# Icinga Documentation This repository includes scripts to build the documentation for all Icinga projects. The `build-docs.rb` script clones the configured project to a certain directory and switches to the specified branch. It searches for `*.md` files within the configured directory and creates documentation sections out of them. The ordering is defined by the file names. The capitalized name of each file is used as a title for this documentation section. The generates the `mkdocs.yml` file. ## Usage ``` bash Usage: build-docs.rb -c config.yml -t mkdocs.template.yml} -f, --config FILENAME Configuration file with project definition. Defaults to "config.yml" -t, --template FILENAME This file is used as template for the generated mkdocs.yaml. Defaults to "mkdocs.template.yml" -h, --help Show this message ``` ## Configuration ### `config.yml` This file defines generally for which project documentation should be build. General settings: | Option | Description | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `site_name` | The `site_name` is displayed as title on the generated page | | `source_dir'` | Target directory to store the documentation source. | | `site_dir` | Target directory for generated html | | `project` | General project settings | Project settings: | Option | Description | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `git` | Git repository to clone | | `ref` | Git branch or tag to checkout. For tags use `tags/v1.1.0` notation | | `target` | A unique name to define the target. This is added to `source_dir` and `site_dir` | | `docs_dir` | Directory within the repository that includes documentation files. Eg. `doc` | | `latest` | If set to `true`, this documentation will be marked as the latest. This is important for the URLs. | | `subcategories` | A project may include one ore more sub categories. One sub category may have one or more sub projects | Subcategories are optional. They allow you to display a project documentation within another project documentation. We need this for Icinga Web 2 and Director. Example: ``` yaml site_name: 'Icinga 2' source_dir: 'www/source' site_dir: 'www/html' project: git: 'https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2.git' ref: 'support/2.7' target: 'icinga2' docs_dir: 'doc' latest: true ``` Example with subcategories: ``` yaml site_name: 'Director' source_dir: 'www/source' site_dir: 'www/html' project: git: 'https://github.com/Icinga/icingaweb2-module-director.git' ref: 'support/1.4' target: 'director' docs_dir: 'doc' latest: true subcategories: Modules: PuppetDB: git: 'https://github.com/Icinga/icingaweb2-module-puppetdb.git' ref: 'master' target: 'puppetdb' docs_dir: 'puppetdb/doc' ``` ### `mkdocs.template.yml` This file is used as a template for the final `mkdocs.yml`. Default settings and some other configuration options are here. ### Run Development Server To see a live preview of the documentation you can run a development server that will refresh automatically on changes. Install `mkdocs` and the `material` theme in version `1.12.2`: ``` bash user@localhost ~/ $ pip install mkdocs==0.16.3 user@localhost ~/ $ pip install mkdocs-material==1.12.2 ``` Clone this repository and install dependencies: ``` bash user@localhost ~/ $ git clone https://github.com/Icinga/icinga-docs-tools.git user@localhost ~/ $ cd icinga-docs-tools user@localhost ~/ $ bundle install --path vendor ``` Create and configure configuration file: ``` bash user@localhost ~/ $ cp config.example.yml config.yml user@localhost ~/ $ vim config.yml ``` Build documentation: ``` bash user@localhost ~/ $ bundle exec build-docs.rb ``` Run server: ``` bash user@localhost ~/ $ mkdocs serve ``` You should be able to access the documentation now in your browser by calling the address https://localhost:8000