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622 lines
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Copyright 2020 Docker, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package ecs
import (
cf "github.com/awslabs/goformation/v4/cloudformation"
type sdk struct {
ECS ecsiface.ECSAPI
EC2 ec2iface.EC2API
ELB elbv2iface.ELBV2API
CW cloudwatchlogsiface.CloudWatchLogsAPI
IAM iamiface.IAMAPI
CF cloudformationiface.CloudFormationAPI
SM secretsmanageriface.SecretsManagerAPI
func newSDK(sess client.ConfigProvider) sdk {
return sdk{
ECS: ecs.New(sess),
EC2: ec2.New(sess),
ELB: elbv2.New(sess),
CW: cloudwatchlogs.New(sess),
IAM: iam.New(sess),
CF: cloudformation.New(sess),
SM: secretsmanager.New(sess),
func (s sdk) CheckRequirements(ctx context.Context, region string) error {
settings, err := s.ECS.ListAccountSettingsWithContext(ctx, &ecs.ListAccountSettingsInput{
EffectiveSettings: aws.Bool(true),
Name: aws.String("serviceLongArnFormat"),
if err != nil {
return err
serviceLongArnFormat := settings.Settings[0].Value
if *serviceLongArnFormat != "enabled" {
return fmt.Errorf("this tool requires the \"new ARN resource ID format\".\n"+
"Check https://%s.console.aws.amazon.com/ecs/home#/settings\n"+
"Learn more: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/migrating-your-amazon-ecs-deployment-to-the-new-arn-and-resource-id-format-2", region)
return nil
func (s sdk) ClusterExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error) {
logrus.Debug("CheckRequirements if cluster was already created: ", name)
clusters, err := s.ECS.DescribeClustersWithContext(ctx, &ecs.DescribeClustersInput{
Clusters: []*string{aws.String(name)},
if err != nil {
return false, err
return len(clusters.Clusters) > 0, nil
func (s sdk) CreateCluster(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error) {
logrus.Debug("Create cluster ", name)
response, err := s.ECS.CreateClusterWithContext(ctx, &ecs.CreateClusterInput{ClusterName: aws.String(name)})
if err != nil {
return "", err
return *response.Cluster.Status, nil
func (s sdk) VpcExists(ctx context.Context, vpcID string) (bool, error) {
logrus.Debug("CheckRequirements if VPC exists: ", vpcID)
_, err := s.EC2.DescribeVpcsWithContext(ctx, &ec2.DescribeVpcsInput{VpcIds: []*string{&vpcID}})
return err == nil, err
func (s sdk) GetDefaultVPC(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
logrus.Debug("Retrieve default VPC")
vpcs, err := s.EC2.DescribeVpcsWithContext(ctx, &ec2.DescribeVpcsInput{
Filters: []*ec2.Filter{
Name: aws.String("isDefault"),
Values: []*string{aws.String("true")},
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(vpcs.Vpcs) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("account has not default VPC")
return *vpcs.Vpcs[0].VpcId, nil
func (s sdk) GetSubNets(ctx context.Context, vpcID string) ([]string, error) {
logrus.Debug("Retrieve SubNets")
subnets, err := s.EC2.DescribeSubnetsWithContext(ctx, &ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput{
DryRun: nil,
Filters: []*ec2.Filter{
Name: aws.String("vpc-id"),
Values: []*string{aws.String(vpcID)},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ids := []string{}
for _, subnet := range subnets.Subnets {
ids = append(ids, *subnet.SubnetId)
return ids, nil
func (s sdk) GetRoleArn(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error) {
role, err := s.IAM.GetRoleWithContext(ctx, &iam.GetRoleInput{
RoleName: aws.String(name),
if err != nil {
return "", err
return *role.Role.Arn, nil
func (s sdk) StackExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error) {
stacks, err := s.CF.DescribeStacksWithContext(ctx, &cloudformation.DescribeStacksInput{
