-BUG: cannot quit watching until caught up with the stream. -allow configuring the watching, new user registration, email/passwd change, etc. screens. -make default_fmode configurable, and add config file command "chmod file mode" -allow setting the new rcfile access rights. -allow configuring the ttyrec dir location & file format. -maybe allow changing the watching-screen &c layouts too? -add commandline parameters to dgamelaunch: dgamelaunch --chpasswd "nick" "newpass" -some games (robotfindskitten?) are not worth saving into ttyrecs, make it configurable. -save the game name into ttyrec filename, so we can find what game it was. -allow configuring ttyplay.c; some games may use different clear-screen commands. (see for example crawl) -allow configuring the gfx stripping. (number of chars, types of stripping, include unicode stripping from crawl dgl, etc) -public (no-password) accounts? (a per-user flag) what happens when someone is playing on the account and someone else logins and we start playing? -info screen (more than just the banner), for info about the game(s) and the server, etc. -allow more than one editor per dgl -allow users to run recover themselves -make dgl show # of watchers -configurable stuff: allowed chars in usernames, allow char stripping, ... - Flags for operators/staff/admins or (optionally) user-bans. - Localization of variables, code clean up - Use /var/run/nologin and/or dgl-specific nologin file - Honor window size changes (currently the player has to relogin if window size changes)