Docs: Add cli commands

fixes #7356
This commit is contained in:
Michael Friedrich 2014-11-02 21:46:02 +01:00
parent 4eeed787ea
commit a56561beec
3 changed files with 407 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -117,19 +117,16 @@ Icinga 2 installation:
* `checker` for executing checks
* `notification` for sending notifications
* `mainlog` for writing the `icinga2.log ` file
* `mainlog` for writing the `icinga2.log` file
Verify that by calling `icinga2 feature enable` without any additional parameters
and enable the missing features, if any.
You can verify that by calling `icinga2 feature list` [cli command](#cli-command-feature)
to see which features are enabled and disabled.
# icinga2 feature enable
Syntax: icinga2 feature enable <features separated with whitespaces>
Example: icinga2 feature enable checker notification mainlog
Enables the specified feature(s).
Available features: api checker command compatlog debuglog graphite icingastatus ido-mysql ido-pgsql livestatus mainlog notification perfdata statusdata syslog
# icinga2 feature list
Disabled features: api command compatlog debuglog graphite icingastatus ido-mysql ido-pgsql livestatus notification perfdata statusdata syslog
Enabled features: checker mainlog notification
### <a id="installation-paths"></a> Installation Paths
By default Icinga 2 uses the following files and directories:
@ -138,15 +135,14 @@ By default Icinga 2 uses the following files and directories:
/etc/icinga2 | Contains Icinga 2 configuration files.
/etc/init.d/icinga2 | The Icinga 2 init script.
/usr/bin/icinga2-* | Migration and certificate build scripts.
/usr/sbin/icinga2* | The Icinga 2 binary and feature enable/disable scripts.
/usr/sbin/icinga2* | The Icinga 2 binary.
/usr/share/doc/icinga2 | Documentation files that come with Icinga 2.
/usr/share/icinga2/include | The Icinga Template Library and plugin command configuration.
/var/run/icinga2 | PID file.
/var/run/icinga2/cmd | Command pipe and Livestatus socket.
/var/cache/icinga2 | status.dat/objects.cache.
/var/cache/icinga2 | status.dat/objects.cache, icinga2.debug files
/var/spool/icinga2 | Used for performance data spool files.
/var/lib/icinga2 | Icinga 2 state file, cluster feature replay log and configuration files.
/var/lib/icinga2 | Icinga 2 state file, cluster log, local CA and configuration files.
/var/log/icinga2 | Log file location and compat/ directory for the CompatLogger feature.
## <a id="setting-up-check-plugins"></a> Setting up Check Plugins
@ -1290,48 +1286,124 @@ If you're stuck with configuration errors, you can manually invoke the [configur
# systemctl restart icinga2
Job for icinga2.service failed. See 'systemctl status icinga2.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
### <a id="cmdline"></a> Command-line Options
$ icinga2 --help
icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon.
Supported options:
--help show this help message
-V [ --version ] show version information
-l [ --library ] arg load a library
-I [ --include ] arg add include search directory
-D [ --define] args define a constant
-c [ --config ] arg parse a configuration file
-C [ --validate ] exit after validating the configuration
-x [ --debug ] arg enable debugging with severity level specified
-d [ --daemonize ] detach from the controlling terminal
-e [ --errorlog ] arg log fatal errors to the specified log file (only works
in combination with --daemonize)
-u [ --user ] arg user to run Icinga as
-g [ --group ] arg group to run Icinga as
### <a id="cli-commands"></a> Icinga 2 CLI Commands
Icinga 2 ships its own integrated cli commands supporting bash-autocompletion.
These cli commands will allow you to use certain functionality
provided by and around the Icinga 2 daemon.
> **Note**
> The cli commands are available in Icinga 2 starting with *2.2*.
Each cli command provides its own help and usage information, so please
make sure to always run them withthe `--help` parameter.
Run `icinga2` without any arguments (or using `--help`) to get a list of
all available global options.
