mirror of https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2.git
Parameter evaluation, macro resolution, update executions, send ExecuteCommand message for ExecuteCommand Endpoint
This commit is contained in:
@ -555,5 +555,186 @@ Dictionary::Ptr ApiActions::GenerateTicket(const ConfigObject::Ptr&,
Dictionary::Ptr ApiActions::ExecuteCommand(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object,
const Dictionary::Ptr& params)
return ApiActions::CreateResult(501, "Not implemented");
Checkable::Ptr checkable = static_pointer_cast<Checkable>(object);
if (! checkable)
return ApiActions::CreateResult(404, "Can't schedule a command execution for non-existent object.");
ObjectLock oLock (checkable);
Host::Ptr host;
Service::Ptr service;
tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable);
String endpoint = "$command_endpoint$";
if (params->Contains("endpoint"))
endpoint = params->Get("endpoint");
/* Resolve endpoint macro */
MacroProcessor::ResolverList resolvers;
if (service)
resolvers.emplace_back("service", service);
resolvers.emplace_back("host", host);
resolvers.emplace_back("icinga", IcingaApplication::GetInstance());
Dictionary::Ptr resolvedMacros;
bool useResolvedMacros;
if (params->Contains("macros")) {
resolvedMacros = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "macros");
useResolvedMacros = true;
} else {
resolvedMacros = new Dictionary();
useResolvedMacros = false;
String resolved_endpoint = MacroProcessor::ResolveMacros(endpoint,
/* Check if resolved_endpoint is not empty */
if (resolved_endpoint.IsEmpty())
return ApiActions::CreateResult(400, "Endpoint must not be empty.");
/* Check if endpoint exists */
if (!Endpoint::GetByName(resolved_endpoint))
return ApiActions::CreateResult(404, "Can't find a valid endpoint for '" + resolved_endpoint + "'.");
/* Get command_type */
String command_type = "EventCommand";
if (params->Contains("command_type"))
command_type = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "command_type");
/* Validate command_type */
if (command_type != "EventCommand" && command_type != "CheckCommand" && command_type != "NotificationCommand")
return ApiActions::CreateResult(400, "Invalid command_type '" + command_type + "'.");
/* Get command */
String command;
if (!params->Contains("command")) {
if (command_type == "CheckCommand" ) {
command = "$check_command$";
} else if (command_type == "EventCommand") {
command = "$event_command$";
} else if (command_type == "NotificationCommand") {
command = "$notification_command$";
} else {
return ApiActions::CreateResult(404, "Can't infer 'command' from command_type '" + command_type + "'");
} else {
command = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "command");
/* Resolve command macro */
String resolved_command = MacroProcessor::ResolveMacros(command,
/* Check if resolved_command is not empty */
if (resolved_command.IsEmpty())
return ApiActions::CreateResult(400, "Command must not be empty.");
/* Check if resolved_command exists and it is of type command_type */
if (command_type == "CheckCommand") {
if (!CheckCommand::GetByName(resolved_command))
return ApiActions::CreateResult(400, "Command '" + resolved_command + "' is not of type '" + command_type + "'.");
} else if (command_type == "EventCommand") {
if (!EventCommand::GetByName(resolved_command))
return ApiActions::CreateResult(400, "Command '" + resolved_command + "' is not of type '" + command_type + "'.");
} else if (command_type == "NotificationCommand") {
if (!EventCommand::GetByName(resolved_command))
return ApiActions::CreateResult(400, "Command '" + resolved_command + "' is not of type '" + command_type + "'.");
} else
return ApiActions::CreateResult(400, "Invalid command_type '" + command_type + "'.");
/* Get TTL param */
double ttl = 0; /* FIXME default value? */
if (params->Contains("ttl"))
ttl = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "ttl");
if (ttl <= 0)
return ApiActions::CreateResult(400, "ttl must be greater than 0");
/* Get wait param */
bool wait = false;
if (params->Contains("wait"))
wait = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "wait");
/* This generates a UUID */
String uuid = Utility::NewUniqueID();
/* Create the deadline */
double deadline = Utility::GetTime() + ttl;
/* Update executions */
Dictionary::Ptr pending_execution = new Dictionary();
pending_execution->Set("pending", true);
pending_execution->Set("deadline", deadline);
Dictionary::Ptr executions = checkable->GetExecutions();
if (!executions)
executions = new Dictionary();
executions->Set(uuid, pending_execution);
/* Broadcast the update */
ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance();
if (!listener)
return ApiActions::CreateResult(404, "No ApiListener instance available.");
Dictionary::Ptr updateParams = new Dictionary();
updateParams->Set("host", host->GetName());
if (service)
updateParams->Set("service", service->GetShortName());
updateParams->Set("executions", executions);
Dictionary::Ptr updateMessage = new Dictionary();
updateMessage->Set("jsonrpc", "2.0");
updateMessage->Set("method", "event::UpdateExecutions");
updateMessage->Set("params", updateParams);
/* FIXME origin? */
MessageOrigin::Ptr origin = new MessageOrigin();
listener->RelayMessage(origin, checkable, updateMessage, true);
/* Execute command */
Dictionary::Ptr execMessage = new Dictionary();
execMessage->Set("jsonrpc", "2.0");
execMessage->Set("method", "event::ExecuteCommand");
/* TODO set the right params */
Dictionary::Ptr execParams = new Dictionary();
execMessage->Set("params", execParams);
execParams->Set("command_type", command_type);
execParams->Set("command", resolved_command);
execParams->Set("host", host->GetName());
if (service)
execParams->Set("service", service->GetShortName());
* If the host/service object specifies the 'check_timeout' attribute,
* forward this to the remote endpoint to limit the command execution time.
if (!checkable->GetCheckTimeout().IsEmpty())
execParams->Set("check_timeout", checkable->GetCheckTimeout());
execParams->Set("macros", resolvedMacros);
execParams->Set("source", uuid);
execParams->Set("deadline", deadline);
listener->SyncSendMessage(Endpoint::GetByName(resolved_endpoint), execMessage);
/* TODO handle the wait */
Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary();
result->Set(checkable->GetName(), uuid);
return ApiActions::CreateResult(202, "Accepted", result);
Reference in New Issue