# Docker API [![Actions Status](https://github.com/docker/compose-cli/workflows/Continuous%20integration/badge.svg)](https://github.com/docker/compose-cli/actions) ## Dev Setup The recommended way is to use the main `Makefile` that runs everything inside a container. If you don't have or want to use Docker for building you need to make sure you have all the needed tools installed locally: * go 1.15 * [protoc](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf) * `go get github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go@v1.4.1` * `go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports` * `go get github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.30.0` And then you can call the same make targets but you need to pass it the `builder.Makefile` (`make -f builder.Makefile`). The new CLI delegates to the classic docker for default contexts ; delegation is done to `com.docker.cli`. * `make moby-cli-link` will create a `com.docker.cli` link in `/usr/local/bin` if you don't already have it from Docker Desktop ## Building the project ```bash $ make ``` This will make the cli with all backends enabled. `make cross` on the other hand will cross-compile the cli without the example and local backend. We use `make cross` to build for our release, hence the exclusion of those backends. You can still cross-compile with all backends enabled: `BUILD_TAGS=example,local make cross`. If you make changes to the `.proto` files, make sure to `make protos` to generate go code. ## Tests ### Unit tests ``` make test ``` If you need to update a golden file simply do `go test ./... -test.update-golden`. ### e2e tests ``` make e2e-local ``` This requires a local Docker Engine running Local ACI E2E tests: ``` AZURE_TENANT_ID="xxx" AZURE_CLIENT_ID="yyy" AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="yyy" make e2e-aci ``` This requires azure service principal credentials to login to azure. To get the values to be set in local environment variables, you can create a new service principal once you're logged in azure (with `docker login azure`) ``` az ad sp create-for-rbac --name 'MyTestServicePrincipal' --sdk-auth ``` Running the ACI e2e tests will override your local login, the service principal credentials use a token that cannot be refreshed automatically. You might need to run again `docker login azure` to properly use the command line after running ACI e2e tests. You can also run a single ACI test from the test suite: ``` AZURE_TENANT_ID="xxx" AZURE_CLIENT_ID="yyy" AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="yyy" make E2E_TEST=TestContainerRun e2e-aci ``` Local ECS E2E tests: ``` TEST_AWS_PROFILE=myProfile TEST_AWS_REGION=eu-west-3 make e2e-ecs ``` This requires a valid AWS profile defined in ~/.aws/credentials. ## Release To create a new release: * check that the CI is green on the main branch's commit you want to release * simply create a new tag of the form vx.y.z, following existing tags, and push the tag Pushing the tag will automatically create a new release and make binaries (mac, win, linux) available for download. Note: Linux binaries are not automatically copied to /docker/aci-integration-beta, if you want to make the linux binary publicly available, you'll need to manually create a release in aci-integration-beta and upload the binary. For Desktop integration, you need to make a PR in /docker/pinata and update the cli release number [here](https://github.com/docker/pinata/blob/master/build.json#L25)