# Changelog ## 💄 1.6.1 - Adds new Theme [PR #166](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/issues/166) - Adds Dashy theme, for use in the dev dashboard ## ✨ 1.5.9 - New Minimal/ Startpage View [PR #155](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/issues/155) - Adds a new view, called minimal view, designed to be like a light-weight startpage - Implemented all the required features (filtering, opening methods, icons, etc) into minimal view - Adds `appConfig.startingView` into schema, for specifying the initial default view to be loaded ## ✨ 1.5.8 - Multi-Tasking Support in Workspace View [PR #146](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/146) - Adds option to keep launched apps open in the background, to reduce friction when switching between websites, Re: #144 - This can be enabled by setting `appConfig.enableMultiTasking: true` - Note that having many apps opened simultaneously, will have an impact on performance ## ✨ 1.5.7 - Adds Support for Material Design Icons [PR #141](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/141) - Enables user to use any icon from [materialdesignicons.com](https://dev.materialdesignicons.com/icons), Re: #139 - Also adds support for [simpleicons.org](https://simpleicons.org/) - Assets only loaded when needed - Adds docs for using MDI icons ## ⚡️ 1.5.6 - Refactor + Couple of small things [PR #135](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/135) - The main Dockerfile now uses yarn.lock instead of package-lock.json - Adds a check to verify password is not empty in cloud backup screen - Improves responsiveness of config modals for mobile devices - Enables the user to use their own self-hosted Sentry instance - Removes the View Config tab of the Config menu, as not needed - Updates and fixes some typos in the readme ## 🌐 1.5.5 - Adds Missing Translations + Small UI Issues [PR #129](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/129) - Adds missing translations to several UI elements, Re: #126 - Fixes login translations not being picked up on page load, Re: #127 - Fixes small text overflow glitch in config icon, Re: #123 - Several small UI improvements: height of config editor, scrollbar on theme dropdown, page height, white-on-white on material theme, etc - Adds an action to auto-assign reviewer based on ./.github/CODEOWNERS file ## 🐳 1.5.4 - Docker ARM Support [PR #122](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/122) - Adds a Dockerfile for `arm64v8` and `arm32v7`, to support Raspberry Pi and other modern ARM-based devices - Sets up automated workflow to publish ARM containers to DockerHub after every new release - Adds documentation for running Dashy on RPi/ ARM-based devices, Re: #117 ## 🩹 1.5.3 - UI Quick Fix [PR #121](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/121) - Downgrades and pins vue-material-tabs to 0.1.5, to prevent breaking changes. Fixes #118 p1 - Sets auto-width for theme selector, so text doesn't wrap for long theme names. Fixes #119 - Uses flex layout for config menu, so note doesn't overlap menu on small screens. Fixes #118 p2 ## 🌐 1.5.2 - Adds Dutch Translations [PR #120](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/120) - Dutch language support, contributed by @evroon ## 🩹 1.5.1 - UI Quick Fix [PR #116](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/116) - Uses min-max width parent layout, to prevent longer languages (e.g. French) text overflow. Fixes #115 ## 🔒 1.5.0 - Improve Robustness of Auth [PR #113](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/113) - Use both username + password for generating token, so that a change in either will log the user out - Prevent privilege escalation by disallowing a user from modifying their user type through the UI - Improve the isAuthenticated check, by taking account of empty users array ## ✨ 1.4.8 - Optional Crash Reports [PR #112](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/112) - Adds an optional, off by default method of getting crash reports - This can be enabled in `appConfig.enableErrorReporting`, and will not be used at all unless explicitly activated by user - This is needed for when a user raises a bug which is hard to fix - Also improves robustness of config accumulator, don't throw error when config is missing - Adds Privacy & Security docs ## ♻️ 1.4.7 - Refactor [PR #110](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/110) - Moves cloud sync dialog into the config menu, and removes icon on homepage - Fixes typo in Default theme name, Re #106 - Spell checks readme - Updates the contributor CI action, that generates list of contributors + sponsors ## 📝 1.4.6 - Documentation Updates [PR #108](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/108) - Breaks many of the longer files into several more digestible articles - Writes repo pages including, Security, Code of Conduct, Legal, Updates license - Makes an automatically generated Credits page - Adds a contributing