From e51464cf010606669944714464cb98bb1282e142 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: bogyeong Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 17:32:40 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] Create ko.json file creation for korean language_support --- src/assets/locales/ko.json | 308 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/utils/languages.js | 6 + 2 files changed, 314 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/assets/locales/ko.json diff --git a/src/assets/locales/ko.json b/src/assets/locales/ko.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a064eb67 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/locales/ko.json @@ -0,0 +1,308 @@ +{ + "home": { + "no-results": "No Search Results", + "no-data": "No Data Configured", + "no-items-section": "No Items to Show Yet" + }, + "search": { + "search-label": "Search", + "search-placeholder": "Start typing to filter", + "clear-search-tooltip": "Clear Search", + "enter-to-search-web": "Press enter to search the web" + }, + "login": { + "title": "Dashy", + "username-label": "Username", + "password-label": "Password", + "login-button": "Login", + "remember-me-label": "Remember me for", + "remember-me-never": "Never", + "remember-me-hour": "4 Hours", + "remember-me-day": "1 Day", + "remember-me-week": "1 Week", + "remember-me-long-time": "A long time", + "error-missing-username": "Missing Username", + "error-missing-password": "Missing Password", + "error-incorrect-username": "User not found", + "error-incorrect-password": "Incorrect Password", + "success-message": "Logging in...", + "logout-message": "Logged Out", + "already-logged-in-title": "Already Logged In", + "already-logged-in-text": "You're logged in as", + "proceed-to-dashboard": "Proceed to Dashboard", + "log-out-button": "Logout", + "proceed-guest-button": "Proceed as Guest" + }, + "config": { + "main-tab": "Main Menu", + "view-config-tab": "View Config", + "edit-config-tab": "Edit Config", + "custom-css-tab": "Custom Styles", + "heading": "Configuration Options", + "download-config-button": "View / Export Config", + "edit-config-button": "Edit Config", + "edit-css-button": "Edit Custom CSS", + "cloud-sync-button": "Enable Cloud Sync", + "edit-cloud-sync-button": "Edit Cloud Sync", + "rebuild-app-button": "Rebuild Application", + "change-language-button": "Change App Language", + "reset-settings-button": "Reset Local Settings", + "app-info-button": "App Info", + "backup-note": "It is recommended to make a backup of your configuration before making changes.", + "reset-config-msg-l1": "This will remove all user settings from local storage, but won't effect your 'conf.yml' file.", + "reset-config-msg-l2": "You should first backup any changes you've made locally, if you want to use them in the future.", + "reset-config-msg-l3": "Are you sure you want to proceed?", + "data-cleared-msg": "Data cleared successfully", + "actions-label": "Actions", + "copy-config-label": "Copy Config", + "data-copied-msg": "Config has been copied to clipboard", + "reset-config-label": "Reset Config", + "css-save-btn": "Save Changes", + "css-note-label": "Note", + "css-note-l1": "You will need to refresh the page for your changes to take effect.", + "css-note-l2": "Styles overrides are only stored locally, so it is recommended to make a copy of your CSS.", + "css-note-l3": "To remove all custom styles, delete the contents and hit Save Changes" + }, + "alternate-views": { + "alternate-view-heading": "Switch View", + "default": "Default", + "workspace": "Workspace", + "minimal": "Minimal" + }, + "settings": { + "theme-label": "Theme", + "layout-label": "Layout", + "layout-auto": "Auto", + "layout-horizontal": "Horizontal", + "layout-vertical": "Vertical", + "item-size-label": "Item Size", + "item-size-small": "Small", + "item-size-medium": "Medium", + "item-size-large": "Large", + "config-launcher-label": "Config", + "config-launcher-tooltip": "Update Configuration", + "sign-out-tooltip": "Sign Out", + "sign-in-tooltip": "Log In", + "sign-in-welcome": "Hello {username}!" + }, + "updates": { + "app-version-note": "Dashy version", + "up-to-date": "Up-to-Date", + "out-of-date": "Update Available", + "unsupported-version-l1": "You are using an unsupported version of Dashy", + "unsupported-version-l2": "For the best experience, and recent security patches, please update to" + }, + "language-switcher": { + "title": "Change Application