dig_server | **Optional.** The DNS server to query. Defaults to "".
dig_lookup | **Optional.** The address that should be looked up.
### <a id="plugin-check-command-disk"></a> disk
Check command object for the `check_disk` plugin.
Custom Attributes:
Name | Description
disk_wfree | **Optional.** The free space warning threshold in %. Defaults to 20.
disk_cfree | **Optional.** The free space critical threshold in %. Defaults to 10.
disk_inode_wfree | **Optional.** The free inode warning threshold.
disk_inode_cfree | **Optional.** The free inode critical threshold.
disk_partition | **Optional.** The partition. **Deprecated in 2.3.**
disk_partition_excluded | **Optional.** The excluded partition. **Deprecated in 2.3.**
disk_partitions | **Optional.** The partition(s). Multiple partitions must be defined as array.
disk_partitions_excluded | **Optional.** The excluded partition(s). Multiple partitions must be defined as array.
disk_clear | **Optional.** Clear thresholds.
disk_exact_match | **Optional.** For paths or partitions specified with -p, only check for exact paths.
disk_errors_only | **Optional.** Display only devices/mountpoints with errors. May be true or false.
disk_group | **Optional.** Group paths. Thresholds apply to (free-)space of all partitions together
disk_kilobytes | **Optional.** Same as --units kB. May be true or false.
disk_local | **Optional.** Only check local filesystems. May be true or false.
disk_stat_remote_fs | **Optional.** Only check local filesystems against thresholds. Yet call stat on remote filesystems to test if they are accessible (e.g. to detect Stale NFS Handles). Myy be true or false
disk_mountpoint | **Optional.** Display the mountpoint instead of the partition. May be true or false.
disk_megabytes | **Optional.** Same as --units MB. May be true or false.
disk_all | **Optional.** Explicitly select all paths. This is equivalent to -R '.*'. May be true or false.
disk_eregi_path | **Optional.** Case insensitive regular expression for path/partition (may be repeated).
disk_ereg_path | **Optional.** Regular expression for path or partition (may be repeated).
disk_ignore_eregi_path | **Optional.** Regular expression to ignore selected path/partition (case insensitive) (may be repeated).
disk_ignore_ereg_path | **Optional.** Regular expression to ignore selected path or partition (may be repeated).
disk_timeout | **Optional.** Seconds before connection times out (default: 10).
http_proxy_auth_pair | **Optional.** Add 'username:password' authorization pair for proxy.
http_ignore_body | **Optional.** Don't download the body, just the headers.
http_linespan | **Optional.** Allow regex to span newline.
http_expect_body_regex | **Optional.** A regular expression which the body must match against. Incompatible with http_ignore_body.
http_expect_body_eregi | **Optional.** A case-insensitive expression which the body must match against. Incompatible with http_ignore_body.
http_invertregex | **Optional.** Changes behaviour of http_expect_body_regex and http_expect_body_eregi to return CRITICAL if found, OK if not.
http_warn_time | **Optional.** The warning threshold.
http_critical_time | **Optional.** The critical threshold.
http_expect | **Optional.** Comma-delimited list of strings, at least one of them is expected in the first (status) line of the server response. Default: HTTP/1.
http_certificate | **Optional.** Minimum number of days a certificate has to be valid. Port defaults to 443.
http_clientcert | **Optional.** Name of file contains the client certificate (PEM format).
http_privatekey | **Optional.** Name of file contains the private key (PEM format).
http_headerstring | **Optional.** String to expect in the response headers.
http_string | **Optional.** String to expect in the content.
http_post | **Optional.** URL encoded http POST data.
http_onredirect | **Optional.** How to handle redirect pages. Possible values: "ok" (default), "warning", "critical", "follow", "sticky" (like follow but stick to address), "stickyport" (like sticky but also to port)
ssl_port | **Required.** The port that should be checked.
ssl_timeout | **Optional.** Timeout in seconds for the connect and handshake. The plugin default is 10 seconds.
