From 55e0756c68057eedfdb2f6ce7e9d8f9a5b228150 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chai-Shi <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 03:37:17 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Fix push message behavior (#33215)

Fixes #32769 by the logic from pr #33192


Co-authored-by: wxiaoguang <>
 models/git/branch.go                          |   4 +
 routers/web/repo/view_home.go                 |  20 ++-
 services/repository/branch.go                 |  57 +++++++++
 services/repository/merge_upstream.go         |  67 +---------
 .../repo/code/upstream_diverging_info.tmpl    |   6 +-
 tests/integration/repo_branch_test.go         | 116 ++++++++----------
 6 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/git/branch.go b/models/git/branch.go
index e683ce47e6..a264f555d9 100644
--- a/models/git/branch.go
+++ b/models/git/branch.go
@@ -440,6 +440,8 @@ type FindRecentlyPushedNewBranchesOptions struct {
 type RecentlyPushedNewBranch struct {
+	BranchRepo        *repo_model.Repository
+	BranchName        string
 	BranchDisplayName string
 	BranchLink        string
 	BranchCompareURL  string
@@ -540,7 +542,9 @@ func FindRecentlyPushedNewBranches(ctx context.Context, doer *user_model.User, o
 				branchDisplayName = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", branch.Repo.FullName(), branchDisplayName)
 			newBranches = append(newBranches, &RecentlyPushedNewBranch{
+				BranchRepo:        branch.Repo,
 				BranchDisplayName: branchDisplayName,
+				BranchName:        branch.Name,
 				BranchLink:        fmt.Sprintf("%s/src/branch/%s", branch.Repo.Link(), util.PathEscapeSegments(branch.Name)),
 				BranchCompareURL:  branch.Repo.ComposeBranchCompareURL(opts.BaseRepo, branch.Name),
 				CommitTime:        branch.CommitTime,
diff --git a/routers/web/repo/view_home.go b/routers/web/repo/view_home.go
index ff2ee3c7ec..d141df181c 100644
--- a/routers/web/repo/view_home.go
+++ b/routers/web/repo/view_home.go
@@ -215,10 +215,28 @@ func prepareRecentlyPushedNewBranches(ctx *context.Context) {
 		if !opts.Repo.IsMirror && !opts.BaseRepo.IsMirror &&
 			opts.BaseRepo.UnitEnabled(ctx, unit_model.TypePullRequests) &&
 			baseRepoPerm.CanRead(unit_model.TypePullRequests) {
-			ctx.Data["RecentlyPushedNewBranches"], err = git_model.FindRecentlyPushedNewBranches(ctx, ctx.Doer, opts)
+			var finalBranches []*git_model.RecentlyPushedNewBranch
+			branches, err := git_model.FindRecentlyPushedNewBranches(ctx, ctx.Doer, opts)
 			if err != nil {
 				log.Error("FindRecentlyPushedNewBranches failed: %v", err)
+			for _, branch := range branches {
+				divergingInfo, err := repo_service.GetBranchDivergingInfo(ctx,
+					branch.BranchRepo, branch.BranchName, // "base" repo for diverging info
+					opts.BaseRepo, opts.BaseRepo.DefaultBranch, // "head" repo for diverging info
+				)
+				if err != nil {
+					log.Error("GetBranchDivergingInfo failed: %v", err)
+					continue
+				}
+				branchRepoHasNewCommits := divergingInfo.BaseHasNewCommits
+				baseRepoCommitsBehind := divergingInfo.HeadCommitsBehind
+				if branchRepoHasNewCommits || baseRepoCommitsBehind > 0 {
+					finalBranches = append(finalBranches, branch)
+				}
+			}
+			ctx.Data["RecentlyPushedNewBranches"] = finalBranches
diff --git a/services/repository/branch.go b/services/repository/branch.go
index a1065f5641..08c53bbb6a 100644
--- a/services/repository/branch.go
+++ b/services/repository/branch.go
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import (
 	repo_module ""
+	""
 	webhook_module ""
@@ -665,3 +666,59 @@ func SetRepoDefaultBranch(ctx context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository, gitR
 	return nil
+// BranchDivergingInfo contains the information about the divergence of a head branch to the base branch.
+// This struct is also used in templates, so it needs to search for all references before changing it.
+type BranchDivergingInfo struct {
+	BaseHasNewCommits bool
+	HeadCommitsBehind int
+	HeadCommitsAhead  int
+// GetBranchDivergingInfo returns the information about the divergence of a patch branch to the base branch.
