diff --git a/doc/21-development.md b/doc/21-development.md
index 3fb6b5fcc..a986a65c5 100644
--- a/doc/21-development.md
+++ b/doc/21-development.md
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ development, package builds and tests.
* [Debug Icinga 2](21-development.md#development-debug)
* [GDB Backtrace](21-development.md#development-debug-gdb-backtrace)
* [Core Dump](21-development.md#development-debug-core-dump)
+* [Test Icinga 2](21-development.md#development-tests)
+ * [Snapshot Packages (Nightly Builds)](21-development.md#development-tests-snapshot-packages)
* [Develop Icinga 2](21-development.md#development-develop)
* [Linux Dev Environment](21-development.md#development-linux-dev-env)
* [macOS Dev Environment](21-development.md#development-macos-dev-env)
@@ -15,7 +17,6 @@ development, package builds and tests.
* [DEB](21-development.md#development-package-builds-deb)
* [Windows](21-development.md#development-package-builds-windows)
* [Advanced Tips](21-development.md#development-advanced)
-* [Tests](21-development.md#development-tests)
## Debug Icinga 2
@@ -397,6 +398,157 @@ Up/down in stacktrace:
> down
+## Test Icinga 2
+### Snapshot Packages (Nightly Builds)
+Icinga provides snapshot packages as nightly builds from [Git master](https://github.com/icinga/icinga2).
+These packages contain development code which should be considered "work in progress".
+While developers ensure that tests are running fine with CI actions on PRs,
+things might break, or changes are not yet documented in the changelog.
+You can help the developers and test the snapshot packages, e.g. when larger
+changes or rewrites are taking place for a new major version. Your feedback
+is very much appreciated.
+Snapshot packages are available for all supported platforms including
+Linux and Windows and can be obtained from [https://packages.icinga.com](https://packages.icinga.com).
+The [Vagrant boxes](https://github.com/Icinga/icinga-vagrant) also use
+the Icinga snapshot packages to allow easier integration tests. It is also
+possible to use Docker with base OS images and installing the snapshot
+If you encounter a problem, please [open a new issue](https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2/issues/new/choose)
+on GitHub and mention that you're testing the snapshot packages.
+#### RHEL/CentOS
+2.11+ requires the [EPEL repository](02-getting-started.md#package-repositories-rhel-epel) for Boost 1.66+.
+In addition to that, the `icinga-rpm-release` package already provides the `icinga-snapshot-build`
+repository but it is disabled by default.
+yum -y install https://packages.icinga.com/epel/icinga-rpm-release-7-latest.noarch.rpm
+yum -y install epel-release
+yum makecache
+yum install --enablerepo=icinga-snapshot-build icinga2
+#### Debian
+2.11+ requires Boost 1.66+ which either is provided by the OS, backports or Icinga stable repositories.
+It is advised to configure both Icinga repositories, stable and snapshot and selectively
+choose the repository with the `-t` flag on `apt-get install`.
+apt-get update
+apt-get -y install apt-transport-https wget gnupg
+wget -O - https://packages.icinga.com/icinga.key | apt-key add -
+DIST=$(awk -F"[)(]+" '/VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release); \
+ echo "deb https://packages.icinga.com/debian icinga-${DIST} main" > \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga.list
+ echo "deb-src https://packages.icinga.com/debian icinga-${DIST} main" >> \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga.list
+DIST=$(awk -F"[)(]+" '/VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release); \
+ echo "deb http://packages.icinga.com/debian icinga-${DIST}-snapshots main" > \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga-snapshots.list
+ echo "deb-src http://packages.icinga.com/debian icinga-${DIST}-snapshots main" >> \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga-snapshots.list
+apt-get update
+On Debian Stretch, you'll also need to add Debian Backports.
+DIST=$(awk -F"[)(]+" '/VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release); \
+ echo "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian ${DIST}-backports main" > \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-backports.list
+apt-get update
+Then install the snapshot packages.