ssl_cert_valid_days_warn | **Optional.** Warning threshold for days before the certificate will expire. When used, ssl_cert_valid_days_critical must also be set.
ssl_cert_valid_days_critical | **Optional.** Critical threshold for days before the certificate will expire. When used, ssl_cert_valid_days_warn must also be set.
snmp_authprotocol | **Optional.** SNMP version 3 authentication protocol. Defaults to "md5,des".
snmp_privpass | **Required.** SNMP version 3 priv password. No value defined as default.
snmp_warn | **Optional.** The warning threshold. Change the `snmp_load_type` var to "netsl" for using 3 values.
snmp_crit | **Optional.** The critical threshold. Change the `snmp_load_type` var to "netsl" for using 3 values.
snmp_load_type | **Optional.** Load type. Defaults to "stand". Check all available types in the [snmp load](http://nagios.manubulon.com/snmp_load.html) documentation.
snmp_authprotocol | **Optional.** SNMP version 3 authentication protocol. Defaults to "md5,des".
snmp_privpass | **Required.** SNMP version 3 priv password. No value defined as default.
snmp_warn | **Optional.** The warning threshold.
snmp_crit | **Optional.** The critical threshold.
snmp_storage_name | **Optional.** Storage name. Default to regex "^/$$". More options available in the [snmp storage](http://nagios.manubulon.com/snmp_storage.html) documentation.
snmp_interface_bits_bytes | **Optional.** Output performance data in bits/s or Bytes/s. **Depends** on snmp_interface_kbits set to true. Defaults to true.
snmp_interface_percent | **Optional.** Output performance data in % of max speed. Defaults to false.
snmp_interface_kbits | **Optional.** Make the warning and critical levels in KBits/s. Defaults to true.
snmp_interface_megabytes | **Optional.** Make the warning and critical levels in Mbps or MBps. **Depends** on snmp_interface_kbits set to true. Defaults to true.
snmp_interface_64bit | **Optional.** Use 64 bits counters instead of the standard counters when checking bandwidth & performance data for interface >= 1Gbps. Defaults to false.
snmp_interface_errors | **Optional.** Add error & discard to Perfparse output. Defaults to true.
snmp_interface_noregexp | **Optional.** Do not use regexp to match interface name in description OID. Defaults to false.
snmp_warncrit_percent | **Optional.** Make the warning and critical levels in % of reported interface speed. If set **snmp_interface_megabytes** needs to be set to false. Defaults to false.
snmp_perf | **Optional.** Enable perfdata values. Defaults to true.
The plugin `interfacetable` generates a html page containing information about the monitored node and all of its interfaces. The actively developed and maintained version is `interfacetable_v3t` provided by `Yannick Charton` on [http://www.tontonitch.com](http://www.tontonitch.com/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=Nagios+plugins+-+interfacetable_v3t) or [https://github.com](https://github.com/Tontonitch/interfacetable_v3t).
interfacetable_hostquery | **Required.** Specifies the remote host to poll. Defaults to "$address$".
interfacetable_hostdisplay | **Optional.** Specifies the hostname to display in the HTML link. Defaults to "$host.display_name$".
interfacetable_regex | **Optional.** Interface names and property names for some other options will be interpreted as regular expressions. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_outputshort | **Optional.** Reduce the verbosity of the plugin output. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_exclude | **Optional.** Comma separated list of interfaces globally excluded from the monitoring.
interfacetable_include | **Optional.** Comma separated list of interfaces globally included in the monitoring.
interfacetable_aliasmatching | **Optional.** Allow you to specify alias in addition to interface names. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_excludetraffic | **Optional.** Comma separated list of interfaces excluded from traffic checks.
interfacetable_includetraffic | **Optional.** Comma separated list of interfaces included for traffic checks.
interfacetable_warningtraffic | **Optional.** Interface traffic load percentage leading to a warning alert.