+func GetBranchDivergingInfo(ctx reqctx.RequestContext, baseRepo *repo_model.Repository, baseBranch string, headRepo *repo_model.Repository, headBranch string) (*BranchDivergingInfo, error) {
+	headGitBranch, err := git_model.GetBranch(ctx, headRepo.ID, headBranch)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	baseGitBranch, err := git_model.GetBranch(ctx, baseRepo.ID, baseBranch)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	info := &BranchDivergingInfo{}
+	if headGitBranch.CommitID == baseGitBranch.CommitID {
+		return info, nil
+	}
+	// if the fork repo has new commits, this call will fail because they are not in the base repo
+	// exit status 128 - fatal: Invalid symmetric difference expression aaaaaaaaaaaa...bbbbbbbbbbbb
+	// so at the moment, we first check the update time, then check whether the fork branch has base's head
+	diff, err := git.GetDivergingCommits(ctx, baseRepo.RepoPath(), baseGitBranch.CommitID, headGitBranch.CommitID)
+	if err != nil {
+		info.BaseHasNewCommits = baseGitBranch.UpdatedUnix > headGitBranch.UpdatedUnix
+		if headRepo.IsFork && info.BaseHasNewCommits {
+			return info, nil
+		}
+		// if the base's update time is before the fork, check whether the base's head is in the fork
+		headGitRepo, err := gitrepo.RepositoryFromRequestContextOrOpen(ctx, headRepo)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		headCommit, err := headGitRepo.GetCommit(headGitBranch.CommitID)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		baseCommitID, err := git.NewIDFromString(baseGitBranch.CommitID)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		hasPreviousCommit, _ := headCommit.HasPreviousCommit(baseCommitID)
+		info.BaseHasNewCommits = !hasPreviousCommit
+		return info, nil
+	}
+	info.HeadCommitsBehind, info.HeadCommitsAhead = diff.Behind, diff.Ahead
+	return info, nil
diff --git a/services/repository/merge_upstream.go b/services/repository/merge_upstream.go
index ef161889c0..008e7de385 100644
--- a/services/repository/merge_upstream.go
+++ b/services/repository/merge_upstream.go
@@ -7,24 +7,16 @@ import (
-	git_model ""
 	issue_model ""
 	repo_model ""
 	user_model ""
-	""
 	repo_module ""
-type UpstreamDivergingInfo struct {
-	BaseHasNewCommits bool
-	CommitsBehind     int
-	CommitsAhead      int
 // MergeUpstream merges the base repository's default branch into the fork repository's current branch.
 func MergeUpstream(ctx context.Context, doer *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository, branch string) (mergeStyle string, err error) {
 	if err = repo.MustNotBeArchived(); err != nil {
@@ -78,67 +70,18 @@ func MergeUpstream(ctx context.Context, doer *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.
 // GetUpstreamDivergingInfo returns the information about the divergence between the fork repository's branch and the base repository's default branch.
-func GetUpstreamDivergingInfo(ctx reqctx.RequestContext, repo *repo_model.Repository, branch string) (*UpstreamDivergingInfo, error) {
-	if !repo.IsFork {
+func GetUpstreamDivergingInfo(ctx reqctx.RequestContext, forkRepo *repo_model.Repository, forkBranch string) (*BranchDivergingInfo, error) {
+	if !forkRepo.IsFork {
 		return nil, util.NewInvalidArgumentErrorf("repo is not a fork")
-	if repo.IsArchived {
+	if forkRepo.IsArchived {
 		return nil, util.NewInvalidArgumentErrorf("repo is archived")
-	if err := repo.GetBaseRepo(ctx); err != nil {
+	if err := forkRepo.GetBaseRepo(ctx); err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	forkBranch, err := git_model.GetBranch(ctx, repo.ID, branch)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	baseBranch, err := git_model.GetBranch(ctx, repo.BaseRepo.ID, repo.BaseRepo.DefaultBranch)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	info := &UpstreamDivergingInfo{}
-	if forkBranch.CommitID == baseBranch.CommitID {
-		return info, nil
-	}
-	// if the fork repo has new commits, this call will fail because they are not in the base repo
-	// exit status 128 - fatal: Invalid symmetric difference expression aaaaaaaaaaaa...bbbbbbbbbbbb
-	// so at the moment, we first check the update time, then check whether the fork branch has base's head
