Add IDO tests

refs #5223
This commit is contained in:
Johannes Meyer 2013-12-06 10:07:55 +01:00
parent 3b04b4dcf5
commit 17e36fe1cc
4 changed files with 369 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
TABLE_PREFIX = 'icinga_'
# Central tables
# Debugging tables
# Historical tables
# Current status tables
# Configuration tables
'localhost': ['disk', 'http', 'icinga', 'load', 'ping4',
'ping6', 'processes', 'ssh', 'users'],
'nsca-ng': ['PassiveService1', 'PassiveService2']
def validate_tables(tables):
Return whether all tables of the IDO database scheme exist in
the given table listing
missing = [n for n in TABLES if TABLE_PREFIX + n not in tables]
if missing:
print 'Some tables are missing in the IDO'
print 'Missing tables: ' + ', '.join(missing)
return False
print 'All tables were found in the IDO'
return True
def verify_host_config(config_data):
Return whether the example hosts exist in the given "hosts" table
if len([1 for e in config_data if e['alias'] in EXAMPLE_CONFIG]) == 2:
print 'All example hosts are stored in the IDO'
return True
print 'Some example hosts are missing in the IDO'
return False
def verify_service_config(config_data):
Return whether the example services exist in the given "services" table
for hostname, servicename in ((h, s) for h, ss in EXAMPLE_CONFIG.iteritems()
for s in ss):
# Not very efficient, but suitable for just two hosts...
if not any(1 for c in config_data
if c['alias'] == hostname and
c['display_name'] == servicename):
print 'The config stored in the IDO is missing some services'
return False
print 'The service config stored in the IDO is correct'
return True
def check_last_host_status_update(check_info):
Return whether the example hosts are checked as scheduled
for info in check_info:
if info['alias'] == 'localhost':
last_check = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(info['last_check']))
if - last_check > timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=10):
print 'The last status update of host "localhost"' \
' was more than 5 minutes ago'
return False
elif info['alias'] == 'nsca-ng':
if float(info['last_check']) > 0:
print 'The host "nsca-ng" was checked even though' \
' it should not be actively checked'
return False
print 'The updates of both example hosts are processed as configured'
return True
def check_last_service_status_update(check_info):
Return whether the example services are checked as scheduled
for info in check_info:
if info['display_name'] in EXAMPLE_CONFIG.get(info['alias'], []):
last_check = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(info['last_check']))
if - last_check > timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=10):
print 'The last status update of service "{0}" of' \
' host "{1}" was more than 5 minutes ago' \
''.format(info['display_name'], info['alias'])
return False
print 'The updates of all example services are processed as configured'
return True
def check_logentries(logentry_info):
Return whether the given logentry originates from host "localhost"
and refers to its very last hard status change
if logentry_info and logentry_info[0]['alias'] == 'localhost':
entry_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(logentry_info[0]['entry_time']))
state_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(logentry_info[0]['state_time']))
if entry_time - state_time > timedelta(seconds=10):
print 'The last hard state of host "localhost"' \
' seems not to have been logged'
return False
print 'No logs found in the IDO for host "localhost"'
return False
print 'The last hard state of host "localhost" was properly logged'
return True