interfacetable_criticaltraffic | **Optional.** Interface traffic load percentage leading to a critical alert.
interfacetable_pkt | **Optional.** Add unicast/non-unicast pkt stats for each interface.
interfacetable_trackproperty | **Optional.** List of tracked properties.
interfacetable_excludeproperty | **Optional.** Comma separated list of interfaces excluded from the property tracking.
interfacetable_includeproperty | **Optional.** Comma separated list of interfaces included in the property tracking.
interfacetable_community | **Optional.** Specifies the snmp v1/v2c community string. Defaults to "public" if using snmp v1/v2c, ignored using v3.
interfacetable_snmpv2 | **Optional.** Use snmp v2c. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_login | **Optional.** Login for snmpv3 authentication.
interfacetable_passwd | **Optional.** Auth password for snmpv3 authentication.
interfacetable_privpass | **Optional.** Priv password for snmpv3 authentication.
interfacetable_protocols | **Optional.** Authentication protocol,Priv protocol for snmpv3 authentication.
interfacetable_domain | **Optional.** SNMP transport domain.
interfacetable_contextname | **Optional.** Context name for the snmp requests.
interfacetable_port | **Optional.** SNMP port. Defaults to standard port.
interfacetable_64bits | **Optional.** Use SNMP 64-bits counters. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_maxrepetitions | **Optional.** Increasing this value may enhance snmp query performances by gathering more results at one time.
interfacetable_snmptimeout | **Optional.** Define the Transport Layer timeout for the snmp queries.
interfacetable_snmpretries | **Optional.** Define the number of times to retry sending a SNMP message.
interfacetable_unixsnmp | **Optional.** Use unix snmp utilities for snmp requests. Defaults to false, which means use the perl bindings.
interfacetable_enableperfdata | **Optional.** Enable port performance data. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_perfdataformat | **Optional.** Define which performance data will be generated. Possible values are "full" (default), "loadonly", "globalonly".
interfacetable_perfdatathreshold | **Optional.** Define which thresholds are printed in the generated performance data. Possible values are "full" (default), "loadonly", "globalonly".
interfacetable_perfdatadir | **Optional.** When specified, the performance data are also written directly to a file, in the specified location.
interfacetable_perfdataservicedesc | **Optional.** Specify additional parameters for output performance data to PNP. Defaults to "$service.name$", only affects **interfacetable_perfdatadir**.
interfacetable_grapher | **Optional.** Specify the used graphing solution. Possible values are "pnp4nagios" (default), "nagiosgrapher", "netwaysgrapherv2" and "ingraph".
interfacetable_grapherurl | **Optional.** Graphing system url. Default depends on **interfacetable_grapher**.
interfacetable_portperfunit | **Optional.** Traffic could be reported in bits (counters) or in bps (calculated value).
interfacetable_nodetype | **Optional.** Specify the node type, for specific information to be printed / specific oids to be used. Possible values: "standard" (default), "cisco", "hp", "netscreen", "netapp", "bigip", "bluecoat", "brocade", "brocade-nos", "nortel", "hpux".
interfacetable_duplex | **Optional.** Add the duplex mode property for each interface in the interface table. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_stp | **Optional.** Add the stp state property for each interface in the interface table. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_vlan | **Optional.** Add the vlan attribution property for each interface in the interface table. Defaults to false. This option is available only for the following nodetypes: "cisco", "hp", "nortel"
interfacetable_noipinfo | **Optional.** Remove the ip information for each interface from the interface table. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_alias | **Optional.** Add the alias information for each interface in the interface table. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_accessmethod | **Optional.** Access method for a shortcut to the host in the HTML page. Format is : <method>[:<target>] Where method can be: ssh, telnet, http or https.
interfacetable_htmltablelinktarget | **Optional.** Specifies the windows or the frame where the [details] link will load the generated html page. Possible values are: "_blank", "_self" (default), "_parent", "_top", or a frame name.
