Docs: Simplify and point to

(cherry picked from commit 3827e15c4a)
This commit is contained in:
Michael Friedrich 2018-12-03 09:50:39 +01:00
parent 0fa9947561
commit 8f3c97dfef
1 changed files with 2 additions and 394 deletions

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@ -16,398 +16,6 @@ not use the official packages it is advisable to build your own Debian
or RPM packages. You can use the source packages from [](
for this purpose.
> **Disclaimer**
> This information is intended for developers and packagers. It might be incomplete or unclear
> in some cases. Ensure to check our [packaging scripts on GitHub]( too!
For a more detailed introduction into developing Icinga and building
packages, please visit the [online documentation](
# Build Requirements
The following requirements need to be fulfilled in order to build the
application using a dist tarball (including notes for distributions):
* cmake >= 2.6
* GNU make (make) or ninja-build
* C++ compiler which supports C++11
- RHEL/Fedora/SUSE: gcc-c++ >= 4.7 (extra Developer Tools on RHEL5/6 see below)
- Debian/Ubuntu: build-essential
- Alpine: build-base
- you can also use clang++
* pkg-config
* OpenSSL library and header files >= 1.0.1
- RHEL/Fedora: openssl-devel
- SUSE: libopenssl-devel (for SLES 11: libopenssl1-devel)
- Debian/Ubuntu: libssl-dev
- Alpine: libressl-dev
* Boost library and header files >= 1.48.0
- RHEL/Fedora: boost148-devel
- Debian/Ubuntu: libboost-all-dev
- Alpine: boost-dev
* GNU bison (bison)
* GNU flex (flex) >= 2.5.35
* Systemd headers
- Only required when using Systemd
- Debian/Ubuntu: libsystemd-dev
- RHEL/Fedora: systemd-devel
## Optional features
* MySQL (disable with CMake variable `ICINGA2_WITH_MYSQL` to `OFF`)
- RHEL/Fedora: mysql-devel
- SUSE: libmysqlclient-devel
- Debian/Ubuntu: default-libmysqlclient-dev | libmysqlclient-dev
- Alpine: mariadb-dev
* PostgreSQL (disable with CMake variable `ICINGA2_WITH_PGSQL` to `OFF`)
- RHEL/Fedora: postgresql-devel
- Debian/Ubuntu: libpq-dev
- postgresql-dev on Alpine
* YAJL (Faster JSON library)
- RHEL/Fedora: yajl-devel
- Debian: libyajl-dev
- Alpine: yajl-dev
* libedit (CLI console)
- RHEL/Fedora: libedit-devel on CentOS (RHEL requires rhel-7-server-optional-rpms)
- Debian/Ubuntu/Alpine: libedit-dev
* Termcap (only required if libedit doesn't already link against termcap/ncurses)
- RHEL/Fedora: libtermcap-devel
- Debian/Ubuntu: (not necessary)
## Special requirements
**FreeBSD**: libexecinfo (automatically used when Icinga 2 is installed via port or package)
**RHEL6**: Requires a newer boost version which is available on
with a version suffixed name.
## Runtime user environment
By default Icinga will run as user `icinga` and group `icinga`. Additionally the
external command pipe and livestatus features require a dedicated command group
`icingacmd`. You can choose your own user/group names and pass them to CMake
using the `ICINGA2_USER`, `ICINGA2_GROUP` and `ICINGA2_COMMAND_GROUP` variables.
# groupadd icinga
# groupadd icingacmd
# useradd -c "icinga" -s /sbin/nologin -G icingacmd -g icinga icinga
On Alpine (which uses ash busybox) you can run:
# addgroup -S icinga
# addgroup -S icingacmd
# adduser -S -D -H -h /var/spool/icinga2 -s /sbin/nologin -G icinga -g icinga icinga
# adduser icinga icingacmd
Add the web server user to the icingacmd group in order to grant it write
permissions to the external command pipe and livestatus socket:
# usermod -a -G icingacmd www-data
Make sure to replace "www-data" with the name of the user your web server
is running as.
# Building Icinga 2
Once you have installed all the necessary build requirements you can build
Icinga 2 using the following commands:
$ mkdir release && cd release
$ cmake ..
$ cd ..
$ make -C release
$ make install -C release
You can specify an alternative installation prefix using `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`:
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/icinga2
## CMake Variables
In addition to `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` here are most of the supported Icinga-specific cmake variables.
For all variables regarding defaults paths on in CMake, see
Also see `CMakeLists.txt` for details.