# icinga2
icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: v2.1.1-299-gf695275)
icinga2 <command> [<arguments>]
Supported commands:
* daemon (starts Icinga 2)
* feature disable (disables specified feature)
* feature enable (enables specified feature)
* feature list (lists all enabled features)
* node add (add node)
* node blacklist add (adds a new blacklist filter)
* node blacklist list (lists all blacklist filters)
* node blacklist remove (removes a blacklist filter)
* node list (lists all nodes)
* node remove (removes node)
* node set (set node attributes)
* node setup (set up node)
* node update-config (update node config)
* node whitelist add (adds a new whitelist filter)
* node whitelist list (lists all whitelist filters)
* node whitelist remove (removes a whitelist filter)
* node wizard (wizard for node setup)
* object list (lists all objects)
* pki new-ca (sets up a new CA)
* pki new-cert (creates a new CSR)
* pki request (requests a certificate)
* pki save-cert (saves another Icinga 2 instance's certificate)
* pki sign-csr (signs a CSR)
* pki ticket (generates a ticket)
* repository clear-changes (clear uncommitted repository changes)
* repository commit (commit repository changes)
* repository endpoint add (adds a new Endpoint object)
* repository endpoint list (lists all Endpoint objects)
* repository endpoint remove (removes a Endpoint object)
* repository host add (adds a new Host object)
* repository host list (lists all Host objects)
* repository host remove (removes a Host object)
* repository service add (adds a new Service object)
* repository service list (lists all Service objects)
* repository service remove (removes a Service object)
* repository zone add (adds a new Zone object)
* repository zone list (lists all Zone objects)
* repository zone remove (removes a Zone object)
* variable get (gets a variable)
* variable list (lists all variables)
Global options:
-h [ --help ] show this help message
-V [ --version ] show version information
--color use VT100 color codes even when stdout is not a
-D [ --define ] arg define a constant
-l [ --library ] arg load a library
-I [ --include ] arg add include search directory
-x [ --log-level ] arg specify the log level for the console log
Command options:
Report bugs at <>
Icinga home page: <>
> **Note**
> The cli command `repository` only supports basic configuration manipulation (add, remove). Future
> versions will support more options (set, etc.). Please check the Icinga 2 development roadmap
> for that.
#### <a id="cli-commands-autocompletion"></a> Icinga 2 CLI Bash Autocompletion
Bash Auto-Completion (pressing `<TAB>`) is provided only for the corresponding context.
While `--config` will suggest and auto-complete files and directories on disk,
`feature enable` will only suggest disabled features. `repository` will know
about object specific attributes, and so on. Try it yourself.
#### Libraries
RPM and Debian packages install the bash completion files into
You will need to install the `bash-completion` package if not already installed.
# yum install bash-completion
# zypper install bash-completion
# apt-get install bash-completion
#### <a id="cli-commands-global-options"></a> Icinga 2 CLI Global Options
##### Libraries
Instead of loading libraries using the [`library` config directive](#library)
you can also use the `--library` command-line option.
#### Constants
##### Constants
[Global constants](#global-constants) can be set using the `--define` command-line option.
#### Config Include Path
##### Config Include Path
When including files you can specify that the include search path should be
checked. You can do this by putting your configuration file name in angle
@ -1346,7 +1418,43 @@ is the only search directory.
Using the `--include` command-line option additional search directories can be
#### Config Files
#### <a id="cli-command-daemon"></a> Cli command: Daemon
The cli command `daemon` provides the functionality to start/stop Icinga 2.
Furthermore it provides the [configuration validation](#config-validation).
# icinga2 daemon --help
icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: v2.1.1-299-gf695275)
icinga2 daemon [<arguments>]
Starts Icinga 2.
Global options:
-h [ --help ] show this help message
-V [ --version ] show version information
--color use VT100 color codes even when stdout is not a
-D [ --define ] arg define a constant
-l [ --library ] arg load a library
-I [ --include ] arg add include search directory
-x [ --log-level ] arg specify the log level for the console log
Command options:
-c [ --config ] arg parse a configuration file
-z [ --no-config ] start without a configuration file
-C [ --validate ] exit after validating the configuration
-e [ --errorlog ] arg log fatal errors to the specified log file (only works
in combination with --daemonize)
-d [ --daemonize ] detach from the controlling terminal
Report bugs at <>
Icinga home page: <>
##### Config Files
Using the `--config` option you can specify one or more configuration files.
Config files are processed in the order they're specified on the command-line.
@ -1355,46 +1463,271 @@ When no configuration file is specified and the `--no-config` is not used
Icinga 2 automatically falls back to using the configuration file
`SysconfDir + "/icinga2/icinga2.conf"` (where SysconfDir is usually `/etc`).
#### Config Validation
##### Config Validation
The `--validate` option can be used to check if your configuration files
contain errors. If any errors are found the exit status is 1, otherwise 0
is returned.
is returned. More details in the [configuration validation](#config-validation) chapter.
#### <a id="cli-command-feature"></a> Cli command: Feature
The cli commands for `enable` and `disable` feature support bash auto-completion
and will only suggest features for the corresponding context. Like disabling a
feature will only bring up all enabled features.