-	diff, err := git.GetDivergingCommits(ctx, repo.BaseRepo.RepoPath(), baseBranch.CommitID, forkBranch.CommitID)
-	if err != nil {
-		info.BaseHasNewCommits = baseBranch.UpdatedUnix > forkBranch.UpdatedUnix
-		if info.BaseHasNewCommits {
-			return info, nil
-		}
-		// if the base's update time is before the fork, check whether the base's head is in the fork
-		baseGitRepo, err := gitrepo.RepositoryFromRequestContextOrOpen(ctx, repo.BaseRepo)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		headGitRepo, err := gitrepo.RepositoryFromRequestContextOrOpen(ctx, repo)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		baseCommitID, err := baseGitRepo.ConvertToGitID(baseBranch.CommitID)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		headCommit, err := headGitRepo.GetCommit(forkBranch.CommitID)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		hasPreviousCommit, _ := headCommit.HasPreviousCommit(baseCommitID)
-		info.BaseHasNewCommits = !hasPreviousCommit
-		return info, nil
-	}
-	info.CommitsBehind, info.CommitsAhead = diff.Behind, diff.Ahead
-	return info, nil
+	return GetBranchDivergingInfo(ctx, forkRepo.BaseRepo, forkRepo.BaseRepo.DefaultBranch, forkRepo, forkBranch)
diff --git a/templates/repo/code/upstream_diverging_info.tmpl b/templates/repo/code/upstream_diverging_info.tmpl
index a1f37b8c05..8d6e55959f 100644
--- a/templates/repo/code/upstream_diverging_info.tmpl
+++ b/templates/repo/code/upstream_diverging_info.tmpl
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-{{if and .UpstreamDivergingInfo (or .UpstreamDivergingInfo.BaseHasNewCommits .UpstreamDivergingInfo.CommitsBehind)}}
+{{if and .UpstreamDivergingInfo (or .UpstreamDivergingInfo.BaseHasNewCommits .UpstreamDivergingInfo.HeadCommitsBehind)}}
 <div class="ui message flex-text-block">
 	<div class="tw-flex-1">
 		{{$upstreamLink := printf "%s/src/branch/%s" .Repository.BaseRepo.Link (.Repository.BaseRepo.DefaultBranch|PathEscapeSegments)}}
 		{{$upstreamHtml := HTMLFormat `<a href="%s">%s:%s</a>` $upstreamLink .Repository.BaseRepo.FullName .Repository.BaseRepo.DefaultBranch}}
-		{{if .UpstreamDivergingInfo.CommitsBehind}}
-			{{ctx.Locale.TrN .UpstreamDivergingInfo.CommitsBehind "repo.pulls.upstream_diverging_prompt_behind_1" "repo.pulls.upstream_diverging_prompt_behind_n" .UpstreamDivergingInfo.CommitsBehind $upstreamHtml}}
+		{{if .UpstreamDivergingInfo.HeadCommitsBehind}}
+			{{ctx.Locale.TrN .UpstreamDivergingInfo.HeadCommitsBehind "repo.pulls.upstream_diverging_prompt_behind_1" "repo.pulls.upstream_diverging_prompt_behind_n" .UpstreamDivergingInfo.HeadCommitsBehind $upstreamHtml}}
 			{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.pulls.upstream_diverging_prompt_base_newer" $upstreamHtml}}
diff --git a/tests/integration/repo_branch_test.go b/tests/integration/repo_branch_test.go
index 2b4c417334..f9cf13112a 100644
--- a/tests/integration/repo_branch_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/repo_branch_test.go
@@ -11,13 +11,8 @@ import (
-	auth_model ""
-	org_model ""
-	""
 	repo_model ""
-	""
-	api ""
@@ -142,19 +137,51 @@ func TestCreateBranchInvalidCSRF(t *testing.T) {
 	assert.Contains(t, resp.Body.String(), "Invalid CSRF token")
-func prepareBranch(t *testing.T, session *TestSession, repo *repo_model.Repository) {
-	baseRefSubURL := fmt.Sprintf("branch/%s", repo.DefaultBranch)
+func prepareRecentlyPushedBranchTest(t *testing.T, headSession *TestSession, baseRepo, headRepo *repo_model.Repository) {
+	refSubURL := fmt.Sprintf("branch/%s", headRepo.DefaultBranch)
+	baseRepoPath := baseRepo.OwnerName + "/" + baseRepo.Name
+	headRepoPath := headRepo.OwnerName + "/" + headRepo.Name
+	// Case 1: Normal branch changeset to display pushed message
 	// create branch with no new commit
-	testCreateBranch(t, session, repo.OwnerName, repo.Name, baseRefSubURL, "no-commit", http.StatusSeeOther)
+	testCreateBranch(t, headSession, headRepo.OwnerName, headRepo.Name, refSubURL, "no-commit", http.StatusSeeOther)
 	// create branch with commit
-	testCreateBranch(t, session, repo.OwnerName, repo.Name, baseRefSubURL, "new-commit", http.StatusSeeOther)
-	testAPINewFile(t, session, repo.OwnerName, repo.Name, "new-commit", "new-commit.txt", "new-commit")
