version | Number | Timestamp when the object was created or modified. Synced throughout cluster nodes.
type | String | Object type.
original\_attributes | Dictionary | Original values of object attributes modified at runtime.
active | Boolean | Object is active (e.g. a service being checked).
paused | Boolean | Object has been paused at runtime (e.g. [IdoMysqlConnection]( Defaults to `false`.
templates | Array | Templates imported on object compilation.
package | String | [Configuration package name]( this object belongs to. Local configuration is set to `_etc`, runtime created objects use `_api`.
source\_location | Dictionary | Location information where the configuration files are stored.
permissions | Array | **Required.** Array of permissions. Either as string or dictionary with the keys `permission` and `filter`. The latter must be specified as function.
command | Array | **Required.** The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command. When using the "arguments" attribute this must be an array. Can be specified as function for advanced implementations.
env | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
vars | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this command.
timeout | Duration | **Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to `1m`.
arguments | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary of command arguments.
value | String/Function | Optional argument value set by a [runtime macro string]( or a [function call](
required | Boolean | Required argument. Execution error if not set. Defaults to false (optional).
skip\_key | Boolean | Use the value as argument and skip the key.
set\_if | String/Function | Argument is added if the [runtime macro string]( resolves to a defined numeric or boolean value. String values are not supported. [Function calls]( returning a value are supported too.
order | Number | Set if multiple arguments require a defined argument order.
repeat\_key | Boolean | If the argument value is an array, repeat the argument key, or not. Defaults to true (repeat).
parent\_host\_name | Object name | **Required.** The parent host.
parent\_service\_name | Object name | **Optional.** The parent service. If omitted, this dependency object is treated as host dependency.
child\_host\_name | Object name | **Required.** The child host.
child\_service\_name | Object name | **Optional.** The child service. If omitted, this dependency object is treated as host dependency.
disable\_checks | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether to disable checks when this dependency fails. Defaults to false.
disable\_notifications | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether to disable notifications when this dependency fails. Defaults to true.
ignore\_soft\_states | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether to ignore soft states for the reachability calculation. Defaults to true.
period | Object name | **Optional.** Time period object during which this dependency is enabled.
states | Array | **Optional.** A list of state filters when this dependency should be OK. Defaults to [ OK, Warning ] for services and [ Up ] for hosts.
host | String | **Optional.** The hostname/IP address of the remote Icinga 2 instance.
port | Number | **Optional.** The service name/port of the remote Icinga 2 instance. Defaults to `5665`.
log\_duration | Duration | **Optional.** Duration for keeping replay logs on connection loss. Defaults to `1d` (86400 seconds). Attribute is specified in seconds. If log_duration is set to 0, replaying logs is disabled. You could also specify the value in human readable format like `10m` for 10 minutes or `1h` for one hour.
command | Array | **Required.** The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command. When using the "arguments" attribute this must be an array. Can be specified as function for advanced implementations.
env | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
vars | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this command.
timeout | Duration | **Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to `1m`.
arguments | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary of command arguments.
display\_name | String | **Optional.** A short description of the host (e.g. displayed by external interfaces instead of the name if set).
address | String | **Optional.** The host's IPv4 address. Available as command runtime macro `$address$` if set.
address6 | String | **Optional.** The host's IPv6 address. Available as command runtime macro `$address6$` if set.
groups | Array of object names | **Optional.** A list of host groups this host belongs to.
vars | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this host.
check\_command | Object name | **Required.** The name of the check command.
max\_check\_attempts | Number | **Optional.** The number of times a host is re-checked before changing into a hard state. Defaults to 3.
check\_period | Object name | **Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when this host should be checked. Not set by default.
check\_timeout | Duration | **Optional.** Check command timeout in seconds. Overrides the CheckCommand's `timeout` attribute.
check\_interval | Duration | **Optional.** The check interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the host is in a `HARD` state. Defaults to `5m`.
retry\_interval | Duration | **Optional.** The retry interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the host is in a `SOFT` state. Defaults to `1m`. Note: This does not affect the scheduling [after a passive check result](
enable\_notifications | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether notifications are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_active\_checks | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether active checks are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_passive\_checks | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether passive checks are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_event\_handler | Boolean | **Optional.** Enables event handlers for this host. Defaults to true.
enable\_flapping | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether flap detection is enabled. Defaults to false.
enable\_perfdata | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether performance data processing is enabled. Defaults to true.
event\_command | Object name | **Optional.** The name of an event command that should be executed every time the host's state changes or the host is in a `SOFT` state.
