# docker compose push

Push service images

### Options

| Name                     | Type | Default | Description                                            |
| `--dry-run`              |      |         | Execute command in dry run mode                        |
| `--ignore-push-failures` |      |         | Push what it can and ignores images with push failures |
| `--include-deps`         |      |         | Also push images of services declared as dependencies  |
| `-q`, `--quiet`          |      |         | Push without printing progress information             |


## Description

Pushes images for services to their respective registry/repository.

The following assumptions are made:
- You are pushing an image you have built locally
- You have access to the build key


    build: .
    image: localhost:5000/yourimage  ## goes to local registry

    build: .
    image: your-dockerid/yourimage  ## goes to your repository on Docker Hub