+DIST=$(awk -F"[)(]+" '/VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release); \
+apt-get install -t icinga-${DIST}-snapshots icinga2
+#### Ubuntu
+apt-get update
+apt-get -y install apt-transport-https wget gnupg
+wget -O - https://packages.icinga.com/icinga.key | apt-key add -
+. /etc/os-release; if [ ! -z ${UBUNTU_CODENAME+x} ]; then DIST="${UBUNTU_CODENAME}"; else DIST="$(lsb_release -c| awk '{print $2}')"; fi; \
+ echo "deb https://packages.icinga.com/ubuntu icinga-${DIST} main" > \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga.list
+ echo "deb-src https://packages.icinga.com/ubuntu icinga-${DIST} main" >> \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga.list
+. /etc/os-release; if [ ! -z ${UBUNTU_CODENAME+x} ]; then DIST="${UBUNTU_CODENAME}"; else DIST="$(lsb_release -c| awk '{print $2}')"; fi; \
+ echo "deb https://packages.icinga.com/ubuntu icinga-${DIST}-snapshots main" > \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga-snapshots.list
+ echo "deb-src https://packages.icinga.com/ubuntu icinga-${DIST}-snapshots main" >> \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga-snapshots.list
+apt-get update
+Then install the snapshot packages.
+. /etc/os-release; if [ ! -z ${UBUNTU_CODENAME+x} ]; then DIST="${UBUNTU_CODENAME}"; else DIST="$(lsb_release -c| awk '{print $2}')"; fi; \
+apt-get install -t icinga-${DIST}-snapshots icinga2
+#### SLES
+The required Boost packages are provided with the stable release repository.
+rpm --import https://packages.icinga.com/icinga.key
+zypper ar https://packages.icinga.com/SUSE/ICINGA-release.repo
+zypper ref
+zypper ar https://packages.icinga.com/SUSE/ICINGA-snapshot.repo
+zypper ref
+Selectively install the snapshot packages using the `-r` parameter.
+zypper in -r icinga-snapshot-builds icinga2
+### Unit Tests
+Build the binaries and run the tests.
+make -j4 -C debug
+make test -C debug
+Run a specific boost test:
+debug/Bin/Debug/boosttest-test-base --run_test=remote_url
## Develop Icinga 2
@@ -1139,7 +1291,7 @@ Icinga application using a dist tarball (including notes for distributions):
* pkg-config
* OpenSSL library and header files >= 1.0.1
* RHEL/Fedora: openssl-devel
- * SUSE: libopenssl-devel (for SLES 11: libopenssl1-devel)
+ * SUSE: libopenssl-devel
* Debian/Ubuntu: libssl-dev
* Alpine: libressl-dev
* Boost library and header files >= 1.66.0
@@ -1175,7 +1327,7 @@ Icinga application using a dist tarball (including notes for distributions):
**FreeBSD**: libexecinfo (automatically used when Icinga 2 is installed via port or package)
-**RHEL6** and **SLES11**: Requires a newer boost version which is available on packages.icinga.com
+**RHEL6**: Requires a newer boost version which is available on packages.icinga.com
with a version suffixed name.
### Runtime user environment
@@ -1431,11 +1583,6 @@ MACROS
If you prefer to build packages offline, a suitable Vagrant box is located
-##### SLES 11
-The Icinga repository provides the required boost package version and must be
-added before building.
### Build Debian/Ubuntu packages
Setup your build environment on Debian/Ubuntu, copy the 'debian' directory from
@@ -1704,19 +1851,3 @@ the duplicate import in your `~/.gdbinit` file.
RuntimeError: pretty-printer already registered: libstdc++-v6
-## Development Tests
-Build the binaries and run the tests.
-make -j4 -C debug
-make test -C debug
-Run a specific boost test:
-debug/Bin/Debug/boosttest-test-base --run_test=remote_url