page, with several ways that users can help out - Implements this changelog, as requested in #87 ## 🌐 1.4.5 - Adds German Translations [PR #107](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/107) - German language support, contributed by @Niklashere ## ✨ 1.4.4 - Adds Support for Logo Image [PR #105](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/105) - Adds option in config file for user to specify path to an image - If found, will display said image in the header ## ✨ 1.4.3 - Auto-Checks for Updates [PR #101](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/101) and [PR #102](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/102) - Write a script to compare current version with git master version - Periodically checks for updates, and displays message to user - Enables user to disable update-checks in the config file - Checks not using vulnerable version on project-build ## ✨ 1.4.2 - Adds Multi-Language Support [PR #99](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/99) - Implements vue-i18n, sets object globally - Extracts all text to a single JSON file - Auto-detects users language, and applies, if availible - Builds a form to let user manually select their language - Lets users language be saved and read from local storage, or config file ## ✨ 1.4.1 - Adds Support for Custom Key Bindings [PR #94](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/94) - Adds new attribute under item for saving numeric key binding - Listens for keypress, and launches corresponding item, if found ## ✨ 1.4.0 - Builds a Custom Theme Configurator - Adds property to save custom theme variables - Builds UI form, with color pickers, a pallette and popup - Integrates the saving colors, and applying saved colors functionality ## 🔨 1.3.9 - Enable Custom Styesheet in Docker [PR #92](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/92) - Enables the user to pass a custom stylesheet in with Docker - Adds support for 1-Click deployment to Render.com ## 🌟 1.3.8 - Showcase [#91](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/91) - Adds @Shadowking001's screenshot to showcase ## 🌟 1.3.7 - Showcase [PR #84](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/84) - Adds @dtctek's screenshot to showcase ## ✨ 1.3.6 - Enables User to Hide Unwanted Components [PR #78](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/78) - Adds several additional options to the config, allowing the user to hide structural components that they don't need - Including hideHeading, hideNav, hideSearch, hideSettings, hideFooter, hideSplashScreen ## ✨ 1.3.5 - Adds Support for Emoji Icons [PR #76](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/76) - Enables user to use emojis for item and section icons - Adds a handler to convert Unicode, or Shortcode into an Emoji ## 🌟 1.3.4 - Showcase Addition [PR #75](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/75) - Adds @cerealconyogurt's screenshot to the showcase ## 💄 1.3.3 - UI Improvements [PR #73](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/73) - New style of Large item - 2 new color themes - Added CSS variables for search label and footer background - Improves process for auto-checking if font-awesome is needed - Silences non-critical warnings in production build - Adds new optional font-face for cyber punk - Shortens readme, and adds contribute links to showcase ## ⚡️ 1.3.0 - Custom Headers for Status Check [PR #72](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/72) - Enables user to pass custom headers to the status check endpoint - Enables user to use a different URL for the status check request ## 🌟 1.2.9 - Creates a Showcase Page [PR #68](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/68) - Adds a page in the docs for users to share their screenshots of their dashboard ## ✨ 1.2.8 - Adds Remember-Me Functionality into the Login Form [PR #66](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/66) - Adds a dropdown menu in the login form with various time intervals available - Adds appropriate expiry into session storage, in order to keep user logged in for their desired time interval ## ✨ 1.2.7 - Implements a Right-Click Context Menu [#62](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/62) - Built a context menu, showing all item opening methods, on right-click - Made a clickOutside directive, in order to close menu when user clicks away - Adds launching functionality, user can click to launch ## ⚡️ 1.2.6 - Make Font Assets Local [PR #60](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/60) - Downloaded font files to assets - Removed all calls to font CDN, replaced with local calls ## 🐛 1.2.5 - Small Fixes, and Efficiency Improvements [PR #57](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/57) - Adds correct license - Improves service workers, and adds serviceWorkerStatus local storage item - Adds missing statusCheck and statusCheckInterval docs into Configuring.md - Adds an About App