volatile | Boolean | **Optional.** Treat all state changes as HARD changes. See [here]( for details. Defaults to `false`.
zone | Object name | **Optional.** The zone this object is a member of. Please read the [distributed monitoring]( chapter for details.
host\_name | Object name | **Required.** The name of the host this notification belongs to.
service\_name | Object name | **Optional.** The short name of the service this notification belongs to. If omitted, this notification object is treated as host notification.
vars | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this notification object.
users | Array of object names | **Required.** A list of user names who should be notified. **Optional.** if the `user_groups` attribute is set.
user\_groups | Array of object names | **Required.** A list of user group names who should be notified. **Optional.** if the `users` attribute is set.
times | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary containing `begin` and `end` attributes for the notification.
command | Object name | **Required.** The name of the notification command which should be executed when the notification is triggered.
interval | Duration | **Optional.** The notification interval (in seconds). This interval is used for active notifications. Defaults to 30 minutes. If set to 0, [re-notifications]( are disabled.
period | Object name | **Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when this notification should be triggered. Not set by default.
zone | Object name | **Optional.** The zone this object is a member of. Please read the [distributed monitoring]( chapter for details.
types | Array | **Optional.** A list of type filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
states | Array | **Optional.** A list of state filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched. Note that the states filter is ignored for notifications of type Acknowledgement!
last\_notification | Timestamp | When the last notification was sent for this Notification object (as a UNIX timestamp).
next\_notification | Timestamp | When the next notification is going to be sent for this assuming the associated host/service is still in a non-OK state (as a UNIX timestamp).
notification\_number | Number | The notification number.
last\_problem\_notification | Timestamp | When the last notification was sent for a problem (as a UNIX timestamp).
command | Array | **Required.** The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command. When using the "arguments" attribute this must be an array. Can be specified as function for advanced implementations.
env | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
vars | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this command.
timeout | Duration | **Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to `1m`.
arguments | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary of command arguments.
Command arguments can be used the same way as for [CheckCommand objects](
More details on specific attributes can be found in [this chapter](
host\_name | Object name | **Required.** The name of the host this scheduled downtime belongs to.
service\_name | Object name | **Optional.** The short name of the service this scheduled downtime belongs to. If omitted, this downtime object is treated as host downtime.
author | String | **Required.** The author of the downtime.
comment | String | **Required.** A comment for the downtime.
fixed | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether this is a fixed downtime. Defaults to `true`.
duration | Duration | **Optional.** How long the downtime lasts. Only has an effect for flexible (non-fixed) downtimes.
ranges | Dictionary | **Required.** A dictionary containing information which days and durations apply to this timeperiod.
child\_options | String | **Optional.** Schedule child downtimes. `DowntimeNoChildren` does not do anything, `DowntimeTriggeredChildren` schedules child downtimes triggered by this downtime, `DowntimeNonTriggeredChildren` schedules non-triggered downtimes. Defaults to `DowntimeNoChildren`.
ScheduledDowntime objects have composite names, i.e. their names are based
on the `host_name` and `service_name` attributes and the
name you specified. This means you can define more than one object
with the same (short) name as long as one of the `host_name` and
display\_name | String | **Optional.** A short description of the service.
host\_name | Object name | **Required.** The host this service belongs to. There must be a `Host` object with that name.
groups | Array of object names | **Optional.** The service groups this service belongs to.
vars | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this service.
check\_command | Object name | **Required.** The name of the check command.
max\_check\_attempts | Number | **Optional.** The number of times a service is re-checked before changing into a hard state. Defaults to 3.
check\_period | Object name | **Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when this service should be checked. Not set by default.
check\_timeout | Duration | **Optional.** Check command timeout in seconds. Overrides the CheckCommand's `timeout` attribute.
check\_interval | Duration | **Optional.** The check interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the service is in a `HARD` state. Defaults to `5m`.
retry\_interval | Duration | **Optional.** The retry interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the service is in a `SOFT` state. Defaults to `1m`. Note: This does not affect the scheduling [after a passive check result](
enable\_notifications | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether notifications are enabled. Defaults to `true`.
enable\_active\_checks | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether active checks are enabled. Defaults to `true`.
enable\_passive\_checks | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether passive checks are enabled. Defaults to `true`.
enable\_event\_handler | Boolean | **Optional.** Enables event handlers for this host. Defaults to `true`.
enable\_flapping | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether flap detection is enabled. Defaults to `false`.
flapping\_threshold\_high | Number | **Optional.** Flapping upper bound in percent for a service to be considered flapping. `30.0`
flapping\_threshold\_low | Number | **Optional.** Flapping lower bound in percent for a service to be considered not flapping. `25.0`
enable\_perfdata | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether performance data processing is enabled. Defaults to `true`.
event\_command | Object name | **Optional.** The name of an event command that should be executed every time the service's state changes or the service is in a `SOFT` state.
volatile | Boolean | **Optional.** Treat all state changes as HARD changes. See [here]( for details. Defaults to `false`.
zone | Object name | **Optional.** The zone this object is a member of. Please read the [distributed monitoring]( chapter for details.
name | String | **Required.** The service name. Must be unique on a per-host basis. For advanced usage in [apply rules]( only.
command\_endpoint | Object name | **Optional.** The endpoint where commands are executed on.
notes | String | **Optional.** Notes for the service.
notes\_url | String | **Optional.** URL for notes for the service (for example, in notification commands).
action\_url | String | **Optional.** URL for actions for the service (for example, an external graphing tool).
icon\_image | String | **Optional.** Icon image for the service. Used by external interfaces only.
icon\_image\_alt | String | **Optional.** Icon image description for the service. Used by external interface only.
Service objects have composite names, i.e. their names are based on the host\_name attribute and the name you specified. This means
you can define more than one object with the same (short) name as long as the `host_name` attribute has a different value.
The actual check interval might deviate slightly from the configured values due to the fact that Icinga tries
to evenly distribute all checks over a certain period of time, i.e. to avoid load spikes.
display\_name | String | **Optional.** A short description of the user.
email | String | **Optional.** An email string for this user. Useful for notification commands.
pager | String | **Optional.** A pager string for this user. Useful for notification commands.
vars | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this user.
groups | Array of object names | **Optional.** An array of group names.
enable\_notifications | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether notifications are enabled for this user. Defaults to true.
period | Object name | **Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when a notification for this user should be triggered. Not set by default.
types | Array | **Optional.** A set of type filters when a notification for this user should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
states | Array | **Optional.** A set of state filters when a notification for this should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
endpoints | Array of object names | **Optional.** Array of endpoint names located in this zone.
parent | Object name | **Optional.** The name of the parent zone. (Do not specify a global zone)
global | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether configuration files for this zone should be [synced]( to all endpoints. Defaults to `false`.
Zone objects cannot currently be created with the API.
host\_name | Object name | **Required.** The name of the host this comment belongs to.
service\_name | Object name | **Optional.** The short name of the service this comment belongs to. If omitted, this comment object is treated as host comment.
author | String | **Required.** The author's name.
text | String | **Required.** The comment text.
entry\_time | Timestamp | **Optional.** The UNIX timestamp when this comment was added. If omitted, the entry time is volatile!
entry\_type | Number | **Optional.** The comment type (`User` = 1, `Downtime` = 2, `Flapping` = 3, `Acknowledgement` = 4).
expire\_time | Timestamp | **Optional.** The comment's expire time as UNIX timestamp.
persistent | Boolean | **Optional.** Only evaluated for `entry_type` Acknowledgement. `true` does not remove the comment when the acknowledgement is removed.
### Downtime <a id="objecttype-downtime"></a>
Downtimes created at runtime are represented as objects.
You can create downtimes with the [schedule-downtime]( API action.
host\_name | Object name | **Required.** The name of the host this comment belongs to.
service\_name | Object name | **Optional.** The short name of the service this comment belongs to. If omitted, this comment object is treated as host comment.
author | String | **Required.** The author's name.
comment | String | **Required.** The comment text.
start\_time | Timestamp | **Required.** The start time as UNIX timestamp.
end\_time | Timestamp | **Required.** The end time as UNIX timestamp.
duration | Number | **Optional.** The duration as number.
entry\_time | Timestamp | **Optional.** The UNIX timestamp when this downtime was added.
fixed | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether the downtime is fixed (true) or flexible (false). Defaults to flexible. Details in the [advanced topics chapter](
triggers | Array of object names | **Optional.** List of downtimes which should be triggered by this downtime.
cert\_path | String | **Deprecated.** Path to the public key.
key\_path | String | **Deprecated.** Path to the private key.
ca\_path | String | **Deprecated.** Path to the CA certificate file.
ticket\_salt | String | **Optional.** Private key for [CSR auto-signing]( **Required** for a signing master instance.
crl\_path | String | **Optional.** Path to the CRL file.
bind\_host | String | **Optional.** The IP address the api listener should be bound to. If not specified, the ApiListener is bound to `::` and listens for both IPv4 and IPv6 connections.
bind\_port | Number | **Optional.** The port the api listener should be bound to. Defaults to `5665`.
accept\_config | Boolean | **Optional.** Accept zone configuration. Defaults to `false`.
max\_anonymous\_clients | Number | **Optional.** Limit the number of anonymous client connections (not configured endpoints and signing requests).
cipher\_list | String | **Optional.** Cipher list that is allowed. For a list of available ciphers run `openssl ciphers`. Defaults to `ALL:!LOW:!WEAK:!MEDIUM:!EXP:!NULL`.
tls\_protocolmin | String | **Optional.** Minimum TLS protocol version. Must be one of `TLSv1`, `TLSv1.1` or `TLSv1.2`. Defaults to `TLSv1`.
tls\_handshake\_timeout | Number | **Optional.** TLS Handshake timeout. Defaults to `10s`.
access\_control\_allow\_origin | Array | **Optional.** Specifies an array of origin URLs that may access the API. [(MDN docs)](
access\_control\_allow\_credentials | Boolean | **Deprecated.** Indicates whether or not the actual request can be made using credentials. Defaults to `true`. [(MDN docs)](
access\_control\_allow\_headers | String | **Deprecated.** Used in response to a preflight request to indicate which HTTP headers can be used when making the actual request. Defaults to `Authorization`. [(MDN docs)](
access\_control\_allow\_methods | String | **Deprecated.** Used in response to a preflight request to indicate which HTTP methods can be used when making the actual request. Defaults to `GET, POST, PUT, DELETE`. [(MDN docs)](
environment | String | **Optional.** Used as suffix in TLS SNI extension name; default from constant `ApiEnvironment`, which is empty.
The attributes `access_control_allow_credentials`, `access_control_allow_headers` and `access_control_allow_methods`
are controlled by Icinga 2 and are not changeable by config any more.
The ApiListener type expects its certificate files to be in the following locations:
log\_dir | String | **Optional.** Path to the compat log directory. Defaults to LogDir + "/compat".
rotation\_method | String | **Optional.** Specifies when to rotate log files. Can be one of "HOURLY", "DAILY", "WEEKLY" or "MONTHLY". Defaults to "HOURLY".
port | Number | **Required.** Elasticsearch port. Defaults to `9200`.
index | String | **Required.** Elasticsearch index name. Defaults to `icinga2`.
enable\_send\_perfdata | Boolean | **Optional.** Send parsed performance data metrics for check results. Defaults to `false`.
flush\_interval | Duration | **Optional.** How long to buffer data points before transferring to Elasticsearch. Defaults to `10s`.
flush\_threshold | Number | **Optional.** How many data points to buffer before forcing a transfer to Elasticsearch. Defaults to `1024`.
username | String | **Optional.** Basic auth username if Elasticsearch is hidden behind an HTTP proxy.
password | String | **Optional.** Basic auth password if Elasticsearch is hidden behind an HTTP proxy.
enable\_tls | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether to use a TLS stream. Defaults to `false`. Requires an HTTP proxy.
ca\_path | String | **Optional.** Path to CA certificate to validate the remote host. Requires `enable_tls` set to `true`.
cert\_path | String | **Optional.** Path to host certificate to present to the remote host for mutual verification. Requires `enable_tls` set to `true`.
key\_path | String | **Optional.** Path to host key to accompany the cert\_path. Requires `enable_tls` set to `true`.
enable\_ha | Boolean | **Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to `false`.
Note: If `flush_threshold` is set too low, this will force the feature to flush all data to Elasticsearch too often.
Experiment with the setting, if you are processing more than 1024 metrics per second or similar.
Basic auth is supported with the `username` and `password` attributes. This requires an
HTTP proxy (Nginx, etc.) in front of the Elasticsearch instance. Check [this blogpost](
severity | String | **Optional.** The minimum severity for this log. Can be "debug", "notice", "information", "warning" or "critical". Defaults to "information".
port | Number | **Optional.** GELF receiver port. Defaults to `12201`.
source | String | **Optional.** Source name for this instance. Defaults to `icinga2`.
enable\_send\_perfdata | Boolean | **Optional.** Enable performance data for 'CHECK RESULT' events.
enable\_ha | Boolean | **Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to `false`.
port | Number | **Optional.** Graphite Carbon port. Defaults to `2003`.
host\_name\_template | String | **Optional.** Metric prefix for host name. Defaults to `icinga2.$$.host.$host.check_command$`.
service\_name\_template | String | **Optional.** Metric prefix for service name. Defaults to `icinga2.$$.services.$$.$service.check_command$`.
enable\_ha | Boolean | **Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to `false`.
enable\_notifications | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether notifications are globally enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_event\_handlers | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether event handlers are globally enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_flapping | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether flap detection is globally enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_host\_checks | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether active host checks are globally enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_service\_checks | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether active service checks are globally enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_perfdata | Boolean | **Optional.** Whether performance data processing is globally enabled. Defaults to true.
vars | Dictionary | **Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are available globally.
environment | String | **Optional.** Specify the Icinga environment. This overrides the `Environment` constant specified in the configuration or on the CLI with `--define`. Defaults to empty.
ssl\_capath | String | **Optional.** MySQL SSL trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format directory path.
ssl\_cipher | String | **Optional.** MySQL SSL list of allowed ciphers.
table\_prefix | String | **Optional.** MySQL database table prefix. Defaults to `icinga_`.
instance\_name | String | **Optional.** Unique identifier for the local Icinga 2 instance. Defaults to `default`.
instance\_description | String | **Optional.** Description for the Icinga 2 instance.
enable\_ha | Boolean | **Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to `true`.
failover\_timeout | Duration | **Optional.** Set the failover timeout in a [HA cluster]( Must not be lower than 30s. Defaults to `30s`.
cleanup | Dictionary | **Optional.** Dictionary with items for historical table cleanup.
categories | Array | **Optional.** Array of information types that should be written to the database.
ssl\_mode | String | **Optional.** Enable SSL connection mode. Value must be set according to the [sslmode setting]( `prefer`, `require`, `verify-ca`, `verify-full`, `allow`, `disable`.
instance\_name | String | **Optional.** Unique identifier for the local Icinga 2 instance. Defaults to `default`.
instance\_description | String | **Optional.** Description for the Icinga 2 instance.
enable\_ha | Boolean | **Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to `true`.
failover\_timeout | Duration | **Optional.** Set the failover timeout in a [HA cluster]( Must not be lower than 30s. Defaults to `30s`.
cleanup | Dictionary | **Optional.** Dictionary with items for historical table cleanup.
categories | Array | **Optional.** Array of information types that should be written to the database.
enable\_ha | Boolean | **Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to `false`.
socket\_type | String | **Optional.** Specifies the socket type. Can be either `tcp` or `unix`. Defaults to `unix`.
bind\_host | String | **Optional.** Only valid when `socket_type` is set to `tcp`. Host address to listen on for connections. Defaults to ``.
bind\_port | Number | **Optional.** Only valid when `socket_type` is set to `tcp`. Port to listen on for connections. Defaults to `6558`.
socket\_path | String | **Optional.** Only valid when `socket_type` is set to `unix`. Specifies the path to the UNIX socket file. Defaults to RunDir + "/icinga2/cmd/livestatus".
compat\_log\_path | String | **Optional.** Path to Icinga 1.x log files. Required for historical table queries. Requires `CompatLogger` feature enabled. Defaults to LogDir + "/compat"
enable\_ha | Boolean | **Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Disabling this currently only affects reminder notifications. Defaults to "true".
port | Number | **Optional.** OpenTSDB port. Defaults to `4242`.
enable\_ha | Boolean | **Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to `false`.
host\_perfdata\_path | String | **Optional.** Path to the host performance data file. Defaults to SpoolDir + "/perfdata/host-perfdata".
service\_perfdata\_path | String | **Optional.** Path to the service performance data file. Defaults to SpoolDir + "/perfdata/service-perfdata".
host\_temp\_path | String | **Optional.** Path to the temporary host file. Defaults to SpoolDir + "/tmp/host-perfdata".
service\_temp\_path | String | **Optional.** Path to the temporary service file. Defaults to SpoolDir + "/tmp/service-perfdata".
host\_format\_template | String | **Optional.** Host Format template for the performance data file. Defaults to a template that's suitable for use with PNP4Nagios.
service\_format\_template | String | **Optional.** Service Format template for the performance data file. Defaults to a template that's suitable for use with PNP4Nagios.
rotation\_interval | Duration | **Optional.** Rotation interval for the files specified in `{host,service}_perfdata_path`. Defaults to `30s`.
enable\_ha | Boolean | **Optional.** Enable the high availability functionality. Only valid in a [cluster setup]( Defaults to `false`.
When rotating the performance data file the current UNIX timestamp is appended to the path specified
in `host_perfdata_path` and `service_perfdata_path` to generate a unique filename.
severity | String | **Optional.** The minimum severity for this log. Can be "debug", "notice", "information", "warning" or "critical". Defaults to "warning".
facility | String | **Optional.** Defines the facility to use for syslog entries. This can be a facility constant like `FacilityDaemon`. Defaults to `FacilityUser`.