Add doc: how_to_creating_and_making_an_AMI_public.mkd
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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# How to creating and making a public AMI
## Creating an Amazon EBS-Backed Linux AMI
## How to making
### Pre-Install
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y bc net-tools vim
### Get harbian-audit project
$ cd /opt
/opt$ sudo wget
/opt$ sudo unzip
/opt$ cd harbian-audit-master/
### How to use harbian-audit to audit and apply
#### Set passwd to all user:
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master$ sudo -s
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master# passwd
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master# passwd admin
#### Audit && Apply:
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master$ sudo cp debian/default /etc/default/cis-hardening
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master$ sudo sed -i "s#CIS_ROOT_DIR=.*#CIS_ROOT_DIR='$(pwd)'#" /etc/default/cis-hardening
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master$ sudo ./bin/ --audit-all
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master$ sudo ./bin/ --set-hardening-level 5
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master$ sudo sed -i 's/^status=.*/status=disabled/' etc/conf.d/7.4.4_hosts_deny.cfg
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master$ sudo ./bin/ --apply
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master$ sudo sed -i "/^root/a\admin ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" /etc/sudoers
admin@ip:/opt/harbian-audit-master$ sudo reboot
Related how to use harbian-audit to adit and apply, please reference:
### Hacking
If need adds a project on AMI, add the project on such as /opt, /usr/local/bin dir etc.
### Clean up for sharing AMIs safely
Use the following guidelines to reduce the attack surface and improve the reliability of the AMIs you create, please reference:
#### Clean harbian-audit temp file and conf
$ sudo rm /opt/
#### Share an AMI for public, use the following command to clear the current log:
# find /var/log/ -name "*.log" -exec shred -u {} \;
# find /var/log/ -name "*.log.*" -exec shred -u {} \;
# find / -name "authorized_keys" -exec shred -u {} \;
# echo > /var/log/debug
# echo > /var/log/btmp
# echo > /var/log/error
# echo > /var/log/exim4/mainlog
# echo > /var/log/exim4/paniclog
# echo > /var/log/faillog
# echo > /var/log/messages
# echo > /var/log/syslog
# echo > /var/log/tallylog
# echo > /var/log/lastlog
# echo > /var/log/wtmp
# echo > ~/.bash_history
# history -cw
$ echo > ~/.bash_history
$ history -cw
## Create AMI
## Cross-Region AMI Copy
## Reference
Reference in New Issue