# Widgets Dashy has support for displaying dynamic content in the form of widgets. There are several built-in widgets availible out-of-the-box (with more on the way!) as well as support for custom widgets to display stats from almost any service with an accessible API. ##### Contents - [Built-In Widgets](#built-in-widgets) - [Dynamic Widgets](#dynamic-widgets) - [Build your own Widget](#build-your-own-widget) ## Built-In Widgets ### Clock A simple, live-updating time and date widget with time-zone support. All options are optional. ##### Options **Field** | **Type** | **Required** | **Description** --- | --- | --- | --- **`timeZone`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The time zone to display date and time in.
Specified as Region/City, for example: `Australia/Melbourne`. See the [Time Zone DB](https://timezonedb.com/time-zones) for a full list of supported TZs. Defaults to the browser / device's local time **`format`** | `string` | _Optional_ | A country code for displaying the date and time in local format.
Specified as `[ISO-3166]-[ISO-639]`, for example: `en-AU`. See [here](https://www.fincher.org/Utilities/CountryLanguageList.shtml) for a full list of locales. Defaults to the browser / device's region **`hideDate`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If set to `true`, the date and city will not be shown. Defaults to `false` ##### Example ```yaml - name: London Time icon: fas fa-clock type: clock options: timeZone: Europe/London format: en-GB hideDate: false ``` ### Weather A simple, live-updating local weather component, showing temperature, conditions and more info. ##### Options **Field** | **Type** | **Required** | **Description** --- | --- | --- | --- **`apiKey`** | `string` | Required | Your OpenWeatherMap API key. You can get one for free at [openweathermap.org](https://openweathermap.org/) **`city`** | `string` | Required | A city name to use for fetching weather. This can also be a state code or country code, following the ISO-3166 format **`units`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The units to use for displaying data, can be either `metric` or `imperial`. Defaults to `metric` **`hideDetails`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If set to `true`, the additional details (wind, humidity, pressure, etc) will not be shown. Defaults to `false` ##### Example ```yaml - name: Local Weather icon: fas fa-clouds type: weather options: apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx city: London units: metric hideDetails: false ``` ### Weather Forecast Displays the weather (temperature and conditions) for the next few days for a given location. Note that this requires either the free [OpenWeatherMap Student Plan](https://home.openweathermap.org/students), or the Premium Plan. ##### Options **Field** | **Type** | **Required** | **Description** --- | --- | --- | --- **`apiKey`** | `string` | Required | Your OpenWeatherMap API key. You can get one for free at [openweathermap.org](https://openweathermap.org/) **`city`** | `string` | Required | A city name to use for fetching weather. This can also be a state code or country code, following the ISO-3166 format **`numDays`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The number of days to display of forecast info to display. Defaults to `4`, max `16` days **`units`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The units to use for displaying data, can be either `metric` or `imperial`. Defaults to `metric` **`hideDetails`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If set to `true`, the additional details (wind, humidity, pressure, etc) will not be shown. Defaults to `false` ##### Example ```yaml - name: Weather Forecast icon: ':sunny:' type: weather-forecast options: city: California numDays: 6 apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx units: imperial ``` ### Crypto Watch List Keep track of price changes of your favorite crypto assets. Data is fetched from [CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/) ##### Options **Field** | **Type** | **Required** | **Description** --- | --- | --- | --- **`assets`** | `string` | Required | An array of cryptocurrencies, coins and tokens. See [list of supported assets](https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/asset_platforms) **`currency`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The fiat currency to display price in, expressed as an ISO-4217 alpha code (see [list of currencies](https://www.iban.com/currency-codes)). Defaults to `USD` **`sortBy`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The method of sorting results. Can be `marketCap`, `volume` or `alphabetical`. Defaults to `marketCap`. ##### Example ```yaml - name: Crypto Prices icon: fas fa-rocket type: crypto-watch-list options: currency: GBP sortBy: marketCap assets: - bitcoin - ethereum - monero - cosmos - polkadot - dogecoin ``` ### Crypto Token Price History Shows recent price history for a given crypto asset, using price data fetched from [CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/) ##### Options **Field** | **Type** | **Required** | **Description** --- | --- | --- | --- **`asset`** | `string` | Required | Name of a crypto asset, coin or token to fetch price data for, see [list of supported assets](https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/asset_platforms) **`currency`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The fiat currency to display results in, expressed as an ISO-4217 alpha code (see [list of currencies](https://www.iban.com/currency-codes)). Defaults to `USD` **`numDays`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The number of days of price history to render. Defaults to `7`, min: `1`, max: `30` days ##### Example ```yaml - name: Bitcoin Price icon: fab fa-bitcoin type: crypto-price-chart options: asset: bitcoin currency: GBP numDays: 7 ``` ### TFL Status Shows real-time tube status of the London Underground. All options are optional. ##### Options **Field** | **Type** | **Required** | **Description** --- | --- | --- | --- **`showAll`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | By default, details for lines with a Good Service are not visible, but you can click More Details to see all. Setting this option to `true` will show all lines on initial page load **`sortAlphabetically`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | By default lines are sorted by current status, set this option to `true` to instead sort them alphabetically **`linesToShow`** | `array` | _Optional_ | By default all lines are shown. If you're only interested in the status of a few lines, then pass in an array of lines to show, specified by name ##### Example ```yaml - name: London Underground type: tfl-status ``` ```yaml - name: Commute icon: '🚋' type: tfl-status options: showAll: true sortAlphabetically: true linesToShow: - District - Jubilee - Central ``` --- ## Dynamic Widgets --- ## Build your own Widget