name: 📕 Check Docs Domain Expiry on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: - cron: '0 1 * * 0' # At 01:00 on Sunday. jobs: check-domain: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: Check domain strategy: matrix: domain: - steps: - name: Check domain SSL and registry expire date id: check-domain uses: codex-team/action-check-domain@v1 with: url: ${{ matrix.domain }} - name: Raise issue if domain expiring soon if: ${{ steps.check-domain.outputs.paid-till-days-left && steps.check-domain.outputs.paid-till-days-left < 30 }} uses: rishabhgupta/git-action-issue@v2 with: token: ${{ secrets.BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }} assignees: Lissy93 title: '[WEBSITE] Domain Expiring Soon' body: > **Priority Notice** Domain, ${{ matrix.domain }} will expire in ${{ steps.check-domain.outputs.paid-till-days-left }} days. @Lissy93 - Please take action immediately to prevent any downtime - name: Raise issue if SSL Cert expiring soon if: ${{ steps.check-domain.outputs.ssl-expire-days-left && steps.check-domain.outputs.ssl-expire-days-left < 14 }} uses: rishabhgupta/git-action-issue@v2 with: token: ${{ secrets.BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }} assignees: Lissy93 title: '[WEBSITE] SSL Cert Expiring Soon' body: > **Priority Notice** The SSL Certificate for ${{ matrix.domain }} will expire in ${{ steps.check-domain.outputs.ssl-expire-days-left }} days, on ${{ steps.check-domain.outputs.ssl-expire-date }}. @Lissy93 - Please take action immediately to prevent any downtime