interfacetable_delta | **Optional.** Set the delta used for interface throuput calculation in seconds.
interfacetable_ifs | **Optional.** Input field separator. Defaults to ",".
interfacetable_cache | **Optional.** Define the retention time of the cached data in seconds.
interfacetable_noifloadgradient | **Optional.** Disable color gradient from green over yellow to red for the load percentage. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_nohuman | **Optional.** Do not translate bandwidth usage in human readable format. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_snapshot | **Optional.** Force the plugin to run like if it was the first launch. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_timeout | **Optional.** Define the global timeout limit of the plugin in seconds. Defaults to "15s".
interfacetable_css | **Optional.** Define the css stylesheet used by the generated html files. Possible values are "classic", "icinga", "icinga-alternate1" or "nagiosxi".
interfacetable_config | **Optional.** Specify a config file to load.
interfacetable_noconfigtable | **Optional.** Disable configuration table on the generated HTML page. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_notips | **Optional.** Disable the tips in the generated html tables. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_defaulttablesorting | **Optional.** Default table sorting can be "index" (default) or "name".
interfacetable_tablesplit | **Optional.** Generate multiple interface tables, one per interface type. Defaults to false.
interfacetable_notype | **Optional.** Remove the interface type for each interface. Defaults to false.
## <a id="plugins-contrib-operating-system"> Operating System
In this category you can find plugins for gathering information about your operating system or the system beneath like memory usage.
### <a id="plugins-contrib-command-mem"></a> mem
The plugin `mem` is used for gathering information about memory usage on linux and unix hosts. It is able to count cache memory as free when comparing it to the thresholds. It is provided by `Justin Ellison` on [https://github.com](https://github.com/justintime/nagios-plugins). For more details see the developers blog [http://sysadminsjourney.com](http://sysadminsjourney.com/content/2009/06/04/new-and-improved-checkmempl-nagios-plugin).
The plugin `esxi_hardware` is a plugin to monitor hardware of ESXi servers through the vmware api and cim service. It is provided by `Claudio Kuenzler` on [http://www.claudiokuenzler.com](http://www.claudiokuenzler.com/nagios-plugins/check_esxi_hardware.php). For instruction on creating the required local user and workarounds for some hardware types have a look on his homepage.
esxi_hardware_host | **Required.** Specifies the host to monitor. Defaults to "$address$".
esxi_hardware_user | **Required.** Specifies the user for polling. Must be a local user of the root group on the system. Can also be provided as a file path file:/path/to/.passwdfile, then first string of file is used.
esxi_hardware_pass | **Required.** Password of the user. Can also be provided as a file path file:/path/to/.passwdfile, then second string of file is used.
esxi_hardware_vendor | **Optional.** Defines the vendor of the server: "auto", "dell", "hp", "ibm", "intel", "unknown" (default).
esxi_hardware_html | **Optional.** Add web-links to hardware manuals for Dell servers (use your country extension). Only useful with **esxi_hardware_vendor** = dell.
esxi_hardware_ignore | **Optional.** Comma separated list of elements to ignore.
esxi_hardware_perfdata | **Optional.** Add performcedata for graphers like PNP4Nagios to the output. Defaults to false.
esxi_hardware_nopower | **Optional.** Do not collect power performance data, when **esxi_hardware_perfdata** is set to true. Defaults to false.
esxi_hardware_novolts | **Optional.** Do not collect voltage performance data, when **esxi_hardware_perfdata** is set to true. Defaults to false.
esxi_hardware_nocurrent | **Optional.** Do not collect current performance data, when **esxi_hardware_perfdata** is set to true. Defaults to false.
esxi_hardware_notemp | **Optional.** Do not collect temperature performance data, when **esxi_hardware_perfdata** is set to true. Defaults to false.
esxi_hardware_nofan | **Optional.** Do not collect fan performance data, when **esxi_hardware_perfdata** is set to true. Defaults to false.