diff --git a/doc/17-language-reference.md b/doc/17-language-reference.md
index 380a9a5a2..039e3ad31 100644
--- a/doc/17-language-reference.md
+++ b/doc/17-language-reference.md
@@ -160,38 +160,38 @@ The following operators are supported in expressions. The operators are sorted b
Operator | Precedence | Examples (Result) | Description
-() | 1 | (3 + 3) * 5 | Groups sub-expressions
-() | 1 | Math.random() | Calls a function
-[] | 1 | a[3] | Array subscript
-. | 1 | a.b | Element access
-! | 2 | !"Hello" (false), !false (true) | Logical negation of the operand
-~ | 2 | ~true (false) | Bitwise negation of the operand
-+ | 2 | +3 | Unary plus
-- | 2 | -3 | Unary minus
-& | 2 | &var (reference to 'var') | Reference operator
-* | 2 | *var | Indirection operator
-* | 3 | 5m * 10 (3000) | Multiplies two numbers
-/ | 3 | 5m / 5 (60) | Divides two numbers
-% | 3 | 17 % 12 (5) | Remainder after division
-+ | 4 | 1 + 3 (4), "hello " + "world" ("hello world") | Adds two numbers; concatenates strings
-- | 4 | 3 - 1 (2) | Subtracts two numbers
-<< | 5 | 4 << 8 (1024) | Left shift
->> | 5 | 1024 >> 4 (64) | Right shift
-< | 6 | 3 < 5 (true) | Less than
-> | 6 | 3 > 5 (false) | Greater than
-<= | 6 | 3 <= 3 (true) | Less than or equal
->= | 6 | 3 >= 3 (true) | Greater than or equal
-in | 7 | "foo" in [ "foo", "bar" ] (true) | Element contained in array
-!in | 7 | "foo" !in [ "bar", "baz" ] (true) | Element not contained in array
-== | 8 | "hello" == "hello" (true), 3 == 5 (false) | Equal to
-!= | 8 | "hello" != "world" (true), 3 != 3 (false) | Not equal to
-& | 9 | 7 & 3 (3) | Binary AND
-^ | 10 | 17 ^ 12 (29) | Bitwise XOR
-| | 11 | 2 | 3 (3) | Binary OR
-&& | 13 | true && false (false), 3 && 7 (7), 0 && 7 (0) | Logical AND
-|| | 14 | true || false (true), 0 || 7 (7)| Logical OR
-= | 12 | a = 3 | Assignment
-=> | 15 | x => x * x (function with arg x) | Lambda, for loop
+`()` | 1 | (3 + 3) * 5 | Groups sub-expressions
+`()` | 1 | Math.random() | Calls a function
+`[]` | 1 | a[3] | Array subscript
+`.` | 1 | a.b | Element access
+`!` | 2 | !"Hello" (false), !false (true) | Logical negation of the operand
+`~` | 2 | ~true (false) | Bitwise negation of the operand
+`+` | 2 | +3 | Unary plus
+`-` | 2 | -3 | Unary minus
+`&` | 2 | &var (reference to 'var') | Reference operator
+`*` | 2 | *var | Indirection operator
+`*` | 3 | 5m * 10 (3000) | Multiplies two numbers
+`/` | 3 | 5m / 5 (60) | Divides two numbers
+`%` | 3 | 17 % 12 (5) | Remainder after division
+`+` | 4 | 1 + 3 (4), "hello " + "world" ("hello world") | Adds two numbers; concatenates strings
+`-` | 4 | 3 - 1 (2) | Subtracts two numbers
+`<<` | 5 | 4 << 8 (1024) | Left shift
+`>>` | 5 | 1024 >> 4 (64) | Right shift
+`<` | 6 | 3 < 5 (true) | Less than
+`>` | 6 | 3 > 5 (false) | Greater than
+`<=` | 6 | 3 <= 3 (true) | Less than or equal
+`>=` | 6 | 3 >= 3 (true) | Greater than or equal
+`in` | 7 | "foo" in [ "foo", "bar" ] (true) | Element contained in array
+`!in` | 7 | "foo" !in [ "bar", "baz" ] (true) | Element not contained in array
+`==` | 8 | "hello" == "hello" (true), 3 == 5 (false) | Equal to
+`!=` | 8 | "hello" != "world" (true), 3 != 3 (false) | Not equal to
+`&` | 9 | 7 & 3 (3) | Binary AND
+`^` | 10 | 17 ^ 12 (29) | Bitwise XOR
| 11 | 2 | 3 (3) | Binary OR
| 12 | true || false (true), 0 || 7 (7)| Logical OR
+`&&` | 13 | true && false (false), 3 && 7 (7), 0 && 7 (0) | Logical AND
+`=` | 14 | a = 3 | Assignment
+`=>` | 15 | x => x * x (function with arg x) | Lambda, for loop
### References