**System Environment**
- `CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR`: The configuration directory; defaults to `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/etc`
- `CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR`: The state directory; defaults to `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/var`
- `ICINGA2_CONFIGDIR`: Main config directory; defaults to `CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR/icinga2` usually `/etc/icinga2`
- `ICINGA2_CACHEDIR`: Directory for cache files; defaults to `CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR/cache/icinga2` usually `/var/cache/icinga2`
- `ICINGA2_DATADIR`: Data directory for the daemon; defaults to `CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR/lib/icinga2` usually `/var/lib/icinga2`
- `ICINGA2_LOGDIR`: Logfiles of the daemon; defaults to `CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR/log/icinga2 usually `/var/log/icinga2`
- `ICINGA2_SPOOLDIR`: Spooling directory ; defaults to `CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR/spool/icinga2` usually `/var/spool/icinga2`
- `ICINGA2_INITRUNDIR`: Runtime data for the init system; defaults to `CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR/run/icinga2` usually `/run/icinga2`
- `ICINGA2_GIT_VERSION_INFO`: Whether to use Git to determine the version number; defaults to `ON`
- `ICINGA2_USER`: The user Icinga 2 should run as; defaults to `icinga`
- `ICINGA2_GROUP`: The group Icinga 2 should run as; defaults to `icinga`
- `ICINGA2_COMMAND_GROUP`: The command group Icinga 2 should use; defaults to `icingacmd`
- `ICINGA2_SYSCONFIGFILE`: Where to put the config file the initscript/systemd pulls it's dirs from;
defaults to `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/etc/sysconfig/icinga2`
- `ICINGA2_PLUGINDIR`: The path for the Monitoring Plugins project binaries; defaults to `/usr/lib/nagios/plugins`
**Build Optimization**
- `ICINGA2_UNITY_BUILD`: Whether to perform a unity build; defaults to `ON`. Note: This requires additional memory and is not advised for building VMs, Docker for Mac and embedded hardware.
- `ICINGA2_LTO_BUILD`: Whether to use link time optimization (LTO); defaults to `OFF`
**Init System**
- `USE_SYSTEMD=ON|OFF`: Use systemd or a classic SysV initscript; defaults to `OFF`
- `INSTALL_SYSTEMD_SERVICE_AND_INITSCRIPT=ON|OFF` Force install both the systemd service definition file
and the SysV initscript in parallel, regardless of how `USE_SYSTEMD` is set.
Only use this for special packaging purposes and if you know what you are doing.
Defaults to `OFF`.
- `ICINGA2_WITH_CHECKER`: Determines whether the checker module is built; defaults to `ON`
- `ICINGA2_WITH_COMPAT`: Determines whether the compat module is built; defaults to `ON`
- `ICINGA2_WITH_DEMO`: Determines whether the demo module is built; defaults to `OFF`
- `ICINGA2_WITH_HELLO`: Determines whether the hello module is built; defaults to `OFF`
- `ICINGA2_WITH_LIVESTATUS`: Determines whether the Livestatus module is built; defaults to `ON`
- `ICINGA2_WITH_NOTIFICATION`: Determines whether the notification module is built; defaults to `ON`
- `ICINGA2_WITH_PERFDATA`: Determines whether the perfdata module is built; defaults to `ON`
- `ICINGA2_WITH_TESTS`: Determines whether the unit tests are built; defaults to `ON`
**MySQL or MariaDB:**
The following settings can be tuned for the MySQL / MariaDB IDO feature.
- `ICINGA2_WITH_MYSQL`: Determines whether the MySQL IDO module is built; defaults to `ON`
- `MYSQL_CLIENT_LIBS`: Client implementation used (mysqlclient / mariadbclient); defaults searches for `mysqlclient` and `mariadbclient`
- `MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR`: Directory containing include files for the mysqlclient; default empty -
checking multiple paths like `/usr/include/mysql`
See [FindMySQL.cmake](third-party/cmake/FindMySQL.cmake) for the implementation.
The following settings can be tuned for the PostgreSQL IDO feature.
- `ICINGA2_WITH_PGSQL`: Determines whether the PostgreSQL IDO module is built; defaults to `ON`
- `PostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR`: Top-level directory containing the PostgreSQL include directories
- `PostgreSQL_LIBRARY`: File path to PostgreSQL library : (or[ver] file)
See [FindMySQL.cmake](third-party/cmake/FindPostgreSQL.cmake) for the implementation.
**Version detection:**
CMake determines the Icinga 2 version number using `git describe` if the
source directory is contained in a Git repository. Otherwise the version number
is extracted from the [VERSION](VERSION) file. This behavior can be
overridden by creating a file called `icinga-version.h.force` in the source
directory. Alternatively the `-DICINGA2_GIT_VERSION_INFO=OFF` option for CMake
can be used to disable the usage of `git describe`.
# Building packages
> **WARNING:** Some of this information is outdated!
