permissions |**Required.** Array of permissions. Either as string or dictionary with the keys `permission` and `filter`. The latter must be specified as function.
Available permissions are described in the [API permissions](
execute |**Required.** The "execute" script method takes care of executing the check. In virtually all cases you should import the "plugin-check-command" template to take care of this setting.
command |**Required.** The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command. When using the "arguments" attribute this must be an array. Can be specified as function for advanced implementations.
set_if | Argument is added if the macro resolves to a defined numeric or boolean value. String values are not supported. Function calls returning a value are supported too.
Downtimes created at runtime are represented as objects.
object Downtime "localhost!my-downtime" {
host_name = "localhost"
author = "icingaadmin"
text = "This is a comment."
Configuration Attributes:
Name |Description
host_name | **Required.** The name of the host this comment belongs to.
service_name | **Optional.** The short name of the service this comment belongs to. If omitted this comment object is treated as host comment.
author | **Required.** The author's name.
comment | **Required.** The comment text.
start_time | **Required.** The start time as unix timestamp.
end_time | **Required.** The end time as unix timestamp.
duration | **Required.** The duration as number.
entry_time | **Optional.** The unix timestamp when this downtime was added.
fixed | **Optional.** Whether the downtime is fixed (true) or flexible (false). Defaults to flexible. Details in the [advanced topics chapter](
triggers | **Optional.** List of downtimes which should be triggered by this downtime.
Runtime Attributes:
Name |Description
trigger_time | The unix timestamp when this downtime was triggered.
triggered_by | The name of the downtime this downtime was triggered by.
execute |**Required.** The "execute" script method takes care of executing the event handler. In virtually all cases you should import the "plugin-event-command" template to take care of this setting.
command |**Required.** The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command.
severity |**Optional.** The minimum severity for this log. Can be "debug", "notice", "information", "warning" or "critical". Defaults to "information".
host_name_template |**Optional.** Metric prefix for host name. Defaults to "icinga2.$$.host.$host.check_command$".
service_name_template |**Optional.** Metric prefix for service name. Defaults to "icinga2.$$.services.$$.$service.check_command$".
enable_send_thresholds | **Optional.** Send additional threshold metrics. Defaults to `false`.
enable_send_metadata | **Optional.** Send additional metadata metrics. Defaults to `false`.
enable_legacy_mode | **Optional.** Enable legacy mode for schema <2.4.**Note**:Thiswillberemovedinfutureversions.
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the host (e.g. displayed by external interfaces instead of the name if set).
address |**Optional.** The host's address. Available as command runtime macro `$address$` if set.
address6 |**Optional.** The host's address. Available as command runtime macro `$address6$` if set.
groups |**Optional.** A list of host groups this host belongs to.
vars |**Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this host.
check\_command |**Required.** The name of the check command.
max\_check\_attempts|**Optional.** The number of times a host is re-checked before changing into a hard state. Defaults to 3.
check\_period |**Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when this host should be checked. Not set by default.
check\_interval |**Optional.** The check interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the host is in a `HARD` state. Defaults to 5 minutes.
retry\_interval |**Optional.** The retry interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the host is in a `SOFT` state. Defaults to 1 minute.
enable\_notifications|**Optional.** Whether notifications are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_active\_checks|**Optional.** Whether active checks are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_passive\_checks|**Optional.** Whether passive checks are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_event\_handler|**Optional.** Enables event handlers for this host. Defaults to true.
enable\_flapping|**Optional.** Whether flap detection is enabled. Defaults to false.
enable\_perfdata|**Optional.** Whether performance data processing is enabled. Defaults to true.
event\_command |**Optional.** The name of an event command that should be executed every time the host's state changes or the host is in a `SOFT` state.
flapping\_threshold|**Optional.** The flapping threshold in percent when a host is considered to be flapping.
volatile |**Optional.** The volatile setting enables always `HARD` state types if `NOT-OK` state changes occur.
enable_ha |**Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to "true".
failover_timeout | **Optional.** Set the failover timeout in a [HA cluster]( Must not be lower than 60s. Defaults to "60s".
enable_ha |**Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to "true".
failover_timeout | **Optional.** Set the failover timeout in a [HA cluster]( Must not be lower than 60s. Defaults to "60s".
