function check_websocket_connection () { if (socket.readyState == 3) { connect_websocket(); console.log("[Websocket] Connection lost... reconnecting..."); } } function connect_websocket() { killed_connection = 0; delete socket; socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + window.location.hostname + ":8080"); socket.onopen = function (event) { console.log("[Websocket] socket is opened - readystate is " + socket.readyState); }; socket.onmessage = function (event) { if (killed_connection) return false; if (!document.getElementById("dhcp_log")) { console.log("[Websocket] DHCP Log unsubscribed"); socket.send(JSON.stringify({"event_unsubscribe": "dhcp_log_subscription"})); killed_connection = 1; return false; } console_data =; if (typeof mac_oui_data !== "undefined") { if (console_data.split(":").length - 1 >= 8) { var line_data = console_data.split(" "); for (i = 0; i < line_data.length; i++) { if ((line_data[i].split(":").length - 1) == 5) { var mac_oui = line_data[i].split(":").join("").toUpperCase().slice(0, 6); console_data = console_data.replace(line_data[i], line_data[i] + " (" + mac_oui_data[mac_oui] + ")"); } } } } /* Note: the only thing I stream currently is dhcp log - so later incoming messages will need to be keyed by their "type" via json */ var grep_value = document.getElementById("grep_fitler").value; if (grep_value) { var matcher = new RegExp(grep_value, "i"); var found = matcher.test(console_data); if (!found && !console_data.includes(grep_value)) { return false; } } var session = editor.session; session.insert({ row: session.getLength(), column: 0 }, "\n" + console_data); if (session.getLength() >= 50000) { /* If we get over 500,000 lines lets clear the editor */ editor.setValue(""); } var row = editor.session.getLength() - 1; var column = editor.session.getLine(row).length; // or simply Infinity editor.gotoLine(row + 1, column); }; } connect_websocket(); reconnect_timer = setInterval(function(){ check_websocket_connection () }, (1 * 1000));