# icinga2 feature disable <tab>
checker --color --define --help --include --library --log-level mainlog notification --version
# icinga2 feature enable <tab>
api command debuglog graphite icingastatus ido-pgsql --library --log-level statusdata --version
--color compatlog --define --help ido-mysql --include livestatus perfdata syslog
#### <a id="cli-command-node"></a> Cli command: Node
Provides the functionality to install and manage master and client
nodes in a [remote monitoring ](#icinga2-remote-client-monitoring) or
[distributed cluster](#distributed-monitoring-high-availability) scenario.
# icinga2 node --help
icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: v2.1.1-299-gf695275)
icinga2 <command> [<arguments>]
Supported commands:
* node add (add node)
* node blacklist add (adds a new blacklist filter)
* node blacklist list (lists all blacklist filters)
* node blacklist remove (removes a blacklist filter)
* node list (lists all nodes)
* node remove (removes node)
* node set (set node attributes)
* node setup (set up node)
* node update-config (update node config)
* node whitelist add (adds a new whitelist filter)
* node whitelist list (lists all whitelist filters)
* node whitelist remove (removes a whitelist filter)
* node wizard (wizard for node setup)
Global options:
-h [ --help ] show this help message
-V [ --version ] show version information
--color use VT100 color codes even when stdout is not a
-D [ --define ] arg define a constant
-l [ --library ] arg load a library
-I [ --include ] arg add include search directory
-x [ --log-level ] arg specify the log level for the console log
Command options:
Report bugs at <>
Icinga home page: <>
#### <a id="cli-command-object"></a> Cli command: Object
The `object` cli command can be used to list all configuration objects and their
attributes. The command also shows where each of the attributes was modified.
That way you can also identify which objects have been created from your [apply rules](#apply).
More information can be found in the [troubleshooting](#list-configuration-objects) section.
# icinga2 object --help
icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: v2.1.1-299-gf695275)
icinga2 <command> [<arguments>]
Supported commands:
* object list (lists all objects)
Global options:
-h [ --help ] show this help message
-V [ --version ] show version information
--color use VT100 color codes even when stdout is not a
-D [ --define ] arg define a constant
-l [ --library ] arg load a library
-I [ --include ] arg add include search directory
-x [ --log-level ] arg specify the log level for the console log
Command options:
Report bugs at <>
Icinga home page: <>
#### <a id="cli-command-pki"></a> Cli command: Pki
Provides the cli commands to
* generate a new local CA
* generate a new CSR or self-signed certificate
* sign a CSR and return a certificate
* save a master certificate manually
* request a signed certificate from the master
* generate a new ticket for the client setup
This functionality is used by the [node setup/wizard](#cli-command-pki) cli commands too.
# icinga2 pki --help
icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: v2.1.1-299-gf695275)
icinga2 <command> [<arguments>]
Supported commands:
* pki new-ca (sets up a new CA)
* pki new-cert (creates a new CSR)
* pki request (requests a certificate)
* pki save-cert (saves another Icinga 2 instance's certificate)
* pki sign-csr (signs a CSR)
* pki ticket (generates a ticket)
Global options:
-h [ --help ] show this help message
-V [ --version ] show version information
--color use VT100 color codes even when stdout is not a
-D [ --define ] arg define a constant
-l [ --library ] arg load a library
-I [ --include ] arg add include search directory
-x [ --log-level ] arg specify the log level for the console log
Command options:
Report bugs at <>
Icinga home page: <>
#### <a id="cli-command-repository"></a> Cli command: Repository
Provides the functionality to manage the Icinga 2 configuration repository in
`/etc/icinga2/repository.d`. All changes are logged and must be committed or
cleared after review.
> **Note**
> The cli command `repository` only supports basic configuration manipulation (add, remove)
> and a limited set of objects required for the [remote client] integration. Future
> versions will support more options (set, etc.).
> Please check the Icinga 2 development roadmap for updates.