+	testAPINewFile(t, headSession, headRepo.OwnerName, headRepo.Name, "new-commit", fmt.Sprintf("new-file-%s.txt", headRepo.Name), "new-commit")
-	// create deleted branch
-	testCreateBranch(t, session, repo.OwnerName, repo.Name, "branch/new-commit", "deleted-branch", http.StatusSeeOther)
-	testUIDeleteBranch(t, session, repo.OwnerName, repo.Name, "deleted-branch")
+	// create a branch then delete it
+	testCreateBranch(t, headSession, headRepo.OwnerName, headRepo.Name, "branch/new-commit", "deleted-branch", http.StatusSeeOther)
+	testUIDeleteBranch(t, headSession, headRepo.OwnerName, headRepo.Name, "deleted-branch")
+	// only `new-commit` branch has commits ahead the base branch
+	checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, headSession, headRepoPath, []string{"new-commit"})
+	if baseRepo.RepoPath() != headRepo.RepoPath() {
+		checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, headSession, baseRepoPath, []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v:new-commit", headRepo.FullName())})
+	}
+	// Case 2: Create PR so that `new-commit` branch will not show
+	testCreatePullToDefaultBranch(t, headSession, baseRepo, headRepo, "new-commit", "merge new-commit to default branch")
+	// No push message show because of active PR
+	checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, headSession, headRepoPath, []string{})
+	if baseRepo.RepoPath() != headRepo.RepoPath() {
+		checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, headSession, baseRepoPath, []string{})
+	}
+func prepareRecentlyPushedBranchSpecialTest(t *testing.T, session *TestSession, baseRepo, headRepo *repo_model.Repository) {
+	refSubURL := fmt.Sprintf("branch/%s", headRepo.DefaultBranch)
+	baseRepoPath := baseRepo.OwnerName + "/" + baseRepo.Name
+	headRepoPath := headRepo.OwnerName + "/" + headRepo.Name
+	// create branch with no new commit
+	testCreateBranch(t, session, headRepo.OwnerName, headRepo.Name, refSubURL, "no-commit-special", http.StatusSeeOther)
+	// update base (default) branch before head branch is updated
+	testAPINewFile(t, session, baseRepo.OwnerName, baseRepo.Name, baseRepo.DefaultBranch, fmt.Sprintf("new-file-special-%s.txt", headRepo.Name), "new-commit")
+	// Though we have new `no-commit` branch, but the headBranch is not newer or commits ahead baseBranch. No message show.
+	checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, session, headRepoPath, []string{})
+	if baseRepo.RepoPath() != headRepo.RepoPath() {
+		checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, session, baseRepoPath, []string{})
+	}
 func testCreatePullToDefaultBranch(t *testing.T, session *TestSession, baseRepo, headRepo *repo_model.Repository, headBranch, title string) string {
@@ -169,6 +196,9 @@ func testCreatePullToDefaultBranch(t *testing.T, session *TestSession, baseRepo,
 func prepareRepoPR(t *testing.T, baseSession, headSession *TestSession, baseRepo, headRepo *repo_model.Repository) {
+	refSubURL := fmt.Sprintf("branch/%s", headRepo.DefaultBranch)
+	testCreateBranch(t, headSession, headRepo.OwnerName, headRepo.Name, refSubURL, "new-commit", http.StatusSeeOther)
 	// create opening PR
 	testCreateBranch(t, headSession, headRepo.OwnerName, headRepo.Name, "branch/new-commit", "opening-pr", http.StatusSeeOther)
 	testCreatePullToDefaultBranch(t, baseSession, baseRepo, headRepo, "opening-pr", "opening pr")
@@ -210,65 +240,19 @@ func checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t *testing.T, session *TestSession, repoPath
 func TestRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t *testing.T) {
 	onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) {
-		user1Session := loginUser(t, "user1")
-		user2Session := loginUser(t, "user2")
 		user12Session := loginUser(t, "user12")
-		user13Session := loginUser(t, "user13")
-		// prepare branch and PRs in original repo
+		// Same reposioty check
 		repo10 := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &repo_model.Repository{ID: 10})
-		prepareBranch(t, user12Session, repo10)
 		prepareRepoPR(t, user12Session, user12Session, repo10, repo10)
-		// outdated new branch should not be displayed
-		checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, user12Session, "user12/repo10", []string{"new-commit"})
