mirror of https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2.git
@ -159,26 +159,28 @@ hosts or services:
Name | Description
Name | Description
HOSTNAME | The name of the host object.
host.name | The name of the host object.
HOSTDISPLAYNAME | The value of the `display_name` attribute.
host.displayname | The value of the `display_name` attribute.
HOSTALIAS | This is an alias for the `HOSTDISPLAYNAME` macro.
host.state | The host's current state. Can be one of `UNREACHABLE`, `UP` and `DOWN`.
HOSTSTATE | The host's current state. Can be one of `UNREACHABLE`, `UP` and `DOWN`.
host.stateid | The host's current state. Can be one of `0` (up), `1` (down) and `2` (unreachable).
HOSTSTATEID | The host's current state. Can be one of `0` (up), `1` (down) and `2` (unreachable).
host.statetype | The host's current state type. Can be one of `SOFT` and `HARD`.
HOSTSTATETYPE | The host's current state type. Can be one of `SOFT` and `HARD`.
host.attempt | The current check attempt number.
HOSTATTEMPT | The current check attempt number.
host.maxattempt | The maximum number of checks which are executed before changing to a hard state.
MAXHOSTATTEMPT | The maximum number of checks which are executed before changing to a hard state.
host.laststate | The host's previous state. Can be one of `UNREACHABLE`, `UP` and `DOWN`.
LASTHOSTSTATE | The host's previous state. Can be one of `UNREACHABLE`, `UP` and `DOWN`.
host.laststateid | The host's previous state. Can be one of `0` (up), `1` (down) and `2` (unreachable).
LASTHOSTSTATEID | The host's previous state. Can be one of `0` (up), `1` (down) and `2` (unreachable).
host.laststatetype | The host's previous state type. Can be one of `SOFT` and `HARD`.
LASTHOSTSTATETYPE | The host's previous state type. Can be one of `SOFT` and `HARD`.
host.laststatechange | The last state change's timestamp.
LASTHOSTSTATECHANGE | The last state change's timestamp.
host.durationsec | The time since the last state change.
HOSTDURATIONSEC | The time since the last state change.
host.latency | The host's check latency.
HOSTLATENCY | The host's check latency.
host.executiontime | The host's check execution time.
HOSTEXECUTIONTIME | The host's check execution time.
host.output | The last check's output.
HOSTOUTPUT | The last check's output.
host.perfdata | The last check's performance data.
HOSTPERFDATA | The last check's performance data.
host.lastcheck | The timestamp when the last check was executed.
LASTHOSTCHECK | The timestamp when the last check was executed.
host.totalservices | Number of services associated with the host.
HOSTADDRESS | This is an alias for the `address` macro. If the `address` macro is not defined the host object's name is used instead.
host.totalservicesok | Number of services associated with the host which are in an `OK` state.
HOSTADDRESS6 | This is an alias for the `address6` macro. If the `address` macro is not defined the host object's name is used instead.
host.totalserviceswarning | Number of services associated with the host which are in a `WARNING` state.
host.totalservicesunknown | Number of services associated with the host which are in an `UNKNOWN` state.
host.totalservicescritical | Number of services associated with the host which are in a `CRITICAL` state.
> **Note**
> **Note**
@ -195,29 +197,24 @@ services:
Name | Description
Name | Description
SERVICEDESC | The short name of the service object.
service.description | The short name of the service object.
SERVICEDISPLAYNAME | The value of the `display_name` attribute.
service.displayname | The value of the `display_name` attribute.
service.checkcommand | This is an alias for the `SERVICEDISPLAYNAME` macro.
SERVICESTATE | The service's current state. Can be one of `OK`, `WARNING`, `CRITICAL` and `UNKNOWN`.
service.state | The service's current state. Can be one of `OK`, `WARNING`, `CRITICAL` and `UNKNOWN`.
SERVICESTATEID | The service's current state. Can be one of `0` (ok), `1` (warning), `2` (critical) and `3` (unknown).
service.stateid | The service's current state. Can be one of `0` (ok), `1` (warning), `2` (critical) and `3` (unknown).