Livestatus API interface available as TCP or UNIX socket. Historical table queries
require the [CompatLogger]( feature enabled
pointing to the log files using the `compat_log_path` configuration attribute.
library "livestatus"
object LivestatusListener "livestatus-tcp" {
socket_type = "tcp"
bind_host = ""
bind_port = "6558"
object LivestatusListener "livestatus-unix" {
socket_type = "unix"
socket_path = "/var/run/icinga2/cmd/livestatus"
Configuration Attributes:
Name |Description
socket\_type |**Optional.** Specifies the socket type. Can be either "tcp" or "unix". Defaults to "unix".
bind\_host |**Optional.** Only valid when socket\_type is "tcp". Host address to listen on for connections. Defaults to "".
bind\_port |**Optional.** Only valid when `socket_type` is "tcp". Port to listen on for connections. Defaults to 6558.
socket\_path |**Optional.** Only valid when `socket_type` is "unix". Specifies the path to the UNIX socket file. Defaults to RunDir + "/icinga2/cmd/livestatus".
compat\_log\_path |**Optional.** Required for historical table queries. Requires `CompatLogger` feature enabled. Defaults to LocalStateDir + "/log/icinga2/compat"
host_name | **Required.** The name of the host this notification belongs to.
service_name | **Optional.** The short name of the service this notification belongs to. If omitted this notification object is treated as host notification.
vars | **Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this notification object.
users | **Optional.** A list of user names who should be notified.
user_groups | **Optional.** A list of user group names who should be notified.
times | **Optional.** A dictionary containing `begin` and `end` attributes for the notification.
command | **Required.** The name of the notification command which should be executed when the notification is triggered.
interval | **Optional.** The notification interval (in seconds). This interval is used for active notifications. Defaults to 30 minutes. If set to 0, [re-notifications]( are disabled.
period | **Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when this notification should be triggered. Not set by default.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
types | **Optional.** A list of type filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
states | **Optional.** A list of state filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
last\_notification | Number | When the last notification was sent for this Notification object (as a UNIX timestamp).
next\_notifcation | Number | When the next notification is going to be sent for this assuming the associated host/service is still in a non-OK state (as a UNIX timestamp).
notification\_number | Number | The notification number
last\_problem\_notification | Number | When the last notification was sent for a problem (as a UNIX timestamp).
execute |**Required.** The "execute" script method takes care of executing the notification. In virtually all cases you should import the "plugin-notification-command" template to take care of this setting.
command |**Required.** The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command.
env |**Optional.** A dictionary of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
vars |**Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this command.
timeout |**Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds.
arguments |**Optional.** A dictionary of command arguments.
Command arguments can be used the same way as for [CheckCommand objects](
enable\_ha |**Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to "true".
host_perfdata\_path |**Optional.** Path to the host performance data file. Defaults to LocalStateDir + "/spool/icinga2/perfdata/host-perfdata".
service_perfdata\_path |**Optional.** Path to the service performance data file. Defaults to LocalStateDir + "/spool/icinga2/perfdata/service-perfdata".
host_temp\_path |**Optional.** Path to the temporary host file. Defaults to LocalStateDir + "/spool/icinga2/tmp/host-perfdata".
service_temp\_path |**Optional.** Path to the temporary service file. Defaults to LocalStateDir + "/spool/icinga2/tmp/service-perfdata".
host_format\_template |**Optional.** Host Format template for the performance data file. Defaults to a template that's suitable for use with PNP4Nagios.
service_format\_template|**Optional.** Service Format template for the performance data file. Defaults to a template that's suitable for use with PNP4Nagios.
rotation\_interval |**Optional.** Rotation interval for the files specified in `{host,service}_perfdata_path`. Defaults to 30 seconds.
