
169 lines
7.2 KiB

# project information
project_name: webtop
project_url: ""
project_logo: ""
project_blurb: |
[{{ project_name|capitalize }}]({{ project_url }}) - Alpine, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Arch based containers containing full desktop environments in officially supported flavors accessible via any modern web browser.
project_lsio_github_repo_url: "{{ project_name }}"
project_categories: "Remote Desktop"
# supported architectures
- {arch: "{{ arch_x86_64 }}", tag: "amd64-latest"}
- {arch: "{{ arch_arm64 }}", tag: "arm64v8-latest"}
# development version
development_versions: true
- {tag: "latest", desc: "XFCE Alpine"}
- {tag: "ubuntu-xfce", desc: "XFCE Ubuntu"}
- {tag: "fedora-xfce", desc: "XFCE Fedora"}
- {tag: "arch-xfce", desc: "XFCE Arch"}
- {tag: "debian-xfce", desc: "XFCE Debian"}
- {tag: "alpine-kde", desc: "KDE Alpine"}
- {tag: "ubuntu-kde", desc: "KDE Ubuntu"}
- {tag: "fedora-kde", desc: "KDE Fedora"}
- {tag: "arch-kde", desc: "KDE Arch"}
- {tag: "debian-kde", desc: "KDE Debian"}
- {tag: "alpine-mate", desc: "MATE Alpine"}
- {tag: "ubuntu-mate", desc: "MATE Ubuntu"}
- {tag: "fedora-mate", desc: "MATE Fedora"}
- {tag: "arch-mate", desc: "MATE Arch"}
- {tag: "debian-mate", desc: "MATE Debian"}
- {tag: "alpine-i3", desc: "i3 Alpine"}
- {tag: "ubuntu-i3", desc: "i3 Ubuntu"}
- {tag: "fedora-i3", desc: "i3 Fedora"}
- {tag: "arch-i3", desc: "i3 Arch"}
- {tag: "debian-i3", desc: "i3 Debian"}
- {tag: "alpine-openbox", desc: "Openbox Alpine"}
- {tag: "ubuntu-openbox", desc: "Openbox Ubuntu"}
- {tag: "fedora-openbox", desc: "Openbox Fedora"}
- {tag: "arch-openbox", desc: "Openbox Arch"}
- {tag: "debian-openbox", desc: "Openbox Debian"}
- {tag: "alpine-icewm", desc: "IceWM Alpine"}
- {tag: "ubuntu-icewm", desc: "IceWM Ubuntu"}
- {tag: "fedora-icewm", desc: "IceWM Fedora"}
- {tag: "arch-icewm", desc: "IceWM Arch"}
- {tag: "debian-icewm", desc: "IceWM Debian"}
# container parameters
param_container_name: "{{ project_name }}"
param_usage_include_vols: true
- {vol_path: "/config", vol_host_path: "/path/to/data", desc: "abc users home directory"}
param_usage_include_ports: true
- {external_port: "3000", internal_port: "3000", port_desc: "Web Desktop GUI"}
- {external_port: "3001", internal_port: "3001", port_desc: "Web Desktop GUI HTTPS"}
param_usage_include_env: true
- {env_var: "TZ", env_value: "Europe/London", desc: "Specify a timezone to use EG Europe/London"}
# optional variables
opt_param_usage_include_env: true
- {env_var: "SUBFOLDER", env_value: "/", desc: "Specify a subfolder to use with reverse proxies, IE `/subfolder/`"}
- {env_var: "TITLE", env_value: "Webtop", desc: "String which will be used as page/tab title in the web browser."}
opt_param_usage_include_vols: true
- {vol_path: "/var/run/docker.sock", vol_host_path: "/var/run/docker.sock", desc: "Docker Socket on the system, if you want to use Docker in the container"}
- {name: "shm-size", name_compose: "shm_size", value: "1gb", desc: "We set this to 1 gig to prevent modern web browsers from crashing"}
opt_security_opt_param: true
- {run_var: "seccomp=unconfined", compose_var: "seccomp:unconfined", desc: "For Docker Engine only, many modern gui apps need this to function on older hosts as syscalls are unknown to Docker."}
opt_param_device_map: true
