.TH DGAMELAUNCH 8 "25 February 2004" "joshk et al" "System Manager's Manual" .SH NAME dgamelaunch \- Network console game launcher .SH SYNOPSIS .na .hy 0 .B dgamelaunch [ .B \-h .I hostname ] [ .B \-f .I config ] [ .B \-q ] [ .B \-p ] .ad .hy 14 .SH DESCRIPTION .PP .I dgamelaunch is a network-based game shell where anyone can sign up for an account and start playing any game which suits your fancy - currently, though, it only supports NetHack. The user is presented with a curses-based menu to watch other games, edit the options or play the game. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -f config Specify the location of the configuration file. .TP .B -q Don't print errors pertaining to the server configuration. .TP .B -p Ignored; solely for compatibility with .B login(1) .TP .B -h hostname Ignored; solely for compatibility with .B login(1) .SH CRASH RECOVERY .PP If a user somehow disconnects in an unclean way, .I dgamelaunch will usually send nethack the SIGHUP signal, which causes nethack to save the game. .PP If a user tries to play while he already has a game in progress (for example because nethack hung), .I dgamelaunch will warn the user and send nethack the SIGHUP signal if the user agrees. If nethack does not shut down within 10 seconds, .I dgamelaunch will ask the user for permission to send it the SIGTERM signal, which causes nethack to terminate quickly. .SH AUTHORS .PP M. Drew Streib wrote the original version. .PP Later, Joshua Kwan, Brett Carrington and Jilles Tjoelker added many new features. .SH FILES .DT .ta \w'dgldir/ttyrec//*.ttyrec\ \ \ 'u /etc/dgamelaunch.conf Default configuration file (can be changed at compile time). .br .PP All other files are in the chroot as defined in the configuration file. Most of these filenames can be changed in the configuration file. .PP .DT .ta \w'dgldir/ttyrec//*.ttyrec\ \ \ 'u dgl-login Login names, passwords and email addresses. .br dgl-lock Lockfile for dgl-login, locked with fcntl(2). .br dgl-banner Text shown on the screen. .br dgl-default-rcfile Options file for new accounts. .br bin/nethack The NetHack binary. .br dgldir/inprogress/* A file for each game in progress; the file is locked (with fcntl(2)) when the dgamelaunch process is still alive. .br dgldir/rcfiles/* Options files. .br dgldir/ttyrec//*.ttyrec Recorded games, this may get very big very quickly. .\".SH ENVIRONMENT .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP nethack(6), telnetd(8), login(1), curses(3), fcntl(2) .SH BUGS .PP None known.