from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging import sys import re import signal from inspect import getdoc import dockerpty from .. import __version__ from ..project import NoSuchService, ConfigurationError from ..service import BuildError, CannotBeScaledError from .command import Command from .formatter import Formatter from .log_printer import LogPrinter from .utils import yesno from ..packages.docker.errors import APIError from .errors import UserError from .docopt_command import NoSuchCommand log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def main(): console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr) console_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter()) console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.addHandler(console_handler) root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Disable requests logging logging.getLogger("requests").propagate = False try: command = TopLevelCommand() command.sys_dispatch() except KeyboardInterrupt: log.error("\nAborting.") sys.exit(1) except (UserError, NoSuchService, ConfigurationError) as e: log.error(e.msg) sys.exit(1) except NoSuchCommand as e: log.error("No such command: %s", e.command) log.error("") log.error("\n".join(parse_doc_section("commands:", getdoc(e.supercommand)))) sys.exit(1) except APIError as e: log.error(e.explanation) sys.exit(1) except BuildError as e: log.error("Service '%s' failed to build: %s" % (, e.reason)) sys.exit(1) # stolen from docopt master def parse_doc_section(name, source): pattern = re.compile('^([^\n]*' + name + '[^\n]*\n?(?:[ \t].*?(?:\n|$))*)', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) return [s.strip() for s in pattern.findall(source)] class TopLevelCommand(Command): """Punctual, lightweight development environments using Docker. Usage: fig [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...] fig -h|--help Options: --verbose Show more output --version Print version and exit -f, --file FILE Specify an alternate fig file (default: fig.yml) -p, --project-name NAME Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name) Commands: build Build or rebuild services help Get help on a command kill Kill containers logs View output from containers ps List containers rm Remove stopped containers run Run a one-off command scale Set number of containers for a service start Start services stop Stop services up Create and start containers """ def docopt_options(self): options = super(TopLevelCommand, self).docopt_options() options['version'] = "fig %s" % __version__ return options def build(self, options): """ Build or rebuild services. Services are built once and then tagged as `project_service`, e.g. `figtest_db`. If you change a service's `Dockerfile` or the contents of its build directory, you can run `fig build` to rebuild it. Usage: build [SERVICE...] """['SERVICE']) def help(self, options): """ Get help on a command. Usage: help COMMAND """ command = options['COMMAND'] if not hasattr(self, command): raise NoSuchCommand(command, self) raise SystemExit(getdoc(getattr(self, command))) def kill(self, options): """ Force stop service containers. Usage: kill [SERVICE...] """ self.project.kill(service_names=options['SERVICE']) def logs(self, options): """ View output from containers. Usage: logs [SERVICE...] """ containers = self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], stopped=True) print("Attaching to", list_containers(containers)) LogPrinter(containers, attach_params={'logs': True}).run() def ps(self, options): """ List containers. Usage: ps [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -q Only display IDs """ containers = self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], stopped=True) + self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], one_off=True) if options['-q']: for container in containers: print( else: headers = [ 'Name', 'Command', 'State', 'Ports', ] rows = [] for container in containers: command = container.human_readable_command if len(command) > 30: command = '%s ...' % command[:26] rows.append([, command, container.human_readable_state, container.human_readable_ports, ]) print(Formatter().table(headers, rows)) def rm(self, options): """ Remove stopped service containers. Usage: rm [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --force Don't ask to confirm removal -v Remove volumes associated with containers """ all_containers = self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], stopped=True) stopped_containers = [c for c in all_containers if not c.is_running] if len(stopped_containers) > 0: print("Going to remove", list_containers(stopped_containers)) if options.get('--force') \ or yesno("Are you sure? [yN] ", default=False): self.project.remove_stopped( service_names=options['SERVICE'], v=options.get('-v', False) ) else: print("No stopped containers") def run(self, options): """ Run a one-off command on a service. For example: $ fig run web python shell By default, linked services will be started, unless they are already running. If you do not want to start linked services, use `fig run --no-deps SERVICE COMMAND [ARGS...]`. Usage: run [options] SERVICE COMMAND [ARGS...] Options: -d Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container name. -T Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `fig run` allocates a TTY. --rm Remove container after run. Ignored in detached mode. --no-deps Don't start linked services. """ service = self.project.get_service(options['SERVICE']) if not options['--no-deps']: deps = service.get_linked_names() if len(deps) > 0: self.project.up( service_names=deps, start_links=True, recreate=False, ) tty = True if options['-d'] or options['-T'] or not sys.stdin.isatty(): tty = False container_options = { 'command': [options['COMMAND']] + options['ARGS'], 'tty': tty, 'stdin_open': not options['-d'], } container = service.create_container(one_off=True, **container_options) if options['-d']: service.start_container(container, ports=None, one_off=True) print( else: service.start_container(container, ports=None, one_off=True) dockerpty.start(self.client, exit_code = container.wait() if options['--rm']:"Removing %s..." % self.client.remove_container( sys.exit(exit_code) def scale(self, options): """ Set number of containers to run for a service. Numbers are specified in the form `service=num` as arguments. For example: $ fig scale web=2 worker=3 Usage: scale [SERVICE=NUM...] """ for s in options['SERVICE=NUM']: if '=' not in s: raise UserError('Arguments to scale should be in the form service=num') service_name, num = s.split('=', 1) try: num = int(num) except ValueError: raise UserError('Number of containers for service "%s" is not a number' % service) try: self.project.get_service(service_name).scale(num) except CannotBeScaledError: raise UserError('Service "%s" cannot be scaled because it specifies a port on the host. If multiple containers for this service were created, the port would clash.\n\nRemove the ":" from the port definition in fig.yml so Docker can choose a random port for each container.' % service_name) def start(self, options): """ Start existing containers. Usage: start [SERVICE...] """ self.project.start(service_names=options['SERVICE']) def stop(self, options): """ Stop running containers without removing them. They can be started again with `fig start`. Usage: stop [SERVICE...] """ self.project.stop(service_names=options['SERVICE']) def up(self, options): """ Build, (re)create, start and attach to containers for a service. By default, `fig up` will aggregate the output of each container, and when it exits, all containers will be stopped. If you run `fig up -d`, it'll start the containers in the background and leave them running. If there are existing containers for a service, `fig up` will stop and recreate them (preserving mounted volumes with volumes-from), so that changes in `fig.yml` are picked up. If you do not want existing containers to be recreated, `fig up --no-recreate` will re-use existing containers. Usage: up [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -d Detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container names. --no-deps Don't start linked services. --no-recreate If containers already exist, don't recreate them. """ detached = options['-d'] start_links = not options['--no-deps'] recreate = not options['--no-recreate'] service_names = options['SERVICE'] self.project.up( service_names=service_names, start_links=start_links, recreate=recreate ) to_attach = [c for s in self.project.get_services(service_names) for c in s.containers()] if not detached: print("Attaching to", list_containers(to_attach)) log_printer = LogPrinter(to_attach, attach_params={"logs": True}) try: finally: def handler(signal, frame): self.project.kill(service_names=service_names) sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) print("Gracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)") self.project.stop(service_names=service_names) def list_containers(containers): return ", ".join( for c in containers)