Language", + "dropdown-label": "Select a Language", + "save-button": "Save", + "success-msg": "Language Updated to" + }, + "theme-maker": { + "title": "Theme Configurator", + "export-button": "Export Custom Variables", + "reset-button": "Reset Styles for", + "show-all-button": "Show All Variables", + "change-fonts-button": "Change Fonts", + "save-button": "Save", + "cancel-button": "Cancel", + "saved-toast": "{theme} Updated Successfully", + "copied-toast": "Theme data for {theme} copied to clipboard", + "reset-toast": "Custom Colors for {theme} Removed" + }, + "config-editor": { + "save-location-label": "Save Location", + "location-local-label": "Apply Locally", + "location-disk-label": "Write Changes to Config File", + "save-button": "Save Changes", + "preview-button": "Preview Changes", + "valid-label": "Config is Valid", + "status-success-msg": "Task Complete", + "status-fail-msg": "Task Failed", + "success-msg-disk": "Config file written to disk successfully", + "success-msg-local": "Local changes saved successfully", + "success-note-l1": "The app should rebuild automatically.", + "success-note-l2": "This may take up to a minute.", + "success-note-l3": "You will need to refresh the page for changes to take effect.", + "error-msg-save-mode": "Please select a Save Mode: Local or File", + "error-msg-cannot-save": "An error occurred saving config", + "error-msg-bad-json": "Error in JSON, possibly malformed", + "warning-msg-validation": "Validation Warning", + "not-admin-note": "You cannot write changed to disk, because you are not logged in as an admin" + }, + "app-rebuild": { + "title": "Rebuild Application", + "rebuild-note-l1": "A rebuild is required for changes written to the conf.yml file to take effect.", + "rebuild-note-l2": "This should happen automatically, but if it hasn't, you can manually trigger it here.", + "rebuild-note-l3": "This is not required for modifications stored locally.", + "rebuild-button": "Start Build", + "rebuilding-status-1": "Building...", + "rebuilding-status-2": "This may take a few minutes", + "error-permission": "You don't have permission to trigger this action", + "success-msg": "Build completed successfully", + "fail-msg": "Build operation failed", + "reload-note": "A page reload is now required for changes to take effect", + "reload-button": "Reload Page" + }, + "cloud-sync": { + "title": "Cloud Backup & Restore", + "intro-l1": "Cloud backup and restore is an optional feature, that enables you to upload your config to the internet, and then restore it on any other device or instance of Dashy.", + "intro-l2": "All data is fully end-to-end encrypted with AES, using your password as the key.", + "intro-l3": "For more info, please see the", + "backup-title-setup": "Make a Backup", + "backup-title-update": "Update Backup", + "password-label-setup": "Choose a Password", + "password-label-update": "Enter your Password", + "backup-button-setup": "Backup", + "backup-button-update": "Update Backup", + "backup-id-label": "Your Backup ID", + "backup-id-note": "This is used to restore from backups later. So keep it, along with your password somewhere safe.", + "restore-title": "Restore a Backup", + "restore-id-label": "Restore ID", + "restore-password-label": "Password", + "restore-button": "Restore", + "backup-missing-password": "Missing Password", + "backup-error-unknown": "Unable to process request", + "backup-error-password": "Incorrect password. Please enter your current password.", + "backup-success-msg": "Completed Successfully", + "restore-success-msg": "Config Restored Successfully" + }, + "menu": { + "open-section-title": "Open In", + "sametab": "Current Tab", + "newtab": "New Tab", + "modal": "Pop-Up Modal", + "workspace": "Workspace View", + "options-section-title": "Options", + "edit-item": "Edit", + "move-item": "Copy or Move", + "remove-item": "Remove" + }, + "context-menus": { + "item": { + "open-section-title": "Open In", + "sametab": "Current Tab", + "newtab": "New Tab", + "modal": "Pop-Up Modal", + "workspace": "Workspace View", + "clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", + "options-section-title": "Options", + "edit-item": "Edit", + "move-item": "Copy or Move", + "remove-item": "Remove", + "copied-toast": "URL has been copied to clipboard" + }, + "section": { + "open-section": "Open Section", + "edit-section": "Edit", + "expand-collapse": "Expand / Collapse", + "move-section": "Move