- {device_path: "/dev/dri", device_host_path: "/dev/dri", desc: "Add this for GL support (Linux hosts only)"}
# Kasm blurb settings
kasm_blurb: true
show_nvidia: true
external_http_port: "3000"
external_https_port: "3001"
noto_fonts: "font-noto-cjk"
# application setup block
app_setup_block_enabled: true
app_setup_block: |
The Webtop can be accessed at:
* http://yourhost:3000/
* https://yourhost:3001/
# init diagram
init_diagram: |
"webtop:latest": {
base {
fix-attr +\nlegacy cont-init
docker-mods -> base
custom services
init-services -> legacy-services
init-services -> custom services
custom services -> legacy-services
legacy-services -> ci-service-check
init-migrations -> init-adduser
init-kasmvnc-end -> init-config
init-os-end -> init-config
init-config -> init-config-end
init-crontab-config -> init-config-end
init-config -> init-crontab-config
init-mods-end -> init-custom-files
base -> init-envfile
init-os-end -> init-kasmvnc
init-nginx -> init-kasmvnc-config
init-video -> init-kasmvnc-end
base -> init-migrations
init-config-end -> init-mods
init-mods-package-install -> init-mods-end
init-mods -> init-mods-package-install
init-kasmvnc -> init-nginx
init-adduser -> init-os-end
init-envfile -> init-os-end
init-custom-files -> init-services
init-kasmvnc-config -> init-video
init-services -> svc-cron
svc-cron -> legacy-services
init-services -> svc-de
svc-nginx -> svc-de
svc-de -> legacy-services
init-services -> svc-docker
svc-de -> svc-docker
svc-docker -> legacy-services
init-services -> svc-kasmvnc
svc-pulseaudio -> svc-kasmvnc
svc-kasmvnc -> legacy-services
init-services -> svc-kclient
svc-kasmvnc -> svc-kclient
svc-kclient -> legacy-services
init-services -> svc-nginx
svc-kclient -> svc-nginx
svc-nginx -> legacy-services
init-services -> svc-pulseaudio
svc-pulseaudio -> legacy-services
Base Images: {
"baseimage-kasmvnc:alpine321" <- "baseimage-alpine:3.21"
"webtop:latest" <- Base Images
# changelog
- {date: "10.01.25:", desc: "Rebase Fedora to 41."}
- {date: "06.12.24:", desc: "Rebase Alpine to 3.21."}
- {date: "26.09.24:", desc: "Swap from firefox to chromium on Alpine images."}
- {date: "23.05.24:", desc: "Rebase Alpine to 3.20, document Nvidia support."}
- {date: "22.04.24:", desc: "Rebase Ubuntu to Noble."}
- {date: "16.04.24:", desc: "Add docs on PRoot Apps."}
- {date: "14.04.24:", desc: "Rebase Fedora to 40."}
- {date: "11.02.24:", desc: "Add PWA icons and title variants properly."}
- {date: "06.02.24:", desc: "Update Readme about native language support."}
- {date: "29.12.23:", desc: "Rebase Alpine to 3.19 and swap back to Firefox."}
- {date: "07.11.23:", desc: "Rebase Fedora to 39."}
- {date: "14.06.23:", desc: "Rebase to Debian Bookworm."}
- {date: "13.05.23:", desc: "Rebase to Alpine 3.18 and Fedora 38."}
- {date: "23.03.23:", desc: "Rebase all Webtops to KasmVNC base image."}
- {date: "21.10.22:", desc: "Rebase xfce to Alpine 3.16, migrate to s6v3."}
- {date: "12.03.22:", desc: "Add documentation for mounting in a GPU."}
- {date: "05.02.22:", desc: "Rebase KDE Ubuntu to Jammy, add new documentation for updated gclient, stop recommending priv mode."}
- {date: "21.09.21:", desc: "Add Fedora and Arch images, show seccomp settings in readme."}
- {date: "26.09.21:", desc: "Rebase to Alpine versions to 3.14."}
- {date: "20.04.21:", desc: "Initial release."}