# icinga2 repository --help
icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: v2.1.1-299-gf695275)
icinga2 <command> [<arguments>]
Supported commands:
* repository clear-changes (clear uncommitted repository changes)
* repository commit (commit repository changes)
* repository endpoint add (adds a new Endpoint object)
* repository endpoint list (lists all Endpoint objects)
* repository endpoint remove (removes a Endpoint object)
* repository host add (adds a new Host object)
* repository host list (lists all Host objects)
* repository host remove (removes a Host object)
* repository service add (adds a new Service object)
* repository service list (lists all Service objects)
* repository service remove (removes a Service object)
* repository zone add (adds a new Zone object)
* repository zone list (lists all Zone objects)
* repository zone remove (removes a Zone object)
Global options:
-h [ --help ] show this help message
-V [ --version ] show version information
--color use VT100 color codes even when stdout is not a
-D [ --define ] arg define a constant
-l [ --library ] arg load a library
-I [ --include ] arg add include search directory
-x [ --log-level ] arg specify the log level for the console log
Command options:
Report bugs at <>
Icinga home page: <>
#### <a id="cli-command-variable"></a> Cli command: Variable
Lists all configured variables (constants) in a similar fasion like [object list](#cli-command-object).
# icinga2 variable --help
icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: v2.1.1-299-gf695275)
icinga2 <command> [<arguments>]
Supported commands:
* variable get (gets a variable)
* variable list (lists all variables)
Global options:
-h [ --help ] show this help message
-V [ --version ] show version information
--color use VT100 color codes even when stdout is not a
-D [ --define ] arg define a constant
-l [ --library ] arg load a library
-I [ --include ] arg add include search directory
-x [ --log-level ] arg specify the log level for the console log
Command options:
Report bugs at <>
Icinga home page: <>
### <a id="features"></a> Enabling/Disabling Features
Icinga 2 provides configuration files for some commonly used features. These
are installed in the `/etc/icinga2/features-available` directory and can be
enabled and disabled using the `icinga2 feature enable` and `icinga2 feature disable` tools,
enabled and disabled using the `icinga2 feature enable` and `icinga2 feature disable`
[cli commands](#cli-command-feature), respectively.
The `icinga2 feature enable` tool creates symlinks in the `/etc/icinga2/features-enabled`
directory which is included by default in the example configuration file.
The `icinga2 feature enable` cli command creates symlinks in the
`/etc/icinga2/features-enabled` directory which is included by default
in the example configuration file.
You can view a list of available feature configuration files:
You can view a list of enabled and disabled features:
# icinga2 feature enable
Syntax: icinga2 feature enable <feature>
Enables the specified feature.
Available features: statusdata
# icinga2 feature list
Disabled features: api command compatlog debuglog graphite icingastatus ido-mysql ido-pgsql livestatus notification perfdata statusdata syslog
Enabled features: checker mainlog notification
Using the `icinga2 feature enable` command you can enable features:
# icinga2 feature enable statusdata
Module 'statusdata' was enabled.
Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
# icinga2 feature enable graphite
Enabling feature graphite. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
You can disable features using the `icinga2 feature disable` command:
# icinga2 feature disable statusdata
Module 'statusdata' was disabled.
Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
# icinga2 feature disable ido-mysql livestatus
Disabling feature ido-mysql. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
Disabling feature livestatus. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
The `icinga2 feature enable` and `icinga2 feature disable` commands do not
restart Icinga 2. You will need to restart Icinga 2 using the init script
after enabling or disabling features.
### <a id="config-validation"></a> Configuration Validation
Once you've edited the configuration files make sure to tell Icinga 2 to validate
@ -1444,8 +1777,9 @@ Or manually passing the `-C` argument:
If you encouter errors during configuration validation, please make sure
to read the [troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) chapter.
You can also use the cli command `icinga2 object list` after validation passes
to analyze object attributes, inheritance or created objects by apply rules.
You can also use the [cli command](#cli-command-object) `icinga2 object list`
after validation passes to analyze object attributes, inheritance or created
objects by apply rules.
Find more on troubleshooting with `object list` in [this chapter](#list-configuration-objects).
Example filtered by `Service` objects with the name `ping*`:
@ -1475,6 +1809,7 @@ Example filtered by `Service` objects with the name `ping*`:
% = modified in '/etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf', lines 18:3-18:19
### <a id="config-change-reload"></a> Reload on Configuration Changes
Everytime you have changed your configuration you should first tell Icinga 2

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Your master setup requires the following
* Enabled API feature, and a local Endpoint and Zone object configuration
* Firewall ACLs for the communication port (default 5665)
You can use the cli command `icinga2 node wizard` for setting up a new node
You can use the [cli command](#cli-command-node) `node wizard` for setting up a new node
on the master. The command must be run as root, all Icinga 2 specific files
will be updated to the icinga user the daemon is running as (certificate files
for example).
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ The setup wizard does not automatically restart Icinga 2.