page, containing info needed to raise a bug report - Adds TDLR license into main readme - Introduces app versioning - Adds safeguards into ConfigAccumalaror, to prevent error being thrown - Updates PR template - Improved Webpack build experience, with progress bar and completion notification - Adds new and improved icons for layout options - Make the Page Title into a home page link - Adds missing favicon, fixes #55 - Adds assets to PWA manifest.json - Documents app commands in readme - Enable passing website as URL param to the workspace - Modified items, so that title text doesn't get shortened, ## ✨ 1.2.4 - Adds Support for Continuous Status Checking [#52](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/52) - Enables user to re-call the status check at a specified interval - Processes interval in ms, and updates the traffic light when required ## 🐛 1.2.3 - Bug Fix [PR #49](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/49) - Removes duplicate Docker env var, fixes #48 ## ✨ 1.2.2 - Better Favicon Support - Enables user to force direct/ local favicon fetching - Adds support for additional favicon API, returning high-res app icons - Adds support for generative icons ## 🐛 1.2.1 - Bugfix [#44](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/44) - Fixes footer positioning on mobile, makes sticky, fixes #42 ## ✨ 1.2.0 - Adds Writing Config to Disk from UI Functionality [PR #43](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/43) - Creates a new server endpoint for handling the backing up of a the file - Adds backup existing file functionality - Adds writing new file functionality - Does error checking, testing and adds some security parameters - Adds a radio button in the UI, so user chan choose save method - Process config within the UI, convert to YAML, and write changes to disk ## 🐛 1.1.8 - Bugfix [#40](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/40) - Status check tooltip was not visible in Material themes, raised in issue #39 ## ✨ 1.1.7 - Adds Workspace View [PR #38](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/38) - Adds a new route, for the workspace view - Builds the sidebar, which displays the users apps - Loads the app into the workspace's main iframe when clicked - Adds some collapsing functionality, better styles, subtle animations and theme support ## ✨ 1.1.6 - Implements Status Indicators, and Monitoring Functionality [PR #34](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/34) - Wrote a Node endpoint for pinging the users desired services - Added status checking functionality in frontend - Build small traffic-light component to display status of users services - Adds animations, and handles errors - Writes docs, and tests code ## ✨ 1.1.5 - Adds Authentication / Login Functionality [PR #32](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/32) - Enables the user to protect their dashboard behind a login screen - Creates a Authentication handler to manage the hashing of passwords, and generation of a token - Build a quick login form, where user can input username and password - Adds a log out button ## 💄 1.1.4 - Support for Custom HTML Footer [PR #30](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/30) - Enables user to insert structure for the footer defined as HTML ## 🚀 1.1.3 - Adds Support for 1-Click Cloud Deployments [PR #29](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/29) - Support for 1-Click Deploy to Netlify - Support for 1-Click Deploy to Heroku ## 🔧 1.1.2 - Docker Efficiency Improvements [PR #26](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/26) - Writes a Node health check script, and implements into the Docker container - Changes default port in docker-compose, as 8080 is commonly used by other apps - Adds the 1-Click deploy with PWD into the readme - Updates dependencies - Adds a getting started guide to the docs - Adds splash screen for first load - Deleted unused assets - Makes linter run as a pre-commit hook - Fixes lint errors in server.js and validate-config.js ## 🐛 1.1.1 - Bug Fixes [PR #20](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/20) + [PR #21](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/21) - Adds issue template - Bug fixes - Improves github PR and issue templates - Shortens readme file - Adds documentation in the docs folder - Fixes Layout tab not showing in portrait #19 - Improves mobile performance for both the settings, config and backup pop-ups - Fixes issue where theme not applied on load when the settings are hidden - Adds minimum dimensions to modalsShortens readme file - Adds documentation in the docs folder - Adds minimum dimensions to modals ## 🚑️ 1.1.0 - Hotfix [#18](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/18) - Implementing the JSON validator had actually broken the entire JSON editor - Fixed it by remove explicit use of Ajv, and using a derivative instead ## 📝 1.0.5 - Documentation [PR #16](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/16) - Previously