## Building RPMs
### Build Environment on RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Amazon Linux
Setup your build environment:
yum -y install rpmdevtools
### Build Environment on SuSE/SLES
zypper addrepo
zypper refresh
zypper install rpmdevtools spectool
zypper addrepo
zypper refresh
zypper install rpmdevtools spectool
### Package Builds
Prepare the rpmbuild directory tree:
cd $HOME
Copy the icinga2.spec file to `rpmbuild/SPEC` or fetch the latest version:
curl -o $HOME/rpmbuild/SPECS/icinga2.spec
> **Note**
> The above command builds snapshot packages. Change to the `release` branch
> for release package builds.
Copy the tarball to `rpmbuild/SOURCES` e.g. by using the `spectool` binary
provided with `rpmdevtools`:
cd $HOME/rpmbuild/SOURCES
spectool -g ../SPECS/icinga2.spec
cd $HOME/rpmbuild
Install the build dependencies. Example for CentOS 7:
yum -y install libedit-devel ncurses-devel gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel openssl-devel \
cmake flex bison boost-devel systemd mysql-devel postgresql-devel httpd \
selinux-policy-devel checkpolicy selinux-policy selinux-policy-doc
Note: If you are using Amazon Linux, systemd is not required.
A shorter way is available using the `yum-builddep` command on RHEL based systems:
yum-builddep SPECS/icinga2.spec
Build the RPM:
rpmbuild -ba SPECS/icinga2.spec
### Additional Hints
#### SELinux policy module
The following packages are required to build the SELinux policy module:
* checkpolicy
* selinux-policy (selinux-policy on CentOS 6, selinux-policy-devel on CentOS 7)
* selinux-policy-doc
#### RHEL/CentOS 6
The RedHat Developer Toolset is required for building Icinga 2 beforehand.
This contains a modern version of flex and a C++ compiler which supports
C++11 features.
cat >/etc/yum.repos.d/devtools-2.repo <<REPO
name=testing 2 devtools for CentOS $releasever
Dependencies to devtools-2 are used in the RPM SPEC, so the correct tools
should be used for building.
As an alternative, you can use newer Boost packages provided on
cat >$HOME/.rpmmacros <<MACROS
%build_icinga_org 1
#### Amazon Linux
If you prefer to build packages offline, a suitable Vagrant box is located
#### SLES 11
The Icinga repository provides the required boost package version and must be
added before building.
## Build Debian/Ubuntu packages
> **WARNING:** This information is outdated!
Setup your build environment on Debian/Ubuntu, copy the 'debian' directory from
the Debian packaging Git repository (
into your source tree and run the following command:
$ dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
## Build Alpine Linux packages
A simple way to setup a build environment is installing Alpine in a chroot.
In this way, you can set up an Alpine build environment in a chroot under a
different Linux distro.
There is a script that simplifies these steps with just two commands, and
can be found [here](
Once the build environment is installed, you can setup the system to build
the packages by following [this document](
# Build Post Install Tasks
After building Icinga 2 yourself, your package build system should at least run the following post
install requirements:
* enable the `checker`, `notification` and `mainlog` feature by default
* run 'icinga2 api setup' in order to enable the `api` feature and generate SSL certificates for the node
## Run Icinga 2
Icinga 2 comes with a binary that takes care of loading all the relevant
components (e.g. for check execution, notifications, etc.):
# icinga2 daemon
[2016-12-08 16:44:24 +0100] information/cli: Icinga application loader (version: v2.5.4-231-gb10a6b7; debug)
[2016-12-08 16:44:24 +0100] information/cli: Loading configuration file(s).
[2016-12-08 16:44:25 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Committing config item(s).
### Init Script
Icinga 2 can be started as a daemon using the provided init script:
# /etc/init.d/icinga2
Usage: /etc/init.d/icinga2 {start|stop|restart|reload|checkconfig|status}
### Systemd
If your distribution uses Systemd:
# systemctl {start|stop|reload|status|enable|disable} icinga2
In case the distribution is running Systemd >227, you'll also
need to package and install the `etc/initsystem/icinga2.service.limits.conf`
file into `/etc/systemd/system/icinga2.service.d`.
### openrc
Or if your distribution uses openrc (like Alpine):
# rc-service icinga2
Usage: /etc/init.d/icinga2 {start|stop|restart|reload|checkconfig|status}
Note: the openrc's init.d is not shipped by default.
A working init.d with openrc can be found here: ( If you have customized some path, edit the file and adjust it according with your setup.
Those few steps can be followed:
# wget
# mv icinga2.initd /etc/init.d/icinga2
# chmod +x /etc/init.d/icinga2
Icinga 2 reads a single configuration file which is used to specify all
configuration settings (global settings, hosts, services, etc.). The
configuration format is explained in detail in the [doc/](doc/) directory.
By default `make install` installs example configuration files in
`/usr/local/etc/icinga2` unless you have specified a different prefix or