## <a id="icinga2-remote-monitoring-client"></a> Client Setup for Remote Monitoring
Icinga 2 can be installed on Linux/Unix and Windows. While
[Linux/Unix](#icinga2-remote-monitoring-client-linux) will be using the CLI command
[Linux/Unix](#icinga2-remote-monitoring-client-linux) will be using the [cli command](#cli-command-node)
`node wizard` for a guided setup, you will need to use the
graphical installer for Windows based client setup.
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ Before you start deploying, keep the following things in mind:
### <a id="manual-certificate-generation"></a> Manual SSL Certificate Generation
Icinga 2 ships cli commands assisting with CA and node certificate creation
Icinga 2 ships [cli commands](#cli-command-pki) assisting with CA and node certificate creation
for your Icinga 2 distributed setup.
> **Note**

View File

@ -639,6 +639,7 @@ Attributes:
event\_command |**Optional.** The name of an event command that should be executed every time the host's state changes or the host is in a `SOFT` state.
flapping\_threshold|**Optional.** The flapping threshold in percent when a host is considered to be flapping.
volatile |**Optional.** The volatile setting enables always `HARD` state types if `NOT-OK` state changes occur.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
notes |**Optional.** Notes for the host.
notes_url |**Optional.** Url for notes for the host (for example, in notification commands).
action_url |**Optional.** Url for actions for the host (for example, an external graphing tool).
@ -725,6 +726,7 @@ Attributes:
event\_command |**Optional.** The name of an event command that should be executed every time the service's state changes or the service is in a `SOFT` state.
flapping\_threshold|**Optional.** The flapping threshold in percent when a service is considered to be flapping.
volatile |**Optional.** The volatile setting enables always `HARD` state types if `NOT-OK` state changes occur.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
notes |**Optional.** Notes for the service.
notes_url |**Optional.** Url for notes for the service (for example, in notification commands).
action_url |**Optional.** Url for actions for the service (for example, an external graphing tool).
@ -811,6 +813,7 @@ Attributes:
period |**Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when a notification for this user should be triggered. Not set by default.
types |**Optional.** A set of type filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
states |**Optional.** A set of state filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
### <a id="objecttype-usergroup"></a> UserGroup
@ -833,6 +836,7 @@ Attributes:
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the user group.
groups |**Optional.** An array of nested group names.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
@ -887,6 +891,7 @@ Attributes:
env |**Optional.** A dictionary of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
vars |**Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this command.
timeout |**Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
arguments |**Optional.** A dictionary of command arguments.
@ -972,6 +977,7 @@ Attributes:
env |**Optional.** A dictionary of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
vars |**Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this command.
timeout |**Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
arguments |**Optional.** A dictionary of command arguments.
Command arguments can be used the same way as for `CheckCommand` objects.
@ -1043,6 +1049,7 @@ Attributes:
command | **Required.** The name of the notification command which should be executed when the notification is triggered.
interval | **Optional.** The notification interval (in seconds). This interval is used for active notifications. Defaults to 30 minutes. If set to 0, [re-notifications](#disable-renotification) are disabled.
period | **Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when this notification should be triggered. Not set by default.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
types | **Optional.** A list of type filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
states | **Optional.** A list of state filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
@ -1098,6 +1105,7 @@ Attributes:
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the time period.
methods |**Required.** The "update" script method takes care of updating the internal representation of the time period. In virtually all cases you should import the "legacy-timeperiod" template to take care of this setting.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
ranges |**Required.** A dictionary containing information which days and durations apply to this timeperiod.
The `/etc/icinga2/conf.d/timeperiods.conf` file is usually used to define
@ -1143,6 +1151,7 @@ Attributes:
comment |**Required.** A comment for the downtime.
fixed |**Optional.** Whether this is a fixed downtime. Defaults to true.
duration |**Optional.** How long the downtime lasts. Only has an effect for flexible (non-fixed) downtimes.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
ranges |**Required.** A dictionary containing information which days and durations apply to this timeperiod.
ScheduledDowntime objects have composite names, i.e. their names are based
@ -1203,6 +1212,7 @@ Attributes:
disable_checks |**Optional.** Whether to disable checks when this dependency fails. Defaults to false.
disable_notifications |**Optional.** Whether to disable notifications when this dependency fails. Defaults to true.
period |**Optional.** Time period during which this dependency is enabled.
zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
states |**Optional.** A list of state filters when this dependency should be OK. Defaults to [ OK, Warning ] for services and [ Up ] for hosts.
Available state filters: