diff --git a/doc/19-technical-concepts.md b/doc/19-technical-concepts.md
index 7c040ae36..945119e16 100644
--- a/doc/19-technical-concepts.md
+++ b/doc/19-technical-concepts.md
@@ -735,14 +735,6 @@ Icinga 2 v2.9+ adds more performance metrics for these values:
* `sum_bytes_sent_per_second` and `sum_bytes_received_per_second`
## TLS Network IO
### TLS Connection Handling
@@ -936,3 +928,789 @@ into the Icinga 2 binary.
* cpp-netlib: https://github.com/cpp-netlib/cpp-netlib
* evpp: https://github.com/Qihoo360/evpp
+## JSON-RPC Message API
+**The JSON-RPC message API is not a public API for end users.** In case you want
+to interact with Icinga, use the [REST API](12-icinga2-api.md#icinga2-api).
+This section describes the internal cluster messages exchanged between endpoints.
+> **Tip**
+> Debug builds with `icinga2 daemon -DDebugJsonRpc=1` unveils the JSON-RPC messages.
+### Registered Handler Functions
+Functions by example:
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNewCheckResult`
+Event Receiver (Client): `CheckResultAPIHandler` in `REGISTER_APIFUNCTION`
+### Messages
+#### icinga::Hello
+> Location: `apilistener.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | icinga::Hello
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Currently empty.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: When a new client connects in `NewClientHandlerInternal()`.
+Event Receiver: `HelloAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+None, this is a required message.
+#### event::Heartbeat
+> Location: `jsonrpcconnection-heartbeat.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::Heartbeat
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+timeout | Number | Heartbeat timeout, sender sets 120s.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `JsonRpcConnection::HeartbeatTimerHandler`
+Event Receiver: `HeartbeatAPIHandler`
+Both sender and receiver exchange this heartbeat message. If the sender detects
+that a client endpoint hasn't sent anything in the updated timeout span, it disconnects
+the client. This is to avoid stale connections with no message processing.
+##### Permissions
+None, this is a required message.
+#### event::CheckResult
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::CheckResult
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+cr | Serialized CR | Check result
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNewCheckResult`
+Event Receiver: `CheckResultAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Hosts/services do not exist
+* Origin is a remote command endpoint different to the configured, and whose zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetNextCheck
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetNextCheck
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+next\_check | Timestamp | Next scheduled time as UNIX timestamp.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNextCheckChanged`
+Event Receiver: `NextCheckChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetNextNotification
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetNextNotification
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+notification | String | Notification name
+next\_notification | Timestamp | Next scheduled notification time as UNIX timestamp.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Notification::OnNextNotificationChanged`
+Event Receiver: `NextNotificationChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Notification does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetForceNextCheck
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetForceNextCheck
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+forced | Boolean | Forced next check (execute now)
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnForceNextCheckChanged`
+Event Receiver: `ForceNextCheckChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetForceNextNotification
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetForceNextNotification
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+forced | Boolean | Forced next check (execute now)
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::SetForceNextNotification`
+Event Receiver: `ForceNextNotificationChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetAcknowledgement
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetAcknowledgement
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+author | String | Acknowledgement author name.
+comment | String | Acknowledgement comment content.
+acktype | Number | Acknowledgement type (0=None, 1=Normal, 2=Sticky)
+notify | Boolean | Notification should be sent.
+persistent | Boolean | Whether the comment is persistent.
+expiry | Timestamp | Optional expire time as UNIX timestamp.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnForceNextCheckChanged`
+Event Receiver: `ForceNextCheckChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::ClearAcknowledgement
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::ClearAcknowledgement
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnAcknowledgementCleared`
+Event Receiver: `AcknowledgementClearedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SendNotifications
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SendNotifications
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+cr | Serialized CR | Check result
+type | Number | enum NotificationType, same as `types` for notification objects.
+author | String | Author name
+text | String | Notification text
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNotificationsRequested`
+Event Receiver: `SendNotificationsAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone the same as the receiver. This binds notification messages to the HA zone.
+#### event::NotificationSentUser
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::NotificationSentUser
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+notification | String | Notification name.
+user | String | Notified user name.