+		prepareRecentlyPushedBranchTest(t, user12Session, repo10, repo10)
+		prepareRecentlyPushedBranchSpecialTest(t, user12Session, repo10, repo10)
 		// create a fork repo in public org
-		testRepoFork(t, user12Session, repo10.OwnerName, repo10.Name, "org25", "org25_fork_repo10", "new-commit")
+		testRepoFork(t, user12Session, repo10.OwnerName, repo10.Name, "org25", "org25_fork_repo10", repo10.DefaultBranch)
 		orgPublicForkRepo := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &repo_model.Repository{OwnerID: 25, Name: "org25_fork_repo10"})
 		prepareRepoPR(t, user12Session, user12Session, repo10, orgPublicForkRepo)
-		// user12 is the owner of the repo10 and the organization org25
-		// in repo10, user12 has opening/closed/merged pr and closed/merged pr with deleted branch
-		checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, user12Session, "user12/repo10", []string{"org25/org25_fork_repo10:new-commit", "new-commit"})
-		userForkRepo := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &repo_model.Repository{ID: 11})
-		testCtx := NewAPITestContext(t, repo10.OwnerName, repo10.Name, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteRepository)
-		t.Run("AddUser13AsCollaborator", doAPIAddCollaborator(testCtx, "user13", perm.AccessModeWrite))
-		prepareBranch(t, user13Session, userForkRepo)
-		prepareRepoPR(t, user13Session, user13Session, repo10, userForkRepo)
-		// create branch with same name in different repo by user13
-		testCreateBranch(t, user13Session, repo10.OwnerName, repo10.Name, "branch/new-commit", "same-name-branch", http.StatusSeeOther)
-		testCreateBranch(t, user13Session, userForkRepo.OwnerName, userForkRepo.Name, "branch/new-commit", "same-name-branch", http.StatusSeeOther)
-		testCreatePullToDefaultBranch(t, user13Session, repo10, userForkRepo, "same-name-branch", "same name branch pr")
-		// user13 pushed 2 branches with the same name in repo10 and repo11
-		// and repo11's branch has a pr, but repo10's branch doesn't
-		// in this case, we should get repo10's branch but not repo11's branch
-		checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, user13Session, "user12/repo10", []string{"same-name-branch", "user13/repo11:new-commit"})
-		// create a fork repo in private org
-		testRepoFork(t, user1Session, repo10.OwnerName, repo10.Name, "private_org35", "org35_fork_repo10", "new-commit")
-		orgPrivateForkRepo := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &repo_model.Repository{OwnerID: 35, Name: "org35_fork_repo10"})
-		prepareRepoPR(t, user1Session, user1Session, repo10, orgPrivateForkRepo)
-		// user1 is the owner of private_org35 and no write permission to repo10
-		// so user1 can only see the branch in org35_fork_repo10
-		checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, user1Session, "user12/repo10", []string{"private_org35/org35_fork_repo10:new-commit"})
-		// user2 push a branch in private_org35
-		testCreateBranch(t, user2Session, orgPrivateForkRepo.OwnerName, orgPrivateForkRepo.Name, "branch/new-commit", "user-read-permission", http.StatusSeeOther)
-		// convert write permission to read permission for code unit
-		token := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, user1Session, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteOrganization)
-		req := NewRequestWithJSON(t, "PATCH", fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/teams/%d", 24), &api.EditTeamOption{
-			Name:     "team24",
-			UnitsMap: map[string]string{"repo.code": "read"},
-		}).AddTokenAuth(token)
-		MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
-		teamUnit := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &org_model.TeamUnit{TeamID: 24, Type: unit.TypeCode})
-		assert.Equal(t, perm.AccessModeRead, teamUnit.AccessMode)
-		// user2 can see the branch as it is created by user2
-		checkRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t, user2Session, "user12/repo10", []string{"private_org35/org35_fork_repo10:user-read-permission"})
+		prepareRecentlyPushedBranchTest(t, user12Session, repo10, orgPublicForkRepo)
+		prepareRecentlyPushedBranchSpecialTest(t, user12Session, repo10, orgPublicForkRepo)