there was very little documentation, this release fixed that - Wrote specific docs for: - Getting Started - Configuring - Backup & Restore - Theming - Developing ## ✨ 1.0.0 - Implements Config Validation [PR #13](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/13) - Write a JSON schema for the conf.yml file - Wrote a validation script to compare users config against schema - Adds a formatter to print helpful messages about what needs fixing - Implements validation process into build script - Implements validation process into UI config configurator's validation ## 🔧 0.9.5 - Brand New Docker Container [PR #12](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/12) - With help from several users, a new container based on Alpine is released - A sample Docker Compose script is also written, and docs are updated - A 1-Click button for deploying to Play-with-Docker is added to the Readme ## ✨ 0.9.0 - Adds Hide Settings Functionality [PR #11](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/11) - Enables user to hide settings from UI - Users preference is saved in local storage - User can hide other structural elements of the UI from the config ## 💄 0.8.5 - Adds new Built-In Themes [PR #9](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/9) - Adds Minimal-Dark and Minimal-Light theme - Adds Material-Dark and Material-Light theme - Adds additional theme docs - Adds option for sections to have items too ## ✨ 0.8.0 - Implements Custom CSS Editor [PR: #8](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/8) - Adds a page in the config menu - Adds syntax highlighting, CSS validation and sanitization - Saves users CSS, and applies styles on page load ## ✨ 0.7.5 - Adds Cloud Backup and Restore Feature [PR #6](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/6) - Creates a form for entering backup ID and decryption password - Puts form in modal, and adds button to launch form, with custom icon - Implemented the cryptography stuff for end-to-end data encryption - Wrote and tested the backend, and deployed as a serverless function on CF workers - On the frontend, users input is encrypted, and passed to backend cloud function - Response from the backend is handles appropriately, and message displayed to the user - Implements the restoring from server functionality, with data integrity checks ## ✨ 0.7.0 - Support for Custom Nav Links [PR #4](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/4) - User can add custom nav bar links from the Config Settings menu - Better UI styling to the config menu - New icons inside buttons ## ✨ 0.6.5 - UI Config Editor [PR #3](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/pull/3) Adds the ability for the user to edit their configuration directly from the UI - Edit all section and item data using a rich JSON editor - Download/ backup conf.yml directly from the UI - Edit site meta data: title, description, footer, etc - Reset all locally stored data to the initial state - Also includes a new toast component, for subtle notifications ## ✨ 0.6.0 - Navbar, Footer and Background Image - Adds option for a custom full-size background image - Made footer customizable - Fixes error being thrown when navbar links are empty ## ⚡️ 0.5.5 - Improved Theming - Makes more specific color variables, which inherit base vars - Makes it possible for users to write their own theme - Fix some color edge cases - Adds docs for theming ## ✨ 0.5.0 - Theme Support - Converts all SCSS variables to CSS variables - Implements theme switching functionality - Adds a dropdown menu, enabling user to select theme - Adds an initial theme option to `appConfig.theme` - Saves selected theme to local storage - Wrote a ton of color themes ## ✨ 0.4.5 - Keyboard Navigation - Implements arrow key navigation ## ✨ 0.4.0 - Font Awesome Support - Adds support for Font-Awesome icons - Auto-loads font-awesome only when needed - Adds support for SVG icons ## ✨ 0.3.5 - Opening Method - Shows opening method on hover - Opening method can be specified in config, as `item[n].target` ## 🔨 0.3.0 - Docker - Writes a Dockerfile ## 🎨 0.2.5 - Code Quality, Docs and UI - Huge code quality overhaul, now uses AirBnB style ESLint - Adds in-code docs, removes unneeded code, moves reusable helpers into utils dir - Adds a readme, records a demo gif and adds some basic deployment docs - Removes dependencies which are not 100% necessary ## ✨ 0.2.0 - Collapsible Sections - Implements collapsing functionality, for less used or very long sections - Sections can read default state from `section[n].collapsed` within config - After change, state of each section is stored in local storage ## ⚡️ 0.1.5 - Search and Navigation - Improves instant search functionality - Implements keyboard navigation for selecting items - Launch selected item with enter, or Ctrl + Enter to open in new tab ## 🎉 0.1.0 - Init Project started. Forked from [Lissy93/Dash](https://github.com/Lissy93/dash)