test/jenkins/ido_mysql.test Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
import subprocess
import ido_tests
MYSQL = b"/usr/bin/mysql"
PARAMS = b"-t -D icinga -u icinga --password=icinga -e".split()
def run_query(query):
p = subprocess.Popen([MYSQL] + PARAMS + [query.encode('utf-8')],
return parse_result([l.decode('utf-8') for l in p.stdout.readlines()])
def parse_result(resultset):
result, header = [], None
for line in (l for l in resultset if SEPARATOR in l):
columns = [c.strip() for c in line[1:-3].split(SEPARATOR)]
if header is None:
header = columns
result.append(dict((header[i], v) for i, v in enumerate(columns)))
return result
def main():
if not ido_tests.validate_tables([d['Tables_in_icinga']
for d in run_query('show tables')]):
return 1
host_info = run_query('select * from icinga_hosts')
if not ido_tests.verify_host_config(host_info):
return 1
service_info = run_query(
'select c2.alias, c1.* from icinga_services as c1 '
'inner join icinga_hosts as c2'
' on c1.host_object_id = c2.host_object_id'
if not ido_tests.verify_service_config(service_info):
return 1
hostchecks_data = run_query(
'select c.alias, unix_timestamp(s.last_check) as last_check'
' from icinga_hoststatus as s '
'inner join icinga_hosts as c'
' on s.host_object_id = c.host_object_id'
if not ido_tests.check_last_host_status_update(hostchecks_data):
return 1
servicechecks_data = run_query(
'select c2.alias, c1.display_name, unix_timestamp(s.last_check) as last_check'
' from icinga_servicestatus as s '
'inner join icinga_services as c1'
' on s.service_object_id = c1.service_object_id '
'inner join icinga_hosts as c2'
' on c1.host_object_id = c2.host_object_id'
if not ido_tests.check_last_service_status_update(servicechecks_data):
return 1
logentry_info = run_query(
'select hosts.alias,'
' max(unix_timestamp(logs.entry_time)) as entry_time,'
' max(unix_timestamp(hist.state_time)) as state_time'
' from icinga_logentries as logs '
'inner join icinga_hosts as hosts'
' on logs.object_id = hosts.host_object_id and hosts.alias = "localhost" '
'inner join icinga_statehistory as hist'
' on hist.object_id = hosts.host_object_id and hist.state_type = 1'
if not ido_tests.check_logentries(logentry_info):
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':

test/jenkins/ido_pgsql.test Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
import subprocess
import ido_tests
PSQL = b"/usr/bin/psql"
PARAMS = b"-nq -U icinga -d icinga -c".split()
b'PGPASSWORD': b'icinga'
def run_query(query):
p = subprocess.Popen([PSQL] + PARAMS + [query.encode('utf-8')],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=ENVIRONMENT)
return parse_result([l.decode('utf-8') for l in p.stdout.readlines()])
def parse_result(resultset):
result, header = [], None
for line in (l for l in resultset if SEPARATOR in l):
columns = [c.strip() for c in line.split(SEPARATOR)]
if header is None:
header = columns
result.append(dict((header[i], v) for i, v in enumerate(columns)))
return result
def main():
if not ido_tests.validate_tables([d['Name'] for d in run_query('\\dt')
if d['Type'] == 'table']):
return 1
host_info = run_query('select * from icinga_hosts')
if not ido_tests.verify_host_config(host_info):
return 1
service_info = run_query(
'select c2.alias, c1.* from icinga_services as c1 '
'inner join icinga_hosts as c2'
' on c1.host_object_id = c2.host_object_id'
if not ido_tests.verify_service_config(service_info):
return 1
hostchecks_data = run_query(
'select c.alias, unix_timestamp(s.last_check) as last_check'
' from icinga_hoststatus as s '
'inner join icinga_hosts as c'
' on s.host_object_id = c.host_object_id'
if not ido_tests.check_last_host_status_update(hostchecks_data):
return 1
servicechecks_data = run_query(
'select c2.alias, c1.display_name, unix_timestamp(s.last_check) as last_check'
' from icinga_servicestatus as s '
'inner join icinga_services as c1'
' on s.service_object_id = c1.service_object_id '
'inner join icinga_hosts as c2'
' on c1.host_object_id = c2.host_object_id'
if not ido_tests.check_last_service_status_update(servicechecks_data):
return 1
logentry_info = run_query(
'select hosts.alias,'
' max(unix_timestamp(logs.entry_time)) as entry_time,'
' max(unix_timestamp(hist.state_time)) as state_time'
' from icinga_logentries as logs '
'inner join icinga_hosts as hosts'
' on logs.object_id = hosts.host_object_id '
'inner join icinga_statehistory as hist'
' on hist.object_id = hosts.host_object_id '
"where hosts.alias = 'localhost' and hist.state_type = 1 "
'group by hosts.alias'
if not ido_tests.check_logentries(logentry_info):
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -8,5 +8,13 @@
"test_root": "/tmp"
"setups": {
"^ido_[a-z]{2}sql.test$": {
"setup": {
"copy": ["files/ >> /tmp/"]
"teardown": {
"clean": ["/tmp/", "/tmp/ido_tests.pyc"]