResourceName(project *types.Project, network string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%sNetwork", normalizeResourceName(project.Name), normalizeResourceName(network)) } func serviceResourceName(dependency string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%sService", normalizeResourceName(dependency)) } func normalizeResourceName(s string) string { return strings.Title(regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+").ReplaceAllString(s, "")) } func getPolicy(taskDef *ecs.TaskDefinition) (*PolicyDocument, error) { arns := []string{} for _, container := range taskDef.ContainerDefinitions { if container.RepositoryCredentials != nil { arns = append(arns, container.RepositoryCredentials.CredentialsParameter) } if len(container.Secrets) > 0 { for _, s := range container.Secrets { arns = append(arns, s.ValueFrom) } } } if len(arns) > 0 { return &PolicyDocument{ Statement: []PolicyStatement{ { Effect: "Allow", Action: []string{ActionGetSecretValue, ActionGetParameters, ActionDecrypt}, Resource: arns, }}, }, nil } return nil, nil } func uniqueStrings(items []string) []string { keys := make(map[string]bool) unique := []string{} for _, item := range items { if _, val := keys[item]; !val { keys[item] = true unique = append(unique, item) } } return unique }