+type | Number | enum NotificationType, same as `types` in Notification objects.
+cr | Serialized CR | Check result.
+author | String | Notification author (for specific types)
+text | String | Notification text (for specific types)
+command | String | Notification command name.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNotificationSentToUser`
+Event Receiver: `NotificationSentUserAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone the same as the receiver. This binds notification messages to the HA zone.
+#### event::NotificationSentToAllUsers
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::NotificationSentToAllUsers
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+notification | String | Notification name.
+users | Array of String | Notified user names.
+type | Number | enum NotificationType, same as `types` in Notification objects.
+cr | Serialized CR | Check result.
+author | String | Notification author (for specific types)
+text | String | Notification text (for specific types)
+last\_notification | Timestamp | Last notification time as UNIX timestamp.
+next\_notification | Timestamp | Next scheduled notification time as UNIX timestamp.
+notification\_number | Number | Current notification number in problem state.
+last\_problem\_notification | Timestamp | Last problem notification time as UNIX timestamp.
+no\_more\_notifications | Boolean | Whether to send future notifications when this notification becomes active on this HA node.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNotificationSentToAllUsers`
+Event Receiver: `NotificationSentToAllUsersAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone the same as the receiver. This binds notification messages to the HA zone.
+#### event::ExecuteCommand
+> Location: `clusterevents-check.cpp` and `checkable-check.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::ExecuteCommand
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name.
+service | String | Service name.
+command\_type | String | `check_command` or `event_command`.
+command | String | CheckCommand or EventCommand name.
+macros | Dictionary | Command arguments as key/value pairs for remote execution.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:** This gets constructed directly in `Checkable::ExecuteCheck()` or `Checkable::ExecuteEventHandler()` when a remote command endpoint is configured.
+* `Get{CheckCommand,EventCommand}()->Execute()` simulates an execution and extracts all command arguments into the `macro` dictionary (inside lib/methods tasks).
+* When the endpoint is connected, the message is constructed and sent directly.
+* When the endpoint is not connected and not syncing replay logs and 5m after application start, generate an UNKNOWN check result for the user ("not connected").
+**Event Receiver:** `ExecuteCommandAPIHandler`
+Special handling, calls `ClusterEvents::EnqueueCheck()` for command endpoint checks.
+This function enqueues check tasks into a queue which is controlled in `RemoteCheckThreadProc()`.
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not a parent zone of the receiver endpoint.
+* `accept_commands = false` in the `api` feature configuration sends back an UNKNOWN check result to the sender.
+The receiver constructs a virtual host object and looks for the local CheckCommand object.
+Returns UNKNWON as check result to the sender
+* when the CheckCommand object does not exist.
+* when there was an exception triggered from check execution, e.g. the plugin binary could not be executed or similar.
+The returned messages are synced directly to the sender's endpoint, no cluster broadcast.
+> **Note**: EventCommand errors are just logged on the remote endpoint.
+#### config::Update
+> Location: `apilistener-filesync.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | config::Update
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+update | Dictionary | Config file paths and their content.
+update\_v2 | Dictionary | Additional meta config files introduced in 2.4+ for compatibility reasons.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:** `SendConfigUpdate()` called in `ApiListener::SyncClient()` when a new client endpoint connects.
+**Event Receiver:** `ConfigUpdateHandler` reads the config update content and stores them in `/var/lib/icinga2/api`.
+When it detects a configuration change, the function requests and application restart.
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* The origin sender is not in a parent zone of the receiver.
+* `api` feature does not accept config.
+Config updates will be ignored when:
+* The zone is not configured on the receiver endpoint.
+* The zone is authoritative on this instance (this only happens on a master which has `/etc/icinga2/zones.d` populated, and prevents sync loops)
+#### config::UpdateObject
+> Location: `apilistener-configsync.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | config::UpdateObject
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+name | String | Object name.
+type | String | Object type name.
+version | Number | Object version.
+config | String | Config file content for `_api` packages.
+modified\_attributes | Dictionary | Modified attributes at runtime as key value pairs.
