Icinga 2 is written in C++ and uses the Boost libraries. We are also using the C++11 standard where applicable (please
note the minimum required compiler versions in the [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md) file.
Icinga 2 can be built on Linux/Unix and Windows clients. In order to develop patches for Icinga 2,
you should prepare your own local build environment and know how to work with C++.
More tips:
* Requirements and source code installation is explained inside the [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md) file.
* Debug requirements and GDB instructions can be found in the [documentation](https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2/blob/master/doc/20-development.md).
* If you are planning to debug a Windows client, setup a Windows environment with [Visual Studio](https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/community/). An example can be found in [this blogpost](https://blog.netways.de/2015/08/24/developing-icinga-2-on-windows-10-using-visual-studio-2015/).
The Icinga Template Library (ITL) and its plugin check commands provide a variety of CheckCommand
object definitions which can be included on-demand.
Advantages of sending them upstream:
* Everyone can use and update/fix them.
* One single place for configuration and documentation.
* Developers may suggest updates and help with best practices.
* You don't need to care about copying the command definitions to your satellites and clients.
#### <a id="contributing-itl-checkcommands-start"></a> Where do I start?
Get to know the check plugin and its options. Read the general documentation on how to integrate
your check plugins and how to create a good CheckCommand definition.
A good command definition uses:
* Command arguments including `value`, `description`, optional: `set_if`, `required`, etc.
* Comments `/* ... */` to describe difficult parts.
* Command name as prefix for the custom attributes referenced (e.g. `disk_`)
* Default values
* If `host.address` is involved, set a custom attribute (e.g. `ping_address`) to the default `$address$`. This allows users to override the host's address later on by setting the custom attribute inside the service apply definitions.
* If the plugin is also capable to use ipv6, import the `ipv4-or-ipv6` template and use `$check_address$` instead of `$address$`. This allows to fall back to ipv6 if only this address is set.
* If `set_if` is involved, ensure to specify a sane default value if required.
* Templates if there are multiple plugins with the same basic behaviour (e.g. ping4 and ping6).
* Your love and enthusiasm in making it the perfect CheckCommand.
#### <a id="contributing-itl-checkcommands-overview"></a> I have created a CheckCommand, what now?
Icinga 2 developers love documentation. This isn't just because we want to annoy anyone sending a patch,
it's a matter of making your contribution visible to the community.
Your patch should consist of 2 parts:
* The CheckCommand definition.
* The documentation bits.
[Fork the repository](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) and ensure that the master branch is up-to-date.
Create a new fix or feature branch and start your work.
git checkout -b feature/itl-check-printer
#### <a id="contributing-itl-checkcommands-add"></a> Add CheckCommand Definition to Contrib Plugins
There already exists a defined structure for contributed plugins. Navigate to `itl/plugins-contrib.d`
and verify where your command definitions fits into.
cd itl/plugins-contrib.d/
If you want to add or modify an existing Monitoring Plugin please use `itl/command-plugins.conf` instead.
vim itl/command-plugins-conf
##### Existing Configuration File
Just edit it, and add your CheckCommand definition.
vim operating-system.conf
Proceed to the documentation.
##### New type for CheckCommand Definition
Create a new file with .conf suffix.
$ vim printer.conf
Add the file to `itl/CMakeLists.txt` in the FILES line in **alpha-numeric order**.
This ensures that the installation and packages properly include your newly created file.