#!/usr/bin/python import os import re import sys binarypath = "/usr/sbin/tw-cli" if len(sys.argv) > 2: print "Usage: 3ware-status [--nagios]" sys.exit(1) nagiosmode = False nagiosoutput = "" nagiosgoodarray = 0 nagiosbadarray = 0 nagiosgooddisk = 0 nagiosbaddisk = 0 if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == "--nagios": nagiosmode = True else: print "Usage: 3ware-status [--nagios]" sys.exit(1) # Check binary exists (and +x), if not print an error message # or return UNKNOWN nagios error code if os.path.exists(binarypath) and os.access(binarypath, os.X_OK): pass else: if nagiosmode: print "UNKNOWN - Cannot find " + binarypath else: print "Cannot find " + binarypath + ". Please install it." sys.exit(3) # Get command output def getOutput(cmd): output = os.popen(cmd) lines = [] for line in output: if not re.match(r"^$", line.strip()): lines.append(line.strip()) return lines def returnControllerList(output): lines = [] for line in output: if re.match(r"^c[0-9]+\s.*$", line.strip()): lines.append(line.split()[0]) return lines def returnDiskList(output): lines = [] for line in output: if re.match(r"^[p][0-9]+\s.*$", line.strip()): # Shoudl contain something like 'u0' # '-' means the drive doesn't belong to any array # If is NOT PRESENT too, it just means this is an empty port if not line.split()[2].strip() == "-" and not line.split()[1].strip() == "NOT-PRESENT": lines.append(line.split()) if fake_failure: lines[0][1] = "NOT PRESENT" return lines def returnArrayList(output): lines = [] for line in output: if re.match(r"^[u][0-9]+\s.*$", line.strip()): lines.append(line.split()) if fake_failure: lines[0][2] = "DEGRADED" return lines # A way to force a fake failure fake_failure = False if os.path.exists("/root/fake_3ware_failure"): fake_failure = True cmd = binarypath + " info" output = getOutput(cmd) controllerlist = returnControllerList(output) bad = False # List available controller if not nagiosmode: print "-- Controller informations --" print "-- ID | Model" for controller in controllerlist: cmd = binarypath + " info " + controller + " model" # https://github.com/eLvErDe/hwraid/issues/69 try: model = getOutput(cmd)[0].split(" = ")[1].strip() except IndexError: model = "N/A" print controller + " | " + model print "" # List arrays if not nagiosmode: print "-- Arrays informations --" print "-- ID\tType\tSize\tStatus" for controller in controllerlist: cmd = binarypath + " info " + controller output = getOutput(cmd) arraylist = returnArrayList(output) for array in arraylist: type = array[1].replace("-", "") id = controller + array[0] size = array[6].split(".")[0] + "G" status = array[2] if not status in ["OK", "VERIFYING"]: bad = True nagiosbadarray = nagiosbadarray + 1 else: nagiosgoodarray = nagiosgoodarray + 1 if not nagiosmode: print id + "\t" + type + "\t" + size + "\t" + status if not nagiosmode: print "" # List disks if not nagiosmode: print "-- Disks informations" print "-- ID\tModel\t\t\tStatus" for controller in controllerlist: cmd = binarypath + " info " + controller output = getOutput(cmd) disklist = returnDiskList(output) for disk in disklist: id = controller + disk[2] + disk[0] cmd = binarypath + " info " + controller + " " + disk[0] + " model" model = getOutput(cmd)[0].split(" = ")[1].strip() cmd = binarypath + " info " + controller + " " + disk[0] + " status" status = getOutput(cmd)[0].split(" = ")[1].strip() if not status == "OK": bad = True nagiosbaddisk = nagiosbaddisk + 1 else: nagiosgooddisk = nagiosgooddisk + 1 if not nagiosmode: print id + "\t" + model + "\t" + status if nagiosmode: if bad: print "RAID ERROR - Arrays: OK:" + str(nagiosgoodarray) + " Bad:" + str(nagiosbadarray) + " - Disks: OK:" + str(nagiosgooddisk) + " Bad:" + str( nagiosbaddisk ) sys.exit(2) else: print "RAID OK - Arrays: OK:" + str(nagiosgoodarray) + " Bad:" + str(nagiosbadarray) + " - Disks: OK:" + str(nagiosgooddisk) + " Bad:" + str( nagiosbaddisk ) else: if bad: print "\nThere is at least one disk/array in a NOT OPTIMAL state." sys.exit(1)