Show notification state/type filter names in notice/debug log

fixes #8685
This commit is contained in:
Michael Friedrich 2015-03-12 17:09:26 +01:00
parent 3400800aef
commit 3c945914ff
2 changed files with 146 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "base/scriptglobal.hpp"
#include "base/function.hpp"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
using namespace icinga;
@ -202,6 +203,7 @@ void Notification::ResetNotificationNumber(void)
/* the upper case string used in all interfaces */
String Notification::NotificationTypeToString(NotificationType type)
switch (type) {
@ -274,12 +276,15 @@ void Notification::BeginExecuteNotification(NotificationType type, const CheckRe
unsigned long ftype = 1 << type;
Log(LogDebug, "Notification")
<< "FType=" << ftype << ", TypeFilter=" << GetTypeFilter();
<< "Type '" << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type)
<< "', TypeFilter " << NotificationFilterToString(GetTypeFilter())
<< " (FType=" << ftype << ", TypeFilter=" << GetTypeFilter() << ")";
if (!(ftype & GetTypeFilter())) {
Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
<< "Not sending notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': type filter does not match '"
<< NotificationTypeToString(type) << "'";
<< "Not sending notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': type '"
<< NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type) << "' does not match type filter '"
<< NotificationFilterToString(GetTypeFilter()) << ".";
@ -290,15 +295,24 @@ void Notification::BeginExecuteNotification(NotificationType type, const CheckRe
tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable);
unsigned long fstate;
String stateStr;
if (service)
if (service) {
fstate = ServiceStateToFilter(service->GetState());
stateStr = NotificationServiceStateToString(service->GetState());
} else {
fstate = HostStateToFilter(host->GetState());
stateStr = NotificationHostStateToString(host->GetState());
Log(LogDebug, "Notification")
<< "State '" << stateStr << "', StateFilter " << NotificationFilterToString(GetStateFilter())
<< " (FState=" << fstate << ", StateFilter=" << GetStateFilter() << ")";
if (!(fstate & GetStateFilter())) {
Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
<< "Not sending notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': state filter does not match";
<< "Not sending notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': state '" << stateStr
<< "' does not match state filter " << NotificationFilterToString(GetStateFilter()) << ".";
@ -390,10 +404,18 @@ bool Notification::CheckNotificationUserFilters(NotificationType type, const Use
unsigned long ftype = 1 << type;
Log(LogDebug, "Notification")
<< "User notification, Type '" << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type)
<< "', TypeFilter " << NotificationFilterToString(user->GetTypeFilter())
<< " (FType=" << ftype << ", TypeFilter=" << GetTypeFilter() << ")";
if (!(ftype & user->GetTypeFilter())) {
Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
<< "Not sending notifications for notification object '"
<< GetName() << " and user '" << user->GetName() << "': type filter does not match";
<< GetName() << " and user '" << user->GetName() << "': type '"
<< NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type) << "' does not match type filter "
<< NotificationFilterToString(user->GetTypeFilter()) << ".";
return false;
@ -405,16 +427,26 @@ bool Notification::CheckNotificationUserFilters(NotificationType type, const Use
tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable);
unsigned long fstate;
String stateStr;
if (service)
fstate = ServiceStateToFilter(service->GetState());
fstate = HostStateToFilter(host->GetState());
if (service) {
fstate = ServiceStateToFilter(service->GetState());
stateStr = NotificationServiceStateToString(service->GetState());
} else {
fstate = HostStateToFilter(host->GetState());
stateStr = NotificationHostStateToString(host->GetState());
Log(LogDebug, "Notification")
<< "User notification, State '" << stateStr << "', StateFilter "
<< NotificationFilterToString(user->GetStateFilter())
<< " (FState=" << fstate << ", StateFilter=" << user->GetStateFilter() << ")";
if (!(fstate & user->GetStateFilter())) {
Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
<< "Not sending notifications for notification object '"
<< GetName() << " and user '" << user->GetName() << "': state filter does not match";
<< GetName() << " and user '" << user->GetName() << "': state '" << stateStr
<< "' does not match state filter " << NotificationFilterToString(user->GetStateFilter()) << ".";
return false;
@ -501,6 +533,102 @@ int icinga::FilterArrayToInt(const Array::Ptr& typeFilters, int defaultValue)
return resultTypeFilter;
std::vector<String> icinga::FilterIntToArray(int iFilter)
std::vector<String> filter;
if (iFilter & StateFilterOK)
if (iFilter & StateFilterWarning)
if (iFilter & StateFilterUnknown)
if (iFilter & StateFilterUp)
if (iFilter & StateFilterDown)
if (iFilter & NotificationDowntimeStart)
if (iFilter & NotificationDowntimeEnd)
if (iFilter & NotificationDowntimeRemoved)
if (iFilter & NotificationCustom)
if (iFilter & NotificationAcknowledgement)
if (iFilter & NotificationProblem)
if (iFilter & NotificationRecovery)
if (iFilter & NotificationFlappingStart)
if (iFilter & NotificationFlappingEnd)
return filter;
String Notification::NotificationFilterToString(int filter)
return "'" + boost::algorithm::join(FilterIntToArray(filter), "', '") + "'";
/* internal for logging */
String Notification::NotificationTypeToStringInternal(NotificationType type)
switch (type) {
case NotificationDowntimeStart:
return "DowntimeStart";
case NotificationDowntimeEnd:
return "DowntimeEnd";
case NotificationDowntimeRemoved:
return "DowntimeRemoved";
case NotificationCustom:
return "Custom";
case NotificationAcknowledgement:
return "Acknowledgement";
case NotificationProblem:
return "Problem";
case NotificationRecovery:
return "Recovery";
case NotificationFlappingStart:
return "FlappingStart";
case NotificationFlappingEnd:
return "FlappingEnd";
return Empty;
String Notification::NotificationServiceStateToString(ServiceState state)
switch (state) {
case ServiceOK:
return "OK";
case ServiceWarning:
return "Warning";
case ServiceCritical:
return "Critical";
case ServiceUnknown:
return "Unknown";
VERIFY(!"Invalid state type.");
String Notification::NotificationHostStateToString(HostState state)
switch (state) {
case HostUp:
return "Up";
case HostDown:
return "Down";
VERIFY(!"Invalid state type.");
void Notification::ValidateUsers(const String& location, const Notification::Ptr& object)
Array::Ptr users = object->GetUsersRaw();

View File

@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ public:
Endpoint::Ptr GetCommandEndpoint(void) const;
static String NotificationTypeToString(NotificationType type);
static String NotificationFilterToString(int filter);
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Notification::Ptr&, double, const MessageOrigin&)> OnNextNotificationChanged;
@ -126,11 +127,16 @@ private:
static bool EvaluateApplyRuleInstance(const intrusive_ptr<Checkable>& checkable, const String& name, ScriptFrame& frame, const ApplyRule& rule);
static bool EvaluateApplyRule(const intrusive_ptr<Checkable>& checkable, const ApplyRule& rule);
static String NotificationTypeToStringInternal(NotificationType type);
static String NotificationServiceStateToString(ServiceState state);
static String NotificationHostStateToString(HostState state);
I2_ICINGA_API int ServiceStateToFilter(ServiceState state);
I2_ICINGA_API int HostStateToFilter(HostState state);
I2_ICINGA_API int FilterArrayToInt(const Array::Ptr& typeFilters, int defaultValue);
I2_ICINGA_API std::vector<String> FilterIntToArray(int iFilter);