📝 Adds some more troubleshooting issues

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Alicia Sykes 2021-08-21 22:31:04 +01:00
parent d7cc52a90a
commit ca955039fd
1 changed files with 17 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -91,5 +91,22 @@ If the issue still persists, you should raise an issue.
## Node Sass does not yet support your current environment
Caused by node-sass's binaries being built for a for a different architecture
To fix this, just run: `yarn rebuild node-sass`
## Error: Cannot find module './_baseValues'
Clearing the cache should fix this: `yarn cache clean`
If the issue persists, remove (`rm -rf node_modules\ yarn.lock`) and reinstall (`yarn`) node_modules
## Invalid Host Header while running through ngrok
Just add the [-host-header](https://ngrok.com/docs#http-host-header) flag, e.g. `ngrok http 8080 -host-header="localhost:8080"`
## Warnings in the Console during deploy
Please acknowledge the difference between errors and warnings before raising an issue about messages in the console. It's not unusual to see warnings about a new version of a certain package being available, an asset bundle bing oversized or a service worker not yet having a cache. These shouldn't have any impact on the running application, so please don't raise issues about these unless it directly relates to a bug or issue you're experiencing. Errors on the other hand should not appear in the console, and they are worth looking into further.