Subnet utilization email alerts

This commit is contained in:
Akkadius 2017-10-03 22:49:07 -05:00
parent bb8becdaaa
commit 9555cb3ca9
1 changed files with 35 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -593,6 +593,13 @@ setTimeout(function(){
"Current: (" + utilization + "%) " +
"Threshold: (" + glass_config.shared_network_warning_threshold + "%)"
email_alert("WARNING: DHCP shared network utilization",
"WARNING: DHCP shared network utilization (" + dhcp_data['shared-networks'][i].location + ") <br><br>" +
"Threshold: (" + glass_config.shared_network_warning_threshold + "%) <br>" +
"Current: (" + utilization + "%)"
else if (
utilization <= glass_config.shared_network_warning_threshold &&
@ -605,6 +612,13 @@ setTimeout(function(){
"Current: (" + utilization + "%) " +
"Threshold: (" + glass_config.shared_network_warning_threshold + "%)"
email_alert("CLEAR: DHCP shared network utilization warning",
"CLEAR: DHCP shared network utilization (" + dhcp_data['shared-networks'][i].location + ") <br><br>" +
"Threshold: (" + glass_config.shared_network_warning_threshold + "%) <br>" +
"Current: (" + utilization + "%)"
@ -616,7 +630,17 @@ setTimeout(function(){
alert_status_networks_critical[dhcp_data['shared-networks'][i].location] = 1;
slack_message(":fire: CRITICAL: DHCP shared network utilization (" + dhcp_data['shared-networks'][i].location + ") Current: (" + utilization + "%) Threshold: (" + glass_config.shared_network_critical_threshold + "%)");
slack_message(":fire: CRITICAL: DHCP shared network utilization (" + dhcp_data['shared-networks'][i].location + ") " +
"Current: (" + utilization + "%) " +
"Threshold: (" + glass_config.shared_network_critical_threshold + "%)"
email_alert("CRITICAL: DHCP shared network utilization",
"CRITICAL: DHCP shared network utilization (" + dhcp_data['shared-networks'][i].location + ") <br><br>" +
"Threshold: (" + glass_config.shared_network_critical_threshold + "%) <br>" +
"Current: (" + utilization + "%)"
else if (
utilization <= glass_config.shared_network_critical_threshold &&
@ -624,7 +648,16 @@ setTimeout(function(){
alert_status_networks_critical[dhcp_data['shared-networks'][i].location] = 0;
slack_message(":white_check_mark: CLEAR: Critical DHCP shared network utilization (" + dhcp_data['shared-networks'][i].location + ") Current: (" + utilization + "%) Threshold: (" + glass_config.shared_network_critical_threshold + "%)");
slack_message(":white_check_mark: CLEAR: Critical DHCP shared network utilization (" + dhcp_data['shared-networks'][i].location + ") " +
"Current: (" + utilization + "%) " +
"Threshold: (" + glass_config.shared_network_critical_threshold + "%)"
email_alert("CLEAR: DHCP shared network utilization",
"CLEAR: DHCP shared network utilization (" + dhcp_data['shared-networks'][i].location + ") <br><br>" +
"Threshold: (" + glass_config.shared_network_critical_threshold + "%) <br>" +
"Current: (" + utilization + "%)"
@ -683,9 +716,4 @@ function email_alert(alert_title, alert_message) {
email_alert("CRITICAL: Leases Per Minute Threshold", "DHCP leases per minute dropped below critical threshold <br><br>" +
"Threshold: (" + parseInt(glass_config.leases_per_minute_threshold).toLocaleString('en') + ") <br>" +
"Current: (" + parseInt(leases_per_minute).toLocaleString('en') + ") <br><br>" +
"This is usually indicative of a process or hardware problem and needs to be addressed immediately");
console.log("[Glass Server] Bootup complete");