-whenever config file has a dir, check that it ends with "/" -in domailuser(), we need find_curr_player_game(username) -for menu definitions, allow "default" commands (when user presses a key not defined in other commands): commands[default] = ... -in watching-menu "The following games are in progress:" should change depending if there's only 1 game. It should also list the # of games. -in watching-menu, maybe we shouldn't pick players who have been idle for too long when randomly choosing one to watch. -change dgl-banner handling; we only use the top line of it nowadays... (maybe make that info config line: bannerline = "## $SERVERID" or something) -allow the admin to config the watching menu: -top banner -bottom banner -remove and reorder the columns: watch_title = " Name Game Size Start date & time Idle" this doesn't allow hiliting the sorted title, though... watch_columns = "0) 1 2 3 4 5 6" where the numbers correspond to the columns, everything else is passed through. the columns have default widths. col 0=selectletter, 1=playername, 2=gamenum, 3=termsize, 4=startdate, 5=starttime, 6=idletime -set default sort method -selectorchars: watch_selectorchars = "abcdefghijklmn" (a-zA-Z, minus qQ) -keys: currently: qQ=return, '.'=sort++, ','=sort--, etc -allow admin to set per-game "extra info" file, extrainfofile = "/nh343/var/extrainfo/%n.xtranfo" contents of which are shown in the watching menu as info-column. the game is responsible for updating the contents of that file. -update virus to the newest version. -allow changing the name where the ttyrecs are saved, like ttyrec_fn = "%rttyrec/%n/%g/%p.ttyrec" -maybe save more stuff in the db, if we're using the sqlite (last login timestamp, watch-menu sort-type, etc) -Allow using a ttyrec (or similar screen capture) as the menu text, instead of a text file. maybe adding a bannertype={auto,txt,ttyrec,screendump} into a menu def. auto=try to detect it from file extension. -BUG: cannot quit watching until caught up with the stream. -allow configuring the watching, new user registration, email/passwd change, etc. screens. -make default_fmode configurable, and add config file command "chmod file mode" -allow setting the new rcfile access rights. -allow configuring the ttyrec dir location & file format. -maybe allow changing the watching-screen &c layouts too? -add commandline parameters to dgamelaunch: dgamelaunch --chpasswd "nick" "newpass" -some games (robotfindskitten?) are not worth saving into ttyrecs, make it configurable. -save the game name into ttyrec filename, so we can find what game it was. -allow configuring ttyplay.c; some games may use different clear-screen commands. (see for example crawl) -allow configuring the gfx stripping. (number of chars, types of stripping, include unicode stripping from crawl dgl, etc) -public (no-password) accounts? (a per-user flag) what happens when someone is playing on the account and someone else logins and we start playing? -allow users to run recover themselves -make dgl show # of watchers -configurable stuff: allowed chars in usernames, allow char stripping, ... - Flags for operators/staff/admins or (optionally) user-bans. - Localization of variables, code clean up - Use /var/run/nologin and/or dgl-specific nologin file