mirror of https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy.git
✨ Builds a widget for CodeStats
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Dashy has support for displaying dynamic content in the form of widgets. There a
- [Crypto Price History](#crypto-token-price-history)
- [RSS Feed](#rss-feed)
- [XKCD Comics](#xkcd-comics)
- [Code Stats](#code-stats)
- [TFL Status](#tfl-status)
- [Exchange Rates](#exchange-rates)
- [Stock Price History](#stock-price-history)
@ -229,6 +230,34 @@ Have a laugh with the daily comic from [XKCD](https://xkcd.com/). A classic webc
### Code Stats
Display your coding summary. [Code::Stats](https://codestats.net/) is a free and open source app that aggregates statistics about your programming activity. Dashy supports both the public instance, as well as self-hosted versions.
<p align="center"><img width="400" src="https://i.ibb.co/dc0DTBW/code-stats.png" /></p>
##### Options
**Field** | **Type** | **Required** | **Description**
--- | --- | --- | ---
**`username`** | `string` | Required | Your CodeStats username
**`hostname`** | `string` | _Optional_ | If your self-hosting CodeStats, then supply the host name. By default it will use the public hosted instance
**`monthsToShow`** | `number` | _Optional_ | Specify the number of months to render in the historical data chart. Defaults to `6`
**`hideMeta`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | Optionally hide the meta section (username, level, all-time and recent XP)
**`hideHistory`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | Optionally hide the historical calendar heat map
**`hideLanguages`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | Optionally hide the programming languages pie chart
**`hideMachines`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | Optionally hide the machines percentage chart
##### Example
- type: code-stats
username: alicia
### TFL Status
Shows real-time tube status of the London Underground. All options are optional.
@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
<div class="code-stats-wrapper">
<!-- User Info -->
<div class="user-meta" v-if="basicInfo && !hideMeta">
<div class="user-info-wrap">
<p class="username">{{ basicInfo.username }}</p>
<p class="user-level">{{ basicInfo.level }}</p>
<div class="total-xp-wrap">
<p class="total-xp">{{ basicInfo.totalXp | formatTotalXp }}</p>
<p class="new-xp">{{ basicInfo.newXp | formatNewXp }}</p>
<!-- XP History Heatmap -->
<div :id="`xp-history-${chartId}`" class="xp-heat-chart"></div>
<!-- Language Breakdown -->
<div :id="`languages-${chartId}`" class="language-pie-chart"></div>
<!-- Machines Percentage -->
<div :id="`machines-${chartId}`" class="machine-percentage-chart"></div>
import axios from 'axios';
import WidgetMixin from '@/mixins/WidgetMixin';
import ChartingMixin from '@/mixins/ChartingMixin';
import { widgetApiEndpoints } from '@/utils/defaults';
import { putCommasInBigNum, showNumAsThousand } from '@/utils/MiscHelpers';
export default {
mixins: [WidgetMixin, ChartingMixin],
data() {
return {
basicInfo: null,
computed: {
/* The username to fetch data from - REQUIRED */
username() {
if (!this.options.username) this.error('You must specify a username');
return this.options.username;
/* Optionally override hostname, if using a self-hosted instance */
hostname() {
if (this.options.hostname) return this.options.hostname;
return widgetApiEndpoints.codeStats;
hideMeta() {
return this.options.hideMeta || false;
hideHistory() {
return this.options.hideHistory || false;
hideLanguages() {
return this.options.hideLanguages || false;
hideMachines() {
return this.options.hideMachines || false;
monthsToShow() {
return this.options.monthsToShow || 5;
endpoint() {
return `${this.hostname}/api/users/${this.username}`;
chartStartDate() {
const now = new Date();
return new Date((now.setMonth(now.getMonth() - this.monthsToShow)));
filters: {
formatTotalXp(bigNum) {
return showNumAsThousand(bigNum);
formatNewXp(newXp) {
return `+${putCommasInBigNum(newXp)} XP`;
methods: {
/* Make GET request to CoinGecko API endpoint */
fetchData() {
.then((response) => {
.catch((dataFetchError) => {
this.error('Unable to fetch data from CodeStats.net', dataFetchError);
.finally(() => {
/* Assign data variables to the returned data */
processData(data) {
// Make basic info data
if (!this.hideMeta) {
this.basicInfo = {
username: data.user,
level: this.makeLevel(data.total_xp),
totalXp: data.total_xp,
newXp: data.new_xp,
// Make language breakdown pie chart data