+original\_attributes | Array | Original attributes as array of keys.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:** Either on client connect (full sync), or runtime created/updated object
+`ApiListener::SendRuntimeConfigObjects()` gets called when a new endpoint is connected
+and runtime created config objects need to be synced. This invokes a call to `UpdateConfigObject()`
+to only sync this JsonRpcConnection client.
+`ConfigObject::OnActiveChanged` (created or deleted) or `ConfigObject::OnVersionChanged` (updated)
+also call `UpdateConfigObject()`.
+**Event Receiver:** `ConfigUpdateObjectAPIHandler` calls `ConfigObjectUtility::CreateObject()` in order
+to create the object if it is not already existing. Afterwards, all modified attributes are applied
+and in case, original attributes are restored. The object version is set as well, keeping it in sync
+with the sender.
+##### Permissions
+###### Sender
+Client receiver connects:
+The sender only syncs config object updates to a client which can access
+the config object, in `ApiListener::SendRuntimeConfigObjects()`.
+In addition to that, the client endpoint's zone is checked whether this zone may access
+the config object.
+Runtime updated object:
+Only if the config object belongs to the `_api` package.
+###### Receiver
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Origin sender endpoint's zone is in a child zone.
+* `api` feature does not accept config
+* The received config object type does not exist (this is to prevent failures with older nodes and new object types).
+Error handling:
+* Log an error if `CreateObject` fails (only if the object does not already exist)
+* Local object version is newer than the received version, object will not be updated.
+* Compare modified and original attributes and restore any type of change here.
+#### config::DeleteObject
+> Location: `apilistener-configsync.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | config::DeleteObject
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+name | String | Object name.
+type | String | Object type name.
+version | Number | Object version.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:**
+`ConfigObject::OnActiveChanged` (created or deleted) or `ConfigObject::OnVersionChanged` (updated)
+call `DeleteConfigObject()`.
+**Event Receiver:** `ConfigDeleteObjectAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+###### Sender
+Runtime deleted object:
+Only if the config object belongs to the `_api` package.
+###### Receiver
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Origin sender endpoint's zone is in a child zone.
+* `api` feature does not accept config
+* The received config object type does not exist (this is to prevent failures with older nodes and new object types).
+* The object in question was not created at runtime, it does not belong to the `_api` package.
+Error handling:
+* Log an error if `DeleteObject` fails (only if the object does not already exist)
+#### pki::RequestCertificate
+> Location: `jsonrpcconnection-pki.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | pki::RequestCertificate
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+ticket | String | Own ticket, or as satellite in CA proxy from local store.
+cert\_request | String | Certificate request content from local store, optional.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `RequestCertificateHandler`
+Event Receiver: `RequestCertificateHandler`
+##### Permissions
+This is an anonymous request, and the number of anonymous clients can be configured
+in the `api` feature.
+Only valid certificate request messages are processed, and valid signed certificates
+won't be signed again.
+#### pki::UpdateCertificate
+> Location: `jsonrpcconnection-pki.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | pki::UpdateCertificate
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+status\_code | Number | Status code, 0=ok.
+cert | String | Signed certificate content.
+ca | String | Public CA certificate content.
+fingerprint\_request | String | Certificate fingerprint from the CSR.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:**
+* When a client requests a certificate in `RequestCertificateHandler` and the satellite
+already has a signed certificate, the `pki::UpdateCertificate` message is constructed and sent back.
+* When the endpoint holding the master's CA private key (and TicketSalt private key) is able to sign
+the request, the `pki::UpdateCertificate` message is constructed and sent back.
+**Event Receiver:** `UpdateCertificateHandler`
+##### Permissions
+Message updates are dropped when
+* The origin sender is not in a parent zone of the receiver.
+* The certificate fingerprint is in an invalid format.
+#### log::SetLogPosition
+> Location: `apilistener.cpp` and `jsonrpcconnection.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | log::SetLogPosition
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+log\_position | Timestamp | The endpoint's log position as UNIX timestamp.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:**
+During log replay to a client endpoint in `ApiListener::ReplayLog()`, each processed
+file generates a message which updates the log position timestamp.
+`ApiListener::ApiTimerHandler()` invokes a check to keep all connected endpoints and
+their log position in sync during replay log.
+**Event Receiver:** `SetLogPositionHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.