StackName: aws.String(name),
if err != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), fmt.Sprintf("ValidationError: Stack with id %s does not exist", name)) {
return false, nil
return false, nil
return len(stacks.Stacks) > 0, nil
func (s sdk) CreateStack(ctx context.Context, name string, template *cf.Template, parameters map[string]string) error {
logrus.Debug("Create CloudFormation stack")
json, err := marshall(template)
if err != nil {
return err
param := []*cloudformation.Parameter{}
for name, value := range parameters {
param = append(param, &cloudformation.Parameter{
ParameterKey: aws.String(name),
ParameterValue: aws.String(value),
_, err = s.CF.CreateStackWithContext(ctx, &cloudformation.CreateStackInput{
OnFailure: aws.String("DELETE"),
StackName: aws.String(name),
TemplateBody: aws.String(string(json)),
Parameters: param,
TimeoutInMinutes: nil,
Capabilities: []*string{
return err
func (s sdk) CreateChangeSet(ctx context.Context, name string, template *cf.Template, parameters map[string]string) (string, error) {
logrus.Debug("Create CloudFormation Changeset")
json, err := marshall(template)
if err != nil {
return "", err
param := []*cloudformation.Parameter{}
for name := range parameters {
param = append(param, &cloudformation.Parameter{
ParameterKey: aws.String(name),
UsePreviousValue: aws.Bool(true),
update := fmt.Sprintf("Update%s", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02-15-04-05"))
changeset, err := s.CF.CreateChangeSetWithContext(ctx, &cloudformation.CreateChangeSetInput{
ChangeSetName: aws.String(update),
ChangeSetType: aws.String(cloudformation.ChangeSetTypeUpdate),
StackName: aws.String(name),
TemplateBody: aws.String(string(json)),
Parameters: param,
Capabilities: []*string{
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = s.CF.WaitUntilChangeSetCreateCompleteWithContext(ctx, &cloudformation.DescribeChangeSetInput{
ChangeSetName: changeset.Id,
return *changeset.Id, err
func (s sdk) UpdateStack(ctx context.Context, changeset string) error {
desc, err := s.CF.DescribeChangeSetWithContext(ctx, &cloudformation.DescribeChangeSetInput{
ChangeSetName: aws.String(changeset),
if err != nil {
return err
if strings.HasPrefix(aws.StringValue(desc.StatusReason), "The submitted information didn't contain changes.") {
return nil
_, err = s.CF.ExecuteChangeSet(&cloudformation.ExecuteChangeSetInput{
ChangeSetName: aws.String(changeset),
return err
const (
stackCreate = iota
func (s sdk) WaitStackComplete(ctx context.Context, name string, operation int) error {
input := &cloudformation.DescribeStacksInput{
StackName: aws.String(name),
switch operation {
case stackCreate:
return s.CF.WaitUntilStackCreateCompleteWithContext(ctx, input)
case stackDelete:
return s.CF.WaitUntilStackDeleteCompleteWithContext(ctx, input)
return fmt.Errorf("internal error: unexpected stack operation %d", operation)
func (s sdk) GetStackID(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error) {
stacks, err := s.CF.DescribeStacksWithContext(ctx, &cloudformation.DescribeStacksInput{
StackName: aws.String(name),
if err != nil {
return "", err
return *stacks.Stacks[0].StackId, nil
func (s sdk) DescribeStackEvents(ctx context.Context, stackID string) ([]*cloudformation.StackEvent, error) {
// Fixme implement Paginator on Events and return as a chan(events)
events := []*cloudformation.StackEvent{}
var nextToken *string
for {
resp, err := s.CF.DescribeStackEventsWithContext(ctx, &cloudformation.DescribeStackEventsInput{
StackName: aws.String(stackID),
NextToken: nextToken,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
events = append(events, resp.StackEvents...)