When rotating the performance data file the current UNIX timestamp is appended to the path specified
in `host_perfdata_path` and `service_perfdata_path` to generate a unique filename.
host_name |**Required.** The name of the host this scheduled downtime belongs to.
service_name |**Optional.** The short name of the service this scheduled downtime belongs to. If omitted this downtime object is treated as host downtime.
author |**Required.** The author of the downtime.
comment |**Required.** A comment for the downtime.
fixed |**Optional.** Whether this is a fixed downtime. Defaults to true.
duration |**Optional.** How long the downtime lasts. Only has an effect for flexible (non-fixed) downtimes.
ranges |**Required.** A dictionary containing information which days and durations apply to this timeperiod.
ScheduledDowntime objects have composite names, i.e. their names are based
on the `host_name` and `service_name` attributes and the
name you specified. This means you can define more than one object
with the same (short) name as long as one of the `host_name` and
`service_name` attributes has a different value.
## <a id="objecttype-service"></a> Service
Service objects describe network services and how they should be checked
by Icinga 2.
> **Best Practice**
> Rather than creating a `Service` object for a specific host it is usually easier
> to just create a `Service` template and use the `apply` keyword to assign the
> service to a number of hosts.
> Check the [apply]( chapter for details.
object Service "uptime" {
host_name = "localhost"
display_name = "localhost Uptime"
check_command = "check_snmp" = "public"
vars.oid = "DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance"
check_interval = 60s
retry_interval = 15s
groups = [ "all-services", "snmp" ]
Configuration Attributes:
Name |Description
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the service.
host_name |**Required.** The host this service belongs to. There must be a `Host` object with that name.
name |**Required.** The service name. Must be unique on a per-host basis (Similar to the service_description attribute in Icinga 1.x).
groups |**Optional.** The service groups this service belongs to.
vars |**Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this service.
check\_command |**Required.** The name of the check command.
max\_check\_attempts|**Optional.** The number of times a service is re-checked before changing into a hard state. Defaults to 3.
check\_period |**Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when this service should be checked. Not set by default.
check\_interval |**Optional.** The check interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the service is in a `HARD` state. Defaults to 5 minutes.
retry\_interval |**Optional.** The retry interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the service is in a `SOFT` state. Defaults to 1 minute.
enable\_notifications|**Optional.** Whether notifications are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_active\_checks|**Optional.** Whether active checks are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_passive\_checks|**Optional.** Whether passive checks are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_event\_handler|**Optional.** Enables event handlers for this host. Defaults to true.
enable\_flapping|**Optional.** Whether flap detection is enabled. Defaults to false.
enable\_perfdata|**Optional.** Whether performance data processing is enabled. Defaults to true.
event\_command |**Optional.** The name of an event command that should be executed every time the service's state changes or the service is in a `SOFT` state.
flapping\_threshold|**Optional.** The flapping threshold in percent when a service is considered to be flapping.
volatile |**Optional.** The volatile setting enables always `HARD` state types if `NOT-OK` state changes occur.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
command\_endpoint|**Optional.** The endpoint where commands are executed on.
notes |**Optional.** Notes for the service.
notes\_url |**Optional.** Url for notes for the service (for example, in notification commands).
action_url |**Optional.** Url for actions for the service (for example, an external graphing tool).
icon\_image |**Optional.** Icon image for the service. Used by external interfaces only.
icon\_image\_alt|**Optional.** Icon image description for the service. Used by external interface only.
Service objects have composite names, i.e. their names are based on the host_name attribute and the name you specified. This means
you can define more than one object with the same (short) name as long as the `host_name` attribute has a different value.
display_name = "Icinga 2 TimePeriod for random example days"
ranges = {
//We still believe in Santa, no peeking!
//Applies every 25th of December every year
"december 25" = "00:00-24:00"
//Any point in time can be specified,
//but you still have to use a range
"2038-01-19" = "03:13-03:15"
//Evey 3rd day from the second monday of February
//to 8th of November
"monday 2 february - november 8 / 3" = "00:00-24:00"
Additional examples can be found [within the icinga documentation](
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the time period.
update |**Required.** The "update" script method takes care of updating the internal representation of the time period. In virtually all cases you should import the "legacy-timeperiod" template to take care of this setting.
ranges |**Required.** A dictionary containing information which days and durations apply to this timeperiod.