ITL: Add missing parameters for (latest) mysql_health

fixes #12221

Signed-off-by: Michael Friedrich <>
This commit is contained in:
Jo Goossens 2016-07-25 11:37:55 +02:00 committed by Michael Friedrich
parent ce3d7ab973
commit 1a85cfe427
2 changed files with 109 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1738,12 +1738,33 @@ mysql_health_password | **Optional.** The password for the database c
mysql_health_database | **Optional.** The database to connect to. Defaults to information_schema.
mysql_health_warning | **Optional.** The warning threshold depending on the mode.
mysql_health_critical | **Optional.** The critical threshold depending on the mode.
mysql_health_warningx | **Optional.** The extended warning thresholds depending on the mode.
mysql_health_criticalx | **Optional.** The extended critical thresholds depending on the mode.
mysql_health_mode | **Required.** The mode uses predefined keywords for the different checks. For example "connection-time", "slave-lag" or "sql".
mysql_health_method | **Optional.** How the plugin should connect to the database (`dbi` for using DBD::Mysql (default), `mysql` for using the mysql-Tool).
mysql_health_name | **Optional.** The SQL statement to be executed with "mysql_health_mode" sql.
mysql_health_name2 | **Optional.** If "mysql_health_name" is a sql statement, "mysql_health_name2" can be used to appear in the output and the performance data.
mysql_health_commit | **Optional.** Turns on autocommit for the dbd::* module.
mysql_health_notemp | **Optional.** Ignore temporary databases/tablespaces.
mysql_health_nooffline | **Optional.** Skip the offline databases.
mysql_health_regexp | **Optional.** Parameter name/name2/name3 will be interpreted as (perl) regular expression.
mysql_health_name | **Optional.** The name of a specific component to check.
mysql_health_name2 | **Optional.** The secondary name of a component.
mysql_health_name3 | **Optional.** The tertiary name of a component.
mysql_health_units | **Optional.** This is used for a better output of mode=sql and for specifying thresholds for mode=tablespace-free. Possible values are "%", "KB", "MB" and "GB".
mysql_health_labelformat | **Optional.** One of those formats pnp4nagios or groundwork. Defaults to pnp4nagios.
mysql_health_extraopts | **Optional.** Read command line arguments from an external file.
mysql_health_blacklist | **Optional.** Blacklist some (missing/failed) components"
mysql_health_mitigation | **Optional.** "The parameter allows you to change a critical error to a warning."
mysql_health_lookback | **Optional.** The amount of time you want to look back when calculating average rates."
mysql_health_environment | **Optional.** Add a variable to the plugin's environment."
mysql_health_morphmessage | **Optional.** Modify the final output message."
mysql_health_morphperfdata | **Optional.** The parameter allows you to change performance data labels."
mysql_health_selectedperfdata | **Optional.** The parameter allows you to limit the list of performance data."
mysql_health_report | **Optional.** Can be used to shorten the output."
mysql_health_multiline | **Optional.** Multiline output."
mysql_health_negate | **Optional.** Emulate the negate plugin. --negate warning=critical --negate unknown=critical."
mysql_health_withmymodulesdyndir | **Optional.** Add-on modules for the my-modes will be searched in this directory."
mysql_health_statefilesdir | **Optional.** An alternate directory where the plugin can save files."
mysql_health_isvalidtime | **Optional.** Signals the plugin to return OK if now is not a valid check time."
#### <a id="plugins-contrib-command-oracle_health"></a> oracle_health

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@ -133,6 +133,14 @@ object CheckCommand "mysql_health" {
value = "$mysql_health_critical$"
description = "the critical range"
"--warningx" = {
value = "$mysql_health_warningx$"
description = "The extended warning thresholds"
"--criticalx" = {
value = "$mysql_health_criticalx$"
description = "The extended critical thresholds"
"--mode" = {
value = "$mysql_health_mode$"
description = "the mode of the plugin"
@ -141,13 +149,33 @@ object CheckCommand "mysql_health" {
value = "$mysql_health_method$"
description = "how the plugin should connect to the database (dbi for using DBD::mysql (default), mysql for using the mysql-Tool)"
"--commit" = {
value = "$mysql_health_commit$"
description = "turns on autocommit for the dbd::* module"
"--notemp" = {
value = "$mysql_health_notemp$"
description = "Ignore temporary databases/tablespaces"
"--nooffline" = {
value = "$mysql_health_nooffline$"
description = "skip the offline databases"
"--regexp" = {
value = "$mysql_health_regexp$"
description = " Parameter name/name2/name3 will be interpreted as (perl) regular expression."
"--name" = {
value = "$mysql_health_name$"
description = "currently only used for sql statements"
description = "The name of a specific component to check"
"--name2" = {
value = "$mysql_health_name2$"
description = "if name is a sql statement, name2 can be used to appear in the output and the performance data"
description = "The secondary name of a component"
"--name3" = {
value = "$mysql_health_name3$"
description = "The tertiary name of a component"
"--units" = {
value = "$mysql_health_units$"
@ -157,6 +185,62 @@ object CheckCommand "mysql_health" {
value = "$mysql_health_labelformat$"
description = "one of pnp4nagios (which is the default) or groundwork"
"--extra-opts" = {
value = "$mysql_health_extraopts$"
description = "Read command line arguments from an external file."
"--blacklist" = {
value = "$mysql_health_blacklist$"
description = "Blacklist some (missing/failed) components"
"--mitigation" = {
value = "$mysql_health_mitigation$"
description = "The parameter allows you to change a critical error to a warning."
"--lookback" = {
value = "$mysql_health_lookback$"
description = "The amount of time you want to look back when calculating average rates."
"--environment" = {
value = "$mysql_health_environment$"
description = "Add a variable to the plugin's environment."
"--morphmessage" = {
value = "$mysql_health_morphmessage$"
description = "Modify the final output message."
"--morphperfdata" = {
value = "$mysql_health_morphperfdata$"
description = "The parameter allows you to change performance data labels."
"--selectedperfdata" = {
value = "$mysql_health_selectedperfdata$"
description = "The parameter allows you to limit the list of performance data."
"--report" = {
value = "$mysql_health_report$"
description = "Can be used to shorten the output."
"--multiline" = {
value = "$mysql_health_multiline$"
description = "Multiline output."
"--negate" = {
value = "$mysql_health_negate$"
description = "Emulate the negate plugin. --negate warning=critical --negate unknown=critical."
"--with-mymodules-dyn-dir" = {
value = "$mysql_health_withmymodulesdyndir$"
description = "Add-on modules for the my-modes will be searched in this directory."
"--statefilesdir" = {
value = "$mysql_health_statefilesdir$"
description = "An alternate directory where the plugin can save files."
"--isvalidtime" = {
value = "$mysql_health_isvalidtime$"
description = "Signals the plugin to return OK if now is not a valid check time."
vars.mysql_health_hostname = "$check_address$"