if resp.NextToken == nil {
return events, nil
nextToken = resp.NextToken
func (s sdk) ListStackParameters(ctx context.Context, name string) (map[string]string, error) {
st, err := s.CF.DescribeStacksWithContext(ctx, &cloudformation.DescribeStacksInput{
NextToken: nil,
StackName: aws.String(name),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parameters := map[string]string{}
for _, parameter := range st.Stacks[0].Parameters {
parameters[aws.StringValue(parameter.ParameterKey)] = aws.StringValue(parameter.ParameterValue)
return parameters, nil
type stackResource struct {
LogicalID string
Type string
ARN string
Status string
func (s sdk) ListStackResources(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]stackResource, error) {
// FIXME handle pagination
res, err := s.CF.ListStackResourcesWithContext(ctx, &cloudformation.ListStackResourcesInput{
StackName: aws.String(name),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := []stackResource{}
for _, r := range res.StackResourceSummaries {
resources = append(resources, stackResource{
LogicalID: aws.StringValue(r.LogicalResourceId),
Type: aws.StringValue(r.ResourceType),
ARN: aws.StringValue(r.PhysicalResourceId),
Status: aws.StringValue(r.ResourceStatus),
return resources, nil
func (s sdk) DeleteStack(ctx context.Context, name string) error {
logrus.Debug("Delete CloudFormation stack")
_, err := s.CF.DeleteStackWithContext(ctx, &cloudformation.DeleteStackInput{
StackName: aws.String(name),
return err
func (s sdk) CreateSecret(ctx context.Context, secret secrets.Secret) (string, error) {
logrus.Debug("Create secret " + secret.Name)
secretStr, err := secret.GetCredString()
if err != nil {
return "", err
response, err := s.SM.CreateSecret(&secretsmanager.CreateSecretInput{
Name: &secret.Name,
SecretString: &secretStr,
Description: &secret.Description,
if err != nil {
return "", err
return aws.StringValue(response.ARN), nil
func (s sdk) InspectSecret(ctx context.Context, id string) (secrets.Secret, error) {
logrus.Debug("Inspect secret " + id)
response, err := s.SM.DescribeSecret(&secretsmanager.DescribeSecretInput{SecretId: &id})
if err != nil {
return secrets.Secret{}, err
labels := map[string]string{}
for _, tag := range response.Tags {
labels[aws.StringValue(tag.Key)] = aws.StringValue(tag.Value)
secret := secrets.Secret{
ID: aws.StringValue(response.ARN),
Name: aws.StringValue(response.Name),
Labels: labels,
if response.Description != nil {
secret.Description = *response.Description
return secret, nil
func (s sdk) ListSecrets(ctx context.Context) ([]secrets.Secret, error) {
logrus.Debug("List secrets ...")
response, err := s.SM.ListSecrets(&secretsmanager.ListSecretsInput{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ls []secrets.Secret
for _, sec := range response.SecretList {
labels := map[string]string{}
for _, tag := range sec.Tags {
labels[*tag.Key] = *tag.Value
description := ""
if sec.Description != nil {
description = *sec.Description
ls = append(ls, secrets.Secret{
ID: *sec.ARN,
Name: *sec.Name,
Labels: labels,
Description: description,
return ls, nil
func (s sdk) DeleteSecret(ctx context.Context, id string, recover bool) error {
logrus.Debug("List secrets ...")
force := !recover
_, err := s.SM.DeleteSecret(&secretsmanager.DeleteSecretInput{SecretId: &id, ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery: &force})
return err
func (s sdk) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, name string, consumer func(service, container, message string)) error {
logGroup := fmt.Sprintf("/docker-compose/%s", name)
var startTime int64
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
var hasMore = true
var token *string
for hasMore {
events, err := s.CW.FilterLogEvents(&cloudwatchlogs.FilterLogEventsInput{
LogGroupName: aws.String(logGroup),
NextToken: token,
StartTime: aws.Int64(startTime),
if err != nil {
return err
if events.NextToken == nil {
hasMore = false
} else {
token = events.NextToken
for _, event := range events.Events {
p := strings.Split(aws.StringValue(event.LogStreamName), "/")
consumer(p[1], p[2], aws.StringValue(event.Message))
startTime = *event.IngestionTime
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
func (s sdk) DescribeServices(ctx context.Context, cluster string, arns []string) ([]compose.ServiceStatus, error) {
services, err := s.ECS.DescribeServicesWithContext(ctx, &ecs.DescribeServicesInput{
Cluster: aws.String(cluster),
Services: aws.StringSlice(arns),
Include: aws.StringSlice([]string{"TAGS"}),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status := []compose.ServiceStatus{}
for _, service := range services.Services {
var name string
for _, t := range service.Tags {
if *t.Key == compose.ServiceTag {
name = aws.StringValue(t.Value)
if name == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("service %s doesn't have a %s tag", *service.ServiceArn, compose.ServiceTag)
targetGroupArns := []string{}
for _, lb := range service.LoadBalancers {
targetGroupArns = append(targetGroupArns, *lb.TargetGroupArn)
// getURLwithPortMapping makes 2 queries
// one to get the target groups and another for load balancers
loadBalancers, err := s.getURLWithPortMapping(ctx, targetGroupArns)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status = append(status, compose.ServiceStatus{
ID: aws.StringValue(service.ServiceName),
Name: name,
Replicas: int(aws.Int64Value(service.RunningCount)),
Desired: int(aws.Int64Value(service.DesiredCount)),
Publishers: loadBalancers,
return status, nil
func (s sdk) getURLWithPortMapping(ctx context.Context, targetGroupArns []string) ([]compose.PortPublisher, error) {
if len(targetGroupArns) == 0 {
return nil, nil
groups, err := s.ELB.DescribeTargetGroups(&elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupsInput{
TargetGroupArns: aws.StringSlice(targetGroupArns),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lbarns := []*string{}
for _, tg := range groups.TargetGroups {
lbarns = append(lbarns, tg.LoadBalancerArns...)
lbs, err := s.ELB.DescribeLoadBalancersWithContext(ctx, &elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersInput{
LoadBalancerArns: lbarns,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filterLB := func(arn *string, lbs []*elbv2.LoadBalancer) *elbv2.LoadBalancer {
if aws.StringValue(arn) == "" {
// load balancer arn is nil/""
return nil
for _, lb := range lbs {
if aws.StringValue(lb.LoadBalancerArn) == aws.StringValue(arn) {
return lb
return nil
loadBalancers := []compose.PortPublisher{}
for _, tg := range groups.TargetGroups {
for _, lbarn := range tg.LoadBalancerArns {
lb := filterLB(lbarn, lbs.LoadBalancers)
if lb == nil {
loadBalancers = append(loadBalancers, compose.PortPublisher{
URL: aws.StringValue(lb.DNSName),
TargetPort: int(aws.Int64Value(tg.Port)),
PublishedPort: int(aws.Int64Value(tg.Port)),
Protocol: aws.StringValue(tg.Protocol),
return loadBalancers, nil
func (s sdk) ListTasks(ctx context.Context, cluster string, family string) ([]string, error) {
tasks, err := s.ECS.ListTasksWithContext(ctx, &ecs.ListTasksInput{
Cluster: aws.String(cluster),
Family: aws.String(family),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
arns := []string{}
for _, arn := range tasks.TaskArns {
arns = append(arns, *arn)
return arns, nil
func (s sdk) GetPublicIPs(ctx context.Context, interfaces ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
desc, err := s.EC2.DescribeNetworkInterfaces(&ec2.DescribeNetworkInterfacesInput{
NetworkInterfaceIds: aws.StringSlice(interfaces),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
publicIPs := map[string]string{}
for _, interf := range desc.NetworkInterfaces {
if interf.Association != nil {
publicIPs[aws.StringValue(interf.NetworkInterfaceId)] = aws.StringValue(interf.Association.PublicIp)
return publicIPs, nil
func (s sdk) LoadBalancerExists(ctx context.Context, arn string) (bool, error) {
logrus.Debug("CheckRequirements if PortPublisher exists: ", arn)
lbs, err := s.ELB.DescribeLoadBalancersWithContext(ctx, &elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersInput{
LoadBalancerArns: []*string{aws.String(arn)},
if err != nil {
return false, err
return len(lbs.LoadBalancers) > 0, nil
func (s sdk) GetLoadBalancerURL(ctx context.Context, arn string) (string, error) {
logrus.Debug("Retrieve load balancer URL: ", arn)
lbs, err := s.ELB.DescribeLoadBalancersWithContext(ctx, &elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersInput{
LoadBalancerArns: []*string{aws.String(arn)},
if err != nil {
return "", err
dnsName := aws.StringValue(lbs.LoadBalancers[0].DNSName)
if dnsName == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Load balancer %s doesn't have a dns name", aws.StringValue(lbs.LoadBalancers[0].LoadBalancerArn))
return dnsName, nil