To", + "remove-section": "Remove" + } + }, + "interactive-editor": { + "menu": { + "start-editing-tooltip": "Enter the Interactive Editor", + "edit-site-data-subheading": "Edit Site Data", + "edit-page-info-btn": "Edit Page Info", + "edit-page-info-tooltip": "App title, description, nav links, footer text, etc.", + "edit-app-config-btn": "Edit App Config", + "edit-app-config-tooltip": "All other app configuration options", + "edit-pages-btn": "Edit Pages", + "edit-pages-tooltip": "Add or remove additional views", + "config-save-methods-subheading": "Config Saving Options", + "save-locally-btn": "Save Locally", + "save-locally-tooltip": "Save config locally, to browser storage. This will not affect your config file, but changes will only be saved on this device", + "save-disk-btn": "Save to Disk", + "save-disk-tooltip": "Save config to the conf.yml file on disk. This will backup, and then over-write your existing config", + "export-config-btn": "Export Config", + "export-config-tooltip": "View and export new config, either to a file, or to clipboard", + "cloud-backup-btn": "Backup to Cloud", + "cloud-backup-tooltip": "Save encrypted backup of configuration to cloud", + "edit-raw-config-btn": "Edit Raw Config", + "edit-raw-config-tooltip": "View and modify raw config via JSON editor", + "cancel-changes-btn": "Cancel Edit", + "cancel-changes-tooltip": "Reset current modifications, and exit Edit Mode. This will not affect your saved config", + "edit-mode-name": "Edit Mode", + "edit-mode-subtitle": "You are in Edit Mode", + "edit-mode-description": "This means you can make modifications to your config, and preview the results, but until you save, none of your changes will be preserved.", + "save-stage-btn": "Save", + "cancel-stage-btn": "Cancel", + "save-locally-warning": "If you proceed, changes will be saved only in your browser. You should export a copy of your config for use on other machines. Would you like to continue?" + }, + "edit-item": { + "missing-title-err": "An item title is required" + }, + "edit-section": { + "edit-section-title": "Edit Section", + "add-section-title": "Add New Section", + "edit-tooltip": "Click to Edit, or right-click for more options", + "remove-confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this section? This action can be undone later." + }, + "edit-app-config": { + "warning-msg-title": "Proceed with Caution", + "warning-msg-l1": "The following options are for advanced app configuration.", + "warning-msg-l2": "If you are unsure about any of the fields, please reference the", + "warning-msg-docs": "documentation", + "warning-msg-l3": "to avoid unintended consequences." + }, + "export": { + "export-title": "Export Config", + "copy-clipboard-btn": "Copy to Clipboard", + "copy-clipboard-tooltip": "Copy all app config to system clipboard, in YAML format", + "download-file-btn": "Download as File", + "download-file-tooltip": "Download all app config to your device, in a YAML file", + "view-title": "View Config" + } + }, + "widgets": { + "general": { + "loading": "Loading...", + "show-more": "Expand Details", + "show-less": "Show Less", + "open-link": "Continue Reading" + }, + "pi-hole": { + "status-heading": "Status" + }, + "stat-ping": { + "up": "Online", + "down": "Offline" + }, + "net-data": { + "cpu-chart-title": "CPU History", + "mem-chart-title": "Memory Usage", + "mem-breakdown-title": "Memory Breakdown", + "load-chart-title": "System Load" + }, + "glances": { + "disk-space-free": "Free", + "disk-space-used": "Used", + "disk-mount-point": "Mount Point", + "disk-file-system": "File System", + "disk-io-read": "Read", + "disk-io-write": "Write", + "system-load-desc": "Number of processes waiting in the run-queue, averaged across all cores" + }, + "system-info": { + "uptime": "Uptime" + }, + "flight-data": { + "arrivals": "Arrivals", + "departures": "Departures" + }, + "tfl-status": { + "good-service-all": "Good Service on all Lines", + "good-service-rest": "Good Service on all other Lines" + }, + "synology-download": { + "download": "Download", + "upload": "Upload", + "downloaded": "Downloaded", + "uploaded": "Uploaded", + "remaining": "Remaining", + "up": "Up", + "down": "Down" + } + } +} diff --git a/src/utils/languages.js b/src/utils/languages.js index cf11a549..79478f7b 100644 --- a/src/utils/languages.js +++ b/src/utils/languages.js @@ -135,6 +135,12 @@ export const languages = [ locale: bg, flag: '🇧🇬', }, + { // Bulgarian + name: '한국어', + code: 'ko', + locale: ko, + flag: '🇰🇷', + }, ]; /**