SERVICESTATETYPE | The service's current state type. Can be one of `SOFT` and `HARD`.
service.statetype | The service's current state type. Can be one of `SOFT` and `HARD`.
SERVICEATTEMPT | The current check attempt number.
service.attempt | The current check attempt number.
MAXSERVICEATTEMPT | The maximum number of checks which are executed before changing to a hard state.
service.maxattempt | The maximum number of checks which are executed before changing to a hard state.
LASTSERVICESTATE | The service's previous state. Can be one of `OK`, `WARNING`, `CRITICAL` and `UNKNOWN`.
service.laststate | The service's previous state. Can be one of `OK`, `WARNING`, `CRITICAL` and `UNKNOWN`.
LASTSERVICESTATEID | The service's previous state. Can be one of `0` (ok), `1` (warning), `2` (critical) and `3` (unknown).
service.laststateid | The service's previous state. Can be one of `0` (ok), `1` (warning), `2` (critical) and `3` (unknown).
LASTSERVICESTATETYPE | The service's previous state type. Can be one of `SOFT` and `HARD`.
service.laststatetype | The service's previous state type. Can be one of `SOFT` and `HARD`.
LASTSERVICESTATECHANGE | The last state change's timestamp.
service.laststatechange| The last state change's timestamp.
SERVICEDURATIONSEC | The time since the last state change.
service.durationsec | The time since the last state change.
SERVICELATENCY | The service's check latency.
service.latency | The service's check latency.
SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME | The service's check execution time.
service.executiontime | The service's check execution time.
SERVICEOUTPUT | The last check's output.
service.output | The last check's output.
SERVICEPERFDATA | The last check's performance data.
service.perfdata | The last check's performance data.
LASTSERVICECHECK | The timestamp when the last check was executed.
service.lastcheck | The timestamp when the last check was executed.
TOTALHOSTSERVICES | Number of services associated with the host.
TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK | Number of services associated with the host which are in an `OK` state.
TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING | Number of services associated with the host which are in a `WARNING` state.
TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN | Number of services associated with the host which are in an `UNKNOWN` state.
TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL | Number of services associated with the host which are in a `CRITICAL` state.
@ -301,6 +301,60 @@ attribute in command objects.
Icinga 2 requires an object specific namespace when accessing configuration
Icinga 2 requires an object specific namespace when accessing configuration
and stateful runtime macros. Custom attributes can be access directly.
and stateful runtime macros. Custom attributes can be access directly.
Changes to host runtime macros
Icinga 1.x | Icinga 2
Changes to service runtime macros
Icinga 1.x | Icinga 2
SERVICEDESC | service.description
SERVICEDISPLAYNAME | service.displayname
SERVICECHECKCOMMAND | service.checkcommand
SERVICESTATE | service.state
SERVICESTATEID | service.stateid
SERVICESTATETYPE | service.statetype
SERVICEATTEMPT | service.attempt
MAXSERVICEATTEMPT | service.maxattempt
LASTSERVICESTATE | service.laststate
LASTSERVICESTATEID | service.laststateid
LASTSERVICESTATETYPE | service.laststatetype
LASTSERVICESTATECHANGE | service.laststatechange
SERVICEDURATIONSEC | service.durationsec
SERVICELATENCY | service.latency
SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME | service.executiontime
SERVICEOUTPUT | service.output
SERVICEPERFDATA | service.perfdata
LASTSERVICECHECK | service.lastcheck
Changes to user (contact) runtime macros
Icinga 1.x | Icinga 2
HOSTNAME | host.name
HOSTDISPLAYNAME | host.displayname
HOSTSTATE | host.state
HOSTSTATEID | host.stateid
HOSTSTATETYPE | host.statetype
HOSTATTEMPT | host.attempt
MAXHOSTATTEMPT | host.maxattempt
LASTHOSTSTATE | host.laststate
LASTHOSTSTATEID | host.laststateid
LASTHOSTSTATETYPE | host.laststatetype
LASTHOSTSTATECHANGE | host.laststatechange
HOSTDURATIONSEC | host.durationsec
HOSTLATENCY | host.latency
HOSTEXECUTIONTIME | host.executiontime
HOSTOUTPUT | host.output
HOSTPERFDATA | host.perfdata
LASTHOSTCHECK | host.lastcheck
Changes to global runtime macros:
Changes to global runtime macros:
Icinga 1.x | Icinga 2
Icinga 1.x | Icinga 2
@ -258,113 +258,124 @@ String Host::StateTypeToString(StateType type)
bool Host::ResolveMacro(const String& macro, const CheckResult::Ptr&, String *result) const
bool Host::ResolveMacro(const String& macro, const CheckResult::Ptr&, String *result) const
if (macro == "HOSTNAME") {
/* require prefix for object macros */
*result = GetName();
if (macro.SubStr(0, 5) == "host.") {
return true;
String key = macro.SubStr(5);
else if (macro == "HOSTDISPLAYNAME" || macro == "HOSTALIAS") {
*result = GetDisplayName();
return true;
CheckResult::Ptr cr = GetLastCheckResult();
if (key == "name") {
*result = GetName();
if (macro == "HOSTSTATE") {
return true;
switch (GetState()) {
case HostUnreachable:
else if (key == "displaymane") {
*result = "UNREACHABLE";
*result = GetDisplayName();
case HostUp:
*result = "UP";
case HostDown:
*result = "DOWN";
return true;
} else if (macro == "HOSTSTATEID") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetState());
return true;
} else if (macro == "HOSTSTATETYPE") {
*result = StateTypeToString(GetStateType());
return true;
} else if (macro == "HOSTATTEMPT") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetCheckAttempt());
return true;
} else if (macro == "MAXHOSTATTEMPT") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetMaxCheckAttempts());
return true;
} else if (macro == "LASTHOSTSTATE") {
*result = StateToString(GetLastState());
return true;
} else if (macro == "LASTHOSTSTATEID") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetLastState());
return true;
} else if (macro == "LASTHOSTSTATETYPE") {
*result = StateTypeToString(GetLastStateType());
return true;
} else if (macro == "LASTHOSTSTATECHANGE") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)GetLastStateChange());
return true;
} else if (macro == "HOSTDURATIONSEC") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)(Utility::GetTime() - GetLastStateChange()));
return true;
} else if (macro == "HOSTCHECKCOMMAND") {
CheckCommand::Ptr commandObj = GetCheckCommand();
if (commandObj)
*result = commandObj->GetName();
*result = "";
return true;
if (cr) {
if (macro == "HOSTLATENCY") {
*result = Convert::ToString(Service::CalculateLatency(cr));
return true;
} else if (macro == "HOSTEXECUTIONTIME") {
*result = Convert::ToString(Service::CalculateExecutionTime(cr));
return true;
} else if (macro == "HOSTOUTPUT") {
*result = cr->GetOutput();
return true;
} else if (macro == "HOSTPERFDATA") {
*result = PluginUtility::FormatPerfdata(cr->GetPerformanceData());
return true;
} else if (macro == "LASTHOSTCHECK") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)cr->GetScheduleStart());
return true;
return true;
Dictionary::Ptr vars = GetVars();
CheckResult::Ptr cr = GetLastCheckResult();
if (macro.SubStr(0, 5) == "_HOST") {
if (key == "state") {
*result = vars ? vars->Get(macro.SubStr(5)) : "";
switch (GetState()) {
return true;
case HostUnreachable:
*result = "UNREACHABLE";
case HostUp:
*result = "UP";
case HostDown:
*result = "DOWN";
String name = macro;
return true;
} else if (key == "stateid") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetState());
return true;
} else if (key == "statetype") {
*result = StateTypeToString(GetStateType());
return true;
} else if (key == "attempt") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetCheckAttempt());
return true;
} else if (key == "maxattempt") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetMaxCheckAttempts());
return true;
} else if (key == "laststate") {
*result = StateToString(GetLastState());
return true;
} else if (key == "laststateid") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetLastState());
return true;
} else if (key == "laststatetype") {
*result = StateTypeToString(GetLastStateType());
return true;
} else if (key == "laststatechange") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)GetLastStateChange());
return true;
} else if (key == "durationsec") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)(Utility::GetTime() - GetLastStateChange()));
return true;
} else if (key == "checkcommand") {
CheckCommand::Ptr commandObj = GetCheckCommand();
if (name == "HOSTADDRESS")
if (commandObj)
name = "address";
*result = commandObj->GetName();
else if (macro == "HOSTADDRESS6")
name = "address6";
*result = "";
if (vars && vars->Contains(name)) {
return true;
*result = vars->Get(name);
} else if (key == "totalservices" || key == "totalservicesok" || key == "totalserviceswarning"
return true;
|| key == "totalservicesunknown" || key == "totalservicescritical") {
int filter = -1;
int count = 0;
if (macro == "HOSTADDRESS" || macro == "HOSTADDRESS6") {
if (key == "totalservicesok")
*result = GetName();
filter = StateOK;
return true;
else if (key == "totalserviceswarning")
filter = StateWarning;
else if (key == "totalservicesunknown")
filter = StateUnknown;
else if (key == "totalservicescritical")
filter = StateCritical;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Service::Ptr& service, GetServices()) {
if (filter != -1 && service->GetState() != filter)
*result = Convert::ToString(count);
return true;
if (cr) {
if (key == "latency") {
*result = Convert::ToString(Service::CalculateLatency(cr));
return true;
} else if (key == "executiontime") {
*result = Convert::ToString(Service::CalculateExecutionTime(cr));
return true;
} else if (key == "output") {
*result = cr->GetOutput();
return true;
} else if (key == "perfdata") {
*result = PluginUtility::FormatPerfdata(cr->GetPerformanceData());
return true;
} else if (key == "lastcheck") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)cr->GetScheduleStart());
return true;
Dictionary::Ptr vars = GetVars();
if (vars && vars->Contains(key)) {
*result = vars->Get(key);
return true;
return false;
return false;
@ -134,35 +134,34 @@ String IcingaApplication::GetNodeName(void) const
bool IcingaApplication::ResolveMacro(const String& macro, const CheckResult::Ptr&, String *result) const
bool IcingaApplication::ResolveMacro(const String& macro, const CheckResult::Ptr&, String *result) const
/* require icinga prefix for application macros */
/* require icinga prefix for application macros */
if (macro.SubStr(0, 7) != "icinga.")
if (macro.SubStr(0, 7) == "icinga.") {
return false;
String key = macro.SubStr(7);
String key = macro.SubStr(7);
double now = Utility::GetTime();
double now = Utility::GetTime();
if (key == "timet") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)now);
return true;
} else if (key == "longdatetime") {
*result = Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", now);
return true;
} else if (key == "shortdatetime") {
*result = Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", now);
return true;
} else if (key == "date") {
*result = Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d", now);
return true;
} else if (key == "time") {
*result = Utility::FormatDateTime("%H:%M:%S %z", now);
return true;
if (key == "timet") {
Dictionary::Ptr vars = GetVars();
*result = Convert::ToString((long)now);
return true;
} else if (key == "longdatetime") {
*result = Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", now);
return true;
} else if (key == "shortdatetime") {
*result = Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", now);
return true;
} else if (key == "date") {
*result = Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d", now);
return true;
} else if (key == "time") {
*result = Utility::FormatDateTime("%H:%M:%S %z", now);
return true;
Dictionary::Ptr vars = GetVars();
if (vars && vars->Contains(key)) {
*result = vars->Get(key);
if (vars && vars->Contains(key)) {
return true;
*result = vars->Get(key);
return true;
return false;
return false;
@ -128,108 +128,84 @@ String Service::StateTypeToString(StateType type)
bool Service::ResolveMacro(const String& macro, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, String *result) const
bool Service::ResolveMacro(const String& macro, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, String *result) const
if (macro == "SERVICEDESC") {
/* require prefix for object macros */
*result = GetShortName();
if (macro.SubStr(0, 8) == "service.") {
return true;
String key = macro.SubStr(8);
} else if (macro == "SERVICEDISPLAYNAME") {
*result = GetDisplayName();
return true;
} else if (macro == "SERVICECHECKCOMMAND") {
CheckCommand::Ptr commandObj = GetCheckCommand();
if (commandObj)
if (key == "description") {
*result = commandObj->GetName();
*result = GetShortName();
*result = "";
return true;
if (macro == "SERVICESTATE") {
*result = StateToString(GetState());
return true;
} else if (macro == "SERVICESTATEID") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetState());
return true;
} else if (macro == "SERVICESTATETYPE") {
*result = StateTypeToString(GetStateType());
return true;
} else if (macro == "SERVICEATTEMPT") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetCheckAttempt());
return true;
} else if (macro == "MAXSERVICEATTEMPT") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetMaxCheckAttempts());
return true;
} else if (macro == "LASTSERVICESTATE") {
*result = StateToString(GetLastState());
return true;
} else if (macro == "LASTSERVICESTATEID") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetLastState());
return true;
} else if (macro == "LASTSERVICESTATETYPE") {
*result = StateTypeToString(GetLastStateType());
return true;
} else if (macro == "LASTSERVICESTATECHANGE") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)GetLastStateChange());
return true;
} else if (macro == "SERVICEDURATIONSEC") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)(Utility::GetTime() - GetLastStateChange()));
return true;
int filter = -1;
int count = 0;
filter = StateOK;
filter = StateWarning;
filter = StateUnknown;
filter = StateCritical;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Service::Ptr& service, GetHost()->GetServices()) {
if (filter != -1 && service->GetState() != filter)
*result = Convert::ToString(count);
return true;
if (cr) {
if (macro == "SERVICELATENCY") {
*result = Convert::ToString(Service::CalculateLatency(cr));
return true;
return true;
} else if (macro == "SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME") {
} else if (key == "displayname") {
*result = Convert::ToString(Service::CalculateExecutionTime(cr));
*result = GetDisplayName();
return true;
return true;
} else if (macro == "SERVICEOUTPUT") {
} else if (key == "checkcommand") {
*result = cr->GetOutput();
CheckCommand::Ptr commandObj = GetCheckCommand();
return true;
} else if (macro == "SERVICEPERFDATA") {
if (commandObj)
*result = PluginUtility::FormatPerfdata(cr->GetPerformanceData());
*result = commandObj->GetName();
return true;
} else if (macro == "LASTSERVICECHECK") {
*result = "";
*result = Convert::ToString((long)cr->GetExecutionEnd());
return true;
return true;
Dictionary::Ptr vars = GetVars();
if (key == "state") {
*result = StateToString(GetState());
return true;
} else if (key == "stateid") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetState());
return true;
} else if (key == "statetype") {
*result = StateTypeToString(GetStateType());
return true;
} else if (key == "attempt") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetCheckAttempt());
return true;
} else if (key == "maxattempt") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetMaxCheckAttempts());
return true;
} else if (key == "laststate") {
*result = StateToString(GetLastState());
return true;
} else if (key == "laststateid") {
*result = Convert::ToString(GetLastState());
return true;
} else if (key == "laststatetype") {
*result = StateTypeToString(GetLastStateType());
return true;
} else if (key == "laststatechange") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)GetLastStateChange());
return true;
} else if (key == "durationsec") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)(Utility::GetTime() - GetLastStateChange()));
return true;
if (macro.SubStr(0, 8) == "_SERVICE") {
if (cr) {
*result = vars ? vars->Get(macro.SubStr(8)) : "";
if (key == "latency") {
return true;
*result = Convert::ToString(Service::CalculateLatency(cr));
return true;
} else if (key == "executiontime") {
*result = Convert::ToString(Service::CalculateExecutionTime(cr));
return true;
} else if (key == "output") {
*result = cr->GetOutput();
return true;
} else if (key == "perfdata") {
*result = PluginUtility::FormatPerfdata(cr->GetPerformanceData());
return true;
} else if (key == "lastcheck") {
*result = Convert::ToString((long)cr->GetExecutionEnd());
return true;
Dictionary::Ptr vars = GetVars();
if (vars && vars->Contains(macro)) {
if (vars && vars->Contains(key)) {
*result = vars->Get(macro);
*result = vars->Get(key);
return true;
return true;
return false;
return false;
Reference in New Issue