# Maintainer: Aurélien Hamy APPNAME = dev.aunetx.deezer BASE_URL = $(shell jq ".modules[0].sources[0].url" dev.aunetx.deezer.json) SHA256 = $(shell jq ".modules[0].sources[0].sha256" dev.aunetx.deezer.json) PKGVER = $(shell echo $(BASE_URL) | grep -Eo "([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)" | head -1) VERSION_REGEX = ^v$(PKGVER)-[0-9]{1,}$$ SOURCE_DIR ?= ./source APP_DIR ?= ./app PACKAGE_MANAGER ?= npm PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG ?= --prefix PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALL_CMD ?= install PACKAGE_MANAGER_ADD_CMD ?= install install_build_deps: @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_ADD_CMD) @electron/asar@3.2.18 --engine-strict @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_ADD_CMD) prettier@2.8.8 prepare: clean install_build_deps @mkdir -p $(SOURCE_DIR) @echo "Download installer" @wget -nv $(BASE_URL) -O $(SOURCE_DIR)/deezer-setup-$(PKGVER).exe @echo "Verify installer" @echo "$(SHA256) $(SOURCE_DIR)/deezer-setup-$(PKGVER).exe" | sha256sum -c --status || exit 1 @echo "Extract app archive from installer" @cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && 7z x -so deezer-setup-$(PKGVER).exe '$$PLUGINSDIR/app-32.7z' > app-32.7z @echo "Extract app from app archive" @cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && 7z x -y -bsp0 -bso0 app-32.7z @echo "Extract app sources from the app" @node_modules/@electron/asar/bin/asar.js extract $(SOURCE_DIR)/resources/app.asar $(APP_DIR) @echo "Prettier the sources to patch successfully" @node_modules/prettier/bin-prettier.js --write "$(APP_DIR)/build/*.js" @echo "Apply patches from ./patches:" @echo "01 - Hide to tray when closing (https://github.com/SibrenVasse/deezer/issues/4)" @echo "02 - Start in tray cli option (https://github.com/SibrenVasse/deezer/pull/12)" @echo "03 - Avoid to set the text/html mime type (https://github.com/aunetx/deezer-linux/issues/13)" @echo "04 - Disable auto updater (https://github.com/aunetx/deezer-linux/pull/95)" @echo "05 - Remove OS information (https://github.com/aunetx/deezer-linux/pull/95)" @echo "06 - Add a better management of MPRIS (https://github.com/aunetx/deezer-linux/pull/61)" @echo "07 - Add Discord Rich Presence (https://github.com/aunetx/deezer-linux/pull/82)" @echo "08 - Add option to disable Discord Rich Presence (https://github.com/aunetx/deezer-linux/pull/95)" @echo "09 - Add environment variable to change log level (https://github.com/aunetx/deezer-linux/pull/95)" @echo "10 - Add track duration and url, various fixes (https://github.com/aunetx/deezer-linux/pull/95)" $(foreach p, $(wildcard ./patches/*), patch -p 1 -d $(APP_DIR) < $(p);) @echo "Append `package-append.json` to the `package.json` of the app" @echo "Adds electron, elecron-builder dependencies, prod and build directives" @jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' $(APP_DIR)/package.json package-append.json > $(APP_DIR)/tmp.json && mv $(APP_DIR)/tmp.json $(APP_DIR)/package.json @echo "Download new packages" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALL_CMD) #! PACKAGES install_deps: prepare @echo "Install $(PACKAGE_MANAGER) dependencies to pack them later" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALL_CMD) build_tar.xz_x64: @echo "Build tar.xz archive" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) run build-tar.xz-x64 build_deb_x64: @echo "Build deb package" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) run build-deb-x64 build_rpm_x64: @echo "Build rpm package" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) run build-rpm-x64 build_appimage_x64: @echo "Build AppImage binary" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) run build-appimage-x64 build_snap_x64: @echo "Build Snap package" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) run build-snap-x64 build_tar.xz_arm64: @echo "Build tar.xz archive" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) run build-tar.xz-arm64 build_deb_arm64: @echo "Build deb package" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) run build-deb-arm64 build_rpm_arm64: @echo "Build rpm package" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) run build-rpm-arm64 build_appimage_arm64: @echo "Build AppImage binary" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) run build-appimage-arm64 build_snap_arm64: @echo "Build Snap package" @$(PACKAGE_MANAGER) $(PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUBDIR_ARG) $(APP_DIR) run build-snap-arm64 #! DEV patch-new: install_deps @echo "Setting up the development environment..." @cd $(APP_DIR) && echo "node_modules\n*.diff\n*.orig" > .gitignore && git init && git add . @cd $(APP_DIR) && git commit -m "initial commit" @echo "You can now edit the sources in the $(APP_DIR) directory" @echo "When you are done, commit your changes, run 'make patch-gen'." @echo "Don't forget to rename your patch." patch-gen: @cd $(APP_DIR) && git format-patch -1 HEAD --stdout > ../patches/$(shell date +%y%m%d-%s).patch #! UTILS prepare-release: @echo $(DEEZER_RELEASE) | egrep "$(VERSION_REGEX)" > /dev/null || \ (echo "$(DEEZER_RELEASE) is not a correct release version of v$(PKGVER)" && false) @desktop-file-validate $(APPNAME).desktop || \ (echo "Desktop file validation failed" && false) release: prepare-release @echo "Updating to $(DEEZER_RELEASE)..." git tag -s $(DEEZER_RELEASE) -m "" git push origin $(DEEZER_RELEASE) git push clean: @rm -rf ./$(APP_DIR) flatpak node_modules ./$(SOURCE_DIR) artifacts package.json