#!/bin/bash # # harbian audit 9 Hardening # # # 6.18 Ensure virul scan Server update is enabled (Scored) # Authors : Samson wen, Samson # set -e # One error, it's over set -u # One variable unset, it's over HARDENING_LEVEL=4 VIRULSERVER='clamav-daemon' CLAMAVCONF_DIR='/etc/clamav/clamd.conf' UPDATE_SERVER='clamav-freshclam' # This function will be called if the script status is on enabled / audit mode audit () { if [ $(systemctl | grep $VIRULSERVER | grep "active running" | wc -l) -ne 1 ]; then crit "$VIRULSERVER is not runing" FNRET=1 else UPDATE_DIR=$(grep -i databasedirectory "$CLAMAVCONF_DIR" | awk '{print $2}') if [ -d $UPDATE_DIR -a -e $CLAMAVCONF_DIR ]; then NOWTIME=$(date +"%s") VIRUSTIME=$(stat -c "%Y" "$UPDATE_DIR"/daily.cvd) INTERVALTIME=$((${NOWTIME}-${VIRUSTIME})) echo ${INTERVALTIME} if [ "${INTERVALTIME}" -ge 604800 ];then crit "Database file has a date older than seven days from the current date" FNRET=3 else ok "Database file has a date less than seven days from the current date" FNRET=0 fi else crit "Clamav config file or update dir is not exist" FNRET=2 fi fi } # This function will be called if the script status is on enabled mode apply () { if [ $FNRET = 0 ]; then ok "Database file has a date less than seven days from the current date" elif [ $FNRET = 1 ]; then warn "Install $VIRULSERVER" apt-get install -y $VIRULSERVER elif [ $FNRET = 2 ]; then warn "Clamav config file or update dir is not exist, please check that is exist or check config" elif [ $FNRET = 3 ]; then warn "Database file has a date older than seven days from the current date, start clamav-freshclam.service to update" apt-get install -y $UPDATE_SERVER systemctl start $UPDATE_SERVER fi } # This function will check config parameters required check_config() { : } # Source Root Dir Parameter if [ -r /etc/default/cis-hardening ]; then . /etc/default/cis-hardening fi if [ -z "$CIS_ROOT_DIR" ]; then echo "There is no /etc/default/cis-hardening file nor cis-hardening directory in current environment." echo "Cannot source CIS_ROOT_DIR variable, aborting." exit 128 fi # Main function, will call the proper functions given the configuration (audit, enabled, disabled) if [ -r $CIS_ROOT_DIR/lib/main.sh ]; then . $CIS_ROOT_DIR/lib/main.sh else echo "Cannot find main.sh, have you correctly defined your root directory? Current value is $CIS_ROOT_DIR in /etc/default/cis-hardening" exit 128 fi