if (!this.hideLanguages) {
const langLabels = [];
const langXpValues = [];
Object.keys(data.languages).forEach((lang) => {
const languagesPieData = {
labels: langLabels,
datasets: [{ values: langXpValues }],
// Make day-by-day historical XP heat chart data
if (!this.hideHistory) {
const xpHistoryChartData = {};
Object.keys(data.dates).forEach((date) => {
const timestamp = Math.round(new Date(date).getTime() / 1000);
xpHistoryChartData[timestamp] = data.dates[date];
// Make machine proportion percentage chart data
if (!this.hideMachines) {
const machinesLabels = [];
const machinesXpValues = [];
Object.keys(data.machines).forEach((machine) => {
const machinesPercentageData = {
labels: machinesLabels,
datasets: [{ values: machinesXpValues }],
drawLanguagePieChart(languagesPieData) {
return new this.Chart(`#languages-${this.chartId}`, {
title: 'Languages',
type: 'donut',
data: languagesPieData,
height: 250,
strokeWidth: 15,
tooltipOptions: {
formatTooltipY: d => showNumAsThousand(d),
drawXpHistoryChart(xpHistoryData) {
return new this.Chart(`#xp-history-${this.chartId}`, {
title: 'Historical XP',
type: 'heatmap',
data: {
dataPoints: xpHistoryData,
start: this.chartStartDate,
end: new Date(),
discreteDomains: 0,
radius: 2,
colors: ['#caf0f8', '#48cae4', '#0077b6', '#023e8a', '#090a79'],
drawMachinesPercentageChart(machineChartData) {
return new this.Chart(`#machines-${this.chartId}`, {
title: 'Machines',
type: 'percentage',
data: machineChartData,
height: 180,
strokeWidth: 15,
tooltipOptions: {
formatTooltipY: d => showNumAsThousand(d),
colors: ['#f9c80e', '#43bccd', '#ea3546', '#662e9b', '#f86624'],
/* Given a users XP score, return text level */
makeLevel(xp) {
if (xp < 100) return 'New Joiner';
if (xp < 1000) return 'Noob';
if (xp < 10000) return 'Intermediate';
if (xp < 50000) return 'Code ninja in the making';
if (xp < 100000) return 'Expert Developer';
if (xp < 500000) return 'Ultra Expert Developer';
if (xp < 1000000) return 'Code Super Hero';
if (xp < 1500000) return 'Super Epic Code Hero';
if (xp >= 15000000) return 'God Level';
return xp;
<style scoped lang="scss">
.code-stats-wrapper {
p {
margin: 0;
font-size: 1rem;
color: var(--widget-text-color);
.user-meta {
display: flex;
margin: 0.5rem;
padding: 0.5rem 0;
border-bottom: 1px dashed var(--widget-text-color);
justify-content: space-between;
.user-info-wrap {
.username {
font-size: 1.4rem;
text-transform: capitalize;
.user-level {
font-size: 0.8rem;
text-transform: capitalize;
opacity: var(--dimming-factor);
color: var(--widget-text-color);
.total-xp-wrap {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-start;
.total-xp {
font-size: 1.4rem;
font-family: var(--font-monospace);
.new-xp {
font-size: 0.8rem;
margin: 0 0 0 0.5rem;
color: var(--success);
font-family: var(--font-monospace);
.machine-percentage-chart {
&:not(:last-child) { border-bottom: 1px dashed var(--widget-text-color); }
@ -39,6 +39,13 @@
v-else-if="widgetType === 'code-stats'"
v-else-if="widgetType === 'embed'"
@ -162,6 +169,7 @@ import LoadingAnimation from '@/assets/interface-icons/loader.svg';
import Clock from '@/components/Widgets/Clock.vue';
import CryptoPriceChart from '@/components/Widgets/CryptoPriceChart.vue';
import CryptoWatchList from '@/components/Widgets/CryptoWatchList.vue';
import CodeStats from '@/components/Widgets/CodeStats.vue';
import EmbedWidget from '@/components/Widgets/EmbedWidget.vue';
import ExchangeRates from '@/components/Widgets/ExchangeRates.vue';
import Flights from '@/components/Widgets/Flights.vue';
@ -188,6 +196,7 @@ export default {
// Register widget components
@ -79,3 +79,15 @@ export const findCurrencySymbol = (currencyCode) => {
if (currencies[code]) return currencies[code];
return code;
/* Given a large number, will add commas to make more readable */
export const putCommasInBigNum = (bigNum) => {
const strNum = Number.isNaN(bigNum) ? bigNum : String(bigNum);
return strNum.replace(/\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',');
/* Given a large number, will convert 1000 into k for readability */
export const showNumAsThousand = (bigNum) => {
if (bigNum < 1000) return bigNum;
return `${Math.round(bigNum / 1000)}k`;
@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ module.exports = {
jokes: 'https://v2.jokeapi.dev/joke/',
flights: 'https://aerodatabox.p.rapidapi.com/flights/airports/icao/',
rssToJson: 'https://api.rss2json.com/v1/api.json',
codeStats: 'https://codestats.net/',
/* URLs for web search engines */
searchEngineUrls: {
Reference in New Issue