/** * This file contains the Node.js code, used for the optional status check feature * It accepts a single url parameter, and will make an empty GET request to that * endpoint, and then resolve the response status code, time taken, and short message */ const axios = require('axios').default; /* Determines if successful from the HTTP response code */ const getResponseType = (code) => { if (Number.isNaN(code)) return false; const numericCode = parseInt(code, 10); return (numericCode >= 200 && numericCode <= 302); }; /* Makes human-readable response text for successful check */ const makeMessageText = (data) => `${data.successStatus ? '✅' : '⚠️'} ` + `${data.serverName || 'Server'} responded with ` + `${data.statusCode} - ${data.statusText}. ` + `\n⏱️Took ${data.timeTaken} ms`; /* Makes human-readable response text for failed check */ const makeErrorMessage = (data) => `❌ Service Unavailable: ${data.hostname || 'Server'} ` + `resulted in ${data.code || 'a fatal error'} ${data.errno ? `(${data.errno})` : ''}`; const makeErrorMessage2 = (data) => '❌ Service Error - ' + `${data.status} - ${data.statusText}`; /* Kicks of a HTTP request, then formats and renders results */ const makeRequest = (url, render) => { const startTime = new Date(); axios.get(url) .then((response) => { const statusCode = response.status; const { statusText } = response; const successStatus = getResponseType(statusCode); const serverName = response.request.socket.servername; const timeTaken = (new Date() - startTime); const results = { statusCode, statusText, serverName, successStatus, timeTaken, }; const messageText = makeMessageText(results); results.message = messageText; return results; }) .catch((error) => { render(JSON.stringify({ successStatus: false, message: error.response ? makeErrorMessage2(error.response) : makeErrorMessage(error), })); }).then((results) => { render(JSON.stringify(results)); }); }; /* Main function, will check if a URL present, and call function */ module.exports = (params, render) => { if (!params || !params.includes('=')) { render(JSON.stringify({ success: false, message: '❌ Malformed URL', })); } else { const url = params.split('=')[1]; makeRequest(url, render); } };